Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

Trump has "told us what he will do," the Republican former congresswoman said in preview clips from an interview.

Liz Cheney, the former Republican representative from Wyoming, expressed deep concern in an interview about American democracy’s ability to survive another four-year presidential term for Donald Trump.

In clips shared Friday from the interview that will air on “CBS News Sunday Morning,” Cheney told host Josh Dickerson that Americans can’t entirely rely on Congress and the judicial system to rein in Trump ― the clear front-runner at this point for the GOP presidential nomination despite facing 91 felony charges linked to his 2016 campaign, his 2020 reelection loss and his mishandling of classified documents.

“He’s told us what he will do. It’s very easy to see the steps that he will take,” Cheney said.

“People who say ‘Well, if he’s elected, it’s not that dangerous because we have all of these checks and balances’ don’t fully understand the extent to which the Republicans in Congress today have been co-opted. … One of the things that we see happening today is a sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States.”

Johnson was one of the biggest cheerleaders of Trump’s ill-fated attempt to claim victory in the 2020 election won by Joe Biden. Shortly after the election, Johnson led an amicus brief backing a Texas lawsuit asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the vote.

Cheney raised similar concerns about Johnson during a podcast appearance last month.

In a quote from the interview released by CBS News, Cheney slammed newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) as someone who “knows ... that what he’s doing and saying is wrong, but he’s willing to do it in an effort to please Donald Trump.”

Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

I totally agree! It's a scary and dangerous path that we're on! What do you think?

I think Liz Cheney hates Donald Trump. That hatred blinds her to everything but trying to "get" Trump. She flushed her political career because of it. Now she's just another bitter has been that is hated by Republicans and tolerated by Democrats just as long as she says things they want to hear.
I think Liz Cheney hates Donald Trump.

That is too simplistic. Too defensive by the poster.
Liz Cheney fears Trump. That is clear in her interviews. Rather, she fears the damage that he can do to America.

She fears that with his dismissal of adhering to laws and ---if he regains the Presidency ----his 'pardon power', then America, our Republic, is in grave danger of being dismantled by his decisions and actions.

If Trump regains the office, he can surround himself with the sycophants that will do his bidding....even if they themselves understand it is illegal, and even if they inform Trump it is illegal.....he will have the power to fire them, ruin their career....or, if they perform his illegal acts...he says he will pardon them. THAT is a dangerous combination.

All of the posters to USMB who watched all of the J6 Committee meetings fully recognize that Cheney is formidable. She's focused, intent, articulate, sharp. She was impressive, clearly the key player of those fascinating....and alarming.....hearings.

I will buy her book. Now #1 on Amazon.

That is too simplistic. Too defensive by the poster.
Liz Cheney fears Trump. That is clear in her interviews. Rather, she fears the damage that he can do to America.

She fears that with his dismissal of adhering to laws and ---if he regains the Presidency ----his 'pardon power', then America, our Republic, is in grave danger of being dismantled by his decisions and actions.

If Trump regains the office, he can surround himself with the sycophants that will do his bidding....even if they themselves understand it is illegal, and even if they inform Trump it is illegal.....he will have the power to fire them, ruin their career....or, if they perform his illegal acts...he says he will pardon them. THAT is a dangerous combination.

All of the posters to USMB who watched all of the J6 Committee meetings fully recognize that Cheney is formidable. She's focused, intent, articulate, sharp. She was impressive, clearly the key player of those fascinating....and alarming.....hearings.

I will buy her book. Now #1 on Amazon.

Amen! Well said.
In other words, you are aggressively ignorant and substitute the low IQ, low hanging fruit you have created for yourself, whenever possible.

You seem so proud of that. Bizarre.
Not at all, i just think the left has fabricated most of the negative story that surrounds trump and has tried to gaslight the world into believing it, and Liz’s hatred of trump gives her an opportunity to use those lies as a way to attack the man she hates.
If Trump regains the office, he can surround himself with the sycophants that will do his bidding....even if they themselves understand it is illegal, and even if they inform Trump it is illegal.....he will have the power to fire them, ruin their career....or, if they perform his illegal acts...he says he will pardon them. THAT is a dangerous combination.
Well, look at what they say. Many of the things you see here are representative of a pretty large swath of the country. Take them at their word.

Up until Escalator Day, they believed America was lost. Meaning that it would soon be in the total control of people who are not like them. It was over.

Now they believe that, under the leadership of one person and his enablers, they can rise up and create a literal minority rule. One that looks like them. Authoritarian in nature, so that we don't slide back into a darker (pun intended) recent past.

They no longer care if rules have to be broken to get there. They don't care if it takes a dictator to get there. So, this is what that looks like.

This is their version of "Hope & Change".
Ah, poster Lakhota, you hit the wrong target.
Help him up, and dust him off, and say ....'Oops', I got distracted'.
Hey, it happens.


Ummm, look I'm just an old farmer, but........but even out here in flyover country we recognize that the mendacious seldom tell us they are gonna be mendacious.
We kinda get know what they are by what they do.
Trust me.


An existential question:
Can MAGA be MAGA if they cleaned up the f-bombs and the misogyny?
Or, is vulgarity and hatin' women baked into their cake?
Are they all obscene incels?

I'm persuadable that not all of 'em are like that.....if any of 'em can be articulate about it.

Ummm, look I'm just an old farmer, but........but even out here in flyover country we recognize that the mendacious seldom tell us they are gonna be mendacious.
We kinda get know what they are by what they do.
Trust me.

Trump isn’t perfect, this is true, but the only people who claim trump is trying to be a dictator are the left…that’s what they want you all to believe. I’ve not seen anything from trump that would suggest that that’s his intent. Again, that would never even work in the United States, there are just way too many hurdles for that to ever happen, but this doesn’t stop the leftist propaganda machine from trying to get their audience to believe it.

That is too simplistic. Too defensive by the poster.
Liz Cheney fears Trump. That is clear in her interviews. Rather, she fears the damage that he can do to America.

She fears that with his dismissal of adhering to laws and ---if he regains the Presidency ----his 'pardon power', then America, our Republic, is in grave danger of being dismantled by his decisions and actions.

If Trump regains the office, he can surround himself with the sycophants that will do his bidding....even if they themselves understand it is illegal, and even if they inform Trump it is illegal.....he will have the power to fire them, ruin their career....or, if they perform his illegal acts...he says he will pardon them. THAT is a dangerous combination.

All of the posters to USMB who watched all of the J6 Committee meetings fully recognize that Cheney is formidable. She's focused, intent, articulate, sharp. She was impressive, clearly the key player of those fascinating....and alarming.....hearings.

I will buy her book. Now #1 on Amazon.
Nope. It's personal. Trump insulted her father. Cheney represents the establishment elite of the Republican Party. It's nothing to do with saving democracy, that's just rhetoric for the ideologues. It's all about keeping power for the establishment Republicans.
It's all about keeping power for the establishment Republicans.

Alternatively, it is a loyal and patriotic American with unassailable conservative credentials who witnessed mendacity in the Oval office in an attempt to subvert a free and fair election. Then incite and provoke an angry mob and directed them straight at our elected Representatives. All that for" keeping power" despite being soundly beaten....both in the popular vote and in the EC vote.

Judging by Liz Cheney's interviews she thought that was extremely dangerous for our republic. And that Don Trump dangerous to America.

So far, Liz, has a more persuasive argument. And....her character is seemingly far superior to the man she fears will wreck America.

Anyway, that's what I've been perceiving in this Liz Cheney issue.

Alternatively, it is a loyal and patriotic American with unassailable conservative credentials who witnessed mendacity in the Oval office in an attempt to subvert a free and fair election. Then incite and provoke an angry mob and directed them straight at our elected Representatives. All that for" keeping power" despite being soundly beaten....both in the popular vote and in the EC vote.

Judging by Liz Cheney's interviews she thought that was extremely dangerous for our republic. And that Don Trump dangerous to America.

So far, Liz, has a more persuasive argument. And....her character is seemingly far superior to the man she fears will wreck America.

Anyway, that's what I've been perceiving in this Liz Cheney issue.
Liz Cheney isn't a conservative. That's a false media narrative. She spent an hour with Rachel Maddow last night selling her book. Conservative Republicans don't do shit like that.

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