Liz Gets Real: Single-Payer Is The Answer

Well... I'm not so sure. You have to pay for dental in the UK and vision. It might be cheaper.

You're mistake.......however, such a service is free for minors and much cheaper than our care for all others....
Well... I'm not so sure. You have to pay for dental in the UK and vision. It might be cheaper.

You're mistake.......however, such a service is free for minors and much cheaper than our care for all others....

Yes, one of the biggest problems in the US is that everything is massively expensive. How the US federal govt can spend more per capita than the UK govt is beyond me.
If health care is a right, then food and housing should be as well. After all, they are very important to life. So then, why don't we cut farmers and grocery stores and contractors out of the loop and have government provide those as well?


How fucking stupid are you??? (and determined to show everyone what an idiot you are).......

Are we talking here about CUTTING out, doctors.....or are we addressing the need for a singe PAYER system?.....Single payer means that the federal government is the insurer who STILL expects a payment..

The difference is that someone who work for Medicare DOES NOT demand a new Lear jet every fucking year as most private HC insurance CEO demands...

You can cut out the grocery, and the realtor. If "lives depend on it" then why is anyone allowed to profit?

Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!
Single payer will be more divisive than Obamacare. What eventually you have is Medicaid for all. Why should I want to pay for a single, never married, unemployed woman living off welfare? I shouldn't Maybe you can argue her kids should get free healthcare and education. We are pretty nice to kids.

With Obamacare we have people getting subsidies and Medicaid is actually better insurance. Medicaid just guarantees everyone the most effective treatment.
As long as you can overlook those signs in the Doctors offices stating they do not take Medicaid patients.

Medicaid does pay less per procedure that Medicare and private insurance. THAT is why the gop plan would kill rural hospitals and providers because they have more Medicaid patients. Cut those rates, and people will die.
It all depends on the state, yet if Medicaid is cut back hundreds and hundreds of hospitals would close

Yes, the gop's plan will literally kill people in rural states.

How did any of us survive before Obama care passed 8 years ago?
Liz is right. We need to cut out the greedy middlemen - the for-profit health care insurance companies! Think of the savings! What benefits do for-profit health insurance companies provide that couldn't be better provided without them? They provide zero health and medical benefits. Makes no sense. It's like paying protection money to the mafia. Medicare is non-profit and works just fine - with much lower management and overhead costs than for-profit health care insurance companies.

Do you want to take the profit out of food and housing as well?

Trump is all for single payer. He's been calling for it for many, many years. He's a big fan of single payer.

The GOP sold us down the single payer river decades ago. Everything else has been theater for the rubes.

So it's coming, Chumps, and there is nothing you can do about it.

So is a national bankruptcy, an there is nothing you can do about it.

How did any of us survive before Obama care passed 8 years ago?

Simple.......First the rate increases before Obama were actually slightly higher than after the ACA was passed...........AND, of course, we had some wars to redirect our attention.
As long as you can overlook those signs in the Doctors offices stating they do not take Medicaid patients.

Then, your state should remind them of the Hyppocratic oath they took and the licence to practice that they received...Remember this about the oath......(nothing there about how much can I gouge my patinets....)

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth,
but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
Until a doctor actually accepts a patient as a patient he has no duty or responsibility to that patient!
Under single payer, a doctor would have no reason to reject one patient over another.
That supposes that all doctors are federal employees on salary and privately paying doctors is illegal.

Single payer will be the justification for compulsory euthanasia of the expensive.
That's a really old talking point. LOL
Democrats are hoping there's nobody left alive who remembers World War II rationing off food, gas, tires so won't have any problem at all with rationed NHS health un-care and the confiscatory taxes that will pay for those who run it but not for actual care.

Oh, they're wrong.

For now.
The rest of the industrial world uses single payer but we can't?
I'd love the Trumpies to explain that one.

What is to explain? We have example after example in the industrial world demonstrating the failure of a single payer system and the superiority of a market based system
Until a doctor actually accepts a patient as a patient he has no duty or responsibility to that patient!

...and THAT was once called discrimination and apartheid.......

What would you think of a heart specialist who walks on by while some poor guy is having a heart attack????

I don't think you know what discrimination and apartheid are.

Hint: they have nothing to do with duties of doctors
I don't think you know what discrimination and apartheid are.

Hint: they have nothing to do with duties of doctors

Oh, you may be "correct".......In the 1950s in Alabama or Mississippi, any black person could just walk in to a doctor's office and receive the best of all possible care....Am I right?
Yep, for the most part it is. I generally use the VA instead of my private insurance. So do many of my veteran friends. Medicare is an even better example.

Yep, I LOVE Medicare Plus. Great for me, horrible for taxpayers under the age of say sixty.

About a year ago I had cancer treatment for about $100,000.+ It cost me less than $1,000. For the next two years, I have two shots each six months totaling over $5,000. My cost is $430.00 for each treatment.

How can the government afford this cost? All my years paying in for Medicare is not a fraction of what they have paid so far. Fine for me, it won't change. But for those coming along, deep doo doo.

Please check the bottom line from a few weeks ago. It is worse today, check it for yourself at:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
See? The reason Canadians pour over the border to get health care is because the have one CAT scanner every thirty thousand miles and one dr. For every million people! Sounds great cause it's all free free free!

Moron, stop parroting, on Canadian health care.........from a friend in Vancouver, CA

We pay monthly in BC to our medical system. It is called BC medical and, right now, it is $232…for a family of four. They just announced April 1st they are cutting it in half. Hence, any extended healthcare, including dental, is generally less than $200.00 per month and that pays for your prescriptions, therapists, eye-care and a host of other services. So…what are the restrictions on using our healthcare system….none! Ambulance…paid, need prosthetics…paid, need 5 years of aftercare and therapy…paid. By the way, we are just starting construction on our 5th new hospital in 15 years…free to use of course. So what does this get you. Our Vancouver General Cancer research center is one of the top 5 in the world. Our UBC hospital houses the premier genealogical research facility in the world.

In March I needed an MRI on my shoulder. I live in Wisconsin. I talked to the two techs who did my tests and they told me they do a shit ton of Canadian MRI's from people who cannot wait for the government healthcare to take care of them.

It is my understanding that Canadian health care is great...until you have a major illness or injury, then it sucks.

Fun fact: Pittsburgh, in 2008, had more MRI machines than the ENTIRE country of Canada.

Single payer works great when you have another country nearby to bleed off your excess patients to. Tell me, where will we be sending our excess patients?

Of course. Nothing makes more sense than putting the same government infested with faceless bureaucrats, riddled with corruption and malfeasance, in charge of your life and death health decisions. Nothing can possibly go wrong with tha

....and EQUALLY, of course, you rather "trust" some private insurers whose PROFIT relies precisely on "death health decisions"...........If you actually say yes, then you can safely claim that you are the paragon of MORONS.

At least that federal bureaucrat has NO interest in a some extra profit in denying care

Bullshit. Every government run healthcare system on Earth has a budget, and makes life and death determinations based on it.


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