Liz Gets Real: Single-Payer Is The Answer

Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

Moronic right wingers would rather send a check to private insurers where the CEOs and board members can make out like bandits.......and NOT have a smaller amount than their current premiums be taken out of their pay checks....


Simple, really, they're ignorant and listen to fuck heads like Hannity, Limabugh, Levin, et al for all of their "education"......

If health care is a right, then food and housing should be as well. After all, they are very important to life. So then, why don't we cut farmers and grocery stores and contractors out of the loop and have government provide those as well?

Why would we not think that? Free college for all, universal healthcare for all, and we all know that not all are paying for it, so logic tells us democrats want free shit!

A junior high school drop-out chimes in......
Than why did Cali reject it as to expensive?

The Bill was poorly written......This option will be taken u again with a better written proposal.

Champions of single-payer health care say that it will save Californians money, even though their taxes would increase, because they would no longer pay premiums or deductibles and the system would eliminate insurance-company profits and overhead. A study released last month, commissioned by the nurses, found that such a system could save Californians $37 billion annually on health care spending, even as it covered nearly 3 million people who are now uninsured.

40MM people in CA so that's like saving $1,000/annually.

"If they told you wolverines would make good house pets, would you believe them?" -- Del
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

Moronic right wingers would rather send a check to private insurers where the CEOs and board members can make out like bandits.......and NOT have a smaller amount than their current premiums be taken out of their pay checks....


Simple, really, they're ignorant and listen to fuck heads like Hannity, Limabugh, Levin, et al for all of their "education"......

If health care is a right, then food and housing should be as well. After all, they are very important to life. So then, why don't we cut farmers and grocery stores and contractors out of the loop and have government provide those as well?


Don't give him any new ideas. Unless you desire for a steady diet of rats like the Venezuelans.
Cuba, Venezuela, Illinois, Canada

Too fucked up and stupid to answer......Yeah, compare Cuba to Canada...(and, moron, Illinois, is not a country......thank me for the lesson later.)
Single payer is a disaster in Canada

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
I thought this Senate health care bill was a winner, the President told us so, Ryan told us so, McConnell told us so, and now we find out the exact opposite. Its so bad the senate won't even hold a vote. When will people learn just hoe fullofshit the republican party is?
and yet it's the democrats who want the failure that is single payer

Looks to me like both parties are full of shit
Cuba, Venezuela, Illinois, Canada

Too fucked up and stupid to answer......Yeah, compare Cuba to Canada...(and, moron, Illinois, is not a country......thank me for the lesson later.)
Single payer is a disaster in Canada

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
I thought this Senate health care bill was a winner, the President told us so, Ryan told us so, McConnell told us so, and now we find out the exact opposite. Its so bad the senate won't even hold a vote. When will people learn just hoe fullofshit the republican party is?
and yet it's the democrats who want the failure that is single payer

Looks to me like both parties are full of shit
Tell me exactly why single payer is a failure.
Cuba, Venezuela, Illinois, Canada

Too fucked up and stupid to answer......Yeah, compare Cuba to Canada...(and, moron, Illinois, is not a country......thank me for the lesson later.)
Single payer is a disaster in Canada

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
I thought this Senate health care bill was a winner, the President told us so, Ryan told us so, McConnell told us so, and now we find out the exact opposite. Its so bad the senate won't even hold a vote. When will people learn just hoe fullofshit the republican party is?
and yet it's the democrats who want the failure that is single payer

Looks to me like both parties are full of shit
Venezuela ran out of TP too! :)
If health care is a right, then food and housing should be as well. After all, they are very important to life. So then, why don't we cut farmers and grocery stores and contractors out of the loop and have government provide those as well?


How fucking stupid are you??? (and determined to show everyone what an idiot you are).......

Are we talking here about CUTTING out, doctors.....or are we addressing the need for a singe PAYER system?.....Single payer means that the federal government is the insurer who STILL expects a payment..

The difference is that someone who work for Medicare DOES NOT demand a new Lear jet every fucking year as most private HC insurance CEO demands...
Cuba, Venezuela, Illinois, Canada

Too fucked up and stupid to answer......Yeah, compare Cuba to Canada...(and, moron, Illinois, is not a country......thank me for the lesson later.)
Single payer is a disaster in Canada

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
I thought this Senate health care bill was a winner, the President told us so, Ryan told us so, McConnell told us so, and now we find out the exact opposite. Its so bad the senate won't even hold a vote. When will people learn just hoe fullofshit the republican party is?
and yet it's the democrats who want the failure that is single payer

Looks to me like both parties are full of shit
Tell me exactly why single payer is a failure.
Because dude! You have more takers than makers!
Liz has NEVER been real. She's a 100% genetically proven Caucasian who claims to be Indian and based her entire political career on that lie - it's like she took the movie "Dances With Wolves" too seriously. But I know that someone as dumb as Lakota still believes she's part Indian simply because "she says so."
Proof? Please cite the study.
Too fucked up and stupid to answer......Yeah, compare Cuba to Canada...(and, moron, Illinois, is not a country......thank me for the lesson later.)
Single payer is a disaster in Canada

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
I thought this Senate health care bill was a winner, the President told us so, Ryan told us so, McConnell told us so, and now we find out the exact opposite. Its so bad the senate won't even hold a vote. When will people learn just hoe fullofshit the republican party is?
and yet it's the democrats who want the failure that is single payer

Looks to me like both parties are full of shit
Tell me exactly why single payer is a failure.
Because dude! You have more takers than makers!
Thats not true, obviously you aint got a phyucking clue as to what single payer is.
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

Moronic right wingers would rather send a check to private insurers where the CEOs and board members can make out like bandits.......and NOT have a smaller amount than their current premiums be taken out of their pay checks....


Simple, really, they're ignorant and listen to fuck heads like Hannity, Limabugh, Levin, et al for all of their "education"......

"But it's free!"

You're such a dick. That picture is probably from some disastrous event where so many people were affected that the the local hospital was overwhelmed and had to use every space available to them.

Like I sad, you're a DICK!
If health care is a right, then food and housing should be as well. After all, they are very important to life. So then, why don't we cut farmers and grocery stores and contractors out of the loop and have government provide those as well?


How fucking stupid are you??? (and determined to show everyone what an idiot you are).......

Are we talking here about CUTTING out, doctors.....or are we addressing the need for a singe PAYER system?.....Single payer means that the federal government is the insurer who STILL expects a payment..

The difference is that someone who work for Medicare DOES NOT demand a new Lear jet every fucking year as most private HC insurance CEO demands...

Hey moron! Are you aware that those who receive Medicare paid into it 30 years before becoming users?
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

Moronic right wingers would rather send a check to private insurers where the CEOs and board members can make out like bandits.......and NOT have a smaller amount than their current premiums be taken out of their pay checks....


Simple, really, they're ignorant and listen to fuck heads like Hannity, Limabugh, Levin, et al for all of their "education"......

"But it's free!"

You're such a dick. That picture is probably from some disastrous event where so many people were affected that the the local hospital was overwhelmed and had to use every space available to them.

Like I sad, you're a DICK!

Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!
Single payer will be more divisive than Obamacare. What eventually you have is Medicaid for all. Why should I want to pay for a single, never married, unemployed woman living off welfare? I shouldn't Maybe you can argue her kids should get free healthcare and education. We are pretty nice to kids.

With Obamacare we have people getting subsidies and Medicaid is actually better insurance. Medicaid just guarantees everyone the most effective treatment.
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

Moronic right wingers would rather send a check to private insurers where the CEOs and board members can make out like bandits.......and NOT have a smaller amount than their current premiums be taken out of their pay checks....


Simple, really, they're ignorant and listen to fuck heads like Hannity, Limabugh, Levin, et al for all of their "education"......

"But it's free!"

You're such a dick. That picture is probably from some disastrous event where so many people were affected that the the local hospital was overwhelmed and had to use every space available to them.

Like I sad, you're a DICK!

Why don't you ask the asshole who posted it where the picture is from if you are so concerned about it. Of course you'll get a bullshit answer from him.
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!
Single payer will be more divisive than Obamacare. What eventually you have is Medicaid for all. Why should I want to pay for a single, never married, unemployed woman living off welfare? I shouldn't Maybe you can argue her kids should get free healthcare and education. We are pretty nice to kids.

With Obamacare we have people getting subsidies and Medicaid is actually better insurance. Medicaid just guarantees everyone the most effective treatment.
How does someone respond to a racist piece of shyte like you

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