Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.
Species survival...ddduh, genocidal smugness tomfoolery

Um, did that make sense in some language that isn't English? Because in English, I have no clue what you are trying to communicate.
In reply to Cecilie 1200, my answer is the same if everyone followed the guide lines we could be open now, just like we never had to close. if every one had followed the guide lines set by the medical pros. Some areas that have large populations in a small amount of land mass would have been tighter with guide lines. Nothing can or will ever be perfect, its putting the best effort forward by all Americans, not going to war with each other over political ideologies
Gee, maybe your blob should have lobbied to have those supplies sent here instead of to his buddies in China. Just a thought.

You just complimented him on invoking the DPA. A lot of that did go to the states.
The material made by the DPA and the gifts your blob gave to the Chinese are two different things.

Who else would you have put in charge of delivering the supplies? We are a country that helps people. We are not going to let innocent people anywhere suffer because of the CCP's negligence.

I wouldn't have delivered the supplies to China in the first place. But your blob did. That you defend his actions? Well...thats on you.
Trump didn't "deliver" any supplies to China. That had nothing to do with the federal government. Private organizations sent the supplies to China. Trump didn't even know it was happening. You're too stupid to understand that the federal government doesn't control everything that happens in this country.
The state department did in fact deliver the donated supplies.

That was Feb 7, moron. That's before we had a single reported case in this country.
So? You denied it happened. I provided proof it did, that's all.
Gee, maybe your blob should have lobbied to have those supplies sent here instead of to his buddies in China. Just a thought.

You just complimented him on invoking the DPA. A lot of that did go to the states.
The material made by the DPA and the gifts your blob gave to the Chinese are two different things.

Who else would you have put in charge of delivering the supplies? We are a country that helps people. We are not going to let innocent people anywhere suffer because of the CCP's negligence.

I wouldn't have delivered the supplies to China in the first place. But your blob did. That you defend his actions? Well...thats on you.
Trump didn't "deliver" any supplies to China. That had nothing to do with the federal government. Private organizations sent the supplies to China. Trump didn't even know it was happening. You're too stupid to understand that the federal government doesn't control everything that happens in this country.
The state department did in fact deliver the donated supplies.

That was Feb 7, moron. That's before we had a single reported case in this country.
So? You denied it happened. I provided proof it did, that's all.
It's a non-sequitur, moron. You're whining about something that no one saw as a problem at the time. It's only 20-20 hindisght that allows anyone to claim that we shouldn't have done it.
In reply to Cecilie 1200, my answer is the same if everyone followed the guide lines we could be open now, just like we never had to close. if every one had followed the guide lines set by the medical pros. Some areas that have large populations in a small amount of land mass would have been tighter with guide lines. Nothing can or will ever be perfect, its putting the best effort forward by all Americans, not going to war with each other over political ideologies
You're delusional if you believe the left would have allowed the shutdown to end.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
You really are an asshole.

Your gandma can die, for all I care. I won't have my life destroyed so your grandma doesn't have to isolate herself.
My grandmother died in 1995. But I refuse to see lives destroyed because your punk ass doesn't have the discipline to do what it takes to reduce the spread of the virus just so you can go down to the store and buy a bag of seeds. We don't need to be infected because of idiots like you. You right wingers are like children. I don't like this any more than you do, but I am not willing to get sick so I can go watch state u play a football game. Nor am I willing to get sick just so I can make some money. We don't have an economy if half the people are sick. And we certainly don't if people are dying. So grow up. You ain't missing nothing because you can't go sell something
You don't think lives are destroyed when people are unemployed for years, go bankrupt, lose everything they own and live on the street?

You're a colossal dumbfuck. If you don't want to be infected, then stay in your house, but don't be telling other people they can't go to work. 95% of people who get COVID-19 don't even know it, so how is half the population going to be so sick that they can't go to work? only 0.01% of the population will die because of COVID-19. I'm not exactly quacking in my boots over that.

As I was explaining to someone yesterday, it's not even just about the lives of people in the United States if the US economy collapses. Even if the pie-in-the-sky leftists are right and America will never devolve into a third-world country, what about those places that already ARE third-world countries, whose people are dependent on American charity and generosity to even survive? What the hell happens to them when we're so broke and desperate ourselves that we have nothing to give them? Or does saving THOSE lives no longer matter when the left has a new set of human shields to hide behind?
I went to Sams Club today and they had no pork and very little beef. What are the callous self centered retired old coots going to do when there's nothing to eat?
Do you even get WHY there is no pork or beef?
There's no beef or Pork because of hysterical douchebags like you.

Wrong, idiot. There is no beef or pork because of the consolidation of the meat packing industry. Hundreds of people crammed together spreading the virus to each other...and turning little towns into COVID hot spots.

Fascinating. And that addresses the topic of the thread how?

Why don't you ask Bripat, your bitchness? He's the one babbling about no meat at Sam's Club

My question was for people who want to extend the lockdowns, Your Stupidness. Bri doesn't want to extend them, so the question is not to him.
No, you asked me what our (his and mine)discussion about meat had to do with the topic of your thread. It is weird that you would ask me what it has to do with the topic when he is the one that brought it up. Only people that agree with you are allowed to talk about meat and not the topic of your thread?

Bri doesn't have a problem addressing the topic. You, on the other hand, have a history of ignoring the topic to try to deflect off onto your talking points.
That was classic projection. Textbook even. Your lame, strawman, topic was "addressed" over and over. You just didn't get the response your hindass demanded. Tissue?

"Straw man" does not mean "things I don't want to talk about", Seabiscuit. If you really can't see how asking what alternative people have to offer to reopening is a relevant topic to discuss, then you are literally the only one who can't see it, and you're probably also in need of a helmet and a babysitter for your own protection.

You just don't like that you can't get away with deflecting and turning this thread into your standard, warmed-over shouting match of "My slogans mean I'm a good person and you aren't!"
I just popped in on my lunch break to see if any lockdown proponents bothered to answer my questions, or if they all just came crowding in to scream slogans and tell us, "All I need to know is Orange Man Bad!"

So I guess that clears it up: there is no one supporting continued lockdowns who is doing so because they want to save lives. They just want a chance to attack Trump. That's it, that's all, and they haven't given a single thought to what the effects of their demands might be, because it doesn't matter to them.
You are full of bovine feces as usual. Quite a few people told you exactly when the lockdowns can end. It’s a very simple answer. TESTING.

You are full of bullshit as always. I didn't ASK, "When can lockdowns end?" I asked, "If you want the lockdowns to continue, tell me how that looks and what the plan is for that future?"

Is there ever going to be a point in your ignorant, cowardly life when you answer the question being asked instead of the question you WISH had been asked?

Oh no...her bitchness is getting upset. This is terrible. She's demanding someone play with her strawman. Boo hoo.

Nobody wants lockdowns to continue. What the future needs to look like to end the lockdowns is testing upwards of 20 million people a day and lots of contact tracing.

"The only acceptable topic is personal attacks and maintaining what a good person I believe I am for XYZ talking points! You can't make me think about consequences, because my masters haven't told me to!"

I'm glad you think it's perfectly okay to demand the deaths of millions of people worldwide so long as you shout about how much you don't WANT to do it.

Wow, that was quite the nonsensical rant. Can't get your meds on lockdown?

Wow, that was a lot of desperation. Reality inconveniencing you?

I realize that leftists are accustomed to thinking that talking about how they feel about something is the same as actually doing something. Doesn't work that way in the real world. If you kill someone, "I didn't WANT to do it" does not constitute a defense, let alone mean that you didn't do it.
I just popped in on my lunch break to see if any lockdown proponents bothered to answer my questions, or if they all just came crowding in to scream slogans and tell us, "All I need to know is Orange Man Bad!"

So I guess that clears it up: there is no one supporting continued lockdowns who is doing so because they want to save lives. They just want a chance to attack Trump. That's it, that's all, and they haven't given a single thought to what the effects of their demands might be, because it doesn't matter to them.
You are full of bovine feces as usual. Quite a few people told you exactly when the lockdowns can end. It’s a very simple answer. TESTING.
The pat answer. How many people do you want to test before you consider it safe? How often do you want to repeat the tests? How long is your Tested Safe good for?
Now once tested do you get chipped or carry an ID card?
What to you do with the people who test positive? Lock them away there and then?
TESTING is not the end all be all solution.

A vaccination is. That aside, let's not do testing! Let it run it's course. While we're at it, why bother trying to do anything about any disease! Woo hoo...
That seems to be the preferred GOP plan. Let the chips fall where they may. Meemaw and Pepaw will have to be sacrificed. As will the lower-paid, front-line workers who are not worth the cost and bother of testing.

Testing is for the rich and well-connected. And there are enough poor, uneducated Trump supporters who will think that is the way it has to be. Everything for the wealthy. Without them, we are nothing.
What you morons fail to acknowledge is that your "solutions" are impossible. This shutdown simply can't continue. Destroying the countries economy is not a long term plan. It can only last for a couple more months before this country devolves into anarchy and mass starvation.

No one is opposed to testing. The question is when are the tests going to be available. My understanding is that they have already been devised, but FDA regulations are holding up their widespread use. Why don't you assholes do something to get the FDA out of the way?
Yes, when are the tests going to be available? Trump said anyone that wants a test can get a test.

Antibody tests are having problems and it's not because the FDA is holding anything up. Quite the opposite in fact. They had to tighten the rules very recently because...

Your article only confirms what I posted.
As I own no crystal ball have no way of knowing what the left would have allowed, or even how any political group could have kept us from using common sense, and if all of us just chose to cover up, limit our contacts, provide protection for our employees, what would have happened. don't know about any one else I asked nurses & paid attention to virus experts for the best things to do. there is no guarantee no mater what we do. I don't think am delusional because I follow medical advice over political.
Bottom line is that 99.86% of the population of the United States is unaffected by the Wuhan Flu
I would say you have your percentages reversed. Just about everybody in the country is being affected:
  • Beginning with those that have the virus, their family, and friends who are being tested and quarantined or hospitalized
  • Family and friends of the 75,000 that have died
  • Hospitals, medical workers, and emergency personnel that risk their lives dealing with those that are infected
  • Those who are most vulnerable to the virus such as those in nursing homes and prisons, and those with compromised immune systems
  • Employers that have had to close their businesses to slow the spread of virus
  • Workers without jobs due closures
  • Students without schools to go to due to closures
  • Investors who have seen their retirement savings dwindling.
  • Finally the families of all of the above.
In a pandemic there are very few who not affected.
It does seem that some folks posting on this thread were not very careful with their money during the three and a half years of the greatest economy in the history of the world.

Now you want the rest of us to sacrifice our elderly, or immune-compromised relatives because of your free-spending, wasteful lifestyles. You should have saved some money to get you through times like this. That's what responsible people do.

No one is forcing anyone to sacrifice your elderly or immune-compromised relatives. Tell them to stay at home. Not everyone is a self-centered retired old coot like you. Young families haven't been socking money away their entire lives. When you're just getting started in life, you have bills to pay and your income is lower. they have mortgages to pay and kids to support. You are obviously incapable of looking at anything from someone else's point of view.
So the greatest economy in the history of the world wasn't enough to keep young families from living paycheck to paycheck? Well, somebody is going to be in trouble for that once Trump finds out about it.

I'm not an old coot. But I am a saver and I don't spend much money. Other people CHOOSE to make different choices with their money and lifestyles.

Everyone should have 6 months worth of expenses saved. If folks are truly not able to do that during the greatest economy in the history of the world, they must be making poor choices. OR, maybe the greatest economy in the history of the world has not been great for those who are now struggling.

A lot of young families live with grandma and grandpa. Especially those at the bottom of the pay scales, those workers who do not benefit from the greatest economy in the history of the world. They will have to go to work or lose their unemployment, correct? I'd say they may feel like they are being forced to sacrifice Memaw and Pepaw in order to have food for their children.
You're an imbecile. You're just admitting that you can't sympathize with anyone whose circumstance are different than yours. Trying to pass that off on Trump's economic policies is the ultimate weasel.
I fully and freely admit I do not sympathize with Trump nutters under any circumstances. Honestly, they can all get the virus and die and I wish they would. I think they are just as vile and disgusting as Trump and they share his immense stupidity. Let there be NO mistake about that.

But Trump's GREATEST ECONOMY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD allowed people to properly prepare for an emergency. They had three years to save. Or it was only the GREATEST ECONOMY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD for people who were already rich.

In that case, poor folks should not be forced to go to work, exposing themselves and their families to a deadly virus so the rich can get their nails done and have a nice steak for dinner.

Poor folks should demand measure be put in place to protect them and companies should be liable if they fail to do that.

Trump's economic policies are not off limits. They do not benefit everyone.
Gee, maybe your blob should have lobbied to have those supplies sent here instead of to his buddies in China. Just a thought.

You just complimented him on invoking the DPA. A lot of that did go to the states.
The material made by the DPA and the gifts your blob gave to the Chinese are two different things.

Who else would you have put in charge of delivering the supplies? We are a country that helps people. We are not going to let innocent people anywhere suffer because of the CCP's negligence.

I wouldn't have delivered the supplies to China in the first place. But your blob did. That you defend his actions? Well...thats on you.
Trump didn't "deliver" any supplies to China. That had nothing to do with the federal government. Private organizations sent the supplies to China. Trump didn't even know it was happening. You're too stupid to understand that the federal government doesn't control everything that happens in this country.
The state department did in fact deliver the donated supplies.

That was Feb 7, moron. That's before we had a single reported case in this country.
So? You denied it happened. I provided proof it did, that's all.
It's a non-sequitur, moron. You're whining about something that no one saw as a problem at the time. It's only 20-20 hindisght that allows anyone to claim that we shouldn't have done it.
i didn't call it a non sequitur, dingbat. I stated a fact (that you were not aware of, apparently). You asked for a link and I gave it. It is as simple as that.
For those of you saying the country will go bankrupt in a month or two if this continues. Any evidence to back that up? I’m pretty sure the economy would survive if we weathered the storm a bit longer.

Like most issues this is not black and white, it’s up to experts like doctor Fauci to find that gray area. We have made some progress with the mitigation efforts. We just need more. None of us are infectious disease experts, so I don’t think anyone of us are qualified enough to put together a sensible plan. To some degree both sides of this argument are arguing out of emotion. Sometimes you have to put your trust in those of us that are more experienced and wiser. I trust our experts have put in place a plan that preserves life to the best of their abilities and I’m willing to see that plan through. People like Fauci and Brix aren’t trying to destroy the country

Excuse me, but if you want to have a discussion about, "Well, what makes you think shutting down the economy will cause bankruptcy", go start your own thread about it, asshole. This is MY thread, and it's about answering MY questions, and trying to derail it by making it about "I only demand answers, I don't give them" will just be seen as "I have no plan, I just want to attack Trump!"

Is that, in fact, your answer?

You just ignored the part where I answered you question. You just didn’t like the answer. I added in a question, which is related to the discussion, and you didn’t like the question, so now all of a sudden I’m an asshole. And BTW there are a lot of heartless bastards on this board that don’t give a second thought to the health of others in the community around them. We’re seeing it in this thread with responses like I don’t give a fuck about your grandma. Those people are the assholes, not someone who happens to disagree with you that we should trust the experts we have.

I ignored nothing. You're apparently either too ignorant to understand what the question was, or too ignorant to understand that nothing you said answered it. Unless you're so unfamiliar with independent thinking that you believe, "I'm sure everything will be fine, and the smart people will make it work out" is a plan.

So you’re in the name calling club of anyone who believes the experts in charge have more of a grasp on what steps should be followed than “independent thinkers” such as yourself and all the other retards on this site. Got it. Get bent.

Let's be clear, Spanky. You can play at feeling "victimized" for some apocryphal "noble principle" you pretend to have espoused. But you can't make me join in your delusion, or ignore the fact that you ACTUALLY got your ass called out for being a moron.
As I own no crystal ball have no way of knowing what the left would have allowed, or even how any political group could have kept us from using common sense, and if all of us just chose to cover up, limit our contacts, provide protection for our employees, what would have happened. don't know about any one else I asked nurses & paid attention to virus experts for the best things to do. there is no guarantee no mater what we do. I don't think am delusional because I follow medical advice over political.
Regardless of your political leanings the vast majority of people in the country are very concerned about the danger associated with opening up the country. However, those same people are also very concerned about the consequences of remaining closed. Unfortunately, the decision to open up the country or remain closed, is a lose lose situation. The more the country is opened up, the more corvid 19 we will have. The more the country remains closed, the more economic hardship we have.

As a nation we need to be conservative in opening up the economy because if we don't, the virus will be back far worse than it was this Spring and we will be shutting down again.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
You really are an asshole.

Your gandma can die, for all I care. I won't have my life destroyed so your grandma doesn't have to isolate herself.
My grandmother died in 1995. But I refuse to see lives destroyed because your punk ass doesn't have the discipline to do what it takes to reduce the spread of the virus just so you can go down to the store and buy a bag of seeds. We don't need to be infected because of idiots like you. You right wingers are like children. I don't like this any more than you do, but I am not willing to get sick so I can go watch state u play a football game. Nor am I willing to get sick just so I can make some money. We don't have an economy if half the people are sick. And we certainly don't if people are dying. So grow up. You ain't missing nothing because you can't go sell something
You don't think lives are destroyed when people are unemployed for years, go bankrupt, lose everything they own and live on the street?

You're a colossal dumbfuck. If you don't want to be infected, then stay in your house, but don't be telling other people they can't go to work. 95% of people who get COVID-19 don't even know it, so how is half the population going to be so sick that they can't go to work? only 0.01% of the population will die because of COVID-19. I'm not exactly quacking in my boots over that.

As I was explaining to someone yesterday, it's not even just about the lives of people in the United States if the US economy collapses. Even if the pie-in-the-sky leftists are right and America will never devolve into a third-world country, what about those places that already ARE third-world countries, whose people are dependent on American charity and generosity to even survive? What the hell happens to them when we're so broke and desperate ourselves that we have nothing to give them? Or does saving THOSE lives no longer matter when the left has a new set of human shields to hide behind?
I went to Sams Club today and they had no pork and very little beef. What are the callous self centered retired old coots going to do when there's nothing to eat?
Do you even get WHY there is no pork or beef?
There's no beef or Pork because of hysterical douchebags like you.

Wrong, idiot. There is no beef or pork because of the consolidation of the meat packing industry. Hundreds of people crammed together spreading the virus to each other...and turning little towns into COVID hot spots.

Fascinating. And that addresses the topic of the thread how?

Why don't you ask Bripat, your bitchness? He's the one babbling about no meat at Sam's Club

My question was for people who want to extend the lockdowns, Your Stupidness. Bri doesn't want to extend them, so the question is not to him.
No, you asked me what our (his and mine)discussion about meat had to do with the topic of your thread. It is weird that you would ask me what it has to do with the topic when he is the one that brought it up. Only people that agree with you are allowed to talk about meat and not the topic of your thread?

Bri doesn't have a problem addressing the topic. You, on the other hand, have a history of ignoring the topic to try to deflect off onto your talking points.
That was classic projection. Textbook even. Your lame, strawman, topic was "addressed" over and over. You just didn't get the response your hindass demanded. Tissue?

"Straw man" does not mean "things I don't want to talk about", Seabiscuit. If you really can't see how asking what alternative people have to offer to reopening is a relevant topic to discuss, then you are literally the only one who can't see it, and you're probably also in need of a helmet and a babysitter for your own protection.

You just don't like that you can't get away with deflecting and turning this thread into your standard, warmed-over shouting match of "My slogans mean I'm a good person and you aren't!"
Your Strawman is your statement that anyone wants the lockdown. Necessary doesn't equate to desired.
I just popped in on my lunch break to see if any lockdown proponents bothered to answer my questions, or if they all just came crowding in to scream slogans and tell us, "All I need to know is Orange Man Bad!"

So I guess that clears it up: there is no one supporting continued lockdowns who is doing so because they want to save lives. They just want a chance to attack Trump. That's it, that's all, and they haven't given a single thought to what the effects of their demands might be, because it doesn't matter to them.
You are full of bovine feces as usual. Quite a few people told you exactly when the lockdowns can end. It’s a very simple answer. TESTING.

You are full of bullshit as always. I didn't ASK, "When can lockdowns end?" I asked, "If you want the lockdowns to continue, tell me how that looks and what the plan is for that future?"

Is there ever going to be a point in your ignorant, cowardly life when you answer the question being asked instead of the question you WISH had been asked?

Oh no...her bitchness is getting upset. This is terrible. She's demanding someone play with her strawman. Boo hoo.

Nobody wants lockdowns to continue. What the future needs to look like to end the lockdowns is testing upwards of 20 million people a day and lots of contact tracing.

"The only acceptable topic is personal attacks and maintaining what a good person I believe I am for XYZ talking points! You can't make me think about consequences, because my masters haven't told me to!"

I'm glad you think it's perfectly okay to demand the deaths of millions of people worldwide so long as you shout about how much you don't WANT to do it.

Wow, that was quite the nonsensical rant. Can't get your meds on lockdown?

Wow, that was a lot of desperation. Reality inconveniencing you?

I realize that leftists are accustomed to thinking that talking about how they feel about something is the same as actually doing something. Doesn't work that way in the real world. If you kill someone, "I didn't WANT to do it" does not constitute a defense, let alone mean that you didn't do it.
Way to double down on "what the fuck are you ranting about?".

What talking points? Following CDC recommendations are talking points? Yeah, okay.
I think these lockdowns all over the world won't be repealed until the so called Scientific Community says "ok you can do that".
In this matter politicians have (almost) no power (I've heard Bill Gates said the new vaccine against Covid19 will be ready in 12/18 months... o_O)
Maybe I'm a pessimist I fear it won't happen soon :(

I think these lockdowns will end the minute - the SECOND! - that those in power realize that continuing them is endangering their power. And I think the experts will find themselves going from "Let's do lunch" to "you're dead to me" in the halls of power with dizzying speed when that day comes.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
IOW, you're stupid enough to think that the virus will just die if we hide long enough.

Whatta fucking retard.
The blob said it was going to disappear like a miracle. Don’t you believe your lord and master!

So your plan is to whine and bitch about one sentence months ago and to call Trump childish names? That's your whole fucking plan for dealing with coronavirus?

Just pointing out how batshit crazy your lord and master is.

Don't make me come back in here and whoop your candy ass... again.

What are you going to do? Huh? oh, I know, misquote me some more. It’s your only act.

No one misquotes you, Cornball. All we do is point out what your words actually mean, when all the self-flattering bullshit is stripped away.
At the top of this topic I said a good place to start would be when there are no new cases.

I see several retards think that's not possible.

Here you go retards:
South Korea Reports No New Domestic Coronavirus Cases

Unlike Trump, South Korea took this disease seriously from the beginning, and began a massive testing program while Trump went golfing and held rallies for six weeks and called this all a hoax.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
250 million people world wide are going to be starving if we don’t get our food supply flowing like it was before the lockdown. How long do you expect to keep grandparents away from their grandkids? This is no where near as simple as you claim it to be.

7.8 billion people world wide are looking at a pandemic right now. We might want to end that first.
And only around 46.8 million of the most unhealthy people are looking at death from covid, vs the 3x that amount, 250 million, infants to elderly, are looking at starving to death. 68 million in this country alone are looking at crippling unemployment.

And that's just our country. Anyone who thinks the US economy can collapse without taking every other country with it is high as balls and hallucinating.
Anybody who thinks the economy can be fully productive when people are scared to go to work because they could get sick or die is high as balls and hallucinating.

That is silly.
When only 70k out of 330 million have died, that only 0.021%.
That means only 2 out of every 10,000 people have died.
No one would be scared about going to work if they were not constantly be lied to and facing hysterical propaganda.

And the culprit is obvious.
When a vaccine is available, think about the profits from selling 330 million anxious customers, a vaccine at $100 a shot?
It's not the number that have died that concerns people, it's number that will die. One does not have to be a scientist or a visionary to see where we're going. The average number of covid 19 deaths per day in the US averaged over the last 2 weeks has been 1650/day. If that death rate continues without increasing due to opening up the country, the death toll will rise to 240,000 by the middle of August and exceed 450,000 by the end of the year. And that's if we're successful in opening the country so the death rate does not increase.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
You really are an asshole.

Your gandma can die, for all I care. I won't have my life destroyed so your grandma doesn't have to isolate herself.
My grandmother died in 1995. But I refuse to see lives destroyed because your punk ass doesn't have the discipline to do what it takes to reduce the spread of the virus just so you can go down to the store and buy a bag of seeds. We don't need to be infected because of idiots like you. You right wingers are like children. I don't like this any more than you do, but I am not willing to get sick so I can go watch state u play a football game. Nor am I willing to get sick just so I can make some money. We don't have an economy if half the people are sick. And we certainly don't if people are dying. So grow up. You ain't missing nothing because you can't go sell something
You don't think lives are destroyed when people are unemployed for years, go bankrupt, lose everything they own and live on the street?

You're a colossal dumbfuck. If you don't want to be infected, then stay in your house, but don't be telling other people they can't go to work. 95% of people who get COVID-19 don't even know it, so how is half the population going to be so sick that they can't go to work? only 0.01% of the population will die because of COVID-19. I'm not exactly quacking in my boots over that.

As I was explaining to someone yesterday, it's not even just about the lives of people in the United States if the US economy collapses. Even if the pie-in-the-sky leftists are right and America will never devolve into a third-world country, what about those places that already ARE third-world countries, whose people are dependent on American charity and generosity to even survive? What the hell happens to them when we're so broke and desperate ourselves that we have nothing to give them? Or does saving THOSE lives no longer matter when the left has a new set of human shields to hide behind?
I went to Sams Club today and they had no pork and very little beef. What are the callous self centered retired old coots going to do when there's nothing to eat?
Do you even get WHY there is no pork or beef?
There's no beef or Pork because of hysterical douchebags like you.

Wrong, idiot. There is no beef or pork because of the consolidation of the meat packing industry. Hundreds of people crammed together spreading the virus to each other...and turning little towns into COVID hot spots.

Fascinating. And that addresses the topic of the thread how?

Why don't you ask Bripat, your bitchness? He's the one babbling about no meat at Sam's Club

My question was for people who want to extend the lockdowns, Your Stupidness. Bri doesn't want to extend them, so the question is not to him.
No, you asked me what our (his and mine)discussion about meat had to do with the topic of your thread. It is weird that you would ask me what it has to do with the topic when he is the one that brought it up. Only people that agree with you are allowed to talk about meat and not the topic of your thread?

Bri doesn't have a problem addressing the topic. You, on the other hand, have a history of ignoring the topic to try to deflect off onto your talking points.
That was classic projection. Textbook even. Your lame, strawman, topic was "addressed" over and over. You just didn't get the response your hindass demanded. Tissue?

"Straw man" does not mean "things I don't want to talk about", Seabiscuit. If you really can't see how asking what alternative people have to offer to reopening is a relevant topic to discuss, then you are literally the only one who can't see it, and you're probably also in need of a helmet and a babysitter for your own protection.

You just don't like that you can't get away with deflecting and turning this thread into your standard, warmed-over shouting match of "My slogans mean I'm a good person and you aren't!"
Your Strawman is your statement that anyone wants the lockdown. Necessary doesn't equate to desired.
You dont want to give it up as long as the helicopter money lasts

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