Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

Okay, and then what happens? We lock down for a year, or two years - because you're insane if you think a "proven antiviral" is going to turn up sooner - and what's the rest of the picture look like?

I advocated a lockdown for only those who spoke caringly against the so-called Obamacare "death panels". These people should expect full protection of the government in avoiding the virus' illness. Whether this is one year, two years, that's not my concern. In fact I advocate the longer these people are locked away, the better. As for the rest of us we'll go about our normal lives taking precautions we each individually choose. Just as we did as we took action against the swine flu some 11 years ago.
It does seem that some folks posting on this thread were not very careful with their money during the three and a half years of the greatest economy in the history of the world.

Now you want the rest of us to sacrifice our elderly, or immune-compromised relatives because of your free-spending, wasteful lifestyles. You should have saved some money to get you through times like this. That's what responsible people do.

No one is forcing anyone to sacrifice your elderly or immune-compromised relatives. Tell them to stay at home. Not everyone is a self-centered retired old coot like you. Young families haven't been socking money away their entire lives. When you're just getting started in life, you have bills to pay and your income is lower. they have mortgages to pay and kids to support. You are obviously incapable of looking at anything from someone else's point of view.
So the greatest economy in the history of the world wasn't enough to keep young families from living paycheck to paycheck? Well, somebody is going to be in trouble for that once Trump finds out about it.

I'm not an old coot. But I am a saver and I don't spend much money. Other people CHOOSE to make different choices with their money and lifestyles.

Everyone should have 6 months worth of expenses saved. If folks are truly not able to do that during the greatest economy in the history of the world, they must be making poor choices. OR, maybe the greatest economy in the history of the world has not been great for those who are now struggling.

A lot of young families live with grandma and grandpa. Especially those at the bottom of the pay scales, those workers who do not benefit from the greatest economy in the history of the world. They will have to go to work or lose their unemployment, correct? I'd say they may feel like they are being forced to sacrifice Memaw and Pepaw in order to have food for their children.
You're an imbecile. You're just admitting that you can't sympathize with anyone whose circumstance are different than yours. Trying to pass that off on Trump's economic policies is the ultimate weasel.
Gee, maybe your blob should have lobbied to have those supplies sent here instead of to his buddies in China. Just a thought.

You just complimented him on invoking the DPA. A lot of that did go to the states.
The material made by the DPA and the gifts your blob gave to the Chinese are two different things.

Who else would you have put in charge of delivering the supplies? We are a country that helps people. We are not going to let innocent people anywhere suffer because of the CCP's negligence.

I wouldn't have delivered the supplies to China in the first place. But your blob did. That you defend his actions? Well...thats on you.
Trump didn't "deliver" any supplies to China. That had nothing to do with the federal government. Private organizations sent the supplies to China. Trump didn't even know it was happening. You're too stupid to understand that the federal government doesn't control everything that happens in this country.
The state department did in fact deliver the donated supplies.
He did bail out multi-million dollar corporations.
And? What impact did that have on you, specifically?
None. Neither did slavery, the internment of Japanese Americans, the Tuskegee Experiment or the death of Elvis. I can state that they were all terrible things though. As was the blob sending money to Wall Street instead of Main Street.

He did bail out the Los Angeles Lakers.

Yeah? And? There are ushers and ticket takers and concession stand workers that are employed by them. Or do they not count?
Again, you are either drunk or high.

The money the lease holder on the Staples Center can pay the workers out of money he's not paying out in bonuses to LeBron & Co.

He did authorize sending tons of medical supplies to China ... He did tell the States that the stockpile as "our" stockpile.

No, he did not.

A Democratic group’s ad attacking President Donald Trump leaves the misleading impression that medical equipment donated by U.S.-based organizations and businesses to China early in the global coronavirus outbreak came from the Trump administration.

“He shipped China 17 tons of American masks and medical supplies,” says the ad from American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal super PAC, referring to Trump. “Our masks and supplies. Supplies we need now.”

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February. The State Department even lauded the donations as “a testament to the generosity of the American people,” and said they were an example of “strong U.S. leadership in response to the outbreak.”

But the medical supplies were not “American” or “ours” in the sense that they belonged to the federal government, which the ad’s language may lead viewers to believe. The equipment was donated by those companies and organizations specifically for use by health care workers in China.

From your post above:

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February.

He did call the virus a hoax.
He did not call the virus a hoax:

Trump did use the word “hoax” but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself.

You really are gullible aren't you?
He did call it a hoax.

"Trump did use the word “hoax” but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself."

More from that article:

Trump, Feb. 28:

Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right?
Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.

Again, he called it a hoax. Sorry. Can we try to stay on topic now?

Stay on topic? At what point were you ever ON topic, Cornball? The topic is, and always has been, "If you don't like the idea of re-opening, what is your alternative plan?" And you haven't posted a damned thing that has even approached that.
Again, he called it a hoax. Sorry. Can we try to stay on topic now?

Where did the words "coronavirus is a hoax" appear in his statement? Are you too lazy to read?
I'll refer you to the following statement I heard yesterday
"people mean different things from what they actually say."

He was calling the virus a hoax. Playing your silly game of splitting hairs is not my line.

No, you have your own silly game of "All I have to do is criticize people who are doing things; how DARE you expect me to do anything myself?"
Again, he called it a hoax. Sorry. Can we try to stay on topic now?

Stay on topic? At what point were you ever ON topic, Cornball? The topic is, and always has been, "If you don't like the idea of re-opening, what is your alternative plan?" And you haven't posted a damned thing that has even approached that.
Her plan is for the rest of us to starve.
We aren't talking about the world, dotard.

Uh, ever hear of a figure of speech? This little quip right here shows me how you and Candy are willing to take words out of context to make other people look bad, whether it be Trump, or me.

But you can go ahead and pull that long silver tongue of yours out of the window of your ivory tower, Rapunzel. Nobody's gonna tug on that.

Do you have any disagreements on how your blob handled the response to the virus? Perhaps we can get back to the topic rather than your personal attacks.

Do you have anything to say about how YOU want to handle it going forward? Talking about how other people did it all wrong doesn't mean much when you refuse to ever offer an alternative.
After that I have retirement savings I can get into if necessary. But it won't be.

Oh, that speaks volumes about how out of touch you are with the world.

"I can survive, but those working rubes must make the sacrifice"

We aren't talking about the world, dotard. We are talking about the United States of America. Where we have had the best economy in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD for the last three and a half years.

The rubes should have saved some money. That's what you do in the good times.

I think the majority of us are going to say NO, we will not sacrifice our at-risk kinfolk for the free-spending rubes who don't plan for anything.
When 40% of americans cant cover a $400 expense, this is hardly the best economy in the world.

80% of Americans own 15% of the stock market.

The rest is owned by the 1%

Before this pandemic, 78% of citizens lived paycheck to paycheck.

We'll let you know when we need to hear from someone who's STATED plan is to lie his ass off while other people do the heavy lifting, so that he can get what he wants AND gas about how bad it is and how other people are eeeeevil for getting it for him.

In the meantime, feel free to fuck off and die.
Gee, maybe your blob should have lobbied to have those supplies sent here instead of to his buddies in China. Just a thought.

You just complimented him on invoking the DPA. A lot of that did go to the states.
The material made by the DPA and the gifts your blob gave to the Chinese are two different things.

Who else would you have put in charge of delivering the supplies? We are a country that helps people. We are not going to let innocent people anywhere suffer because of the CCP's negligence.

I wouldn't have delivered the supplies to China in the first place. But your blob did. That you defend his actions? Well...thats on you.
Trump didn't "deliver" any supplies to China. That had nothing to do with the federal government. Private organizations sent the supplies to China. Trump didn't even know it was happening. You're too stupid to understand that the federal government doesn't control everything that happens in this country.
The state department did in fact deliver the donated supplies.

Again, he called it a hoax. Sorry. Can we try to stay on topic now?

Stay on topic? At what point were you ever ON topic, Cornball? The topic is, and always has been, "If you don't like the idea of re-opening, what is your alternative plan?" And you haven't posted a damned thing that has even approached that.
Her plan is for the rest of us to starve.

It's true that'll be the result of her actions, but I think she's making it clear that she hasn't actually thought enough to call it an actual plan.
Anyway, trying to get us back on topic here...

Trust the science. The blob had some good guidelines to follow. Its a shame some states are not following them. It's even a greater shame that he's not chiding those State officials who are ignoring the guidelines.

So you're another one who wants the re-opening, but wants to be able to pretend you didn't, like Dud. Got it.

You may now join him in fucking off and dying.
17% is closer to a fourth. Not a fifth.

I can keep pointing out more mathematical failures on your part if you'd like.


Candycorn insisted that only 17% of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act aid went to regular American citizens, which he further claimed was "a fifth" of the package.

It's one fourth of the package, not a fifth.

You think 17% is closer to a fourth than a fifth?

Yes he does. He's a blob supporter. Need we say more?

I hate to break it to you, Cornball, but YOU are a Trump supporter, by your own admission.
Looks like I beat you into submission my mathematically challenged friend. I can keep pointing out more mathematical failures on your part if you like.

Oh cool. But you failed in defeating me on the substance of the thread itself.

So, losing this battle didn't lose me the war. But go ahead and grab the Kleenex and ingratiate yourself if you must.

What substance? I think science should decide. The CDC had some good guidelines based on science. For some reason, you think that means being locked down for 5 years. You were full of it yesterday and you're full of it it now. Nothing has changed except you have proven that you are mathematically illiterate which pairs well with your illiteracy on knowing what your own blob's CDC is recommending.

The substance would be the questions in the OP which you have obstinately ignored in favor of trying to make the thread about a continuation of your "Well, this is the past was wrong, and this was wrong, and by the way, isn't it clever of me to call Trump this name?"
17% is closer to a fourth. Not a fifth.

I can keep pointing out more mathematical failures on your part if you'd like.


Candycorn insisted that only 17% of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act aid went to regular American citizens, which he further claimed was "a fifth" of the package.

It's one fourth of the package, not a fifth.

You think 17% is closer to a fourth than a fifth?

Actually yeah, it is less than a fifth. But less than a fifth is $374 billion. Divide $374 billion by $1200 (the size of the base check being given out), and you get 311,666,667. Or that many Americans getting checks from the aid package.

I'm not gonna sit here and lie about getting the fractions right, that's what calculators are made for. But if you think an error like that invalidates my argument, guess again.

Looks like I beat you into submission my mathematically challenged friend. I can keep pointing out more mathematical failures on your part if you like.

And you said "The blob had some good guidelines to follow," if I recall correctly. I got you to say that in similar form twice (EDIT: three times now) already.

But yeah, celebrate a meaningless victory. I care not. I won the overall debate.

Wanna laugh? Go right ahead. It doesn't make the situation any better for you.

I hope Cornball realizes that, forever after, when she talks about how stupid someone is because supporting Trump means you're stupid, I'm going to remind her that SHE is officially a Trump supporter BY HER OWN WORDS.
For some reason, you think that means being locked down for 5 years.
Of course. I have read multiple peer-reviewed studies saying as much, and I cited two of them to you the other night. So if you follow the science, you wind up getting at minimum a 2-year lockdown, or at most, a 5-year lockdown.

Depending on what does or doesn't happen in the realm of treating/curing the virus, yup.
17% is closer to a fourth. Not a fifth.

I can keep pointing out more mathematical failures on your part if you'd like.


Candycorn insisted that only 17% of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act aid went to regular American citizens, which he further claimed was "a fifth" of the package.

It's one fourth of the package, not a fifth.

You think 17% is closer to a fourth than a fifth?

Actually yeah, it is less than a fifth. But less than a fifth is $374 billion. Divide $374 billion by $1200 (the size of the base check being given out), and you get 311,666,667. Or that many Americans getting checks from the aid package.

I'm not gonna sit here and lie about getting the fractions right, that's what calculators are made for. But if you think an error like that invalidates my argument, guess again.

Looks like I beat you into submission my mathematically challenged friend. I can keep pointing out more mathematical failures on your part if you like.

And you said "The blob had some good guidelines to follow," if I recall correctly. I got you to say that in similar form twice (EDIT: three times now) already.

But yeah, celebrate a meaningless victory. I care not. I won the overall debate.

Wanna laugh? Go right ahead. It doesn't make the situation any better for you.

Not sure what you think you've won. I think the states should be following the science--set up by the Blob's CDC. Therefore You seem to think the blob wants us locked down until 2024.

Yet you plan on voting for El Blob'o. That makes you a loser.

I can't imagine why YOU aren't voting for Trump, given that you keep telling us that he's provided us good guidelines that you approve of.

It's almost as though you don't actually care what's good for America, or something.
Gee, maybe your blob should have lobbied to have those supplies sent here instead of to his buddies in China. Just a thought.

You just complimented him on invoking the DPA. A lot of that did go to the states.
The material made by the DPA and the gifts your blob gave to the Chinese are two different things.

Who else would you have put in charge of delivering the supplies? We are a country that helps people. We are not going to let innocent people anywhere suffer because of the CCP's negligence.

I wouldn't have delivered the supplies to China in the first place. But your blob did. That you defend his actions? Well...thats on you.
Trump didn't "deliver" any supplies to China. That had nothing to do with the federal government. Private organizations sent the supplies to China. Trump didn't even know it was happening. You're too stupid to understand that the federal government doesn't control everything that happens in this country.
The state department did in fact deliver the donated supplies.

That was Feb 7, moron. That's before we had a single reported case in this country.

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