Lockdown for thee but not for me

The mayor of Chicago's hair is ESSENTIAL apparently.

There ya go Mac! You love to rail on political doublespeak from Trump. Well here's DEADLY doublespeak no?

Wow. Not being essential to anyone has made you more silly than normal.

C'mon, candycorn. That is the epitome of elitism and all of them do it.

Don't put up with that shit, from either party.


The mayor of Chicago's hair is ESSENTIAL apparently.

There ya go Mac! You love to rail on political doublespeak from Trump. Well here's DEADLY doublespeak no?

Wow. Not being essential to anyone has made you more silly than normal.

C'mon, candycorn. That is the epitome of elitism and all of them do it.

Don't put up with that shit, from either party.


Don't bother with that troll. As usual she is talking out of her ass.
Construction is considered essential here and likely in most places.
Uninformed twat is Uninformed twat
You have to realize that democrats don't care about anything but controlling everyone. If it takes trampling on people, the constitution the bill of rights it is worth it. If they have to destroy the economy and force everyone on welfare that is even better as threatening to take away your welfare check makes you easier to control. Everyone wants to eat.

That would be republicans.
Funny I don't see people rebelling in republican run areas. I don't see people taking republican run areas to court over lockdown restrictions. I don't see sheriffs or other police refusing to follow laws enacted by republicans. In fact some actually rebel against some democrat enacted laws.
You have to realize that democrats don't care about anything but controlling everyone. If it takes trampling on people, the constitution the bill of rights it is worth it. If they have to destroy the economy and force everyone on welfare that is even better as threatening to take away your welfare check makes you easier to control. Everyone wants to eat.
It's true, but it ain't just Democrats.

All politicians are narcissists. Every single one of them. They think that they are the shit and the world needs them.

They ALL want to control you. To them, you are too stupid and insignificant to control your own lives. They HATE the thought of having to kiss your asses for votes. They despise you.

Don't give government power. It is literally run by sociopaths on all sides.

I would agree with you on some republicans but the number of bad democrats far out weighs those on the republican side.
Yep, and the Governor's wife and kids hopped on a plane to Florida to get out of Illinois to "quarantine" on their horse farm in a state that is now reopening.

He caught shit for that, but refused to answer a question on it during a press conference

"it used to be that families were kept out of this type of thing", blah, blah, blah, acted all indignant and refused to answer it.

Cracks are opening in his grip here. Some areas are reopening despite his 'order', others are saying they will not enforce the continued orders, still others are lobbying for exemptions and multiple lawsuits are in the system already.

He has consistently avoided discussing the actual math behind his latest models while claiming this is all data-driven and has now pivoted to 'we need a treatment'. People are catching on to the fact that they are being misled by this prevaricating piece of shit, as he only presents a portion of the facts and moves the goalposts as necessary, while businesses and families go under.

Meanwhile, wife and kiddies are on the beach, and the mayor of Chicago went on TV to threaten people with arrest if they violate the orders, while justifying herself doing so. It's a pathetic joke.

Vile authoritarian hypocrites. They need to be removed from office.

The mayor of Chicago's hair is ESSENTIAL apparently.

There ya go Mac! You love to rail on political doublespeak from Trump. Well here's DEADLY doublespeak no?

Wow. Not being essential to anyone has made you more silly than normal.

C'mon, candycorn. That is the epitome of elitism and all of them do it.

Don't put up with that shit, from either party.


Don't bother with that troll. As usual she is talking out of her ass.
Construction is considered essential here and likely in most places.
Uninformed twat is Uninformed twat

I have been working every day and out and about. Ironic thing is while many Americans are sitting at home, the jobsites are crawling with Mexicans along side of us working every day. All of us think this shutdown is a fucking joke.
Oh well. At least traffic is down and gas is cheap when the Karens stay home. Worthless asses can stay locked down indefinitely while the rest of us go about our lives.
Then we have a President who claims he does not need a mask because he sits behind the Resolute Desk
It's good to know that you agree that we should all take precautions.
I think Trump is foolish for not keeping his Hench people at least 10 feet away.

The mayor of Chicago's hair is ESSENTIAL apparently.

There ya go Mac! You love to rail on political doublespeak from Trump. Well here's DEADLY doublespeak no?

Wow. Not being essential to anyone has made you more silly than normal.

C'mon, candycorn. That is the epitome of elitism and all of them do it.

Don't put up with that shit, from either party.


I told Candycorn they are an elitist. Candycorn said they preferred the term "Limousine Liberal"

Same thing. Don't feed the elitist assholes of this world. They aren't worth anything.

The mayor of Chicago's hair is ESSENTIAL apparently.

There ya go Mac! You love to rail on political doublespeak from Trump. Well here's DEADLY doublespeak no?

Wow. Not being essential to anyone has made you more silly than normal.

C'mon, candycorn. That is the epitome of elitism and all of them do it.

Don't put up with that shit, from either party.


Don't bother with that troll. As usual she is talking out of her ass.
Construction is considered essential here and likely in most places.
Uninformed twat is Uninformed twat

I have been working every day and out and about. Ironic thing is while many Americans are sitting at home, the jobsites are crawling with Mexicans along side of us working every day. All of us think this shutdown is a fucking joke.
Oh well. At least traffic is down and gas is cheap when the Karens stay home. Worthless asses can stay locked down indefinitely while the rest of us go about our lives.

Same here and I'm not stopping either.

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