lol insien your joking right?

HGROKIT: a fine point, but you do not necessarily have ot be a US citizen to join the US military. It is just easier if you are.

In my opinion, the fine young lad who started this thread is no different than my own children (two of whom are now in Iraq). They come out of high school with some rather skewed views of the world and try hard to reconcile those views with what they now see and experience in the "real" world. It is difficult, to be sure. The fact that this young man comes to this forum to express his views shows that he has a modicum of courage and is at least curious if nothing else.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a Marine either, even if one is considered "liberal". I would say "... some of my best friends are Marines..." but that would be untrue. I have no friends. (j/k)
Originally posted by Kathianne
Well other than the Greek, (lord knows what that meant, :D ), I agree. The demmis have sent full frontal attack. But the board will hold!

Advice to trolls :

Since I am here as well, be in the know for your own benefit that:

OCA, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm a BRIT! My 4-yo son is busy learning Greek, though.

As to the comments by Paladin, I would like you to know that I have indeed been to Iraq. I worked there in Baghdad in the 80s for 5 years during thre Iran-Iraq war.

I want to get a colledge degree before i join, that way ill be of age to my parents. And to lilcountiegirl, Ill be a better marine than any of you here, just cause i dont believe we needed to invade iraq does not mean I wont watch your brother in laws back, I cant believe you just said something like should be ashamed of yourself.
Originally posted by rjw8652
OCA, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm a BRIT! My 4-yo son is busy learning Greek, though.

As to the comments by Paladin, I would like you to know that I have indeed been to Iraq. I worked there in Baghdad in the 80s for 5 years during thre Iran-Iraq war.


Ok got ya! I've personally never visited Cyprus but heard there are lots of Brits who have vacation homes there like in Mani on the Peloponisos. Cool :cool:
I think ill fit in perfectly, first and foremost i will give duty to my country and proberly better than any of you, just because i dont believe in the reason were in iraq does not mean i wont go, secondly just because i dont like to invade a country when tehre are other options which im sure a lot marines would agree with me does not meen i will not fit into the military.
Paladin, at the ripe old age of 17 you COULD join the Marines but you would need your parents consent. At 18, you would not need thier consent to enlist (unless it was to retain your inheritence...heh).

A college education is a fine thing. Let us just hope that you examine your professors' political views with the same skepticism that you display towards some of the views expressed in this forum. Believe me, you WILL hear your professors' political views, whether you want to or not. In fact, I would venture to guess that those views and your acceptance/rejection of them will impact your grades. Just a guess mind you.
Originally posted by XSAPaladin
I want to get a colledge degree before i join, that way ill be of age to my parents. And to lilcountiegirl, Ill be a better marine than any of you here, just cause i dont believe we needed to invade iraq does not mean I wont watch your brother in laws back, I cant believe you just said something like should be ashamed of yourself.

No, I am not ashamed of myself and, with all due respect, my opinion remains the same. You seem to have sympathy for the people of Iraq (which I do as well), however, the problem becomes the terrorists hide amongst the civilians like cowards. One second of hesitation from your sympathy could be the difference in life and death.

Please do not misinterpret my post... I have sympathy as well for the general Iraqi population, just not the gutless cowards who hide among them.
good thing im taking biology in colledge and do i not have a right for to say my views, i dont call you an asshole for yours.
I also have sympathy for the iraqi people, and that one moment of hesistation would be worth it for me, I dunno bout you but i can not live with my self from killing an innocent person instead of an actual terrorist. And most of the attacks in iraq on our marines is from people who are pissed off them still occupying the country when looking at it from there point of view i do give them some sympathy.
XSA Paladin, you have a lot of life-learning to do.

Let me tell you one thing. The Iraqis are brutal - they will chew up little schoolboys like you and spit you out for breakfast.

How do I know they're brutal? Simple - Saddam trained 'em to be.

In the early 80s when I was in Baghdad, I saw kids going to school with Khalasnikovs. No bull. These were kids of 6 years old and up, being spoon-fed the hatred of the West and Israel from grade 1 and up. These kids (and their own) are now the ones on the streets of Fallujah and Baghdad murdering the coalition troops and mutilating unarmed civilian contractors.

Think you can go there with your wooly idealism and social activism? Teach them the benefits of liberal democracy?

Be my guest - just don't buy a return ticket.

Originally posted by XSAPaladin
good thing im taking biology in colledge and do i not have a right for to say my views, i dont call you an asshole for yours.

This kid is either really stupid or not an American and i'm using this post as evidence. His posts have all had really bad spelling and structure, almost as if English is a 2nd language to him.
Originally posted by XSAPaladin
I also have sympathy for the iraqi people, and that one moment of hesistation would be worth it for me, I dunno bout you but i can not live with my self from killing an innocent person instead of an actual terrorist. And most of the attacks in iraq on our marines is from people who are pissed off them still occupying the country when looking at it from there point of view i do give them some sympathy.

What about if you were in Afghanistan? Same hesitation?
Originally posted by XSAPaladin
I want to get a colledge degree before i join, that way ill be of age to my parents. And to lilcountiegirl, Ill be a better marine than any of you here, just cause i dont believe we needed to invade iraq does not mean I wont watch your brother in laws back, I cant believe you just said something like should be ashamed of yourself.

with the attitude you are presenting, I doubt you'll ever be a better marine than I was.
Dont worry Paladin, if you join the US Marines, you wont hesitate. I can tell you from my own personal experience that when the chips are down, one of two things will happen. You will do what you have to do or you will die. At that critical moment, I doubt seriously that your idealism, while somewhat refreshing, will provide any consolation to your parents and other loved ones if you end up with a bullet through the head.

Perhaps you really should reconsider your desire to join the Marines because you will be trained NOT to hesitate. Too many other lives depend on it and if your personal beliefs result in the death of your fellow Marines, you can be sure that will be a lot tougher to live with than having shot an innocent foriegn national.
XSAPaladin, I feel sorry for the innocent victims also. There are always unlucky people who get caught in the middle of a war. Remember the 3,000 innocents that died in NYC?

In a war it boils down to them or us that gets killed. Have you noticed there hasn't been another attack here since Bush took the war to them in Iraq? We are killing them so they don't kill us.

Why are you joining the services if you can't stomach warfare?

Also, can you prove that the war was just about O-I-L? Who is in control of it now? Why is it better that a free Iraq control the oil instead of Iraq under the likes of Saddam?

Before buying into the liberal viewpoint, why not take a good look at both sides of the argument?
Originally posted by CSM
Dont worry Paladin, if you join the US Marines, you wont hesitate. I can tell you from my own personal experience that when the chips are down, one of two things will happen. You will do what you have to do or you will die. At that critical moment, I doubt seriously that your idealism, while somewhat refreshing, will provide any consolation to your parents and other loved ones if you end up with a bullet through the head.

Perhaps you really should reconsider your desire to join the Marines because you will be trained NOT to hesitate. Too many other lives depend on it and if your personal beliefs result in the death of your fellow Marines, you can be sure that will be a lot tougher to live with than having shot an innocent foriegn national.

If his hesitation were to result in another Marine being killed, I am thinking he will not have to concern himelf with having to live with the consequences; IMO he would more than likely get capped.
Originally posted by ScreamingEagle
XSAPaladin, I feel sorry for the innocent victims also. There are always unlucky people who get caught in the middle of a war. Remember the 3,000 innocents that died in NYC?

In a war it boils down to them or us that gets killed. Have you noticed there hasn't been another attack here since Bush took the war to them in Iraq? We are killing them so they don't kill us.

Why are you joining the services if you can't stomach warfare?

Also, can you prove that the war was just about O-I-L? Who is in control of it now? Why is it better that a free Iraq control the oil instead of Iraq under the likes of Saddam?

Before buying into the liberal viewpoint, why not take a good look at both sides of the argument?

Very good point. I actually forgot for a moment that we were talking to a 17 year old here.

XSA... if this war is truly for oil, please go ask your parents how much their oil/gas bill has gone down since we occupied Iraq.

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