
London Bridge Jihad Attacks: "Police were running away" - Geller Report

Seems the Guardian is the source of the news...or A source.

British police run to trouble. Not away from it.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

I agree; but the Guardian said otherwise. The simple explanation; ushering defenseless people away. After all, the Guardian wouldn't lie about Police, would they? Police in a blanket and all that?

I would imagine that it was a chaotic situation. Perhaps they were responding to another call ? I dont know .

I am sure there is a reasonable explanation for it but the Guardian didn't give it.

No they didnt. But that girl was just reporting what she could see. I cant see any paper having the appetite to look into it in any depth. What is the best you are going to get ?

The truth?
I know you liberals fear that.....
British police run to trouble. Not away from it.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

I agree; but the Guardian said otherwise. The simple explanation; ushering defenseless people away. After all, the Guardian wouldn't lie about Police, would they? Police in a blanket and all that?

I would imagine that it was a chaotic situation. Perhaps they were responding to another call ? I dont know .

I am sure there is a reasonable explanation for it but the Guardian didn't give it.

No they didnt. But that girl was just reporting what she could see. I cant see any paper having the appetite to look into it in any depth. What is the best you are going to get ?

The truth?
I know you liberals fear that.....
Shouldnt I be keen to show up the police ?
I agree; but the Guardian said otherwise. The simple explanation; ushering defenseless people away. After all, the Guardian wouldn't lie about Police, would they? Police in a blanket and all that?

I would imagine that it was a chaotic situation. Perhaps they were responding to another call ? I dont know .

I am sure there is a reasonable explanation for it but the Guardian didn't give it.

No they didnt. But that girl was just reporting what she could see. I cant see any paper having the appetite to look into it in any depth. What is the best you are going to get ?

The truth?
I know you liberals fear that.....
Shouldnt I be keen to show up the police ?

You should be for the truth no matter the outcome.
I would imagine that it was a chaotic situation. Perhaps they were responding to another call ? I dont know .

I am sure there is a reasonable explanation for it but the Guardian didn't give it.

No they didnt. But that girl was just reporting what she could see. I cant see any paper having the appetite to look into it in any depth. What is the best you are going to get ?

The truth?
I know you liberals fear that.....
Shouldnt I be keen to show up the police ?

You should be for the truth no matter the outcome.
Not if I am a liberal according to you.
I am sure there is a reasonable explanation for it but the Guardian didn't give it.

No they didnt. But that girl was just reporting what she could see. I cant see any paper having the appetite to look into it in any depth. What is the best you are going to get ?

The truth?
I know you liberals fear that.....
Shouldnt I be keen to show up the police ?

You should be for the truth no matter the outcome.
Not if I am a liberal according to you.

Thanks for the confirmation....
WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’
Clueless mayor has no answer.


Trey Sanchez

We haven’t often praised Piers Morgan here on TruthRevolt, but we aren’t above giving credit where credit is due. His interview with Londonistan Mayor Sadiq Khan on Good Morning Britain gets a big thumbs up from us.

Morgan and his female co-host were relentless in cornering Khan on why jihadists are constantly let back in the UK and no one seems to know where they are. Morgan repeatedly asked the mayor beyond his talking points, “Where are they?”

A highlight from Morgan was when he said:


Right on, Morgan.

WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’
WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’
Clueless mayor has no answer.


Trey Sanchez

We haven’t often praised Piers Morgan here on TruthRevolt, but we aren’t above giving credit where credit is due. His interview with Londonistan Mayor Sadiq Khan on Good Morning Britain gets a big thumbs up from us.

Morgan and his female co-host were relentless in cornering Khan on why jihadists are constantly let back in the UK and no one seems to know where they are. Morgan repeatedly asked the mayor beyond his talking points, “Where are they?”

A highlight from Morgan was when he said:


Right on, Morgan.

WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’

Piers Morgan is an idiot, period. Amongst other things he has absolutely no idea of the duties and responsibilities of the Mayor of London. This was just a pathetic swipe to deflect attention from the fact that the Tories under Teresa may had cut spending to dangerous levels in the Metropolitan (and other) Police services. Monitoring "Jihadis" returning to the UK is the responsibility of the Security Services who answer to the UK government, not to the Mayor of London. Piers Morgan should have been asking these questions to the Prime Minister or the Home Secretary.
WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’
Clueless mayor has no answer.


Trey Sanchez

We haven’t often praised Piers Morgan here on TruthRevolt, but we aren’t above giving credit where credit is due. His interview with Londonistan Mayor Sadiq Khan on Good Morning Britain gets a big thumbs up from us.

Morgan and his female co-host were relentless in cornering Khan on why jihadists are constantly let back in the UK and no one seems to know where they are. Morgan repeatedly asked the mayor beyond his talking points, “Where are they?”

A highlight from Morgan was when he said:


Right on, Morgan.

WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’

Piers Morgan is an idiot, period. Amongst other things he has absolutely no idea of the duties and responsibilities of the Mayor of London. This was just a pathetic swipe to deflect attention from the fact that the Tories under Teresa may had cut spending to dangerous levels in the Metropolitan (and other) Police services. Monitoring "Jihadis" returning to the UK is the responsibility of the Security Services who answer to the UK government, not to the Mayor of London. Piers Morgan should have been asking these questions to the Prime Minister or the Home Secretary.

There is a huge gap in peoples knowledge regarding this sort of thing. Khan should be kicking up more of a stink on this issue.
WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’
Clueless mayor has no answer.


Trey Sanchez

We haven’t often praised Piers Morgan here on TruthRevolt, but we aren’t above giving credit where credit is due. His interview with Londonistan Mayor Sadiq Khan on Good Morning Britain gets a big thumbs up from us.

Morgan and his female co-host were relentless in cornering Khan on why jihadists are constantly let back in the UK and no one seems to know where they are. Morgan repeatedly asked the mayor beyond his talking points, “Where are they?”

A highlight from Morgan was when he said:


Right on, Morgan.

WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’

Piers Morgan is an idiot, period. Amongst other things he has absolutely no idea of the duties and responsibilities of the Mayor of London. This was just a pathetic swipe to deflect attention from the fact that the Tories under Teresa may had cut spending to dangerous levels in the Metropolitan (and other) Police services. Monitoring "Jihadis" returning to the UK is the responsibility of the Security Services who answer to the UK government, not to the Mayor of London. Piers Morgan should have been asking these questions to the Prime Minister or the Home Secretary.

That F-ing khan should be the mayor of NO GO ZONES only. F him and all those that support him. If I lived in london I would dump my bacon grease in the no go zones...
Bye-Bye London

January 23, 2013
By Caroline Glick

In an interview with Haaretz in November 2010, British novelist Martin Amis said the following about discussions of Israel in his motherland:

I live in a mildly anti-Semitic country, and Europe is mildly anti-Semitic, and they hold Israel to a higher moral standard than its neighbors. If you bring up Israel in a public meeting in England, the whole atmosphere changes. The standard left-wing person never feels more comfortable than when attacking Israel. Because they are the only foreigners you can attack. Everyone else is protected by having dark skin, or colonial history, or something. But you can attack Israel. And the atmosphere becomes very unpleasant. It is traditional, snobbish, British anti-Semitism combined with present-day circumstances.

After participating last week in a debate in London about Israeli communities beyond the 1949 armistice lines organized by the self-consciously pretentious Intelligence Squared debating society, I can now say from personal experience that Amis is correct. The public atmosphere in England regarding Israel is ugly and violent.

One positive note, I had a breakfast discussion last Wednesday morning with activists from the Zionist Federation of Britain. The people I met are committed, warm, hardworking Zionists. I wish them all the best, and mainly that means, that I hope that these wonderful people and their families make aliyah.

While their work is worthwhile, there is no future for Jews in England.

Bye-Bye London
WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’
Clueless mayor has no answer.


Trey Sanchez

We haven’t often praised Piers Morgan here on TruthRevolt, but we aren’t above giving credit where credit is due. His interview with Londonistan Mayor Sadiq Khan on Good Morning Britain gets a big thumbs up from us.

Morgan and his female co-host were relentless in cornering Khan on why jihadists are constantly let back in the UK and no one seems to know where they are. Morgan repeatedly asked the mayor beyond his talking points, “Where are they?”

A highlight from Morgan was when he said:


Right on, Morgan.

WATCH: Piers Morgan Grills Mayor Khan on Jihadis Coming to UK: ‘Where are They?’

Piers Morgan is an idiot, period. Amongst other things he has absolutely no idea of the duties and responsibilities of the Mayor of London. This was just a pathetic swipe to deflect attention from the fact that the Tories under Teresa may had cut spending to dangerous levels in the Metropolitan (and other) Police services. Monitoring "Jihadis" returning to the UK is the responsibility of the Security Services who answer to the UK government, not to the Mayor of London. Piers Morgan should have been asking these questions to the Prime Minister or the Home Secretary.

That F-ing khan should be the mayor of NO GO ZONES only. F him and all those that support him. If I lived in london I would dump my bacon grease in the no go zones...

Feel free, good luck finding those "no go zones" :rolleyes:
August 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

And yes, unsurprisingly, this is another story from the Emirate of Tower Hamlets.


A British foster family could have been found. But it is the Emirate of Tower Hamlets. And given a few years, there would have been a "family vacation" from which the girl never returned. And a Bangladeshi clan in Tower Hamlets would have had a new Mercedes. And that's the best case scenario. The Islamic sex grooming scandals provide plenty of fodder for worst case scenarios.

But an investigation has been launched.


UK Put 5-Year-Old Christian Girl Into Islamist Foster Homes
August 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

And yes, unsurprisingly, this is another story from the Emirate of Tower Hamlets.


A British foster family could have been found. But it is the Emirate of Tower Hamlets. And given a few years, there would have been a "family vacation" from which the girl never returned. And a Bangladeshi clan in Tower Hamlets would have had a new Mercedes. And that's the best case scenario. The Islamic sex grooming scandals provide plenty of fodder for worst case scenarios.

But an investigation has been launched.


UK Put 5-Year-Old Christian Girl Into Islamist Foster Homes


"A spokesperson for Tower Hamlets council said: “While we cannot go into details of a case that would identify a child in foster care, there are inaccuracies in the reporting of it. For example, the child is in fact fostered by an English-speaking family of mixed race in this temporary placement. We would like to give more details but we are legally restricted to do so.”

The British people don't feel that way. Britian has become infested with muslim jihadists who feel that way. They are shoving the British people out of their own country. And, they are doing it with the full approval of the British left.

Guess what has begun in the USA also......?
What did you characters worry about before the evil muslim invasion ?
The British people don't feel that way. Britian has become infested with muslim jihadists who feel that way. They are shoving the British people out of their own country. And, they are doing it with the full approval of the British left.

Guess what has begun in the USA also......?
What did you characters worry about before the evil muslim invasion ?
/----/ That we'd turn into a London style socialist, tax 'me till their eyes bleed state on the decline.
The British people don't feel that way. Britian has become infested with muslim jihadists who feel that way. They are shoving the British people out of their own country. And, they are doing it with the full approval of the British left.

Guess what has begun in the USA also......?
What did you characters worry about before the evil muslim invasion ?

Probably "Reds under the bed" and probably before that, "Injuns in the woodpile" :rolleyes:

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