Look, no one more deserves to be mistreated, and no one more deserves a system rigged against him, than Trump.

Joe doesn't care. He's an atheist, a nihilist, and a sociopath. Once he ends he doesn't give a rat's ass what happens to the country after.
Hey, fuckwad, only one of us has a DD214.

My caring about the country isn't in dispute.

Here's the thing. Every Democratic president in my lifetime (even arguably Jimmy Carter) left the country in better shape than he found it.

Every Republican in my lifetime (with maybe the exception of Reagan if you squint the right way) left the country in worse shape than when he found it.
That is yours and of course you are not hands on in your spouted beliefs. Most progs leave their lily-white areas as soon as the first person of color moves in. For those who stay it is so much fun seeing the violence. So much fun.

Haven't you ever lived in a nice area?
Why would he have that much uninvested money? That aside, do you think that everyone that has a net worth of $500k has $25k cash on hand?
I do.

In fact, I have close $87K in the bank in addition to my assets of $400,000 in real estate.

I wouldn't want to put it up for a bond, which is why I make damn sure on every legal transaction I engage in, all the T's are crossed and all the I's are dotted.

Of course Trump's problem is that he has been caught swindling, cheating and lying so often, that no one in their right mind wants to write him a bond, and no one trusts the valuation of his properties to hold as collateral
Actually, quite the contrary, he REALLY didn't want to buy Twitter, the owners of Twitter forced him to make good on his offer.

And he was able to come up with the money because he really is rich.

Trump isn't. That's the point. He's been lying about his wealth for years, living in a gaudy hotel he has to sell memberships to maintain.

Trump is rich, just as a developer obviously most of his wealth is locked up into properties.
That is yours and of course you are not hands on in your spouted beliefs. Most progs leave their lily-white areas as soon as the first person of color moves in. For those who stay it is so much fun seeing the violence. So much fun.
Look, crazy dude, I lived in Cicero, IL for 13 years, it was my first home I bought when I was still in the service.

I took a $55K distressed property and turned it around to a $110K property through sweat equity. And I rented half of it to family of color.

I only moved because when said tenants moved, I had already taken a job with a longer commute.
Trump is rich, just as a developer obviously most of his wealth is locked up into properties.
Then he should have no problem getting a loan against them to pay his bond.

Oh, wait, no, he's been caught cheating and lying about the values of his properties, that's why he's in trouble now.
Hey, fuckwad, only one of us has a DD214.

My caring about the country isn't in dispute.

Here's the thing. Every Democratic president in my lifetime (even arguably Jimmy Carter) left the country in better shape than he found it.

Every Republican in my lifetime (with maybe the exception of Reagan if you squint the right way) left the country in worse shape than when he found it.

Back then maybe, but now you would gladly watch it go down the shitter to get back at Mormons or something.

Carter??? LOL

And those situations were veneers hiding a deeper rot we now only see with the current model of "ruin our cities and our countries" progressives.
Then he should have no problem getting a loan against them to pay his bond.

Oh, wait, no, he's been caught cheating and lying about the values of his properties, that's why he's in trouble now.

Considering they just persecuted him from getting a loan, and are probably warning off others not to do the same, your point is moot.
Back then maybe, but now you would gladly watch it go down the shitter to get back at Mormons or something.
Naw, I hated Mormons back then, too. In fact, where do you think my disdain from them comes from?

1983, Ft. Lewis Washington.

Carter??? LOL

Carter created a net 10 million jobs during his four years, and unemployment was the lower than it was under Reagan during Reagan's entire first term.

And those situations were veneers hiding a deeper rot we now only see with the current model of "ruin our cities and our countries" progressives.

Not really. I would love to have my life from 2016 back. I would love to have my life from 2000 back.
The biggest unspoken political problem in our society this year is the following: Once you have convinced yourself that Trump is the personification of evil, then ANYTHING you do to defeat him is perfectly acceptable. Constant lying. Taking quotes out of context. Indicting him for imaginary crimes. Imposing preposterous fees and penalties. The list never ends.

And the almost insurmountable challenge to the Right is to convince everyone else that it is all bullshit...because it is.
Considering they just persecuted him from getting a loan, and are probably warning off others not to do the same, your point is moot.
Actually, the warning was exposing his business practices of fraud and deceit.

Oh, that and all the other fraud and deceit, such as the Trump Foundation, Trump University, Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, and Trump Vodka.
No one is denying Trump's day in court.

The problem here is that Trump isn't as rich as he claims he is. This is what got him in trouble to start with. He lied to banks about the value of his properties.

And after a lifetime of bankruptcies, frauds, stiffing his lawyers, cheating his employees, surprise, surprise, no one wants to loan him the money even with collateral on buildings that aren't worth what he claims they are.
Make that Trump’s day in a kangaroo court
The biggest unspoken political problem in our society this year is the following: Once you have convinced yourself that Trump is the personification of evil, then ANYTHING you do to defeat him is perfectly acceptable. Constant lying. Taking quotes out of context. Indicting him for imaginary crimes. Imposing preposterous fees and penalties. The list never ends.

And the almost insurmountable challenge to the Right is to convince everyone else that it is all bullshit...because it is.
I remember when Republicans used to nominate people who weren't convicted of Fraud.

I thought Romney was an execrable human being and a Mormon (but I repeat myself), but no one ever indicated him or found him liable for fraud. Same with McCain. Or Dubya. Or Dole. Or Bush Senior.

The real question is, why are you guys so invested in Trump? Especially when you have better alternatives.
Even when trying to be a bit sympathetic to Trump, the left speaks the quiet part out loud. Trump has no rights as they see it.

The quiet part being that Trump deserves to have the system rigged against him and deserves mistreatment.

How evil is that?!?

And how many leftoids feel the same way?

How un-American they indeed are.

Look, no one more deserves to be mistreated, and no one more deserves a system rigged against him, than Trump.
The essence of Trump’s argument on appeal is that the supposed harm he caused was minimal at best — all his lenders were repaid — and that the penalty levied against him was therefore wildly excessive. The conundrum is that the very size of the judgment, and the consequent size of the bond that Trump is required to post, might make him unable to appeal. Trump could pursue his case, but in the meantime, James would be entitled to seize and sell off the former president’s assets.
That can’t be right. It would mean that the more outrageous and disproportionate a damages award is, the harder it is to appeal.
As Trump’s lawyers argued to the state appeals court: “A bond requirement of this enormous magnitude, effectively requiring cash reserves approaching $1 billion, is unprecedented for a private company. Even when it comes to publicly traded companies, courts routinely waive or reduce the bond amount. Enforcing an impossible bond requirement as a condition of appeal would inflict manifest irreparable injury” on Trump.
On the other side of the equation, Trump’s lawyers argue, “waiving the bond requirement will impose no cognizable harm on the Attorney General. The case involves no actual victims and no award of restitution, and she is fully protected by [Trump’s] real-estate holdings.” They have offered to post a $100 million bond.
For her part, James contends that the court lacks the flexibility to modify the bond requirement. And doing so, she says, “would severely harm [the Office of Attorney General] and the public interest by undermining … the fundamental purpose of an appeal bond — i.e., to ensure that prevailing plaintiffs have their monetary award fully secured to guarantee prompt execution if it is affirmed on appeal.”
I’m not convinced. You won’t find me shedding any tears for Trump if the damages award is eventually upheld and he needs to sell properties or liquidate other assets to satisfy it. Couldn’t happen to a shadier guy. But even Trump deserves his day in appeals court. In the end, the rule of law will be on a steadier footing if he has it.

Trump has rights that we have never seen before and fools like you are the reason why.
Naw, I hated Mormons back then, too. In fact, where do you think my disdain from them comes from?

1983, Ft. Lewis Washington.

Carter created a net 10 million jobs during his four years, and unemployment was the lower than it was under Reagan during Reagan's entire first term.

Not really. I would love to have my life from 2016 back. I would love to have my life from 2000 back.

That was at the cost of the shit we are dealing with now, the progressive (lol) implementation of the plans of the hard left.
Actually, the warning was exposing his business practices of fraud and deceit.

Oh, that and all the other fraud and deceit, such as the Trump Foundation, Trump University, Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, and Trump Vodka.

And yet no convictions for anything criminal, and it took them using a law that usually requires a criminal conviction first due to it's lack of due process and jury trial option.

The system gamers here are the persecutors, not Trump.

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