Looks like McConnell wins again

Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
The court has a way of moderating itself.
I don't think Barrett can turn SCOTUS in a soap opera of the handmaid's tale.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
The court has a way of moderating itself.
Not this time
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
The court has a way of moderating itself.
Not this time
The Democratic Party is going to ensure the moderation of the Court.
Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So filling a Supreme Court vacancy is not right?

Do you believe that if the situation was reversed that the Democrats should not or would not fill the open spot? Ginsberg and Biden both said that it should be filled in an election year. What is wrong with their view?
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
The court has a way of moderating itself.
Not this time
The Democratic Party is going to ensure the moderation of the Court.
Oh yeah. You bet.
Yes, fill it, Trumpbumplicans, so the Dems will feel entitled to pack the Court
Yes, fill it, Trumpbumplicans, so the Dems will feel entitled to pack the Court

I'm not sure why you wouldn't fill the vacancy, both parties would do it if they could. That is why the Democrats want to wait for the next President to fill it, because they could win the Presidency and fill it. The Democrats if the situation was reversed would fill the vacancy and I would expect them to.
Democrats should immediately:
1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections

You whackos honestly believe you have a winning formula here?
1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
Rob productive Americans of more earnings.
2. Pass effective Gun Control
Take constitutional rights from the people
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
Give more free shit to bottom feeders
4. Pass Immigration Reform
Make it easier for Mexico’s human cockroaches to fuck over US taxpayers
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Over regulate commerce, destroy trades, prevent Americans from earning a living.
The fun part is

Once Democrats win, nobody cares what you think about what they do

The key is....WINNING
Just look at Mitch
It’s just so damn bizarre that you actually believe American citizens by and large are as anti American as you whacks are.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
The court has a way of moderating itself.
Not this time
The Democratic Party is going to ensure the moderation of the Court.

If you don’t like it

Get your candidates elected and change it
Do you object to people disagreeing with you?

you told us what you want and I told you why I dont support it

Whether you disagree or not is irrelevant
I disagreed with Republicans stealing the courts but now have to live with it
If Dems can pass what they want, how does your opinion matter?

How are Republicans stealing anything? We are conducting ourselves according to that document you on the left hate so much, the US Constitution.
Why are republicans trying to limit mail drops in Cuyahoga county?
How does this make for freer and ho
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections

Expand the tax cuts
Repeal gun laws
Penalty is gone finally. Ocare is dead
Enforce the immigration laws that we ALREADY have
Continue to downsize the EPA

Tax cuts did not pass filibuster and can quickly be repealed. I would like to see a return of Pre Bush tax rates for business and the wealthy

Ban assault rifles, large capacity magazines and enforce strict rules on who can purchase firearms.

Restore the mandate, expand Medicaid, expand Healthcare Exchanges......all leading to Medicare for All

Make DACA permanent, defund the wall, expand temporary work permits and a path to citizenship

Raise Minimum Wage to $15 and permanently tie increases to inflation.

Make permanent changes to Climate Change goals and environmental protections.

All can be done by Democrats if they repeal the Senate Filibuster
But they do all of that in Blue states already.

Oh, you want the Red States to be forced to live like the Blue states as more and more Red states will want to secede.

My bad.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections

Expand the tax cuts
Repeal gun laws
Penalty is gone finally. Ocare is dead
Enforce the immigration laws that we ALREADY have
Continue to downsize the EPA

Tax cuts did not pass filibuster and can quickly be repealed. I would like to see a return of Pre Bush tax rates for business and the wealthy

Ban assault rifles, large capacity magazines and enforce strict rules on who can purchase firearms.

Restore the mandate, expand Medicaid, expand Healthcare Exchanges......all leading to Medicare for All

Make DACA permanent, defund the wall, expand temporary work permits and a path to citizenship

Raise Minimum Wage to $15 and permanently tie increases to inflation.

Make permanent changes to Climate Change goals and environmental protections.

All can be done by Democrats if they repeal the Senate Filibuster
But they do all of that in Blue states already.

Oh, you want the Red States to be forced to live like the Blue states as more and more Red states will want to secede.

My bad.
Right on. I want California to be more like Mississippi.
well some parts in S.Cal are like Mexico....is that better or worse?...
It balances out. Generally speaking, they're not as lazy as lots and lots of whites. Ever notice the street signs in So Cal.? They were here before we were.
the street signs?.....explain please?....
Yes, fill it, Trumpbumplicans, so the Dems will feel entitled to pack the Court

Here is the issue with the court packing threats. I think Trump is going to win rather easily and the senate will hold red. If I turn out to be correct, what would the Dems argument be to stop Trump from doing the same thing and adding a couple Justices of his own? Be careful what you wish for here.
Democrats should immediately:
1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections

You whackos honestly believe you have a winning formula here?
1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
Rob productive Americans of more earnings.
2. Pass effective Gun Control
Take constitutional rights from the people
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
Give more free shit to bottom feeders
4. Pass Immigration Reform
Make it easier for Mexico’s human cockroaches to fuck over US taxpayers
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Over regulate commerce, destroy trades, prevent Americans from earning a living.
The fun part is

Once Democrats win, nobody cares what you think about what they do

The key is....WINNING
Just look at Mitch
It’s just so damn bizarre that you actually believe American citizens by and large are as anti American as you whacks are.
You need to get out more

Your Dems hate America nonsense is getting stale
McConnell will get his nomination through for ratification, which will cause a massive vote.

One party will come out with the House, the Senate, and the WH.

Democrats sure aren't going to win if Republicans cave on this. Just like Romney cost himself the election when he rolled over and asked Obama to rub his belly in the third debate.

Democrats get we are at war even if you are a bunch of whiners. Republicans are only starting to grasp that
The far right understands it is political war, and, yes, it is good you know you are going to lose.

Remember when you used to pretend you were a Republican. Those were the days ...
I have always been a Republican and you are a pretend one, always.

And yet you root for Democrats in every case in every way. Do you ever wonder, Fake, what if you had a brain?

Yes, fill it, Trumpbumplicans, so the Dems will feel entitled to pack the Court

Here is the issue with the court packing threats. I think Trump is going to win rather easily and the senate will hold red. If I turn out to be correct, what would the Dems argument be to stop Trump from doing the same thing and adding a couple Justices of his own? Be careful what you wish for here.

Trump would have to control all of Congress

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