Low Information Voters? How about a Low Information President?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Bruce Johnson
February 28, 2013

There is a real possibility, a strong likelihood, that President Obama knows nothing of the nuts and bolts, the details and realities of the positions he promotes. He rides the Starship Air Force One, thrills adolescent crowds and frames himself with federal employees while orating vapid clichés dowsed in demagoguery.

He drives the fancy car but needs help filling it with gas and couldn't point to the air filter if you popped the hood. Imagery sans leadership. Celebrity is the accomplishment here, and adoration is the metric. Polls demonstrate people approve more of him and less of his execution of the responsibilities of office. This Presidency is therefore wrapped in a managed personal imagery that supersedes the measure of ability.

He speaks yet says nothing. He exists before the camera scripted to generalities and clichés. Once this is understood, we can sense there is no more. True leadership and real understanding of the issues just aren't there. Recall a few instances.

There was the Paul Ryan Obamacare summit in which Ryan began to peel back the skin on the Affordable Care Act. Ryan began reading from the bill itself, and as he did Obama's eyes glazed over. When Ryan was finished, Obama had nothing of substance to say. Dismissive and aloof, he pushed out a short narrative of banalities and bromides.

Did Obama know enough to defend his own program?

There was also the Univision interview in which Obama declared that George W. Bush began Fast and Furious back in 2007. This is inherently false. There was a similar program, granted. But, the program had ended and, by the way, the program attempted to capture gun runners. Two glaring differences. But did Obama know these facts? At first one thinks there is a twisting of the truth by the President. But, there is a strong possibility that indeed he believed what he said based on what he had been told.

Dr. Benjamin Carson revealed his version of the world and the shortfalls of Obamacare standing a few feet from the President himself. Obama's body language, as he was forced to bear witness, spoke volumes. This was the closest to an exchange between Obama and a critic of his beloved health insurance initiative to date. But there was no exchange. There was no defense. There was no telepromptered pre-authored clichéd speech to deliver.

Regarding the Benghazi incident, Obama suggested that for him to dig in and learn the details and facts of that 9/11 day would be to somehow interfere with an FBI investigation, an investigation that to date has provided nil. Wouldn't, shouldn't a President's attitude be more in the vein of "I will find out what happened and I will report back to the nation."?

He declares that he has cut over a trillion dollars, somewhere. He has been told this and it seems he believes it.

He will not engage a critic and nor defend his positions in detail. He can not apparently even engage a questioning reporter nor engage his congressional opposition. In my opinion, he couldn't last 5 minutes in a fact-driven analysis of that which he promotes. The President doesn't meet with the political opposition to initiate compromise because he simply couldn't keep up his end of the argument. His game is to broadcast insipid generalities wrapped in demagoguery and reliant on an arrangement that disallows honest questioning. Can we recall anytime that Mr. Obama had control and knowledge of the facts of an issue?

I maintain that Obama really believes that George Bush started Fast and Furious.

I maintain that Paul Ryan has read more of the Obama Care bill than the President.

I think he actually believes he has trimmed over 1 Trillion dollars from the budget and that the sequestration is a "real" cut rather than merely a trimming of the rate of increase in federal spending.

Read more: Articles: Low Information Voters? How about a Low Information President?
Our "super smart" President appears to be a prime example of many who have gone to law school right after college without any practical experience. Like mullahs citing the Koran, they have been trained to interpret the world through a single lens of legal theory without regard to real-world consequences. Lawyers may be good counselors, but they are rarely good leaders.
The unwashed, unintelligent low information voters like wolfie and woodie are speaking.
Barry Kardashian does seem woefully ill-informed about most everything... but then again, as are most people who spend their entire lives ensconced in academia and the world of theoreticals.
Soggy, quit being silly. I am a solid Republican, more than you, but I can't stand low information voters hurting our side like jwoodie.
The unwashed, unintelligent low information voters like wolfie and woodie are speaking.

Excellent example of third grade name calling.

That's what liberals do. Don't expect them to actually address an issue. A personal attack is supposed to deflect from the subject into defending yourself. Then it destroys the entire topic as others get bored with the personal conflict and move on.

I thought that the mods were going to address this sort of hijacking.
Our "super smart" President appears to be a prime example of many who have gone to law school right after college without any practical experience. Like mullahs citing the Koran, they have been trained to interpret the world through a single lens of legal theory without regard to real-world consequences. Lawyers may be good counselors, but they are rarely good leaders.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams might disagree with you.
The unwashed, unintelligent low information voters like wolfie and woodie are speaking.

It's amazing how'll they'll post disparagingly about "low information voters", but don't seem to have anything to give us but C&Ps. How about "no information voter" to describe them? if they don't have something to parrot, they've got nothing at all! :cool:
Barry Kardashian does seem woefully ill-informed about most everything... but then again, as are most people who spend their entire lives ensconced in academia and the world of theoreticals.

I could forgive someone not knowing something. There are plenty of things I don't know, like everyone else.
What I can't forgive is that he does not know what he does not know. He thinks he is a better speechwriter than his speechwriters, knows more about foreign policy than his foreign policy advisors, and can play at this level. The dichotomy between what he is actually capable of and what he thinks he is capable of is alarming. He thought he could heal the nation. He thought he could bridge the partisan gap. He thought he could solve the fiscal crisis. He thought he could negotiate with IRan. He thought he could stop global warming in Copenhagen. He thought he could bring the Olympics to Chicago.
In every case he was grossly deluded. He has no such skills.
The unwashed, unintelligent low information voters like wolfie and woodie are speaking.

It's amazing how'll they'll post disparagingly about "low information voters", but don't seem to have anything to give us but C&Ps. How about "no information voter" to describe them? if they don't have something to parrot, they've got nothing at all! :cool:

And what words of wisdom do you have to offer, but the mouthing of the Snake Oil Salesman claiming to be president?
Who let the DHS felons free?
Who has been making the false statements on the Sequester?
Who has cut the defenses of America by NOT sending that second carrier into the gulf?
Who has failed to honor his oath of presidency?
And you call yourself informed by still supporting this charlatan?
Barry Kardashian does seem woefully ill-informed about most everything... but then again, as are most people who spend their entire lives ensconced in academia and the world of theoreticals.

I could forgive someone not knowing something. There are plenty of things I don't know, like everyone else.
What I can't forgive is that he does not know what he does not know. He thinks he is a better speechwriter than his speechwriters, knows more about foreign policy than his foreign policy advisors, and can play at this level. The dichotomy between what he is actually capable of and what he thinks he is capable of is alarming. He thought he could heal the nation. He thought he could bridge the partisan gap. He thought he could solve the fiscal crisis. He thought he could negotiate with IRan. He thought he could stop global warming in Copenhagen. He thought he could bring the Olympics to Chicago.
In every case he was grossly deluded. He has no such skills.

Another term for not knowing what you don't know is profound ignorance. A small example of this was Obama's mispronunciation of "Marine Corps(e)." Normally, this type of misspeak might be considered a simple mistake; however, it is almost inconceivable that anyone with a broad basis of knowledge would not understand this term and its correct pronunciation.
The unwashed, unintelligent low information voters like wolfie and woodie are speaking.

Excellent example of third grade name calling.

That's what liberals do. Don't expect them to actually address an issue. A personal attack is supposed to deflect from the subject into defending yourself. Then it destroys the entire topic as others get bored with the personal conflict and move on.

I thought that the mods were going to address this sort of hijacking.

Soggy, quit being silly. I am a solid Republican, more than you, but I can't stand low information voters hurting Republican our side like jwoodie or you.
The unwashed, unintelligent low information voters like wolfie and woodie are speaking.

It's amazing how'll they'll post disparagingly about "low information voters", but don't seem to have anything to give us but C&Ps. How about "no information voter" to describe them? if they don't have something to parrot, they've got nothing at all! :cool:

And what words of wisdom do you have to offer, but the mouthing of the Snake Oil Salesman claiming to be president? No information comment
Who let the DHS felons free? the sequester
Who has been making the false statements on the Sequester? both parties
Who has cut the defenses of America by NOT sending that second carrier into the gulf? both parties ]Who has failed to honor his oath of presidency? No information comment
And you call yourself informed by still supporting this charlatan?No information comment
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This is idiotic. Obama's intelligence and knowledge far surpass anyone here. Bad policy doesn't mean it's accidental. No one understands that. This video here proves he has knowledge when confronted by a group that challenged his economic policy and he answered (no teleprompter).

Starts at [3:00]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iwejz6ZzZLQ]We Are Change Ohio Confronts Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]
The right wing is confused, as usual. The low information president was George W. Bush. He was also low intelligence.
He's definitely not stupid however, his deviant vision is not conducive to the success that many have known in years past. A lot of folks can't see this and many are mesmerized by the hypnotic beat of such a travesty.

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