Low information voters

How else do you explain 33% of Republicans saying they would want Donald Trump as their President?

While Trumps 33% is 20% higher than his next highest competitor, it is far from insurmountable. Look at it this way....67% of Republicans do NOT want Trump as President. That 67% is divided among 15 candidates, that is why Trumps numbers appear so high. Once candidates start to drop out, their supporters will not go to Trump, they will go to one of the remaining other candidates and Trumps lead will diminish

Who are the 33% that support Trump? The same low information voters who support the Tea Party, who cheer when the government is shut down, who think anyone from any walk in life is better qualified than a career politician
BS --- Triple BS ------ I support Trump, and I'm very knowledgeable. ONLY ignorant stupid anti-America fools would vote for a professional politician. Look at the sad shameful state of this once great nation and then think of how it got to be this way. Over the past 60 plus years, stupid damn voter have continuously voted to elect, or to re-elect, professional politicians to serve in government. Obviously, the results speak for themselves.


(1) Our astronomical and rising national debt
(2) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(3) Senseless deadly costly wars
(4) The shameful mistreatment of our Vets
(5) Subsidies
(6) Bailouts
(7) Lost industries to cheap foreign labor markets
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Growing poverty and homelessness
(10) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(11) The flood of illegal immigrants
(12) Off-shore job out-sourcing
(13) The importing of labor
(14) The injustices in our judicial system
(15) The largest prison population in the world
(16) The poorest healthcare per dollar spent of any major industrialized nation
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(18) Our less than adequate education system
(19) A poor and dependent citizenry
(20) A growing number of citizens receiving some form of government assistance
(21) Less spendable income in the pockets of consumers
(22) A growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(23) Excessive military spending
(24) Government corruption
(25) A Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress
(26) A government for the rich and powerful, by the rich and powerful
(27) Wasteful spending of tax dollars
(28) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(29) An economy kept afloat with government debt
(30) Lost opportunities for the citizenry to be self-supporting and prosperous
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Increased racism and prejudice
(33) Unfavorable reputation with what was once faithful and loyal foreign allies
(34) Helped to fuel global terrorism
(35) No-bid government contracts ( favoritism, kick-backs, corruption ----- Halliburton, etc. )
(36) Unfair and unequal taxation ( tax loopholes, off-shore hidden accounts )
(37) Less home ownership
(38) Troubled pension funds
(39) Cities going bankrupt
(40) Troubled retail market ( malls becoming ghost buildings, large retail chains going out of business and closing stores )
Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

You are trusting a BIRTHER to fix all these things

Low Information Voter
Hillary is the original birther...

Guess you missed that, huh???

Low information.

More urban legends from a low information voter
Hillary has never questioned Obamas birthplace.......Trump has...REPEATEDLY
How else do you explain 33% of Republicans saying they would want Donald Trump as their President?

While Trumps 33% is 20% higher than his next highest competitor, it is far from insurmountable. Look at it this way....67% of Republicans do NOT want Trump as President. That 67% is divided among 15 candidates, that is why Trumps numbers appear so high. Once candidates start to drop out, their supporters will not go to Trump, they will go to one of the remaining other candidates and Trumps lead will diminish

Who are the 33% that support Trump? The same low information voters who support the Tea Party, who cheer when the government is shut down, who think anyone from any walk in life is better qualified than a career politician
BS --- Triple BS ------ I support Trump, and I'm very knowledgeable. ONLY ignorant stupid anti-America fools would vote for a professional politician. Look at the sad shameful state of this once great nation and then think of how it got to be this way. Over the past 60 plus years, stupid damn voter have continuously voted to elect, or to re-elect, professional politicians to serve in government. Obviously, the results speak for themselves.


(1) Our astronomical and rising national debt
(2) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(3) Senseless deadly costly wars
(4) The shameful mistreatment of our Vets
(5) Subsidies
(6) Bailouts
(7) Lost industries to cheap foreign labor markets
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Growing poverty and homelessness
(10) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(11) The flood of illegal immigrants
(12) Off-shore job out-sourcing
(13) The importing of labor
(14) The injustices in our judicial system
(15) The largest prison population in the world
(16) The poorest healthcare per dollar spent of any major industrialized nation
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(18) Our less than adequate education system
(19) A poor and dependent citizenry
(20) A growing number of citizens receiving some form of government assistance
(21) Less spendable income in the pockets of consumers
(22) A growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(23) Excessive military spending
(24) Government corruption
(25) A Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress
(26) A government for the rich and powerful, by the rich and powerful
(27) Wasteful spending of tax dollars
(28) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(29) An economy kept afloat with government debt
(30) Lost opportunities for the citizenry to be self-supporting and prosperous
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Increased racism and prejudice
(33) Unfavorable reputation with what was once faithful and loyal foreign allies
(34) Helped to fuel global terrorism
(35) No-bid government contracts ( favoritism, kick-backs, corruption ----- Halliburton, etc. )
(36) Unfair and unequal taxation ( tax loopholes, off-shore hidden accounts )
(37) Less home ownership
(38) Troubled pension funds
(39) Cities going bankrupt
(40) Troubled retail market ( malls becoming ghost buildings, large retail chains going out of business and closing stores )
Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

You are trusting a BIRTHER to fix all these things

Low Information Voter
Why not? Can it get any worse than what we've seen and experienced over the past 60 plus years of "The Selling of America"? FYI - We've all seen and experienced what professional politicians do, and have done. So, why not allow someone this is NOT a part of "The Washington Brotherhood" give it a try? What harm can it possibly do? ONLY a complete fool would elect another professional politician to serve in government.

NO, I am NOT a "low informed" voter, nor am I a "low informed" U.S. citizen. I have lived through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat, and have followed the political game for many years now. So, please tell me exactly what I'm NOT informed about? ................... I'll wait for your answer to that question. What am I missing, since you think that I'm not informed? Please explain. Thanks.
the thing about many left-wing nutjobs is that they are "informed" because they say they are; and others are "low information" because they say they are. libs are arrogant morons too arrogant to be cognizant of their own ignorance
Who are the Republican Low Information Voters who are flocking to Trump?

- Tea Party members
- The same voters who think SarahPalin has "common sense"
- People who honestly believe Obama is a muslim born in Kenya
- People who fear the government and support Cliven Bundy
- People who hate:


Who hates legals you racist pig RW...

Who hates minorities? Republicans give them hope and a chance to succeed, to move up the ladder with jobs...

Democrats destroy their city's , run off jobs and put minortys in chains just to get their vote...

Who in America hates American Muslims? Hell some rednecks thought to this day that Nikki Haley was a muslim yet still voted for her for governor. (She is a Sikh and is now a Methodist I do believe)

Who the he'll hates gays? Half my plant down here in South Carolina , I swear are either a lesbo or gay.

We disapprove of gay marriage, Civil unions are fine.
Last edited:
Amusing thread giving the undying support Democrats give Hillary no matter how many scandals she's involved in.
libs are losers who lie to themselves

Projection, you probably still think those WMDs will be found any day now.


now were they the ones you say didnt exist in iraq?
or the ones you say obama's buddy Putin got rid of in Syria's stockpile?

or didnt you hear about that?

low informaton much leftard?
Everyone knew Saddam had gas but the eminent biological and "nucular " threats never materialized now did they?
How else do you explain 33% of Republicans saying they would want Donald Trump as their President?

While Trumps 33% is 20% higher than his next highest competitor, it is far from insurmountable. Look at it this way....67% of Republicans do NOT want Trump as President. That 67% is divided among 15 candidates, that is why Trumps numbers appear so high. Once candidates start to drop out, their supporters will not go to Trump, they will go to one of the remaining other candidates and Trumps lead will diminish

Who are the 33% that support Trump? The same low information voters who support the Tea Party, who cheer when the government is shut down, who think anyone from any walk in life is better qualified than a career politician
BS --- Triple BS ------ I support Trump, and I'm very knowledgeable. ONLY ignorant stupid anti-America fools would vote for a professional politician. Look at the sad shameful state of this once great nation and then think of how it got to be this way. Over the past 60 plus years, stupid damn voter have continuously voted to elect, or to re-elect, professional politicians to serve in government. Obviously, the results speak for themselves.


(1) Our astronomical and rising national debt
(2) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(3) Senseless deadly costly wars
(4) The shameful mistreatment of our Vets
(5) Subsidies
(6) Bailouts
(7) Lost industries to cheap foreign labor markets
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Growing poverty and homelessness
(10) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(11) The flood of illegal immigrants
(12) Off-shore job out-sourcing
(13) The importing of labor
(14) The injustices in our judicial system
(15) The largest prison population in the world
(16) The poorest healthcare per dollar spent of any major industrialized nation
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(18) Our less than adequate education system
(19) A poor and dependent citizenry
(20) A growing number of citizens receiving some form of government assistance
(21) Less spendable income in the pockets of consumers
(22) A growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(23) Excessive military spending
(24) Government corruption
(25) A Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress
(26) A government for the rich and powerful, by the rich and powerful
(27) Wasteful spending of tax dollars
(28) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(29) An economy kept afloat with government debt
(30) Lost opportunities for the citizenry to be self-supporting and prosperous
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Increased racism and prejudice
(33) Unfavorable reputation with what was once faithful and loyal foreign allies
(34) Helped to fuel global terrorism
(35) No-bid government contracts ( favoritism, kick-backs, corruption ----- Halliburton, etc. )
(36) Unfair and unequal taxation ( tax loopholes, off-shore hidden accounts )
(37) Less home ownership
(38) Troubled pension funds
(39) Cities going bankrupt
(40) Troubled retail market ( malls becoming ghost buildings, large retail chains going out of business and closing stores )
Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

You are trusting a BIRTHER to fix all these things

Low Information Voter
Hillary is the original birther...

Guess you missed that, huh???

Low information.

More urban legends from a low information voter
Hillary has never questioned Obamas birthplace.......Trump has...REPEATEDLY
Shouldn't everyone question it? If not, why not? Please explain. Thanks.
why cant we see obama's Columbia University transcripts?

i know there are privacy rights but why cant he willingly release them?
and if it your position they are out there already and I'm just a "birther" or something can you provide this right NOW?
some say they show him as a foreign student, others say they show he's not so brilliant

why dont you leftardz want to know?

low information?
How else do you explain 33% of Republicans saying they would want Donald Trump as their President?

While Trumps 33% is 20% higher than his next highest competitor, it is far from insurmountable. Look at it this way....67% of Republicans do NOT want Trump as President. That 67% is divided among 15 candidates, that is why Trumps numbers appear so high. Once candidates start to drop out, their supporters will not go to Trump, they will go to one of the remaining other candidates and Trumps lead will diminish

Who are the 33% that support Trump? The same low information voters who support the Tea Party, who cheer when the government is shut down, who think anyone from any walk in life is better qualified than a career politician

Not until you own the morons who voted in the Magic Neeeeeeeeeeeeegro.
How else do you explain 33% of Republicans saying they would want Donald Trump as their President?

While Trumps 33% is 20% higher than his next highest competitor, it is far from insurmountable. Look at it this way....67% of Republicans do NOT want Trump as President. That 67% is divided among 15 candidates, that is why Trumps numbers appear so high. Once candidates start to drop out, their supporters will not go to Trump, they will go to one of the remaining other candidates and Trumps lead will diminish

Who are the 33% that support Trump? The same low information voters who support the Tea Party, who cheer when the government is shut down, who think anyone from any walk in life is better qualified than a career politician
BS --- Triple BS ------ I support Trump, and I'm very knowledgeable. ONLY ignorant stupid anti-America fools would vote for a professional politician. Look at the sad shameful state of this once great nation and then think of how it got to be this way. Over the past 60 plus years, stupid damn voter have continuously voted to elect, or to re-elect, professional politicians to serve in government. Obviously, the results speak for themselves.


(1) Our astronomical and rising national debt
(2) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(3) Senseless deadly costly wars
(4) The shameful mistreatment of our Vets
(5) Subsidies
(6) Bailouts
(7) Lost industries to cheap foreign labor markets
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Growing poverty and homelessness
(10) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(11) The flood of illegal immigrants
(12) Off-shore job out-sourcing
(13) The importing of labor
(14) The injustices in our judicial system
(15) The largest prison population in the world
(16) The poorest healthcare per dollar spent of any major industrialized nation
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(18) Our less than adequate education system
(19) A poor and dependent citizenry
(20) A growing number of citizens receiving some form of government assistance
(21) Less spendable income in the pockets of consumers
(22) A growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(23) Excessive military spending
(24) Government corruption
(25) A Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress
(26) A government for the rich and powerful, by the rich and powerful
(27) Wasteful spending of tax dollars
(28) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(29) An economy kept afloat with government debt
(30) Lost opportunities for the citizenry to be self-supporting and prosperous
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Increased racism and prejudice
(33) Unfavorable reputation with what was once faithful and loyal foreign allies
(34) Helped to fuel global terrorism
(35) No-bid government contracts ( favoritism, kick-backs, corruption ----- Halliburton, etc. )
(36) Unfair and unequal taxation ( tax loopholes, off-shore hidden accounts )
(37) Less home ownership
(38) Troubled pension funds
(39) Cities going bankrupt
(40) Troubled retail market ( malls becoming ghost buildings, large retail chains going out of business and closing stores )
Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

You are trusting a BIRTHER to fix all these things

Low Information Voter
Hillary is the original birther...

Guess you missed that, huh???

Low information.

More urban legends from a low information voter
Hillary has never questioned Obamas birthplace.......Trump has...REPEATEDLY

Yeah, it wasn't Hillary...

it was her backers, her staff, etc..

'Hillary' had NOTHING to do with it...

(psst, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn, I'll let it go cheap)
How else do you explain 33% of Republicans saying they would want Donald Trump as their President?

While Trumps 33% is 20% higher than his next highest competitor, it is far from insurmountable. Look at it this way....67% of Republicans do NOT want Trump as President. That 67% is divided among 15 candidates, that is why Trumps numbers appear so high. Once candidates start to drop out, their supporters will not go to Trump, they will go to one of the remaining other candidates and Trumps lead will diminish

Who are the 33% that support Trump? The same low information voters who support the Tea Party, who cheer when the government is shut down, who think anyone from any walk in life is better qualified than a career politician
BS --- Triple BS ------ I support Trump, and I'm very knowledgeable. ONLY ignorant stupid anti-America fools would vote for a professional politician. Look at the sad shameful state of this once great nation and then think of how it got to be this way. Over the past 60 plus years, stupid damn voter have continuously voted to elect, or to re-elect, professional politicians to serve in government. Obviously, the results speak for themselves.


(1) Our astronomical and rising national debt
(2) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(3) Senseless deadly costly wars
(4) The shameful mistreatment of our Vets
(5) Subsidies
(6) Bailouts
(7) Lost industries to cheap foreign labor markets
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Growing poverty and homelessness
(10) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(11) The flood of illegal immigrants
(12) Off-shore job out-sourcing
(13) The importing of labor
(14) The injustices in our judicial system
(15) The largest prison population in the world
(16) The poorest healthcare per dollar spent of any major industrialized nation
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(18) Our less than adequate education system
(19) A poor and dependent citizenry
(20) A growing number of citizens receiving some form of government assistance
(21) Less spendable income in the pockets of consumers
(22) A growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(23) Excessive military spending
(24) Government corruption
(25) A Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress
(26) A government for the rich and powerful, by the rich and powerful
(27) Wasteful spending of tax dollars
(28) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(29) An economy kept afloat with government debt
(30) Lost opportunities for the citizenry to be self-supporting and prosperous
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Increased racism and prejudice
(33) Unfavorable reputation with what was once faithful and loyal foreign allies
(34) Helped to fuel global terrorism
(35) No-bid government contracts ( favoritism, kick-backs, corruption ----- Halliburton, etc. )
(36) Unfair and unequal taxation ( tax loopholes, off-shore hidden accounts )
(37) Less home ownership
(38) Troubled pension funds
(39) Cities going bankrupt
(40) Troubled retail market ( malls becoming ghost buildings, large retail chains going out of business and closing stores )
Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

You are trusting a BIRTHER to fix all these things

Low Information Voter
Hillary is the original birther...

Guess you missed that, huh???

Low information.

More urban legends from a low information voter
Hillary has never questioned Obamas birthplace.......Trump has...REPEATEDLY
Birtherism: Where it all began - Ben Smith and Byron Tau
The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008. At the time, the Democratic presidential primary was slipping away from Hillary Clinton and some of her most passionate supporters grasped for something, anything that would deal a final reversal to Barack Obama.

Read more: Birtherism: Where it all began - Ben Smith and Byron Tau

Low information.
The 34% of Republican Low Information Voters who support Trump:

Despite six years in office, and the release of his long-form birth certificate, 19 percent of Americans say that it’s “definitely” or “probably” true that President Barack Obama is not legally a citizen of the United States. This belief is most prevalent among the president’s opponents: 34 percent of Republicans think it’s likely, along with 22 percent of independents, and just seven percent of Democrats.
Media choices seem to play a role in this belief, as well. Thirty percent of Fox News viewers say that Obama is “probably” or “definitely” not a citizen, and another nine percent say that they do not know. In comparison, only 13 percent of CNN viewers, and seven percent of MSNBC viewers say the same

Read more at FDU Poll: 34% of Republicans think it’s ‘likely’ Obama not a U.S. citizen | New Jersey News, Politics, Opinion, and Analysis
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