Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?

The 32 year old woman lists all the support she receives, totaling over $1200 a month, and also informs the hosts that her husband also receives financial assistance but designates these “family benefits.”

She expresses disgust in the inference that people who work are “good people” and insists that she is a good person even though she is on welfare. Lucy then describes her day of lying around and smoking weed.

"I sit on my butt and smoke pot all day, while the stupid people work."

Texas Welfare Lady name Lucy gettin' paid to smoke dope all day - while you work - who da fool now? - YouTube

She should be executed .

Not joking at all.

Too bad she doesn't exist.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
The elected officials did what they said they were going to do. That is the fact of it.

And you cheating the system, freeloading and hiding from the IRS will not change anything. So to claim you are emulating the founding fathers is simply bullshit.

For anyone to disregard their actions are willfully disregard why America was created. It wasn't created so we could still be subjects to a central power.

And those founding fathers you claim to be emulating gave us ways of removing corrupt politicians and overturning legislation. You keep fighting. You don't quit and start hiding.

Well, some deceleraters do....quit and hide, that is.
Arguing with Bigred is like arguing with a Stop sign. He is a fully indoctrinated Paul Rand type nut, and is a complete waste of time. It is almost as productive as going to the conspiracy thread and trying to convince some nut that Oswald really did kill JFK. He is going to rationalize his theivery by calling himself a patriot. I'm sure that if he were to rob Chase bank, he would spin that into some sort of public service, like the depression era farmers did when banks forclosed on their farms. I'm out of here for a little more sanity, and a little less self delusion.
The 32 year old woman lists all the support she receives, totaling over $1200 a month, and also informs the hosts that her husband also receives financial assistance but designates these “family benefits.”

She expresses disgust in the inference that people who work are “good people” and insists that she is a good person even though she is on welfare. Lucy then describes her day of lying around and smoking weed.

"I sit on my butt and smoke pot all day, while the stupid people work."

Texas Welfare Lady name Lucy gettin' paid to smoke dope all day - while you work - who da fool now? - YouTube

She should be executed .

Not joking at all.

Too bad she doesn't exist.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

neither do you now what?
Arguing with Bigred is like arguing with a Stop sign. He is a fully indoctrinated Paul Rand type nut, and is a complete waste of time. It is almost as productive as going to the conspiracy thread and trying to convince some nut that Oswald really did kill JFK. He is going to rationalize his theivery by calling himself a patriot. I'm sure that if he were to rob Chase bank, he would spin that into some sort of public service, like the depression era farmers did when banks forclosed on their farms. I'm out of here for a little more sanity, and a little less self delusion.

I've been indoctrinated by Thomas Jefferson. and George Mason. Question for you subject, Dose your money belong to you?
Mine does I do not submit to obamacare you can and start lapping obama's shoes like a dog.
That is fine. But the law states you will report your income, and you do not. You are cheating. The End.

Nope sorry do the working poor also cheat?

If someone else also cheats, does that make what you are doing not cheating? No, it does not.

45 million people don't pay taxes do they cheat?
And you never answered my question what is the purpose of the electoria college?

Yes their loyalties would be with the State legislators, and the state legislators answers directly to the people of that state, and not the one who has the most money. I have more access with my state representatives than I do to my federal elected representatives. hell for what it's worth I just had breakfast the other day with two of my state representatives and a couple of county commissioners, and city council members and the Governors representatives

They feared that that if the people voted for all elected officials they would vote vote themselves more money, it created the mess we have now. That's why we have the electoral college. This is why I am correct.
Arguing with Bigred is like arguing with a Stop sign. He is a fully indoctrinated Paul Rand type nut, and is a complete waste of time. It is almost as productive as going to the conspiracy thread and trying to convince some nut that Oswald really did kill JFK. He is going to rationalize his theivery by calling himself a patriot. I'm sure that if he were to rob Chase bank, he would spin that into some sort of public service, like the depression era farmers did when banks forclosed on their farms. I'm out of here for a little more sanity, and a little less self delusion.

I've been indoctrinated by Thomas Jefferson. and George Mason. Question for you subject, Dose your money belong to you?
Mine does I do not submit to obamacare you can and start lapping obama's shoes like a dog.

BREAKING NEWS: The CDC today announced that there is a virulent new virus on on the loose. The virus is called the Human Deceleritis Virus, or HDV for short. It is apparently spread via the internet and people most at risk are plumbers who only work for cash under the table. Symptoms include the inability to write a coherent sentence or to apply logic and/or rational thought. There is no known cure but fortunately no fatalities either. Those afflicted with Deceleritis will be unaware that they suffer from the symptoms.
I don't exist?

Am I like a unicorn?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

I don't know do you?

You are retarded and the call in is a fake, but way to spread more lies.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

You said she doesn't exist, how do you know that? I say you don't exist all I see is a bunch of computerized words I don't see a person.
What evidence do you have that it was a fake call?
And yes liberals listen to conservative media.
Looky here.... It's all fake. Called that one a mile away.
KLBJ's False Flag - Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story - News Daily - The Austin Chronicle

God! Bigrig, why didn't you make sure before posting it?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

The Austin Chronicle is an independent, locally owned and operated alternative newsweekly that reflects the heart and soul of Austin, Texas. Boasting a readership of 195,000 weekly, the Chronicle addresses the community's political and environmental concerns, expresses Austin's rich cultural scene, and provides in-depth coverage of the Capital City's live music and entertainment venues, performing arts centers, restaurants, recreational activities, and outdoor excursions.

The Chronicle sponsors annual events like the South by Southwest Music, Film, and Interactive Conferences and Festivals, the annual Austin Music Awards, and The Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival, the largest in the world. Special annual issues include "Best of Austin," the Restaurant Poll, the Austin Music Awards, and the Short Story Contest.

If it's important to Austin, it's in the Chronicle.

About - The Austin Chronicle

I think it's just a liberal rag.
I don't know do you?

You are retarded and the call in is a fake, but way to spread more lies.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

You said she doesn't exist, how do you know that? I say you don't exist all I see is a bunch of computerized words I don't see a person.

What evidence do you have that it was a fake call?

And yes liberals listen to conservative media.

I just provided a link proving it was fake, moron. But since you seem to be special, here ya go. "Lucy" made it all up and called back and admitted it.

Fucking sheep!

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
You are retarded and the call in is a fake, but way to spread more lies.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

You said she doesn't exist, how do you know that? I say you don't exist all I see is a bunch of computerized words I don't see a person.

What evidence do you have that it was a fake call?

And yes liberals listen to conservative media.

I just provided a link proving it was fake, moron. But since you seem to be special, here ya go. "Lucy" made it all up and called back and admitted it.
KLBJ's False Flag - Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story - News Daily - The Austin Chronicle

Fucking sheep!

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Proof from a liberal rag? Sure.
You are retarded and the call in is a fake, but way to spread more lies.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

You said she doesn't exist, how do you know that? I say you don't exist all I see is a bunch of computerized words I don't see a person.

What evidence do you have that it was a fake call?

And yes liberals listen to conservative media.

I just provided a link proving it was fake, moron. But since you seem to be special, here ya go. "Lucy" made it all up and called back and admitted it.
KLBJ's False Flag - Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story - News Daily - The Austin Chronicle

Fucking sheep!

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Just to be devil's advocate, it IS possible that she's real and after getting off the phone realized she probably shouldn't have admitted to being such a slug on the air.

The point remains, there ARE people who use the system like this, and they are not bashful about it at all.
You said she doesn't exist, how do you know that? I say you don't exist all I see is a bunch of computerized words I don't see a person.

What evidence do you have that it was a fake call?

And yes liberals listen to conservative media.

I just provided a link proving it was fake, moron. But since you seem to be special, here ya go. "Lucy" made it all up and called back and admitted it.

KLBJ's False Flag - Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story - News Daily - The Austin Chronicle

Fucking sheep!

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Proof from a liberal rag? Sure.

Wow! You are a special kind of stupid.
Go drink more Kool Aid.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
You said she doesn't exist, how do you know that? I say you don't exist all I see is a bunch of computerized words I don't see a person.

What evidence do you have that it was a fake call?

And yes liberals listen to conservative media.

I just provided a link proving it was fake, moron. But since you seem to be special, here ya go. "Lucy" made it all up and called back and admitted it.
KLBJ's False Flag - Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story - News Daily - The Austin Chronicle

Fucking sheep!

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Proof from a liberal rag? Sure.

That you are a sheep, bigreb? Truth is truth regardless of the messenger.
You said she doesn't exist, how do you know that? I say you don't exist all I see is a bunch of computerized words I don't see a person.

What evidence do you have that it was a fake call?

And yes liberals listen to conservative media.

I just provided a link proving it was fake, moron. But since you seem to be special, here ya go. "Lucy" made it all up and called back and admitted it.

KLBJ's False Flag - Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story - News Daily - The Austin Chronicle

Fucking sheep!

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Just to be devil's advocate, it IS possible that she's real and after getting off the phone realized she probably shouldn't have admitted to being such a slug on the air.

The point remains, there ARE people who use the system like this, and they are not bashful about it at all.

Yes there are assholes on TANF, which is what it is actually called. There are assholes everywhere.

And wouldn't an asshole be someone who didn't read the link? I will give you a hint, she agrees there are assholes.
You don't think it bugs me? Especially me? I used it for two months and then went back to work. Living on TANF isn't paradise. I had enough money to buy insurance for my car and support my son for the month. I hated it, and I saw a few women that took advantage of it. I saw a lot more taking advantage of all the job building skills they offered.
In my state you have to attend 8 job building modules, and do job search on top of that.
The skills I learned a few years ago helped me get my current job. My boss loved how I presented my resume etc..

If you don't bother to actually find out about TANF, like Bigrig. You look like an idiot...
And as for anyone who says your tax dollars supported me. I have worked not counting babysitting since I was fifteen. I supported myself.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

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