Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?

I just provided a link proving it was fake, moron. But since you seem to be special, here ya go. "Lucy" made it all up and called back and admitted it.

KLBJ's False Flag - Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story - News Daily - The Austin Chronicle

Fucking sheep!

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Proof from a liberal rag? Sure.

Wow! You are a special kind of stupid.
Go drink more Kool Aid.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

No the special kind of stupid is you.
Now what makes you think the call was staged?
Because that liberal rag said so?
Proof from a liberal rag? Sure.

Wow! You are a special kind of stupid.

Go drink more Kool Aid.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

No the special kind of stupid is you.

Now what makes you think the call was staged?

Because that liberal rag said so?

No, because the person who called said so, fucking retard.
And it's not a liberal rag, dip shit. It's a free news paper that focuses on music started by the same people who put on south by southwest.

How do you function being so stupid?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Wow! You are a special kind of stupid.

Go drink more Kool Aid.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

No the special kind of stupid is you.

Now what makes you think the call was staged?

Because that liberal rag said so?

No, because the person who called said so, fucking retard.
And it's not a liberal rag, dip shit. It's a free news paper that focuses on music started by the same people who put on south by southwest.

How do you function being so stupid?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Neither source material is verifiable. They are both equally believable/non-believable.
Because for 1200 a month, you can pay rent, buy food, take care of your family and smoke dope all day long.

Something tells me it wasn't that women who was smoking the dope.
No the special kind of stupid is you.

Now what makes you think the call was staged?

Because that liberal rag said so?

No, because the person who called said so, fucking retard.

And it's not a liberal rag, dip shit. It's a free news paper that focuses on music started by the same people who put on south by southwest.

How do you function being so stupid?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Neither source material is verifiable. They are both equally believable/non-believable.

But the audio they link might be.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
The 32 year old woman lists all the support she receives, totaling over $1200 a month, and also informs the hosts that her husband also receives financial assistance but designates these “family benefits.”
She expresses disgust in the inference that people who work are “good people” and insists that she is a good person even though she is on welfare. Lucy then describes her day of lying around and smoking weed.
"I sit on my butt and smoke pot all day, while the stupid people work."
Texas Welfare Lady name Lucy gettin' paid to smoke dope all day - while you work - who da fool now? - YouTube

Yeah, but they vote , early and often.


The 32 year old woman lists all the support she receives, totaling over $1200 a month, and also informs the hosts that her husband also receives financial assistance but designates these “family benefits.”
She expresses disgust in the inference that people who work are “good people” and insists that she is a good person even though she is on welfare. Lucy then describes her day of lying around and smoking weed.
"I sit on my butt and smoke pot all day, while the stupid people work."
Texas Welfare Lady name Lucy gettin' paid to smoke dope all day - while you work - who da fool now? - YouTube

Yeah, but they vote , early and often.



How many are there?

How many of that number vote?
The 32 year old woman lists all the support she receives, totaling over $1200 a month, and also informs the hosts that her husband also receives financial assistance but designates these “family benefits.”
She expresses disgust in the inference that people who work are “good people” and insists that she is a good person even though she is on welfare. Lucy then describes her day of lying around and smoking weed.
"I sit on my butt and smoke pot all day, while the stupid people work."
Texas Welfare Lady name Lucy gettin' paid to smoke dope all day - while you work - who da fool now? - YouTube

Yeah, but they vote , early and often.



With all the power that the corporations buy representation?

Doubt it, meat head.
Wow! You are a special kind of stupid.

Go drink more Kool Aid.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

No the special kind of stupid is you.

Now what makes you think the call was staged?

Because that liberal rag said so?

No, because the person who called said so, fucking retard.
And it's not a liberal rag, dip shit. It's a free news paper that focuses on music started by the same people who put on south by southwest.

How do you function being so stupid?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

arrogance will make people say anything. She's part of the entitlement class.
No the special kind of stupid is you.

Now what makes you think the call was staged?

Because that liberal rag said so?

No, because the person who called said so, fucking retard.
And it's not a liberal rag, dip shit. It's a free news paper that focuses on music started by the same people who put on south by southwest.

How do you function being so stupid?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

arrogance will make people say anything. She's part of the entitlement class.

You mean like someone who, after their candidate lost an election and a crappy piece of legislation went thru, decided to cheat to avoid paying taxes and freeload on what others pay for? That kind of entitlement? Where you feel entitled to cheat because you don't like part of what your taxes pay for?
No the special kind of stupid is you.

Now what makes you think the call was staged?

Because that liberal rag said so?

No, because the person who called said so, fucking retard.

And it's not a liberal rag, dip shit. It's a free news paper that focuses on music started by the same people who put on south by southwest.

How do you function being so stupid?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

arrogance will make people say anything. She's part of the entitlement class.

Just shut up now.
You are a disgrace to other Americans.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
No, because the person who called said so, fucking retard.

And it's not a liberal rag, dip shit. It's a free news paper that focuses on music started by the same people who put on south by southwest.

How do you function being so stupid?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

arrogance will make people say anything. She's part of the entitlement class.

Just shut up now.
You are a disgrace to other Americans.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

He is butthurt from this thread and his deceleration thread. But yeah, he is a disgrace.
I just provided a link proving it was fake, moron. But since you seem to be special, here ya go. "Lucy" made it all up and called back and admitted it.

KLBJ's False Flag - Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story - News Daily - The Austin Chronicle

Fucking sheep!

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Just to be devil's advocate, it IS possible that she's real and after getting off the phone realized she probably shouldn't have admitted to being such a slug on the air.

The point remains, there ARE people who use the system like this, and they are not bashful about it at all.

Yes there are assholes on TANF, which is what it is actually called. There are assholes everywhere.

And wouldn't an asshole be someone who didn't read the link? I will give you a hint, she agrees there are assholes.
You don't think it bugs me? Especially me? I used it for two months and then went back to work. Living on TANF isn't paradise. I had enough money to buy insurance for my car and support my son for the month. I hated it, and I saw a few women that took advantage of it. I saw a lot more taking advantage of all the job building skills they offered.
In my state you have to attend 8 job building modules, and do job search on top of that.
The skills I learned a few years ago helped me get my current job. My boss loved how I presented my resume etc..

If you don't bother to actually find out about TANF, like Bigrig. You look like an idiot...
And as for anyone who says your tax dollars supported me. I have worked not counting babysitting since I was fifteen. I supported myself.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

woah woah woah, just because I point out a possibility doesn't mean I hate the programs or think that everyone who uses them is a loser or something. Far from it, I fully believe that the programs SHOULD be used when people need them.

I am ONLY pointing out that there ARE people who are abusing the systems, that doesn't mean I want to do away with the system, or kick everyone off. I would like to see some changes though.
No the special kind of stupid is you.

Now what makes you think the call was staged?

Because that liberal rag said so?

No, because the person who called said so, fucking retard.
And it's not a liberal rag, dip shit. It's a free news paper that focuses on music started by the same people who put on south by southwest.

How do you function being so stupid?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

arrogance will make people say anything. She's part of the entitlement class.

There is no ‘entitlement class,’ it’s an ignorant, hateful contrivance of the right.

But it’s consistent with the authoritarianism you and most others on the right practice, where you feel the need to label citizens as belonging to some ‘class,’ separate and apart from the rest of society because you disapprove of who they are.

Consequently, the arrogance belongs solely to conservatives.
No, because the person who called said so, fucking retard.
And it's not a liberal rag, dip shit. It's a free news paper that focuses on music started by the same people who put on south by southwest.

How do you function being so stupid?

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

arrogance will make people say anything. She's part of the entitlement class.

There is no ‘entitlement class,’ it’s an ignorant, hateful contrivance of the right.

But it’s consistent with the authoritarianism you and most others on the right practice, where you feel the need to label citizens as belonging to some ‘class,’ separate and apart from the rest of society because you disapprove of who they are.

Consequently, the arrogance belongs solely to conservatives.
This is one of the patently stupid arguments it has ever been my misfortune to read. Your conclusion is nothing less than mind-boggling.
Being able to put a series of words together grammatically is not tantamount to forming a coherent argument.

Self-righteousness is not enough.

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