Maddow Goes After Justice Ginsburg In Gentle Nudge To Step Down


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
In what otherwise appears as an upbeat "you go girl!" opinion editorial, sneaks some more than gentle innuendo that Maddow is after Justice Ginsburg to step down:

Ginsburg appeared to be in good health and good spirits, even with the strain of her husband's death and a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in 2009. She underwent surgery and chemotherapy for the cancer and was hospitalized on two other occasions last year but is maintaining an active travel schedule that is taking her across the country at least twice this summer.
There has been persistent speculation that Ginsburg could retire next year and give Obama his third vacancy to fill in as many years.
Next year probably would be Obama's last chance to get a Supreme Court nominee through the Senate before the 2012 presidential election. There hasn't been an election-year Supreme Court retirement in more than 40 years because, among other things, the opposition party in the Senate is inclined to wait for election results in the hope that it will capture the White House. Ginsburg says no plans to leave Supreme Court - politics - Supreme Court NBC News

Now I've been wrong before. But what I'm reading here in Maddow's article is "look lady, you're old, sick and you just lost your husband. Plus, we're afraid we might not take congress this Fall. And if we don't and you're still there then, the liberal left cannot install another gay activist on the Bench. So please for the love of God, even though we really like how you've voted, we don't want you to die right during a GOP Congress or Administration!"

Proving the political nature of the Justice distribution in SCOTUS. Which is supposed to not be happening. I warned about how damaging the gay militia was to the democratic party and left of center values and platforms. And now we're supposed to remove a Justice in order to forward that agenda? As opposed to Maddow, I actualy support Ginsburg staying on the Bench; even though I'm not thrilled with how she judges all the time.

If it's true that Ginsburg's husband just died, what a smack in the face to this grieving person to ask her to kill her career at the same time? Often a career is the only thing that will get a person through this. And as Justice Ginsburg said, her husband would've wanted her to stay and carry on with her important Role.
Leave it to the Left to use the death of a spouse for political purposes
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RG does not believe BHO can get a nomination through the Senate who will have her same values and understanding of the Constitution.
Ginsberg says the primary reason she doesn't want to step down is that Obama would not be able to get someone like her (dependable liberal) through Congress.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Why I can t resign now - Jonathan Topaz -

Well I get that part. But for some reason, it appears as if Maddow sees that her reasoning is wrong and wants her to step down. Maddow is very clever at weaving innuendo intended to kill with kindness. The quote in the OP from her article is saying what I think it is actually. If she was in favor of Ginsburg staying, it would've been worded differently. For example, the sentences "...even with the strain of her husband's death and a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in 2009. She underwent surgery and chemotherapy for the cancer and was hospitalized on two other occasions last year but is maintaining an active travel schedule that is taking her across the country at least twice this summer." might be more flatteringly written like this:

"Even with the sad loss of her husband who supported her on the Bench and her diagnosis of cancer [pancreatic is highly lethal so it was included for emphasis] in 2009. She had successful surgery and is in remission with some minor incidents and is still active and travelling."

The gloom and doom woven into Maddow's surficially upbeat-appearing prognosis for Ginsburg is obvious. And given that Ginsburg may be right about Obama not being able to get an acceptable replacement, one wonders why Maddow would want her to step down? Other than Maddow seems to know that the GOP will have the Senate leadership this Fall and possibly the 2016 Administration win? And that she fears Ginsburg will not live out that hold of power?
Ginsberg says the primary reason she doesn't want to step down is that Obama would not be able to get someone like her (dependable liberal) through Congress.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Why I can t resign now - Jonathan Topaz -

Well I get that part. But for some reason, it appears as if Maddow sees that her reasoning is wrong and wants her to step down. Maddow is very clever at weaving innuendo intended to kill with kindness. The quote in the OP from her article is saying what I think it is actually. If she was in favor of Ginsburg staying, it would've been worded differently. For example, the sentences "...even with the strain of her husband's death and a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in 2009. She underwent surgery and chemotherapy for the cancer and was hospitalized on two other occasions last year but is maintaining an active travel schedule that is taking her across the country at least twice this summer." might be more flatteringly written like this:

"Even with the sad loss of her husband who supported her on the Bench and her diagnosis of cancer [pancreatic is highly lethal so it was included for emphasis] in 2009. She had successful surgery and is in remission with some minor incidents and is still active and travelling."

The gloom and doom woven into Maddow's surficially upbeat-appearing prognosis for Ginsburg is obvious. And given that Ginsburg may be right about Obama not being able to get an acceptable replacement, one wonders why Maddow would want her to step down? Other than Maddow seems to know that the GOP will have the Senate leadership this Fall and possibly the 2016 Administration win? And that she fears Ginsburg will not live out that hold of power?

That's my guess. If the GOP takes the Senate (if), it could only get tougher than it already is for Obama to get someone through who he wants. At Ginsburg's age, this makes sense, and she certainly can't be expected to last through even a one-term GOP administration, she's 81, right?

That's my guess. If the GOP takes the Senate (if), it could only get tougher than it already is for Obama to get someone through who he wants. At Ginsburg's age, this makes sense, and she certainly can't be expected to last through even a one-term GOP administration, she's 81, right?


From the OP link it says she's 77 years old. But asking her to step down would be like doing a voodoo hex on her health. People that age with that load of issues can only live if they cling to their career or activity that gives them purpose and hope. It seems to prolong their life beyond even reason. I've noticed that over the decades of watching how things seem to go.

Ginsburg stubbornly insisting that she's going to live to retire ad 82 means she may just do that. Or she may retire even later. I just think Maddow has aspirations that are vastly more important to her than positive thinking on Gisburg's health.
RG does not believe BHO can get a nomination through the Senate who will have her same values and understanding of the Constitution.
I think it's pretty certain the gop would not agree to any Obama nominee, in any event, even if he were Jesus Christ, or perhaps especially if he were Jesus Christ. (-: They'd just let it go with 8.

The next potus election will be critical. If Hill wins, citizens united will be flushed. If not, Roe may be.
Ginsbergs days are numbered anyway
She will step down before Obama leaves office

The key will be when Hillary takes over in 2017 and the old Conservative justices try to wait her out
Scalia and Kennedy will both be 80. So, if a goper wins in 16 HE will have 3 nominations, most likely.
I don't think it's a big deal one way or the other. I thought she should just drop the mic and walk off the stage after that brilliant 35 page dissent in the Hobby Lobby case but I won't call for her to retire because that's her call.

I am not concerned with the US Senate. The numbers are too close to call and even if they get a "majority", it will be quite small.

They would need to win 4 of the 8 "toss ups" according to RCP. I don't see it.

Kansas: It's going to Orman and he will causus with democrats. (My opinion)

Alaska: Sullivan is winning in the polls but the Marijuana issue will get many young voters out so it's too close to call

Arkansas: Cotton is still well within the margin of error. But Republicans will likely win that one.

Colorado: Please. Democrats.

Iowa: Statiscal tie. Democrats should win out come closer to election day.

New Hampshire and North Carolina: Democrats.

So out of those 8 tossups, I see 1, maybe 2 republican victories.
Ginsbergs days are numbered anyway
She will step down before Obama leaves office

The key will be when Hillary takes over in 2017 and the old Conservative justices try to wait her out
It's funny. In one breath you're giving a vote of "no confidence" to an old woman, perhaps too old for the demanding job of Supreme Court Justice. On the other hand, Hilliary Clinton will be 69 if running in 2016 and 70 in her first year of Office if she survives the rigors of the campaign trail [for there will be many] without more undue damage to her health. At the end of what will surely be an even worse stalemate than the GOP had with Obama, she may make it to 74, to be one of the oldest presidents in US History.

Maybe the oddly named "rightwinger" thinks the public will be all about having an old woman run the country in times of peril, terror and unique woes like this nation has seldom known, but I think Hilliary is unelectable because of her age now. Had Obama been gracious and done a split term with her, allowing her to run in 2012, this would be a different story.

So on the one hand rightwinger is saying "Ginsburg is an old woman who should step down". On the other hand, s/he is saying that Hillary's advanced age detracts in no way from a job that is easily 1,000 times more stressful than a cloistered Justice. Odd, that...
She's gonna resign any minute now.

Why in hell do you think Holder quit?

Easier for Our Kenyan President to nominate a noted attorney to replace her than a disgraced attorney f'ing general!
Ginsbergs days are numbered anyway
She will step down before Obama leaves office

The key will be when Hillary takes over in 2017 and the old Conservative justices try to wait her out
It's funny. In one breath you're giving a vote of "no confidence" to an old woman, perhaps too old for the demanding job of Supreme Court Justice. On the other hand, Hilliary Clinton will be 69 if running in 2016 and 70 in her first year of Office if she survives the rigors of the campaign trail [for there will be many] without more undue damage to her health. At the end of what will surely be an even worse stalemate than the GOP had with Obama, she may make it to 74, to be one of the oldest presidents in US History.

Maybe the oddly named "rightwinger" thinks the public will be all about having an old woman run the country in times of peril, terror and unique woes like this nation has seldom known, but I think Hilliary is unelectable because of her age now. Had Obama been gracious and done a split term with her, allowing her to run in 2012, this would be a different story.

So on the one hand rightwinger is saying "Ginsburg is an old woman who should step down". On the other hand, s/he is saying that Hillary's advanced age detracts in no way from a job that is easily 1,000 times more stressful than a cloistered Justice. Odd, that...

Have you always had reading comprehension problems?

I said she will step down before Obama leaves office. That is the way things work. If a justice thinks they will not be willing or able to act as a judge throughout the next term, they will step down to ensure that a like minded judge replaces them

Just watch and see how long Scalia hangs on
Ginsbergs days are numbered anyway
She will step down before Obama leaves office

The key will be when Hillary takes over in 2017 and the old Conservative justices try to wait her out
It's funny. In one breath you're giving a vote of "no confidence" to an old woman, perhaps too old for the demanding job of Supreme Court Justice. On the other hand, Hilliary Clinton will be 69 if running in 2016 and 70 in her first year of Office if she survives the rigors of the campaign trail [for there will be many] without more undue damage to her health. At the end of what will surely be an even worse stalemate than the GOP had with Obama, she may make it to 74, to be one of the oldest presidents in US History.

Maybe the oddly named "rightwinger" thinks the public will be all about having an old woman run the country in times of peril, terror and unique woes like this nation has seldom known, but I think Hilliary is unelectable because of her age now. Had Obama been gracious and done a split term with her, allowing her to run in 2012, this would be a different story.

So on the one hand rightwinger is saying "Ginsburg is an old woman who should step down". On the other hand, s/he is saying that Hillary's advanced age detracts in no way from a job that is easily 1,000 times more stressful than a cloistered Justice. Odd, that...

Have you always had reading comprehension problems?

I said she will step down before Obama leaves office. That is the way things work. If a justice thinks they will not be willing or able to act as a judge throughout the next term, they will step down to ensure that a like minded judge replaces them

Just watch and see how long Scalia hangs on
She's not gonna quit unless she's dying or her mind is going.
If the Dem candidate win in November, she will resign the next day, and the bargaining will begin with the GOP as to what they want in return for not scuttling the ratification.

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