Maga Crowd Turns On Trump

Oh really? Ashli certainly did. The guy sitting in Pelosi's chair did.

Oh really, Bonehead? SHADES OF SOUTHERN JUSTICE! STRING THE FUCKERS UP! GET A ROPE. 24 hours after being tracked down and not even seen his day in court, his life is already over? His story is quite different: he didn't break any windows, he and the others were pushed in by the mob. He says he was mostly just walking around looking for a bathroom. What crime did he commit? Sitting in Nancy's chair for a few harmless shits and grins?

Let's hope no one ever has YOU for their attorney.

How many people over the six straight months of rioting, looting, killing, burning and destruction have thrown their lives away? Any idea?

Once again, a small group of malcontents started the forced entry, were assisted by capitol police and others, and mostly walked around a building looking at stuff and asking to see their representatives.

Maybe YOU think our elected officials are Elite Hoity Toities, but I don't think they are any better than you or me and someone should have simply come out before they entered at the bottom of the steps and offered to meet with a few of them to hear their grievances.

One more time, NONE OF THIS would have ever happened at all in the first place if the democrats had not set up an election so fraught with malfeasance and dubious actions that SCREAMED of improprieties then set up a media and legal barricade to ignore and denounce all of the objections without even a fair look.

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Not me, all I need is fresh air. I can run back and forth across Walmart parking lot with ease. Wanna race? Ha Ha Hah

So can I when it isn't 96° and 70% humidity outside, asshole. I see you are a pathetic loser pitiable drip whole thinks it funny trying to make fun of people with allergies. I bet you get a real laugh at the injured, sick, disabled! You are positively off your chair laughing at fallen vets, those killed in combat, people suffering from industrial accidents, handicaps, and injuries or in the service of their country! You're also probably real good with hurting small animals.

Like I said, I may not be the youngest or the most athletic person here anymore, but I spent my life training in martial arts, am real big and strong and know I can certainly kick your pathetic ass a new mudhole. And that's all that really counts. :21:

Any time you want to try me out fucker, just PM me to let me know where to find you.
The MAGA crowd has not turned on Trump. Trump is getting more support and more followers each and every day.

Knowing Trump it will continue to grow.

The Rasmussen poll, one of the most accurate polls of the 2020 election, finds President Trump’s approval is actually rising after Wednesday‘s protests.
As Democrats move to impeachment and some establishment Republicans call for the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, the poll finds 48% approve of the President’s job performance.
A source close to the polling firm tells Newsmax that the rolling survey saw Trump’s approval soar to 51% on Thursday night.
Trump’s approval has been up overall, jumping from 45% just before Christmas.

“Americans are disgusted that cities burned for months and Washington and the media did nothing,” our source says, “But they still like Trump.”
You really believe he is self-made? You don't know much truth about your orange-hued hero.

I know more about Trump than you ever will, Fuckwad. I know people who've had PERSONAL dealings with the guy. The guy has never collected one dime off the taxpayers donating his POTUS salary to charities. Can you name ONE JOB Biden has ever had working in the private sector? One company or business he ever started? One job he ever created? One time card he ever punched? One deadline, budget or payroll he's ever made? The guy went straight from school into politics and 49 years later is still sponging every penny he has off your fat, dumb ass. :21:

Looks like reality just smacked em in the face.

They just now realize that Trump is not and can not continue as president and they're PISSED AT HIM!

I guess the idea of ruining their lives for this fraud is a little too much
To think they thought they would not be thrown under the bus by the LOTUS as soon as he thought it would give him an advantage. That's hilarious.
Can you name ONE JOB Biden has ever had working in the private sector? One company or business he ever started? One job he ever created? One time card he ever punched? One deadline, budget or payroll he's ever made?
One contractor he's ever stiffed, one casino he's ever bankrupted, one porn star he's ever paid off, one insurrection he's ever incited? Pffft, he's a nothing....
One contractor he's ever stiffed, one casino he's ever bankrupted, one porn star he's ever paid off, one insurrection he's ever incited? Pffft, he's a nothing....

Joe Biden has stiffed 10,000 contractors with his insane progressive government regulations!

Joe's put millions of businesses out of business. Many of them last year with his shutdowns. He's going to put many more under this year.

Biden's had a long line of hussies, dalliances, not to mention all the children he's fondled and swung his dick at SS female employees. Then there are all the women he assaulted. He's bought Ukraine and China while moving millions under the table for himself. Or do you think Joe's got rich just being a senator who can't even fucking read?

And he is inciting an insurrection right now: from calling Trump supporters names during the election to calling a hundred thousand protestors "thugs" just because a handful of them went into the Congress.

But thanks for pointing out Joe's never made a DIME in his life that didn't come out of another's pocket! You see, in the REAL WORLD, you are paid according to what you produce in return for the economy. All Joe has ever produced in his fat, bald life is METHANE GAS. :21:
am real big and strong

Me am big and stwong

BWAHAHAHAHAH fucking pathetic
I know more about Trump than you ever will, Fuckwad. I know people who've had PERSONAL dealings with the guy.

Only two kinds of people say that. Those who have been screwed by him and still hope to get ten cents on the dollar

And those like Michael Cohen making money off him. Usually those two overlap
Really tough guy? You gonna beat my ass?

You pathetic loser
The RWNJs found the cult leader they've waited their lifetimes to follow.

At least the guy is an independent, self-made man who's succeeded at a million things.

I see you've found your cult leader as well.

View attachment 439878

80 year old has-been three time loser cheating crook pervert willing to sell out his country for a few months in the limelight to pad his fat wallet because the guy's never worked a day in his life at a real job earning money adding to the economy instead sponging off idiots like you.
You really believe he is self-made? You don't know much truth about your orange-hued hero.

Stay away from his books if you want the truth. But, that would be impossible for you or any other of his cultists.


Eaten any good books lately? :muahaha:
The MAGA crowd has not turned on Trump. Trump is getting more support and more followers each and every day.

Knowing Trump it will continue to grow.

The Rasmussen poll, one of the most accurate polls of the 2020 election, finds President Trump’s approval is actually rising after Wednesday‘s protests.
As Democrats move to impeachment and some establishment Republicans call for the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, the poll finds 48% approve of the President’s job performance.
A source close to the polling firm tells Newsmax that the rolling survey saw Trump’s approval soar to 51% on Thursday night.
Trump’s approval has been up overall, jumping from 45% just before Christmas.

“Americans are disgusted that cities burned for months and Washington and the media did nothing,” our source says, “But they still like Trump.”

Your newsmax cite is just making shit up. Here is the real Rasmussen Poll as of Jan 8.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
35% strongly approve of Rump while 42% strongly disaprove. The rest of the Rasmussen report is heavily slanted but when you take that part out of it you will find that the majority of the Citizens disprove of Rump.

Considering that the Rumpsters make up about 36% of the total group, it's not surprising of the 35% number. It's been hovering right about there since the Election. But what's been increasing is the Rump strong disapproval rating. Overall, Rump has a negative approval rating at about the same that the Nov 3rd vote shows. Except it's getting worse.
Someone please explain this devotion to any one person besides Christ. And I'm talking both parties(cults). Where does this type of thinking come from. Most people cast a vote and are too busy working at their lousy underpaid jobs to care so much. Where does this love come from?
The MAGA crowd has not turned on Trump. Trump is getting more support and more followers each and every day.

Knowing Trump it will continue to grow.

The Rasmussen poll, one of the most accurate polls of the 2020 election, finds President Trump’s approval is actually rising after Wednesday‘s protests.
As Democrats move to impeachment and some establishment Republicans call for the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, the poll finds 48% approve of the President’s job performance.
A source close to the polling firm tells Newsmax that the rolling survey saw Trump’s approval soar to 51% on Thursday night.
Trump’s approval has been up overall, jumping from 45% just before Christmas.

“Americans are disgusted that cities burned for months and Washington and the media did nothing,” our source says, “But they still like Trump.”

Your newsmax cite is just making shit up. Here is the real Rasmussen Poll as of Jan 8.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
35% strongly approve of Rump while 42% strongly disaprove. The rest of the Rasmussen report is heavily slanted but when you take that part out of it you will find that the majority of the Citizens disprove of Rump.

Considering that the Rumpsters make up about 36% of the total group, it's not surprising of the 35% number. It's been hovering right about there since the Election. But what's been increasing is the Rump strong disapproval rating. Overall, Rump has a negative approval rating at about the same that the Nov 3rd vote shows. Except it's getting worse.
Kinda like CNN.
Cool, I'll keep watching them.
Well, since the article I listed is time stamped for yesterday evening at 10:42 pm and the article you posted says "Regular updates are posted Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. Eastern."
I guess we'll have to wait and see if its true.
Trump was a better president then Biden will ever be and one friend told me she thinks Biden will serve 2 years then Kamala Harris will be President. She supports it, though, but I dont. I liked when Trump made a law to defund critical race theory in education. That was truly a patriotic movement. I think the Trumpists will come again in 4 years, and they will make oppossition.
You people are now known as the seditionist faction...good luck winning anything but some office in a hick town controlled by right wing fringe groups.
You really believe he is self-made? You don't know much truth about your orange-hued hero.

I know more about Trump than you ever will, Fuckwad. I know people who've had PERSONAL dealings with the guy. The guy has never collected one dime off the taxpayers donating his POTUS salary to charities. Can you name ONE JOB Biden has ever had working in the private sector? One company or business he ever started? One job he ever created? One time card he ever punched? One deadline, budget or payroll he's ever made? The guy went straight from school into politics and 49 years later is still sponging every penny he has off your fat, dumb ass. :21:
His power of persuasion certainly made a fool of you. But not to worry, 73 million other right-wing chumps joined you. And they are as self-assured of their intimate knowledge and relationship with the grifter-in-chief as you.


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