MAGA strikes back.

So, the fact that the Joseph Stalin Biden Justice Department has been politicized, and weaponized against a political opponent is cool with you? You should be ashamed of yourself, but liberals do not even understand the word!
The fact, Trump was President, tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 election, rallied supporter in Washington, having them march on The Capital, to disrupt a joint session of congress, so as to change the election outcome, resulting in an attack on the capital and death, and is now being prosecuted for some of his crimes and conspiracies against the constitution, the government and the people and voters of the United State, is not a political matter as much as a legal matter. It is what is required to make sure, it does not happen again. The leader cannot just walk away from his illegal activities, just because he speaks for your side. He broke faith and his oath to The Constitution.
The fact, Trump was President, tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 election, rallied supporter in Washington, having them march on The Capital, to disrupt a joint session of congress, so as to change the election outcome, resulting in an attack on the capital and death, and is now being prosecuted for some of his crimes and conspiracies against the constitution, the government and the people and voters of the United State, is not a political matter as much as a legal matter. It is what is required to make sure, it does not happen again. The leader cannot just walk away from his illegal activities, just because he speaks for your side. He broke faith and his oath to The Constitution.
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I know you're joking. You can't actually believe what the Mainstream Media has spoon-fed the rest of the gullible public. I hope you're smarter than that.
I know you're joking. You can't actually believe what the Mainstream Media has spoon-fed the rest of the gullible public. I hope you're smarter than that.
I didn't like what a saw on Jan 6, 2021 and take a dim view of trying to overthrow elections, decided by the people. I suspect he is guilty of many things. If he proves his innocence, I will be surprised, but go with the judgement of the juries. Best I can offer you.
I didn't like what a saw on Jan 6, 2021 and take a dim view of trying to overthrow elections, decided by the people. I suspect he is guilty of many things. If he proves his innocence, I will be surprised, but go with the judgement of the juries. Best I can offer you.
Jan 6 was tame compared to the violent acts in cities across America urged on by the Dems. The vast majority of the protesters remained non-violent. None of them were armed. The crowd had been infiltrated by the FBI and/or their “assets.” The Capitol Police opened doors; lowered barriers; and ushered people through the building. Nancy Pelosi turned down offers to have the National Guard present to help keep the peace. J6 was hardly an “insurrection.” But I can lead a horse to water. Drinking is up to him.
Jan 6 was tame compared to the violent acts in cities across America urged on by the Dems. The vast majority of the protesters remained non-violent. None of them were armed. The crowd had been infiltrated by the FBI and/or their “assets.” The Capitol Police opened doors; lowered barriers; and ushered people through the building. Nancy Pelosi turned down offers to have the National Guard present to help keep the peace. J6 was hardly an “insurrection.” But I can lead a horse to water. Drinking is up to him.
I didn't approve of them either. That does nothing to justify Donny working to overthrow free election that he lost. If successful, we would never have another election worth voting in and this experiment in representative democracy would be over. So, now, the mechanisms of that government based on our constitution and laws will be brought to bear on trump and those that would have destroyed the country as we know it. It will be decided in 4 different courts by juries of the accused' peers, as is our law. I will watch, as you will and abide by the decision of the courts, I pay taxes to keep running the ongoing slow grinding wheels of justice.
I didn't approve of them either. That does nothing to justify Donny working to overthrow free election that he lost. If successful, we would never have another election worth voting in and this experiment in representative democracy would be over. So, now, the mechanisms of that government based on our constitution and laws will be brought to bear on trump and those that would have destroyed the country as we know it. It will be decided in 4 different courts by juries of the accused' peers, as is our law. I will watch, as you will and abide by the decision of the courts, I pay taxes to keep running the ongoing slow grinding wheels of justice.
I'm not too certain that voting has really made any difference for a couple of decades. Candidates from both sides are chosen by the elitists, and American voter gets to pretend that their votes count. The last election is proof that elections can be and are manipulated to favor the pre-chosen “winner.” But I guess it gives all of us that false sense of significance that we all need to feel good about ourselves.

Dems and RINOs have taken turns running America, and yet we find ourselves in the quagmire we're in. But remember to vote, folks. It's our civic duty.
I didn't approve of them either. That does nothing to justify Donny working to overthrow free election that he lost. If successful, we would never have another election worth voting in and this experiment in representative democracy would be over. So, now, the mechanisms of that government based on our constitution and laws will be brought to bear on trump and those that would have destroyed the country as we know it. It will be decided in 4 different courts by juries of the accused' peers, as is our law. I will watch, as you will and abide by the decision of the courts, I pay taxes to keep running the ongoing slow grinding wheels of justice.
What is funny is you think those Juries can be impartial after all of the B.S they have bneen fed about Trump for 7 years especially in heavily populated democrat cities
What is funny is you think those Juries can be impartial after all of the B.S they have bneen fed about Trump for 7 years especially in heavily populated democrat cities
What about all the B.S. you cultists have been fed? You guys have lost all objectivity, living on the Kool-Aid that has poisoned your mind to the truth. Donny is bad news, hates The Constitution, Rule of Law, Law Enforcement investigation entities established at Federal and State level, and all media or new organizations he cannot control, hoping to destroy all the above. Fuck him and anybody that thinks like him or is controlled by him. Let the trial proceed and the juries acting like juries alway have, selected mutual questioning of defense and prosecution, commence and the chips fall where they may, as justice slowly grinds to the truth and responsibility for actions against the laws of the land.
What about all the B.S. you cultists have been fed? You guys have lost all objectivity, living on the Kool-Aid that has poisoned your mind to the truth. Donny is bad news, hates The Constitution, Rule of Law, Law Enforcement investigation entities established at Federal and State level, and all media or new organizations he cannot control, hoping to destroy all the above. Fuck him and anybody that thinks like him or is controlled by him. Let the trial proceed and the juries acting like juries alway have, selected mutual questioning of defense and prosecution, commence and the chips fall where they may, as justice slowly grinds to the truth and responsibility for actions against the laws of the land.
We're not the ones licking up the slop CNN or FAUX throws in front of us or the lies the Swamp Creatures in D.C. program the masses to believe. Sad to see the sheeple so easily led by their noses.

We're not the ones licking up the slop CNN or FAUX throws in front of us or the lies the Swamp Creatures in D.C. program the masses to believe. Sad to see the sheeple so easily led by their noses.

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"the Swamp Creatures in D.C." you should fear are Trumps own staffers and executives, such as Mark Meadows, who like many trump associated before him, appear to care more about their own hide, than trump ass, though they licked it, while the licking was good to them. Do you still have the taste in your mouth? A pity.
What about all the B.S. you cultists have been fed? You guys have lost all objectivity, living on the Kool-Aid that has poisoned your mind to the truth. Donny is bad news, hates The Constitution, Rule of Law, Law Enforcement investigation entities established at Federal and State level, and all media or new organizations he cannot control, hoping to destroy all the above. Fuck him and anybody that thinks like him or is controlled by him. Let the trial proceed and the juries acting like juries alway have, selected mutual questioning of defense and prosecution, commence and the chips fall where they may, as justice slowly grinds to the truth and responsibility for actions against the laws of the land.
MAGAS hate anyone controlled by the corrupt Democrat party, corrupt DOJ and corrupt media.
MAGAS hate anyone controlled by the corrupt Democrat party, corrupt DOJ and corrupt media.
Funny. I thought they just hated anybody that wasn't a trump MAGA Party Kool Aid drinker or still believed in our country.

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