MAGA - The Words Have Changed

I can't believe your blob caved.
You can't believe it either it seems.
Nothing to believe. Funny how you never get tired of posting nonsense. Can't wait to see the wall construction next month. Just in time for Washington's birthday. Cool. :salute:
It's no longer Make America Great Again.

It's now MADE America Great Again. :biggrin:

Lol the denial you people are in is just hilarious.
It's no longer Make America Great Again.

It's now MADE America Great Again. :biggrin:


And show us all your link to unbiased, factual proof how America SPECIFICALLY was not great before Trump took office...but SPECIFICALLY is now great?

It cannot be the military.
Because the military was - by far - the greatest military in the world before Trump came to office. So adding more money to greatness does not make it just makes it (theoretically) greater.

Defense Spending by Country

Can't be the economy. Both the GDP growth rate and the U-3 reduction under Trump have not gotten noticeably better/increased since Obama left office.

America's trade deficit is now the highest that is not better.

Trump is in line for a $1.8 TRILLION dollar deficit for FY that is FAR worse.

The DOW had it's first down year in 2018 since (I believe) 2008. So that has not improved.

What about America First? America is still in Afghanistan AND Syria (as of now) AND Iraq AND in NATO. So that has not improved.

So where is your link that proves in what specific, statistical area was America NOT great before he took office - yet IS now 'great'?
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No. I doubt you were in combat 3 years ago when you claimed you were.

View attachment 242586
I wasn't "in combat" then, and never said I was. You don't take hallucinogens do you ?

I explained that I flew over the combat. Anyone is free to define that how they may.

And you have no criteria upon which to "doubt" or conclude anything. You just run your mouth, like the fool that you are. :slap:
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So where is your link that proves in what specific, statistical area was America NOT great before he took office - yet IS now 'great'?
Not link. LinkS. And many of them. And not just links, but US govt charts too. If you had read the thread, you'd know that, instead of just tumbling in here like an ignorant, babbling fool, spouting misinformation that was refuted earlier.

Sure I could tell you what post #s they are. But I'll let you do the same work everybody else does > read the whole thread (actually all you have to do is check my posts - not all that many) Go to work, lazybones.
Lol the denial you people are in is just hilarious.
Earlier posts SHOWING the greatness of 2017-2019, was posted already. I guess you don't read threads before you post in them either. LOL. Very hazardous.
Guys, of you want to discuss each other, start a new thread in the appropriate section, otherwise...discuss the topic.
It's no longer Make America Great Again.

It's now MADE America Great Again. :biggrin:


Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM EDTUPDATED TUE, JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT

  • “The escalation in trade and tariff tensions earlier this month appears to have shaken consumers’ confidence,” Conference Board senior director Lynn Franco said.
  • The drop brought the index to its lowest level since September 2017.
So now consumer spending is slowing, business investments slowing. Exports falling. Only 1 thing picked up. Government spending increased 5%. Trump has to spend his way out of this mess.
I was gonna hit the "funny and agree" button but there's nothing remotely funny about what he has done to this country

Quite true! So glad to see that you are coming around!

President Donald Trump has done great things for our country and none of it is funny. Record low unemployment for all including record lows for blacks and women. Wage increases for all, especially for blacks and women. Peace in the world and returning manufacturing jobs which, if you recall, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama told us would never return.
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