MAGA, Truth Serum

I rarely talk about Trump at all.
And when I do - it is usually not positive. Just ask all of my fellow conservatives who bash me for doing it.
Trump was not a terrible President at all. And he wasn't a great one either.

I agree Trump was not great, but he was better than Obama, Biden, and Hillary, with their lying and continuing the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after they claimed to be anti war. They also started their own wars in the Ukraine, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, etc.
ACA also was not great, and instead penalized those who did not buy private health insurance.
The simple fact is Trump started no illegal wars, so was better.
And taxes should be lowered for everyone, not raised.
No it is white American Conservatives that oppose anything that will reduce carbon emissions because they are scientific and economic morons being exploited the the owners of the fossil fuel industries.

You're parroting proven lies and propaganda and you expect us to take you seriously.
Are you ever able to stay on subject? And conservatives do not oppose nuclear power, again that is progressive Dems that like black kid slaving to fill your EV agenda.
4 indictments and 91 charges handed down by citizens of the US disagree.

Those are called "ham sandwiches", and every single prosecutor involved should be imprisoned.
The 2 impeachments also were totally illegal.
That is NOT how a real republic is run.
Point out a single crime by Trump, meaning how he harmed the rights of any individual?
You can't.
No, the south was democrat. There was no magical shape shifting going on. Lincoln and the north were republicans. You're not gonna revise history.

The south was RACIST - BOTH PARTIES WERE RACIST. Now Republicans all over the nation are racist. Things have gotten worse, not better.

They've sold their soul to this person and take any criticism of him as a personal attack.

It's as if you're assaulting their golden child. This is a cult.

When this poster has nothing else, he devolves into an ESL rant that is gibberish, making weird allegations which aren't even structural English sentences.
I agree Trump was not great, but he was better than Obama, Biden, and Hillary, with their lying and continuing the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after they claimed to be anti war. They also started their own wars in the Ukraine, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, etc.
ACA also was not great, and instead penalized those who did not buy private health insurance.
The simple fact is Trump started no illegal wars, so was better.
And taxes should be lowered for everyone, not raised.
Hilarious fuckup

Say what can you post about corn?
Not supposedly, but by 50-State Certification.

Dude, overlay that county map over population centers and you will have your answer fuckup.

Voter fraud is common and obvious.
For example, when we did start a real investigation into voter fraud in 2000, we found tens of thousands of fake votes, like double votes, people denied their vote due to a felon similarity, hanging chads, etc.
We all saw bundles of ballots being dropped off anonymously at unmonitored drop boxes.
We all know computers are easily hacked and should never be used as voting machines.
Denying an investigation into voter fraud is voter fraud all by itself.
Voter fraud is common and obvious.
For example, when we did start a real investigation into voter fraud in 2000, we found tens of thousands of fake votes, like double votes, people denied their vote due to a felon similarity, hanging chads, etc.
We all saw bundles of ballots being dropped off anonymously at unmonitored drop boxes.
We all know computers are easily hacked and should never be used as voting machines.
Denying an investigation into voter fraud is voter fraud all by itself.

And who is we?

You saw what and where?

You are just a white fuckup crybaby over losing.
Your hatred for Trump and anyone who supports him drives you to the Democratic Party. Be honest.

What part of emotions like "hate", "anger", "TDS", and all of the other excuses you make for the twice impeached, twice convicted liar, tax cheat, rapist, white supremacist, and insurrectionist you want to return to the White House, but not once has Trump ever said he didn't do the things he's been accused of.

The American people voted Donald Trump out of office in 2020, and yet here is Donald Trump instructing the Speaker of the House to shut down the government, and impeach the sitting President. And the Speaker of the House is obeying following Trump's instructions.

The American people have resounding voted against Trump's policies in 2018, 2020, and 2022, and yet the Speaker of the House is acting like Donald Trump is President. Trump is only running for President to try to keep from getting his ass thrown in jail.

What do the American people have to do to get through to you Cult members that their candidate is a criminal asshole who cannot win elections for them???
All nonsense. Bernie was passed over because he could not win. Too many squealing dummies in this country that don't understand the word "socialism".

And it's paranoid stupidity. Trump went on a crime spree. Blame Trump for committing the felonies.
You were not in this forum in 2016.

As usual, though, you are quite willing to speak of things you do not know.
Trump was right about covid, China, the Ukraine, ACA, etc.
The only big goofs by Trump were his support for Israel and stuffing the SCOTUS.

Trump KILLED over a million Americans with his covid response. 16% of the world's deaths and you're only 3% of the World's population.

Trump was taking millions of dollars out of China, and he was wrong about Putin and the Ukraine. Dead wrong.

The ACA is still the law of the land.

And who is we?

You saw what and where?

You are just a white fuckup crybaby over losing.

There has almost never been any voter fraud investigation allow, and where it was once was in the FL 2000 election. And there we, meaning the media, found tons of it.
It was so common and rampant that it amounted to about 30% of the total vote.
Even common things we blindly accept, like denying the vote to convicted felons, is totally illegal.
Its called "taxation without representation".

Sure I "lost", but that is because I always vote socialist or green party, like for Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein.
I vastly prefer losing than to at all give aid or comfort to the criminals in DC.
All nonsense. Bernie was passed over because he could not win. Too many squealing dummies in this country that don't understand the word "socialism".

And it's paranoid stupidity. Trump went on a crime spree. Blame Trump for committing the felonies.

Bernie LOST the nomination because he DID NOT win a majority of Democrats' votes. Hillary received 75% of the popular vote in the primaries. He wasn't "passed over". He was not a member of the Democratic Party, but he wanted to use the party apparatus to back an independent run for President. Lifelong Democratic voters were not impressed. I wouldn't have voted for such a candidate either, regardless of how much I liked his policies.
All nonsense. Bernie was passed over because he could not win. Too many squealing dummies in this country that don't understand the word "socialism".

And it's paranoid stupidity. Trump went on a crime spree. Blame Trump for committing the felonies.

Conservatives vote for Bernie in his home state, because he is a tightwad with money and taxes.
He was polled as being able to easily beat Trump, while Hillary had no chance.

And anyone claiming Trump committed a crime is a liar.
The impeachments were also illegal, since it was illegal for Joe to get Shokin fired in order to stop the Burisma Holdings investigation, and Jan 6 was protected by the 1st amendment.
The classified doc laws are presidential EOs that explicitly exempt presidents.
Loan applicants can value property any way they want, since banks are required by law to hire professional assessors.
Alternate elector fraud is absolutely impossible since the electors vote in an open session of the state legislature.
According to the rubes, they're all lies.

Even though a parade of Republicans, staffers, employees and lawyers will testify under oath to them.

There has been zero testimony of any possible guilt.

When Trump said he lost the election, that does not imply he meant legally.

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