Maher: This is America...

How could you be waiting on me to answer a question you have't asked? The answer is a very simple one, a moderate would be a muslim that understands, while they have a right to practice their beliefs, they don't have the right to forceably impose their beliefs on others, regardless of what the Koran says.

Also, why should you care what muslims think about images and art when you could care less what Christians think about insults to them? Exactly what makes Islam so special in your eyes?

I would have the exact same problem is someone intentionally provoked Christians in this way.
How could you be waiting on me to answer a question you have't asked? The answer is a very simple one, a moderate would be a muslim that understands, while they have a right to practice their beliefs, they don't have the right to forceably impose their beliefs on others, regardless of what the Koran says.

Also, why should you care what muslims think about images and art when you could care less what Christians think about insults to them? Exactly what makes Islam so special in your eyes?

I would have the exact same problem is someone intentionally provoked Christians in this way.

Sorry, I call bullshit on that one. I've seen you on these boards criticizing and ridiculing Christians yourself. The very things muslims would want your head for. Carry on.
The big question is why the hell the opinion of a comedian like Maher matters on the political forum.
It doesn't same with Stewart, and Colbert people on the left like to cite them so they can say the big Hollywood star agrees with me people on the right like to so they can say to the left look one of your's agrees with me.
Leftists won’t take Geller’s side out of fear. They are afraid of Muslims attacking them, afraid of being labeled racists, afraid of losing votes, afraid of having to stand on a principle, afraid people will recognize their record of failure, and afraid someone will notice this is the third terrorist attack on US soil on Obama’s watch.

Obama would never want to betray his beloved Muslim brothers. Just look at how he sat on his hands while ISIS took over the middle east… and then squandered all gains from Iraq and Afghanistan. He has destroyed our foreign policy. He has ruined our country.

With everything Obama touches now in shambles, Barry needs a new hobby. When is he going to wake up? When is America and the rest of the world going to wake up? Islamic extremists need to be eliminated… and for that to happen in the west, Islam needs to be confined to the Middle East.
Even Maher gets it and I can't stand the man.

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest: ‘This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want?’

WHY THEN, CAN'T MUSLIMS CONTROL PALESTINE and other middle eastern lands- why do the Judeo-American axis of evil have gone to Palestine and feel like they can tell Muslims what to do in Palestine?!?!?!?!?!?!?

WHY is it that American Warmongers - the Military Industrial Complex - invaded Iraq and remained there for 18 years?

Why the fuck are American warmongers trying to dictate policy in Syria and other Muslim countries?!?!??!?!?!!?

But then object when Muslims intervene in our internal matters?
And then there's THIS asshole.

Leftists won’t take Geller’s side out of fear. They are afraid of Muslims attacking them, afraid of being labeled racists, afraid of losing votes, afraid of having to stand on a principle, afraid people will recognize their record of failure, and afraid someone will notice this is the third terrorist attack on US soil on Obama’s watch.

The reason I won't take Geller's side is because she's a racist and hater. The same reason I won't take Fred Phelps's side when he screams about "God Hate Fags" or Frank Collins's side when he marches down the streets of Skokie in a Nazi uniform.

Obama would never want to betray his beloved Muslim brothers. Just look at how he sat on his hands while ISIS took over the middle east… and then squandered all gains from Iraq and Afghanistan. He has destroyed our foreign policy. He has ruined our country.

Hey, has it occurred to you that ISIS took over the middle east (they really only control parts of Syria and Iraq) because that's who the people of the middle east want in charge? You whine about "gains", but those weren't our countries to "gain" to start with. We don't do colonization. Obama isn't throwing good money after bad. Iraq and Afghanistan aren't worth one more American life.

With everything Obama touches now in shambles, Barry needs a new hobby. When is he going to wake up? When is America and the rest of the world going to wake up? Islamic extremists need to be eliminated… and for that to happen in the west, Islam needs to be confined to the Middle East.

Or we can just stop pissing them off. That's a novel approach.
Even Maher gets it and I can't stand the man.

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest: ‘This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want?’

WHY THEN, CAN'T MUSLIMS CONTROL PALESTINE and other middle eastern lands- why do the Judeo-American axis of evil have gone to Palestine and feel like they can tell Muslims what to do in Palestine?!?!?!?!?!?!?

WHY is it that American Warmongers - the Military Industrial Complex - invaded Iraq and remained there for 18 years?

Why the fuck are American warmongers trying to dictate policy in Syria and other Muslim countries?!?!??!?!?!!?

But then object when Muslims intervene in our internal matters?

Damn, lose the font, in Internet etiquette that is just plain rude

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