Maher: This is America...

I find it amusing when the flaws in your claims are pointed out you deflect amusing but not suprising. FYI I'm not holding all of Islam responsible for what radical Islamist [sic] do and having a closed event in Garland Texas is not intentionally provoking people in Arziona.

It is when you publicly announce that's what you are going to do.
Geller goes to a town with a substantial Islamic Community and does something to try to provoke them. The residents treat her with contempt, but two out of towners decide to commit suicide by cop. And you think this is wonderful.

They did not "commit suicide by cop" but rather attempted to slaughter others because they were unhappy and paid the price. Too bad the same didn't happen in Paris (or any of a thousand locales) BEFORE all those people were slaughtered.
Geller goes to a town with a substantial Islamic Community and does something to try to provoke them. The residents treat her with contempt, but two out of towners decide to commit suicide by cop. And you think this is wonderful.

They did not "commit suicide by cop" but rather attempted to slaughter others because they were unhappy and paid the price. Too bad the same didn't happen in Paris (or any of a thousand locales) BEFORE all those people were slaughtered.

LMAO @ "suicide by cop", they went to commit terrorism and got blown to Allah
I find it amusing when the flaws in your claims are pointed out you deflect amusing but not suprising. FYI I'm not holding all of Islam responsible for what radical Islamist [sic] do and having a closed event in Garland Texas is not intentionally provoking people in Arziona.

It is when you publicly announce that's what you are going to do.
Bull an Islamic group can announce they are going to do there own draw Jesus contest that doesn't mean you go and try and commit murder over it. Being provoked is the choice they made just as you pointed millions of others made the choice not to be and simply ignored the Garland event.
Bull an Islamic group can announce they are going to do there own draw Jesus contest that doesn't mean you go and try and commit murder over it. Being provoked is the choice they made just as you pointed millions of others made the choice not to be and simply ignored the Garland event.

Yes, millions did. But statistically, someone would do more.

Such as if you walked into 10 biker bars and started calling their mothers whores, you'd probably get out okay in 9 of them, but that 10th bar you'll probably end up in traction.

So here's a crazy idea, how about not going into the bar to start with?

Now, if Geller wanted to have a sensible, rational discussion about Islam and Violence, that'd be fine. I think we need that discussion and I think Muslims need to be involved in it.

Drawing racist cartoons is not engaging in discussion. It's trying to get EXACTLY the kind of reaction she got.

The thing being, Geller doesn't care if people get hurt in the crossfire.

This time, we got lucky because a hero cop did his job.
Dummy OP.

This is pretty much what I and other libs post here all the time. I mean you DO know that quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, right?

That's the way I see it. Muslims, kkk, Westboro, stupid homophobes, Limbaugh, fox, Alex Jones, ALL Repub politicians ... They all have the right to say (and/or lie) all they want and I have the right to point and laugh at those stupid enough to fall for their crap.

OP is an idiot who can't post even one thing without making an ass of herself but she has that right.

Yo dumb ass Maher is one of yours and he even agrees freedom of speech is paramount you all need to stop getting all butt hurt at everything, fucking clown

Funny how that free speech isn't paramount if you want to protest a funeral, burn a flag or build a mosque...
Bull an Islamic group can announce they are going to do there own draw Jesus contest that doesn't mean you go and try and commit murder over it. Being provoked is the choice they made just as you pointed millions of others made the choice not to be and simply ignored the Garland event.

Yes, millions did. But statistically, someone would do more.

Such as if you walked into 10 biker bars and started calling their mothers whores, you'd probably get out okay in 9 of them, but that 10th bar you'll probably end up in traction.

So here's a crazy idea, how about not going into the bar to start with?

Now, if Geller wanted to have a sensible, rational discussion about Islam and Violence, that'd be fine. I think we need that discussion and I think Muslims need to be involved in it.

Drawing racist cartoons is not engaging in discussion. It's trying to get EXACTLY the kind of reaction she got.

The thing being, Geller doesn't care if people get hurt in the crossfire.

This time, we got lucky because a hero cop did his job.
That analogy only applies if she had gone to a mosque or some other type of Muslim center and publically displayed the cartoons outside it or tried to take them inside. As I have asked before when you start letting threats from radicals determine what you can and can't say where does it end? Today it's you cant draw the Prophet Muhammad what's next that you can't say or do?
Nutters love Bill Maher!

Yes, calling Palin a **** sure made him popular on the right.

This is an example of your leftist extremism. A guy can be with you 95% of the time, and you characterize him a being loved by your enemy. That's how extreme you are
Dummy OP.

This is pretty much what I and other libs post here all the time. I mean you DO know that quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, right?

That's the way I see it. Muslims, kkk, Westboro, stupid homophobes, Limbaugh, fox, Alex Jones, ALL Repub politicians ... They all have the right to say (and/or lie) all they want and I have the right to point and laugh at those stupid enough to fall for their crap.

OP is an idiot who can't post even one thing without making an ass of herself but she has that right.

Yo dumb ass Maher is one of yours and he even agrees freedom of speech is paramount you all need to stop getting all butt hurt at everything, fucking clown

Funny how that free speech isn't paramount if you want to protest a funeral, burn a flag or build a mosque...

So protesting private citizens while they bury their son is "free speech" to you? That is seriously sick. They are not doing it there for the purpose of free speech, they are doing it to violate the rights of other citizens.

On flag burning, a few nuts on the right want it illegal, most of them just want the liberal media to stop slamming it in our faces.

The only issue I heard on the Mosque was the ground zero one. I wouldn't block it, but I don't blame people for being upset some Muslims want to spike the ball. I see no reason our government has to help them do that
That analogy only applies if she had gone to a mosque or some other type of Muslim center and publically displayed the cartoons outside it or tried to take them inside. As I have asked before when you start letting threats from radicals determine what you can and can't say where does it end? Today it's you cant draw the Prophet Muhammad what's next that you can't say or do?

Apply a little common sense, maybe?

If you do something with the intent of provoking violence, then you are just as responsible as the person commiting the violence.

ANd this applies to drawing pictures of Mohammed or walking through a black neighborhood in KKK robes or marching through Skokie in Nazi uniforms.

Maybe freedom of speech says you can do those things, but you shouldn't.
So protesting private citizens while they bury their son is "free speech" to you? That is seriously sick. They are not doing it there for the purpose of free speech, they are doing it to violate the rights of other citizens.

And what do you think Geller is trying to do?

The only issue I heard on the Mosque was the ground zero one. I wouldn't block it, but I don't blame people for being upset some Muslims want to spike the ball. I see no reason our government has to help them do that

Except the Mosque wasn't a "Ground Zero", it wasn't a mosque, it was an educational center.

Also, 30 innocent Muslims were killed on 9/11, most of them just doing their jobs.
That analogy only applies if she had gone to a mosque or some other type of Muslim center and publically displayed the cartoons outside it or tried to take them inside. As I have asked before when you start letting threats from radicals determine what you can and can't say where does it end? Today it's you cant draw the Prophet Muhammad what's next that you can't say or do?

Apply a little common sense, maybe?

If you do something with the intent of provoking violence, then you are just as responsible as the person commiting the violence.

ANd this applies to drawing pictures of Mohammed or walking through a black neighborhood in KKK robes or marching through Skokie in Nazi uniforms.

Maybe freedom of speech says you can do those things, but you shouldn't.
You can be offensive without the intent of provoking violence maybe people need to understand there are ways to respond to things that offend us that are non violent. When we try and limit the free speech others because we don't like what they say or how some may react to it we risk limiting our own and possibily down the line losing it altogether.
So protesting private citizens while they bury their son is "free speech" to you? That is seriously sick. They are not doing it there for the purpose of free speech, they are doing it to violate the rights of other citizens.

And what do you think Geller is trying to do?

You're going to have to be a little clearer on the question, I'm not seeing the connection

The only issue I heard on the Mosque was the ground zero one. I wouldn't block it, but I don't blame people for being upset some Muslims want to spike the ball. I see no reason our government has to help them do that

Except the Mosque wasn't a "Ground Zero", it wasn't a mosque, it was an educational center.

Also, 30 innocent Muslims were killed on 9/11, most of them just doing their jobs.

OK, and?
You can be offensive without the intent of provoking violence maybe people need to understand there are ways to respond to things that offend us that are non violent. When we try and limit the free speech others because we don't like what they say or how some may react to it we risk limiting our own and possibily down the line losing it altogether.


When was the last time Larry Flynt was able to publish pictures of naked ladies on a billboard?

There are reasonable restrictions we can live with.
Dummy OP.

This is pretty much what I and other libs post here all the time. I mean you DO know that quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, right?

That's the way I see it. Muslims, kkk, Westboro, stupid homophobes, Limbaugh, fox, Alex Jones, ALL Repub politicians ... They all have the right to say (and/or lie) all they want and I have the right to point and laugh at those stupid enough to fall for their crap.

OP is an idiot who can't post even one thing without making an ass of herself but she has that right.

Yo dumb ass Maher is one of yours and he even agrees freedom of speech is paramount you all need to stop getting all butt hurt at everything, fucking clown

Funny how that free speech isn't paramount if you want to protest a funeral, burn a flag or build a mosque...

So protesting private citizens while they bury their son is "free speech" to you? That is seriously sick. They are not doing it there for the purpose of free speech, they are doing it to violate the rights of other citizens.

Yes, it's still free speech even when we don't like it...maybe even more so. What rights were violated?

On flag burning, a few nuts on the right want it illegal, most of them just want the liberal media to stop slamming it in our faces.

I think you know it's more than just "a few nuts". Adorable the way you then blame the "liberal media" for those "few nuts".


The only issue I heard on the Mosque was the ground zero one. I wouldn't block it, but I don't blame people for being upset some Muslims want to spike the ball. I see no reason our government has to help them do that

You don't blame people for being upset over that but do blame Muslims for being upset over insults to their faith. Interesting...
You're going to have to be a little clearer on the question, I'm not seeing the connection

And if I explained it to you, Double Wide, you still wouldn't.

You don't know either, huh? I guess it sounded good to you when you wrote it

Nope, it still sounds good.

That you are too dense to see it is the problem. The Westboro Freaks and Geller are doing the same thing. They are trying to provoke violence to give their fringe views publicity. No one would pay attention to Geller if there wasn't violence accompanying her actions.

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