Maher: This is America...

Even Maher gets it and I can't stand the man.

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest: ‘This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want?’

The big subject of Bill Maher’s “Real Time” show Friday night was no surprise: the thwarted attack by Islamic extremists outside a draw Muhammad contest in Garland, Texas, last Sunday.

Maher — an outspoken critic of Islam, particularly its radical element — wasted little time defending the right of Pamela Geller to promote the contest even though he called her “kind of a loon.”

“It obviously was a provocation,” Maher said to his panel. “But this is America. Do we not have the right to draw whatever we want?” The audience took a few seconds to warm up to the host’s statement before applause was heard.

Maher then critiqued the opinion that those who provoke Muslims are ultimately to blame for their violence: “This assumes that we just have to accept that Muslims are unable to control themselves the way we would ask everyone else in the world,” Maher said. “To me that’s bigotry. That’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want Video
Bill Maher is always spot on.

There are times I disagree with him but not often.

I also like that he ALWAYS has RWs, as well as true Conservatives on his show.
I think Maher is the voice of reason in political commentary. Everyone should watch his show. As controversial as his views on religion are, I agree with him. And yes, his balanced panel is what makes his show so worth tuning in.
Dummy OP.

This is pretty much what I and other libs post here all the time. I mean you DO know that quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, right?

That's the way I see it. Muslims, kkk, Westboro, stupid homophobes, Limbaugh, fox, Alex Jones, ALL Repub politicians ... They all have the right to say (and/or lie) all they want and I have the right to point and laugh at those stupid enough to fall for their crap.

OP is an idiot who can't post even one thing without making an ass of herself but she has that right.

When you talk about lying did you not mention Hillary, Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ed Schultz, Al Sharpton and other left wing nuts? Do you not exercise right to point and laugh at them or is it only certain " belief" systems you mock and laugh at?

That's what I mean by the "double standard hypocrisy" of the progressive /communists on the left.

They see the speck in other people's eyes but not the log in their own's!

Sloppy thinking, as usual.

Papageorgio mixes politicians with entertainers and political pundits and skye to get why that makes no sense.

Here's a little exercise for you both:

List all those names and see if you can figure out which each one is. Then try to understand why you're talking apples and oranges.

Even Maher gets it and I can't stand the man.

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest: ‘This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want?’

The big subject of Bill Maher’s “Real Time” show Friday night was no surprise: the thwarted attack by Islamic extremists outside a draw Muhammad contest in Garland, Texas, last Sunday.

Maher — an outspoken critic of Islam, particularly its radical element — wasted little time defending the right of Pamela Geller to promote the contest even though he called her “kind of a loon.”

“It obviously was a provocation,” Maher said to his panel. “But this is America. Do we not have the right to draw whatever we want?” The audience took a few seconds to warm up to the host’s statement before applause was heard.

Maher then critiqued the opinion that those who provoke Muslims are ultimately to blame for their violence: “This assumes that we just have to accept that Muslims are unable to control themselves the way we would ask everyone else in the world,” Maher said. “To me that’s bigotry. That’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want Video

Performing abortions is provocative too, and people die for it. But it's also a right.
Yeah, mostly babies.
Even Maher gets it and I can't stand the man.

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest: ‘This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want?’

The big subject of Bill Maher’s “Real Time” show Friday night was no surprise: the thwarted attack by Islamic extremists outside a draw Muhammad contest in Garland, Texas, last Sunday.

Maher — an outspoken critic of Islam, particularly its radical element — wasted little time defending the right of Pamela Geller to promote the contest even though he called her “kind of a loon.”

“It obviously was a provocation,” Maher said to his panel. “But this is America. Do we not have the right to draw whatever we want?” The audience took a few seconds to warm up to the host’s statement before applause was heard.

Maher then critiqued the opinion that those who provoke Muslims are ultimately to blame for their violence: “This assumes that we just have to accept that Muslims are unable to control themselves the way we would ask everyone else in the world,” Maher said. “To me that’s bigotry. That’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want Video
Bill Maher is always spot on.

There are times I disagree with him but not often.

I also like that he ALWAYS has RWs, as well as true Conservatives on his show.
I think Maher is the voice of reason in political commentary. Everyone should watch his show. As controversial as his views on religion are, I agree with him. And yes, his balanced panel is what makes his show so worth tuning in.

The RWs won't like this but that's also a strength of MSNBC's. They don't have ONLY liberal journalists. Their pundits are all libs but the journalists are not.

I too like the mix. I want to hear the other side.
Even Maher gets it and I can't stand the man.

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest: ‘This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want?’

The big subject of Bill Maher’s “Real Time” show Friday night was no surprise: the thwarted attack by Islamic extremists outside a draw Muhammad contest in Garland, Texas, last Sunday.

Maher — an outspoken critic of Islam, particularly its radical element — wasted little time defending the right of Pamela Geller to promote the contest even though he called her “kind of a loon.”

“It obviously was a provocation,” Maher said to his panel. “But this is America. Do we not have the right to draw whatever we want?” The audience took a few seconds to warm up to the host’s statement before applause was heard.

Maher then critiqued the opinion that those who provoke Muslims are ultimately to blame for their violence: “This assumes that we just have to accept that Muslims are unable to control themselves the way we would ask everyone else in the world,” Maher said. “To me that’s bigotry. That’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want Video

Performing abortions is provocative too, and people die for it. But it's also a right.

That's really the crux of just about every thread, every discussion, every arguement -

There are some who want to take rights away from others. And its always the right that wants to take rights away from Americans.
The PC Police - both American and jihadi - are more than willing to use our own freedoms against us and issue "consequences" if we speak our mind.

Intimidation, submission, control.

The PC Police are still hiding in Mac's Closet as he mutters slurs.

Okay, reality check time. A bigot does something to provoke people, most of them just look with well deserved disgust, two mentally ill guys do something bad.

Geller is not a hero. She's as responsible for what happened last week as the two losers who attacked.
The PC Police - both American and jihadi - are more than willing to use our own freedoms against us and issue "consequences" if we speak our mind.

Intimidation, submission, control.

The PC Police are still hiding in Mac's Closet as he mutters slurs.

Okay, reality check time. A bigot does something to provoke people, most of them just look with well deserved disgust, two mentally ill guys do something bad.

Geller is not a hero. She's as responsible for what happened last week as the two losers who attacked.

All radical Muslims are mentally ill? THANK YOU!!!!!!
Dummy OP.

This is pretty much what I and other libs post here all the time. I mean you DO know that quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, right?

That's the way I see it. Muslims, kkk, Westboro, stupid homophobes, Limbaugh, fox, Alex Jones, ALL Repub politicians ... They all have the right to say (and/or lie) all they want and I have the right to point and laugh at those stupid enough to fall for their crap.

OP is an idiot who can't post even one thing without making an ass of herself but she has that right.

When you talk about lying did you not mention Hillary, Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ed Schultz, Al Sharpton and other left wing nuts? Do you not exercise right to point and laugh at them or is it only certain " belief" systems you mock and laugh at?

That's what I mean by the "double standard hypocrisy" of the progressive /communists on the left.

They see the speck in other people's eyes but not the log in their own's!

Sloppy thinking, as usual.

Papageorgio mixes politicians with entertainers and political pundits and skye to get why that makes no sense.

Here's a little exercise for you both:

List all those names and see if you can figure out which each one is. Then try to understand why you're talking apples and oranges.


So you can't criticize what politicians say? Is that your excuse?
He is correct but then again how could he say anything else given some of the stuff he has said over the years? If he had attacked Geller for being controversial, insulting, or provocative that would have been off the charts hypocrisy.


You missed the point completely.

Not only does geller have the right to spew her hate and stupidity, YOU have the right to call it what it is - "controversial, insulting, or provocative".

What part of drawing a cartoon is hate and stupidity?
Maher has more credibility in my book than rush, Hannity, Levin, Schultz, and Sheraton combined. A true American.
Even Maher gets it and I can't stand the man.

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest: ‘This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want?’

The big subject of Bill Maher’s “Real Time” show Friday night was no surprise: the thwarted attack by Islamic extremists outside a draw Muhammad contest in Garland, Texas, last Sunday.

Maher — an outspoken critic of Islam, particularly its radical element — wasted little time defending the right of Pamela Geller to promote the contest even though he called her “kind of a loon.”

“It obviously was a provocation,” Maher said to his panel. “But this is America. Do we not have the right to draw whatever we want?” The audience took a few seconds to warm up to the host’s statement before applause was heard.

Maher then critiqued the opinion that those who provoke Muslims are ultimately to blame for their violence: “This assumes that we just have to accept that Muslims are unable to control themselves the way we would ask everyone else in the world,” Maher said. “To me that’s bigotry. That’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want Video

Performing abortions is provocative too, and people die for it. But it's also a right.
Yeah, mostly babies.

See what I mean? That's why conservatives kill abortion doctors and blow up clinics.
He is correct but then again how could he say anything else given some of the stuff he has said over the years? If he had attacked Geller for being controversial, insulting, or provocative that would have been off the charts hypocrisy.


You missed the point completely.

Not only does geller have the right to spew her hate and stupidity, YOU have the right to call it what it is - "controversial, insulting, or provocative".

What part of drawing a cartoon is hate and stupidity?

The part that is intended to offend peaceful law abiding decent Muslims.

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