Maher: This is America...

Double Wide

You crack me up you're such an imbecile.

So, you think the deck is stacked against us, we're screwed by the rich and corporations so we don't have a chance, we can't live like our parents did. Not you though, you succeeded, are loved at work and a sourcing savant. Nothing held you back. Yet you whine on message boards all day that we are screwed.

I say I have no idea what you are talking about. In almost 30 years, all I ever got was a few speed bumps, but I took my middle class background and built a great career spanning almost three decades. That I want government out of it proves to you that I live in a trailer and have nothing.

That actually sounds good to you? Seriously?
Dummy OP.

This is pretty much what I and other libs post here all the time. I mean you DO know that quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, right?

That's the way I see it. Muslims, kkk, Westboro, stupid homophobes, Limbaugh, fox, Alex Jones, ALL Repub politicians ... They all have the right to say (and/or lie) all they want and I have the right to point and laugh at those stupid enough to fall for their crap.

OP is an idiot who can't post even one thing without making an ass of herself but she has that right.

Yo dumb ass Maher is one of yours and he even agrees freedom of speech is paramount you all need to stop getting all butt hurt at everything, fucking clown

Funny how that free speech isn't paramount if you want to protest a funeral, burn a flag or build a mosque...

So protesting private citizens while they bury their son is "free speech" to you? That is seriously sick. They are not doing it there for the purpose of free speech, they are doing it to violate the rights of other citizens.

Yes, it's still free speech even when we don't like it...maybe even more so. What rights were violated?

Strawman, I didn't say anything about restricting what they said. Try reading again. Move your lips if you have to and try to sound out the words

On flag burning, a few nuts on the right want it illegal, most of them just want the liberal media to stop slamming it in our faces.

I think you know it's more than just "a few nuts". Adorable the way you then blame the "liberal media" for those "few nuts".


Strawman. Again, reading comprehension. Some of what you said I did say and some not. But I'm not splitting, address my point and don't make up crap and add it.

The only issue I heard on the Mosque was the ground zero one. I wouldn't block it, but I don't blame people for being upset some Muslims want to spike the ball. I see no reason our government has to help them do that

You don't blame people for being upset over that but do blame Muslims for being upset over insults to their faith. Interesting...

Yes, I think we should murder Muslims over the ground zero Mosque. It's the same, you got me.

You know what that is? A strawman. Seriously, learn to read
You crack me up you're such an imbecile.

So, you think the deck is stacked against us, we're screwed by the rich and corporations so we don't have a chance, we can't live like our parents did. Not you though, you succeeded, are loved at work and a sourcing savant. Nothing held you back. Yet you whine on message boards all day that we are screwed.

We are screwed. If you are too dumb to see that, Double Wide, I can only guess you either have no institutional memory, or growing up in that Third World Country we call "the South", you just can't tell the difference.

I say I have no idea what you are talking about. In almost 30 years, all I ever got was a few speed bumps, but I took my middle class background and built a great career spanning almost three decades. That I want government out of it proves to you that I live in a trailer and have nothing.

That actually sounds good to you? Seriously?

yeah, it does. Because if you really were a boss with the kinds of attitudes you have here, your own employees would sabotage you at every opportunity.
You're going to have to be a little clearer on the question, I'm not seeing the connection

And if I explained it to you, Double Wide, you still wouldn't.

You don't know either, huh? I guess it sounded good to you when you wrote it

Nope, it still sounds good.

That you are too dense to see it is the problem. The Westboro Freaks and Geller are doing the same thing. They are trying to provoke violence to give their fringe views publicity. No one would pay attention to Geller if there wasn't violence accompanying her actions.

So you know a lot of rednecks in business management, do you Joe? I'm just too dense to see how I'm a redneck? Have you ever Googled the word? You don't seem to know what it means
So you know a lot of rednecks in business management, do you Joe? I'm just too dense to see how I'm a redneck? Have you ever Googled the word? You don't seem to know what it means

I know very few, because most of you aren't smart enough to be trusted with decisions, Double Wide.

What? Business management isn't trusted with decisions? Put down the bottle, you're making even less sense than your normal barely perceptible standards
Nutters love Bill Maher!

Yes, calling Palin a **** sure made him popular on the right.

This is an example of your leftist extremism. A guy can be with you 95% of the time, and you characterize him a being loved by your enemy. That's how extreme you are

Lost your sarcasm sensor?

Here's hint to effective sarcasm. You have to say things you don't normally say

Effective sarcasm goes unnoticed by butthurt-prone losers.
Right, just like a woman who dresses in a sexually provocative manner is responsible for being raped. You're a fucking idiot loser who thinks it OK to blame the victim.

Uh, guy, if you want to use that metaphor, the woman would have to be naked, wandering around a place frequented by prostitutes, drunk and yelling, "I'm Soooooooo Horny!!!!"

Geller isn't a victim. Geller got exactly the result she wanted. I think she'd have been happy if innocent bystanders got killed so she could say, "See.... see what those Muslims are like?"

You do realize that you, by not being a follower of islam, are committing the same capitol offense as Geller, right? The only way to deal with radical islam is forced acceptance of our way of life or just kill the ones that think they have some right to commit violence. If they want to live in a society that panders to radical islam let them move their asses to Iran.
You do realize that you, by not being a follower of islam, are committing the same capitol offense as Geller, right? The only way to deal with radical islam is forced acceptance of our way of life or just kill the ones that think they have some right to commit violence. If they want to live in a society that panders to radical islam let them move their asses to Iran.

You know what, guy. There's a Mosque not a mile form my house. No one has ever emerged from that Mosque and tried to force me to convert. No one has even asked me nicely if I wanted to convert. In fact, the folks at that Mosque seem totally uninterested in converting me in any way.

They do have a metal gate and cameras around it, but that's so bubba rednecks don't go in and break their stuff.
You do realize that you, by not being a follower of islam, are committing the same capitol offense as Geller, right? The only way to deal with radical islam is forced acceptance of our way of life or just kill the ones that think they have some right to commit violence. If they want to live in a society that panders to radical islam let them move their asses to Iran.

You know what, guy. There's a Mosque not a mile form my house. No one has ever emerged from that Mosque and tried to force me to convert. No one has even asked me nicely if I wanted to convert. In fact, the folks at that Mosque seem totally uninterested in converting me in any way.

They do have a metal gate and cameras around it, but that's so bubba rednecks don't go in and break their stuff.

There ya go again, demonstrating your low IQ, If you can't tell the difference between reformist, moderate and radical muslims then you have no business in the conversation. By your reasoning if no one committed a crime against you, then there is no crime in the country, how's it feel to live in never land?
Even Maher gets it and I can't stand the man.

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest: ‘This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want?’

The big subject of Bill Maher’s “Real Time” show Friday night was no surprise: the thwarted attack by Islamic extremists outside a draw Muhammad contest in Garland, Texas, last Sunday.

Maher — an outspoken critic of Islam, particularly its radical element — wasted little time defending the right of Pamela Geller to promote the contest even though he called her “kind of a loon.”

“It obviously was a provocation,” Maher said to his panel. “But this is America. Do we not have the right to draw whatever we want?” The audience took a few seconds to warm up to the host’s statement before applause was heard.

Maher then critiqued the opinion that those who provoke Muslims are ultimately to blame for their violence: “This assumes that we just have to accept that Muslims are unable to control themselves the way we would ask everyone else in the world,” Maher said. “To me that’s bigotry. That’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

Bill Maher on Draw Muhammad Contest This Is America. Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want Video
Bill Maher is always spot on.

No. Maher is a broken clock. He's correct twice a day - and this is one of the times.
The PC Police - both American and jihadi - are more than willing to use our own freedoms against us and issue "consequences" if we speak our mind.

Intimidation, submission, control.


The PC Police think our Constitution is a Suicide Pact.

Just sayin'.
What? Business management isn't trusted with decisions? Put down the bottle, you're making even less sense than your normal barely perceptible standards

again, guy, people hear a southern accent, they automatically deduct 20 points from your perceived IQ....
again, guy, people hear a southern accent, they automatically deduct 20 points from your perceived IQ.

New study shows how some Americans start to associate a Southern accents with lack of intelligence as early as AGE FIVE

New study shows how some Americans start to associate a Southern accents with lack of intelligence as early as AGE FIVEck of intelligence as early as AGE FIVE Daily Mail Online
What? Business management isn't trusted with decisions? Put down the bottle, you're making even less sense than your normal barely perceptible standards

again, guy, people hear a southern accent, they automatically deduct 20 points from your perceived IQ....

Wow, you're lucky you don't have a southern accent. I'm from Michigan, I don't either.
There ya go again, demonstrating your low IQ, If you can't tell the difference between reformist, moderate and radical muslims then you have no business in the conversation. By your reasoning if no one committed a crime against you, then there is no crime in the country, how's it feel to live in never land?

i'm still waiting for you to define who qualifies as a "moderate"... because your sort never does.

So I'm still wondering, how does drawing insulting pictures help us with the moderates again?
There ya go again, demonstrating your low IQ, If you can't tell the difference between reformist, moderate and radical muslims then you have no business in the conversation. By your reasoning if no one committed a crime against you, then there is no crime in the country, how's it feel to live in never land?

i'm still waiting for you to define who qualifies as a "moderate"... because your sort never does.

So I'm still wondering, how does drawing insulting pictures help us with the moderates again?

How could you be waiting on me to answer a question you have't asked? The answer is a very simple one, a moderate would be a muslim that understands, while they have a right to practice their beliefs, they don't have the right to forceably impose their beliefs on others, regardless of what the Koran says.

Also, why should you care what muslims think about images and art when you could care less what Christians think about insults to them? Exactly what makes Islam so special in your eyes?

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