Maher: This is America...

I find it interesting that many here who are so upset with Geller and these cartoons are the same ones who will post all sorts vile hateful things about Christians, Cathloics, Jews and just about any other group or person religious or otherwise that you don't like or agree with.Maybe before you try and holding Geller or anyone else to a higher standard you should try holding yourself to that standard first.
The PC Police - both American and jihadi - are more than willing to use our own freedoms against us and issue "consequences" if we speak our mind.

Intimidation, submission, control.

The PC Police are still hiding in Mac's Closet as he mutters slurs.

Okay, reality check time. A bigot does something to provoke people, most of them just look with well deserved disgust, two mentally ill guys do something bad.

Geller is not a hero. She's as responsible for what happened last week as the two losers who attacked.

Interestingly, even though the area has a huge Muslim population, not even one of them came out to protest.

This was a set up and Geller was responsible.
I find it interesting that many here who are so upset with Geller and these cartoons are the same ones who will post all sorts vile hateful things about Christians, Cathloics, Jews and just about any other group or person religious or otherwise that you don't like or agree with.Maybe before you try and holding Geller or anyone else to a higher standard you should try holding yourself to that standard first.


And again, you miss the point.

You don't get to say its okay to denigrate one group but not another.

What many didn't seem to know or acknowledge about Charlie Hebdo is that no group was immune from their editorial cartoons. That's as it should be.

You don't get to say its okay to post "vile things" about this group while saying you can't post "vile things" about other groups.

Its the sticky wicket of "free speech".
I find it interesting that many here who are so upset with Geller and these cartoons are the same ones who will post all sorts vile hateful things about Christians, Cathloics, Jews and just about any other group or person religious or otherwise that you don't like or agree with.Maybe before you try and holding Geller or anyone else to a higher standard you should try holding yourself to that standard first.

No fucking kidding. So true.
I find it interesting that many here who are so upset with Geller and these cartoons are the same ones who will post all sorts vile hateful things about Christians, Cathloics, Jews and just about any other group or person religious or otherwise that you don't like or agree with.Maybe before you try and holding Geller or anyone else to a higher standard you should try holding yourself to that standard first.

I think it sort of depends, doesn't it.

I make a lot of CRITICISMS of Christianity. What I do not do is set up a booth outside my local Church with a big picture of "Zombie Jesus". Because that actually would be inciting a fight.

Geller goes to a town with a substantial Islamic Community and does something to try to provoke them. The residents treat her with contempt, but two out of towners decide to commit suicide by cop. And you think this is wonderful.
I find it interesting that many here who are so upset with Geller and these cartoons are the same ones who will post all sorts vile hateful things about Christians, Cathloics, Jews and just about any other group or person religious or otherwise that you don't like or agree with.Maybe before you try and holding Geller or anyone else to a higher standard you should try holding yourself to that standard first.

I think it sort of depends, doesn't it.

I make a lot of CRITICISMS of Christianity. What I do not do is set up a booth outside my local Church with a big picture of "Zombie Jesus". Because that actually would be inciting a fight.

Geller goes to a town with a substantial Islamic Community and does something to try to provoke them. The residents treat her with contempt, but two out of towners decide to commit suicide by cop. And you think this is wonderful.
They werent' set up outside of a Mosque Garland does not have a substantial islamic community and she was not treated as far I know with any contempt by the people of Garland and the attackers did not come here to commit suicide they came to commit mass murder and yes I'm happy the police officer dropped them dead before they could. If Muslims were upset by the cartoons there are ways to show your displeasure other than murder you can boycott those sponsoring it, protest peacefully outside the event, you can hold your own draw Jesus contest as a counter to name but a few and none of that was happening on the day of the attack or before it.
The PC Police - both American and jihadi - are more than willing to use our own freedoms against us and issue "consequences" if we speak our mind.

Intimidation, submission, control.

The PC Police are still hiding in Mac's Closet as he mutters slurs.

Okay, reality check time. A bigot does something to provoke people, most of them just look with well deserved disgust, two mentally ill guys do something bad.

Geller is not a hero. She's as responsible for what happened last week as the two losers who attacked.

Right, just like a woman who dresses in a sexually provocative manner is responsible for being raped. You're a fucking idiot loser who thinks it OK to blame the victim.
The PC Police - both American and jihadi - are more than willing to use our own freedoms against us and issue "consequences" if we speak our mind.

Intimidation, submission, control.

The PC Police are still hiding in Mac's Closet as he mutters slurs.

Okay, reality check time. A bigot does something to provoke people, most of them just look with well deserved disgust, two mentally ill guys do something bad.

Geller is not a hero. She's as responsible for what happened last week as the two losers who attacked.

Right, just like a woman who dresses in a sexually provocative manner is responsible for being raped. You're a fucking idiot loser who thinks it OK to blame the victim.
Ugh, so now I have another little stalker friend. You'd think when someone knows they're on ignore they'd have the basic maturity to stop posting to/about you.

Not so, here, huh?

Anyway, they've decided to make Islam the PC-protected religion, so they're going to find themselves doing this kind of thing from time to time. They have to spin for the entire religion, and that has to include the jihadists. Then they act indignant when it's pointed out. Too bad.

The PC Police - both American and jihadi - are more than willing to use our own freedoms against us and issue "consequences" if we speak our mind.

Intimidation, submission, control.

The PC Police are still hiding in Mac's Closet as he mutters slurs.

Okay, reality check time. A bigot does something to provoke people, most of them just look with well deserved disgust, two mentally ill guys do something bad.

Geller is not a hero. She's as responsible for what happened last week as the two losers who attacked.

Right, just like a woman who dresses in a sexually provocative manner is responsible for being raped. You're a fucking idiot loser who thinks it OK to blame the victim.
Ugh, so now I have another little stalker friend. You'd think when someone knows they're on ignore they'd have the basic maturity to stop posting to/about you.

Not so, here, huh?

Anyway, they've decided to make Islam the PC-protected religion, so they're going to find themselves doing this kind of thing from time to time. They have to spin for the entire religion, and that has to include the jihadists. Then they act indignant when it's pointed out. Too bad.


It takes real maturity to ignore people on a message forum.

Are you ever going to support the dopey claim that Islam is "PC protected"?

What kind of thing are they going to do from time to time?

Earmuffs, bitch.
They werent' set up outside of a Mosque Garland does not have a substantial islamic community and she was not treated as far I know with any contempt by the people of Garland and the attackers did not come here to commit suicide they came to commit mass murder and yes I'm happy the police officer dropped them dead before they could.

did anyone teach you that run-on sentences were bad when you were a child?

If Muslims were upset by the cartoons there are ways to show your displeasure other than murder you can boycott those sponsoring it, protest peacefully outside the event, you can hold your own draw Jesus contest as a counter to name but a few and none of that was happening on the day of the attack or before it.

Most of the United States 2-7 million Muslims ignored the stupidity going on in Garland.

I find it amusing that you guys want to hold gun owners and the gun industry not responsible for the 32,000 gun deaths every year, but man, you want to hold the whole of Islam accountable for what two losers from Arizona did after they were intentionally provoked.
Right, just like a woman who dresses in a sexually provocative manner is responsible for being raped. You're a fucking idiot loser who thinks it OK to blame the victim.

Uh, guy, if you want to use that metaphor, the woman would have to be naked, wandering around a place frequented by prostitutes, drunk and yelling, "I'm Soooooooo Horny!!!!"

Geller isn't a victim. Geller got exactly the result she wanted. I think she'd have been happy if innocent bystanders got killed so she could say, "See.... see what those Muslims are like?"
Ugh, so now I have another little stalker friend. You'd think when someone knows they're on ignore they'd have the basic maturity to stop posting to/about you.

Not so, here, huh?

Naw, man, I'm going to keep calling you on your racist bullshit every time you post.

Anyway, they've decided to make Islam the PC-protected religion, so they're going to find themselves doing this kind of thing from time to time. They have to spin for the entire religion, and that has to include the jihadists. Then they act indignant when it's pointed out. Too bad.

Guy, only reason why we have a "problem" with Islam is we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest.


They werent' set up outside of a Mosque Garland does not have a substantial islamic community and she was not treated as far I know with any contempt by the people of Garland and the attackers did not come here to commit suicide they came to commit mass murder and yes I'm happy the police officer dropped them dead before they could.

did anyone teach you that run-on sentences were bad when you were a child?

If Muslims were upset by the cartoons there are ways to show your displeasure other than murder you can boycott those sponsoring it, protest peacefully outside the event, you can hold your own draw Jesus contest as a counter to name but a few and none of that was happening on the day of the attack or before it.

Most of the United States 2-7 million Muslims ignored the stupidity going on in Garland.

I find it amusing that you guys want to hold gun owners and the gun industry not responsible for the 32,000 gun deaths every year, but man, you want to hold the whole of Islam accountable for what two losers from Arizona did after they were intentionally provoked.
I find it amusing when the flaws in your claims are pointed out you deflect amusing but not suprising. FYI I'm not holding all of Islam responsible for what radical Islamist do and having a closed event in Garland Texas is not intentionally provoking people in Arziona.
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