Maine’s passage of ‘right to food’ amendment stirs celebration, worry

He is asking what changes will be made to the Unemployment Compensation program to accommodate your new and improved version.

You know, like the funding, the qualifications, the length of time someone can draw it, the amount available to everyone.
It would be a simplification of Big Government nanny-Statism; thus, more cost effective. You would think the right-wing would be all over it, external to Socialism threads.
Show me a link that specifically shows means testing is the reason for the difference.

And do you REALLY think the gov't is going to hand out $2.5 BILLION to people without making them show they need it? There will be means testing, of that you can be sure.
Means Testing is not at will. It really is that expensive due to that Big Government nanny-Statism right-wingers always allege to be Against, in Socialism threads.
It would be a simplification of Big Government nanny-Statism; thus, more cost effective. You would think the right-wing would be all over it, external to Socialism threads.

It would simply be a duplication.

If you think there will be no means testing you are completely crazy. Giving away $2.5 billion, with absolutely no safeguards in place to assure there is no rampant fraud?
Means Testing is not at will. It really is that expensive due to that Big Government nanny-Statism right-wingers always allege to be Against, in Socialism threads.

Means testing is not a huge expense. It is a few forms filled out by the person applying for the tax money, and only a small percentage actually checked beyond the most nominal.

Most of the checking is actually just comparing your claims with your tax forms. The IRS is the one who knows if you have large amounts of money or property.
General taxation is always to be preferred when raising money for the general welfare.

Yes, repeat the same thing. That will stand as proof. lmao

No, it is not preferred. A large portion of the population is living a few weeks or months from being homeless. Taking an ever larger piece of the income THEY earn will reduce their ability to spend.
Yes, repeat the same thing. That will stand as proof. lmao

No, it is not preferred. A large portion of the population is living a few weeks or months from being homeless. Taking an ever larger piece of the income THEY earn will reduce their ability to spend.
I keep repeating it because y'all keep appealing to ignorance of it. The whole point of equal protection of the uc laws is to solve simple poverty to better automatically stabilize our economy.
I am not sure what you mean?

My position is that it does not matter what the State may proclaim because the State has no authority to abridge, deny or disparage our privileges and immunities through unequal protection of the Law, to begin with. The State hath not the (social) Power.
Then why are you in State court with your lawsuit?? That’s my point! if you have a Constitutional challenge, why aren’t you in Federal Court?

not sure what you mean by (social) power either
Then why are you in State court with your lawsuit?? That’s my point! if you have a Constitutional challenge, why aren’t you in Federal Court?

not sure what you mean by (social) power either
I was merely using that for simplicity.

This is the actual Constitutional Law that Any legislated Act or judicial Rule must be repugnant to in Any conflict of of Laws for Legal purposes in our State:

(a) A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws;
It would be a simplification of Big Government nanny-Statism; thus, more cost effective. You would think the right-wing would be all over it, external to Socialism threads.
So you refuse to answer the question. This is why no one takes you seriously, you continue to speak in ideals and not in reality.
Show me a link that specifically shows means testing is the reason for the difference.

And do you REALLY think the gov't is going to hand out $2.5 BILLION to people without making them show they need it? There will be means testing, of that you can be sure.
Show a link? LOL!! We all know that won't happen.
I keep repeating it because y'all keep appealing to ignorance of it. The whole point of equal protection of the uc laws is to solve simple poverty to better automatically stabilize our economy.

But the changes necessary to make it what you want is just recreating welfare. And to assume there will be no means testing in such a huge tax payer funded program is simply ridiculous.

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