Making progress, 40% of U.S. now allows carrying a gun without a permit.

I see many gun lovers here equate guns with sex. They equate attractiveness with guns. If someone does not carry a gun, that makes them weak and unattractive. Strange world we live in.
Do you have any actual, factual quotes to back up your claim that "many gun lovers here equate guns with sex"?

How about today?

2 killed, several injured in shootings in Harbor Gateway, Huntington Park
Gang activity? Aren't most gun murders by known criminals?
Another pantywaists who never fought in any trenches and never got the crap bombed out of him.
Such brave boys who would run from their doublewide when the first drone came over. Such brave high school boys
We need to put a stop to the insanity. WW West . Got to get the Republicans out of office.

nothing like the safety net of a leftard gun free zone

you weirdos are a dangerous bunch

No you weirdos are a dangerous bunch.

Actually....research shows that concealed carry permit holders are less criminally inclined than even Sworn police please....try to research a topic before you talk out of your ass......

exactly leftards tend to lie a lot
I'm not a gun person and don't follow the issue all that much. The one that came up lately in our state is whether people should or shouldn't be allowed to buy smart guns? I'd favor their sale, figuring it's up to the individual buyer whether to trust them. Mostly what gets me riled are these conservatives who argue against the nanny state on the national level but have a totally opposite picture of things when given control on a state level.

Some Arizona Lawmakers Concerned About Smart Gun Technology
I see many gun lovers here equate guns with sex. They equate attractiveness with guns. If someone does not carry a gun, that makes them weak and unattractive. Strange world we live in.

really-----what world is that?------no one in my town carries a gun to "look sexy"
What is next, allowing murder.
The murder rate is going down. Don't be so frustrated with reality.
The murder rate is going down because they changed the definition of murder to Standing your ground, That tactic is especially effective when all
the witrnesses are White friends of yours. Frankly, though, I am all for universal concealed carry without a permit. That way corrupt racist cops don't get to know what an upstanding Black or Hispanic citizen is carrying to protect him/herself from THEM! Good cops have nothing to worry about!
Nope...that is a lie......

Actual car accidental death, vs. gun accidental death by age...from teh CDC...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Death by car and gun by age, 1015...

<1.... Car 64, Gun 1

1-4.... Car 332, Gun 25

5-9.... Car 351, Gun 7

10-14.... Car 412, Gun 15

15-19.... Car 2,535, Gun 52

Total Car.... 3,694

Total Gun.... 100

most gun deaths are suicides....

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Gun suicide...


Non Gun suicide...


Gun suicide....21,334
non gun....21,439

And a detailed look at care deaths vs. gun deaths...

It didn't happen in 2014 because gun deaths didn't rise as quickly as anticipated in the CDC's 10-year average and because car deaths didn't fall as quickly as projected. And the missed convergence doesn't merely delay the inevitable until next year's figures arrive.

Firearm deaths have plateaued over the past three years, while early estimates show traffic fatalities will increase by 8 to 14 percent, the sharpest year-over-year rise in more than six decades. It's possible the lines won't cross for the foreseeable future.

A 137-death difference aside, you still might be tempted to interpret the numbers to mean the likelihood of dying in a motor-vehicle crash is approximately the same as dying at the hands of a gunman. In the abstract, that's correct.

But none of the 33,736 killed in motor-vehicle crashes intended to die when they departed on their morning commutes or stepped off the curb to cross the street. The total number of gun deaths reported, however, includes those who used firearms to commit suicide.

Suicides comprised 71.6 percent of the total number of firearm deaths in 2014. If you remove those 21,334 deaths from the comparison and only examine unintentional deaths, you get a far different idea of your chances of dying in a traffic crash versus at the hands of a gunman.

Evaluate those 33,736 motor-vehicle deaths against the 12,265 non-suicide gunshot deaths – those that include homicides, "legal interventions" (as the CDC calls them), accidental shootings, and undetermined deaths – and it would appear that traffic fatalities, in sheer number, are a much greater blight upon America than non-suicide gun deaths.

That's not what you'd expect, of course.

Traffic deaths get scant attention, usually relegated to the inside pages of a local newspaper unless they're particularly unusual. But our narrow focus on how people die has led us astray from the sheer number of people dying via one method or the other, and as such, distorted our perception and response to the threats.

Terrorism, for example, caused zero deaths on US soil in 2014, according to CDC figures, and only three deaths in the five-year stretch between 2010 and 2014.

Yet the Department of Homeland Security's budget reached $59.9 billion in 2014. TheNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the federal agency charged with keeping motorists safe, received $819 million.

Lest you think gun deaths and motor vehicle crashes are vying for the dubious title of top cause of unintentional fatalities in America, that distinction belongs to drug overdoses, which killed a whopping 42,032 Americans in 2014, mostly from prescription pain medications, according to the National Safety Council. "The United States is in the midst of a prescription painkiller overdose epidemic," the CDC said in a recent report.
Accidental gun deaths?

We have over 30,000 gun deaths that are "On Purpose"

Something we don't get with cars don't get to use suicide in your "on purpose" gun deaths because they do not count.......suicide in other countries, with strict to almost total gun control, have higher suicide rates than we do....and our non gun suicide rate out numbered our gun suicide rate two years in a don't get to lie with your number....

And on top of that.....guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives , 1,500,000 times a year...according to bill clinton....and backed up by barak obama........

1,500,000 violent crimes stopped and lives saved...vs. 9,616 gun murders......and 70-80% of those victims are actually violent felons killed by other felons...and many of the rest are freinds and family of those criminals....

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Gun suicide...


Non Gun suicide...


Gun suicide....21,334
non gun....21,439

Tell that to all of these countries that have a higher suicide rate.....and stricter gun controls than we do....


Suicide rates around Europe

New Zealand...18.1

United States....17.7 have accidental gun deaths...and since we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s to 357-400 million guns in private hands in 2016.....have gone down...not up.....

Out of 320 million people there were a total of 489 accidental gun deaths........

320 million people..... 489 accidental gun deaths.

vs. over 34,000 accidental car deaths...and we let 16 year olds drive cars without adult supervision...and cars are the leading cause of death of children in this country....

Accidental gun deaths have gone down, not up....

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824

Then you have actual criminal acts with guns....of gun murder? They too have been going down, not you are wrong again...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2016

--our gun murder rate went down 49%

--our violent crime rate went down 75%

And our gun murder rate...from the FBI....9.616 in 2015

gun murder rate 1997 -2000

1997..... 10,729
1998..... 9,257
1999..... 8,480
2000..... 8,493
2001..... 8,719
2002... 9,369
2003.... 9,638
2004..... 9,385
2005.... 10,158
2006.... 10,225
2007 10,129
2008-- 9,528
2009-- 9,199
2010- 8,874
2011-- 8,653
2012-- 8,897
2013-- 8,454
2014-- 8,312

And of those 9,616 gun murders....70-80% of those murdered with guns...are actual criminals, murdered by other criminals...and of the remaining victims...many of them are friends and family of known criminals, drug dealers and gang members caught up in the criminal's activities or life style....

So keep using the 30,000 is a lie when you fail to detail the actual way people die by guns.. the truth, facts and reality have no bearing on why you don't like people defending hate guns and more than likely you will keep lying.....
Guns kill people because someone at the end of one thinks....I am going to kill you

Cars kill people by accident
neither guns nor cars kill people

people kill people

bad analogy.
it's not an analogy it's a plain simple unadulterated fact free from spin and emotion
/---- it happens multiple times a day at the abortion clinic. No fake outrage from you.

This has nothing to do with abortion, and you are trying to change the subject. I just can't see why everyone needs to carry a gun with them, and even in bars, grocery stores, why. Why not keep it locked in the car or locked up at home, why is it necessary to carry them all over.
Why not keep it locked in the car or locked up at home

Because it would be useless if needed in those places.

Right so you are going to shoot someone in a bar , grocery store, restaurant, mall, do you take it to church if you go, is it always on you , loaded???

The only reason for a law abiding person to use their gun to shoot someone is to save a life or stop a violent crime...what is it about that simple concept that you just don't understand?

Law abiding citizen; many are till the pull the trigger.

so? You can't deny a person rights because of what he might do

I could say every parent is a potential child beater so all children should be taken away from all parents if I subscribed to your thinking
And even with a 6 shooter.....

Even I loved target shooting with the M16, but I do not carry a gun.

No one said you have to.....but others make that choice and have the Right to make that choice.....

No you are infringing on my safety, same as a impaired driver.

And endangering children.

Obviously, these little sissies will happily step over the bodes of dead babies just so they can pretend to be Real Men.

Real Men protect children.

Sent from my iPad using

what children am I endangering
I see many gun lovers here equate guns with sex. They equate attractiveness with guns. If someone does not carry a gun, that makes them weak and unattractive. Strange world we live in.
no it's you immature people who are afraid of guns that call them penises
No I really believe many people who carry guns think they are sexy, or make some sort of statement, like I have power, am powerful etc. Just remember you have the power of life and death in your finger
how does a gun that nobody sees and that nobody knows I'm carrying make a statement?
More people die in this country from firearms deaths than car accidents

Cars provide a valuable service to our society. The only purpose of guns is to kill other citizens

Guns also make a nobody feel like a somebody.

As do a lot of things....and yet a gun can make a 130 lb woman with a broken leg able to defend herself from one or more violent criminals.......and that kind of thing happens about 1,500,000 times a year.....
So 1.5 million times a year, a 130 pound woman defends herself with a gun?
The murder rate is going down. Don't be so frustrated with reality.
You are calling your orange buddy a liar?
Your black Jesus told you to make an idiot of yourself?
Only a true dumbass Trumper would think "Orange" is a fucking race. Nice try, Mr Racist Fuck.
How did you interpret that as me thinking orange was a race, Mr. Retard?

Funny chit. You started using the racial slur "black Jesus" when I called your hero your orange buddy. You used that because I am an Obama supporter.

You used Obama's race as some sort of equivalent of your fast buddy being orange.

Donald Trump is orange. Too much of that tanning spray paint?
I'm not a racist all my guns are black
So I asked a mid level commanding officer in the SLCPD what are the officers trained to do if they come on scene of a shooting and see a person with gun.

The answer was: shoot and ask questions later.

If you are CCW, you best bet is to hide and cover those with you and not be Red Ranger Riding To Danger.

Get your ass shot.

which is what CCW gun owners did in the TX sniper event and the anti gun people criticized them for it

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