Making progress, 40% of U.S. now allows carrying a gun without a permit.

Do you have a single credible shred of evidence to back up this pile of ridiculous bullshit you call a post?

A 32 year career in LE, more than half of that time as a supervisor or manager: five years as supervisor of the domestic violence unit; three years as training manager; three years as manager of Juvenile, three years managing Internal Affairs and doing the recruitment, vetting (back ground investigations) and recommending to the hiring authority those in my judgement should be given a conditional offer of employment, at which time the more expensive items (medical, psychological and 832 PC training at the academy) would be provided.
You weren't a street cop. Being a desk jockey might make working in law enforcement but it isn't the same thing. You're full of shit. Most cops are pro 2nd and like I pointed out shall issue states aren't having the problem AND murder rates are going down while concealed carry laws are liberalized. You were a government drone that lived and still do in an altered state of reality.

Most "street cops" (and their family) would like a head's up, especially when called to a domestic dispute. I had a tape which I played when teaching at the Academy of the murder of two "street cops" responding to such a dispute.

Had they known that the home in which they were responding was occupied by a licensed gun owner, they might not have died on the spot. The tape was the radio broadcast between one of the officers and dispatch, it was a little less than two minutes long but chilled the students and hopefully made them aware that the proliferation of guns put them in harms way.

Food for thought of those who actually think.

Appeal to emotion, for your desire to be the new knightly class of the US, again. "guns for me and not for thee"
Yes, a coherent appeal to emotion is allowed to get trainees to think.

Getting trainees to think isn't the issue, it's wrycatcher's elitist statist desire to be among a elite class of "armed citizens" due to his LEO background while the rest of us are unarmed.
A 32 year career in LE, more than half of that time as a supervisor or manager: five years as supervisor of the domestic violence unit; three years as training manager; three years as manager of Juvenile, three years managing Internal Affairs and doing the recruitment, vetting (back ground investigations) and recommending to the hiring authority those in my judgement should be given a conditional offer of employment, at which time the more expensive items (medical, psychological and 832 PC training at the academy) would be provided.
You weren't a street cop. Being a desk jockey might make working in law enforcement but it isn't the same thing. You're full of shit. Most cops are pro 2nd and like I pointed out shall issue states aren't having the problem AND murder rates are going down while concealed carry laws are liberalized. You were a government drone that lived and still do in an altered state of reality.

Most "street cops" (and their family) would like a head's up, especially when called to a domestic dispute. I had a tape which I played when teaching at the Academy of the murder of two "street cops" responding to such a dispute.

Had they known that the home in which they were responding was occupied by a licensed gun owner, they might not have died on the spot. The tape was the radio broadcast between one of the officers and dispatch, it was a little less than two minutes long but chilled the students and hopefully made them aware that the proliferation of guns put them in harms way.

Food for thought of those who actually think.

Appeal to emotion, for your desire to be the new knightly class of the US, again. "guns for me and not for thee"
Yes, a coherent appeal to emotion is allowed to get trainees to think.

Getting trainees to think isn't the issue, it's wrycatcher's elitist statist desire to be among a elite class of "armed citizens" due to his LEO background while the rest of us are unarmed.
He was never a LEO, he carefully dances around it by not mentioning it was an office job in law enforcement. Maybe he tried but he obviously doesn't have what it takes.
So I asked a mid level commanding officer in the SLCPD what are the officers trained to do if they come on scene of a shooting and see a person with gun.

The answer was: shoot and ask questions later.

If you are CCW, you best bet is to hide and cover those with you and not be Red Ranger Riding To Danger.

Get your ass shot.

which is what CCW gun owners did in the TX sniper event and the anti gun people criticized them for it
^^^ Alt Fact

prove it
I don't have to. (1) You posted your opinioon as if it were fact without evidence, thus it is an Alt Fact. (2) You need to prove your opinion with evidence that it is a fact.
so you missed the posts here with you anti gun types doing exactly what i said after the Texas sniper incident?
So I asked a mid level commanding officer in the SLCPD what are the officers trained to do if they come on scene of a shooting and see a person with gun.

The answer was: shoot and ask questions later.

If you are CCW, you best bet is to hide and cover those with you and not be Red Ranger Riding To Danger.

Get your ass shot.

And the real real world shootings..this doesn't happen....we saw this not happening in Dallas...where people with actual AR-15s and open carry pistols allowed the police to engage the black lives matter supporter and we saw it at the Gabby Giffords shooting where you had a concealed carry at the scene, gun drawn, as the attacker was please.....don't talk out of your ass....then there is the video we show all the time of the black concealed carry gun owner, pointing his gun at the white car jacker, as the police roll up.....and what happens....the police shake the guys hand .....
Your opinion is not a fact. You have to give solid, convincing evidence (not your silly appeal to emotion) of your point. You have not.
appeal to emotion that's what you anti gun people do
Jake is very good at accusing others of exactly what he is guilty of.

He is a terrible snitch though.
You are calling your orange buddy a liar?
Your black Jesus told you to make an idiot of yourself?
Racist fuck. You can tell true Trumper because they can't respond without throwing out a racial slur.
Your black Jesus isn't making you a better person. You aren't smart enough to realize the recognition of a race isn't the definition of racism. You're just stupid, intolerant and hateful. That's why you're a liberal. Nor do I care about your opinion of me, as I have pointed out numerous times. You're an Obama turd, nothing more.
Yoiur orange buddy ios making you more stupid every time he operns his mouth.

Where is Mr "OMG OMG OMG Obama's golfing" today?

You're a doper that's projecting.
Only a doper like you would project that, iceweasel.

which is what CCW gun owners did in the TX sniper event and the anti gun people criticized them for it
^^^ Alt Fact

prove it
I don't have to. (1) You posted your opinioon as if it were fact without evidence, thus it is an Alt Fact. (2) You need to prove your opinion with evidence that it is a fact.
so you missed the posts here with you anti gun types doing exactly what i said after the Texas sniper incident?
So I asked a mid level commanding officer in the SLCPD what are the officers trained to do if they come on scene of a shooting and see a person with gun.

The answer was: shoot and ask questions later.

If you are CCW, you best bet is to hide and cover those with you and not be Red Ranger Riding To Danger.

Get your ass shot.

And the real real world shootings..this doesn't happen....we saw this not happening in Dallas...where people with actual AR-15s and open carry pistols allowed the police to engage the black lives matter supporter and we saw it at the Gabby Giffords shooting where you had a concealed carry at the scene, gun drawn, as the attacker was please.....don't talk out of your ass....then there is the video we show all the time of the black concealed carry gun owner, pointing his gun at the white car jacker, as the police roll up.....and what happens....the police shake the guys hand .....
Your opinion is not a fact. You have to give solid, convincing evidence (not your silly appeal to emotion) of your point. You have not.
appeal to emotion that's what you anti gun people do
Jake is very good at accusing others of exactly what he is guilty of.

He is a terrible snitch though.
AKA Fake Starkey
I don't have to. (1) You posted your opinioon as if it were fact without evidence, thus it is an Alt Fact. (2) You need to prove your opinion with evidence that it is a fact.
so you missed the posts here with you anti gun types doing exactly what i said after the Texas sniper incident?
So I asked a mid level commanding officer in the SLCPD what are the officers trained to do if they come on scene of a shooting and see a person with gun.

The answer was: shoot and ask questions later.

If you are CCW, you best bet is to hide and cover those with you and not be Red Ranger Riding To Danger.

Get your ass shot.

And the real real world shootings..this doesn't happen....we saw this not happening in Dallas...where people with actual AR-15s and open carry pistols allowed the police to engage the black lives matter supporter and we saw it at the Gabby Giffords shooting where you had a concealed carry at the scene, gun drawn, as the attacker was please.....don't talk out of your ass....then there is the video we show all the time of the black concealed carry gun owner, pointing his gun at the white car jacker, as the police roll up.....and what happens....the police shake the guys hand .....
Your opinion is not a fact. You have to give solid, convincing evidence (not your silly appeal to emotion) of your point. You have not.
appeal to emotion that's what you anti gun people do
Jake is very good at accusing others of exactly what he is guilty of.

He is a terrible snitch though.
AKA Fake Starkey
You got pwnd, is what it is. Please make a sensible argument.
I'm not a gun person and don't follow the issue all that much. The one that came up lately in our state is whether people should or shouldn't be allowed to buy smart guns? I'd favor their sale, figuring it's up to the individual buyer whether to trust them. Mostly what gets me riled are these conservatives who argue against the nanny state on the national level but have a totally opposite picture of things when given control on a state level.

Some Arizona Lawmakers Concerned About Smart Gun Technology

if you want one buy one

dont expect me to

or attempt to force me to

prove it
I don't have to. (1) You posted your opinioon as if it were fact without evidence, thus it is an Alt Fact. (2) You need to prove your opinion with evidence that it is a fact.
so you missed the posts here with you anti gun types doing exactly what i said after the Texas sniper incident?
And the real real world shootings..this doesn't happen....we saw this not happening in Dallas...where people with actual AR-15s and open carry pistols allowed the police to engage the black lives matter supporter and we saw it at the Gabby Giffords shooting where you had a concealed carry at the scene, gun drawn, as the attacker was please.....don't talk out of your ass....then there is the video we show all the time of the black concealed carry gun owner, pointing his gun at the white car jacker, as the police roll up.....and what happens....the police shake the guys hand .....
Your opinion is not a fact. You have to give solid, convincing evidence (not your silly appeal to emotion) of your point. You have not.
appeal to emotion that's what you anti gun people do
Jake is very good at accusing others of exactly what he is guilty of.

He is a terrible snitch though.
AKA Fake Starkey
You got pwnd, is what it is. Please make a sensible argument.


I remember the threads here I don't have time to search for them right now but there were plenty of you idiots asking why CCW permit holders didn't take out the TX sniper
I'm not a gun person and don't follow the issue all that much. The one that came up lately in our state is whether people should or shouldn't be allowed to buy smart guns? I'd favor their sale, figuring it's up to the individual buyer whether to trust them. Mostly what gets me riled are these conservatives who argue against the nanny state on the national level but have a totally opposite picture of things when given control on a state level.

Some Arizona Lawmakers Concerned About Smart Gun Technology

if you want one buy one

dont expect me to

or attempt to force me to

I like your answer and I did further research into the proposed Arizona bill and changed my opinion on the legislation. Their attitude is basically the same as yours though expressed less eloquently and using a lot more words.

Calling the technology a method of gun control, a Senate panel voted Wednesday to preclude any mandate that Arizonans have to purchase “smart” guns.

HB 2216 says the state may not require any person to use “electronic firearm tracking technology.”

It also bars disclosure of any disclosure of information gathered from such technology that would identify the gun owner or the person’s firearm.

Rep. Paul Boyer, R-Phoenix, said he heard a presentation at a conference that suggested the best way to regulate who can own and fire a gun is “block chain technology.”

In essence, the technology can sense and log when a smart weapon has been fired, even sending notices to emergency personnel.

It also can send out notifications if an unauthorized person tries to fire the weapon.

“And that’s what I’m concerned about,” Boyer said.

The right to self-defense existed before government, he said.

“It’ll exist long after government is gone. And so every citizen should have the right to defend themselves,” Boyer said.

Beyond the tracking, Boyer said HB 2216 will ensure that Arizonans are not forced to purchase weapons that are designed to fire only by the authorized owner or user. He contends they are “unreliable.”

Senate panel clears bill blocking government mandates on smart guns
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.
Why would you wish that on anyone?

Yes I didn't say that right. Of course I would not wish that on anyone, but it happens all the time. actually did say that...he quoted your post.....where you said you hoped he loses his temper and shoots someone or one of his kids or grandkids finds his gun and shoots someone....

You can't hide from apology would be a good start.....and some soul searching...
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.
Why would you wish that on anyone?

Yes I didn't say that right. Of course I would not wish that on anyone, but it happens all the time.
All the time? Sure it happens too often but it's rare. Usually the guy shooting in anger is the one without a legal firearm and the one's who's kids get one are likely dopers and irresponsible parents. Lefties always want laws for the lowest common denominator to apply to all.
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.
Why would you wish that on anyone?

Yes I didn't say that right. Of course I would not wish that on anyone, but it happens all the time.
All the time? Sure it happens too often but it's rare. Usually the guy shooting in anger is the one without a legal firearm and the one's who's kids get one are likely dopers and irresponsible parents. Lefties always want laws for the lowest common denominator to apply to all.

And then are amazed when the actual criminal ignore the laws created by the left wingers...who then call for more laws to address the same problem not solved by the original new laws.......rinse and repeat....
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.
Why would you wish that on anyone?

Yes I didn't say that right. Of course I would not wish that on anyone, but it happens all the time.
All the time? Sure it happens too often but it's rare. Usually the guy shooting in anger is the one without a legal firearm and the one's who's kids get one are likely dopers and irresponsible parents. Lefties always want laws for the lowest common denominator to apply to all.

No its becoming more and more common. What is a legal firearm?
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.
Why would you wish that on anyone?

Yes I didn't say that right. Of course I would not wish that on anyone, but it happens all the time.
All the time? Sure it happens too often but it's rare. Usually the guy shooting in anger is the one without a legal firearm and the one's who's kids get one are likely dopers and irresponsible parents. Lefties always want laws for the lowest common denominator to apply to all.

No its becoming more and more common. What is a legal firearm?
What's your source for more and more common? A legal firearm is one you've obtained legally.
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.
Why would you wish that on anyone?

Yes I didn't say that right. Of course I would not wish that on anyone, but it happens all the time.
All the time? Sure it happens too often but it's rare. Usually the guy shooting in anger is the one without a legal firearm and the one's who's kids get one are likely dopers and irresponsible parents. Lefties always want laws for the lowest common denominator to apply to all.

No its becoming more and more common. What is a legal firearm? isn't...I have posted data from the CDC...accidental gun deaths and non fatal gun accidents have gone down, not Americans went from 200 million guns to 357-400 million guns....and our gun murder rate went down 49% at the same you are wrong.

of those actually breaking the law against attempted murder and murder.....90% of them cannot buy, own or carry a when they use a gun to shoot at someone....they are using an illegal gun....
A 32 year career in LE, more than half of that time as a supervisor or manager: five years as supervisor of the domestic violence unit; three years as training manager; three years as manager of Juvenile, three years managing Internal Affairs and doing the recruitment, vetting (back ground investigations) and recommending to the hiring authority those in my judgement should be given a conditional offer of employment, at which time the more expensive items (medical, psychological and 832 PC training at the academy) would be provided.
You weren't a street cop. Being a desk jockey might make working in law enforcement but it isn't the same thing. You're full of shit. Most cops are pro 2nd and like I pointed out shall issue states aren't having the problem AND murder rates are going down while concealed carry laws are liberalized. You were a government drone that lived and still do in an altered state of reality.

Most "street cops" (and their family) would like a head's up, especially when called to a domestic dispute. I had a tape which I played when teaching at the Academy of the murder of two "street cops" responding to such a dispute.

Had they known that the home in which they were responding was occupied by a licensed gun owner, they might not have died on the spot. The tape was the radio broadcast between one of the officers and dispatch, it was a little less than two minutes long but chilled the students and hopefully made them aware that the proliferation of guns put them in harms way.

Food for thought of those who actually think.

Appeal to emotion, for your desire to be the new knightly class of the US, again. "guns for me and not for thee"
Yes, a coherent appeal to emotion is allowed to get trainees to think.

Getting trainees to think isn't the issue, it's wrycatcher's elitist statist desire to be among a elite class of "armed citizens" due to his LEO background while the rest of us are unarmed.

You really need to be more selective when building a straw man argument. Wet straw and dressing your scare crow in asbestos isn't effective. I have never felt the need to carry a firearm to the grocery store, to a restaurant or to a movie theater, etc.

I support the 2nd A. with reservations. Too many guns are in the hands and pockets of persons too unstable, not law abiding, not properly vetted and trained, and incapable of good judgment because of alcohol abuse, drug abuse or mental illness.

As I've posted ad nausea I support allowing each state to pass laws, including licensing, registration and other regulations to achieve common sense gun control. No one convicted of Domestic Violence (DV) or other violent crimes ought to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun and that includes a sworn member of a LE Agency.

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