Making progress, 40% of U.S. now allows carrying a gun without a permit.

You really need to be more selective when building a straw man argument. Wet straw and dressing your scare crow in asbestos isn't effective. I have never felt the need to carry a firearm to the grocery store, to a restaurant or to a movie theater, etc.

I support the 2nd A. with reservations. Too many guns are in the hands and pockets of persons too unstable, not law abiding, not properly vetted and trained, and incapable of good judgment because of alcohol abuse, drug abuse or mental illness.

As I've posted ad nausea I support allowing each state to pass laws, including licensing, registration and other regulations to achieve common sense gun control. No one convicted of Domestic Violence (DV) or other violent crimes ought to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun and that includes a sworn member of a LE Agency.

"with reservations", "common sense gun control" Those are the weasel words of controlling dipshits like you, who want to stop people other than LEO's and government tools from protecting themselves. Why should I support ANY more gun laws when in NYC it takes 3-6 months and $1000 to get a fucking revolver permit. Unless of course you are a retired LEO or know someone, then the city ignores the rules for the rest of us peasants.

How about we let individual States pass "common sense" voter regulations, or abortion regulations?

You idiots start with small restrictions, but you just can't help yourselves and then go right to the NYC situation I describe.

Fuck you.

Slippery slope. You're not only a punk, you're a dishonest and cowardly one.

No, I'm at the bottom of the slope. NYC has some of the most restrictive gun laws, and that is what you idiots want the rest of the country to look like.

NYC's handgun laws are a perfect example of the "guns for me and not for thee" mentality that festers out of your pores.

Tell me, yes or no, are NYC's current laws infringement or not?

In your mind, yes. Tissue?

How infringed are the families of those murdered at VT, Sand Hook Elem. or those killed by errant drive by shootings. More or less infringed than you? Your anger at NYC is understandable, any 2-year old denied a toy will have a temper tantrum and whine and whine. I don't give a damn about you or your obsession with guns - in fact that obsession alone suggests the laws in NYC are appropriate.

Yep, the lets hand out guns at the classroom door solution. Just like the fucking idiot LaPierre

And more to the point.....Sandy Hook was a gun free zone...and it was targeted specifically because it was a gun free school...the middle school and the high school had armed police community service officers on campus...Sandy Hook was gun free......that is what drew the killer one had a gun to stop him.....
If the bed wetters are so concerned about "untrained" people carrying weapons, then make the training mandatory in order to acquire a Diploma or Driver's license.

A quick 1 hour course can cover the safe handling of a handgun by doing little more than discussing how they function and providing non-firing guns to teach people how to safely unload them.

People interested in carry should be encouraged to attend training.

I'm a certified trainer, and I have taught soldiers and civilians how to safely handle weapons as well as win gun fights.

How about we let people who drive cars not be licensed. Hell, let them just drive. Its easy, you push the gas pedal & you move, the brake you stop, turn the wheel changes direction. Its the same as letting any asshole buy a gun, tote it everywhere they go.

and except for the fact....4.7 million people carried guns for self defense in 1997......over 15 million people carry guns for self defense in 2016.....and what happened...the gun murder rate went down 49% and the violent crime rate went down nothing you posted is based in truth, facts or reality.

Law abiding people, carrying guns for self not a problem....not locking up actual violent criminals, with repeat illegal gun offenses...that is the problem.
People have carried guns for decades. So the murder rate went down & say it was because of guns? The success of the NRA to dupe morons into toting guns everywhere accounts for the growth in gun ownership.

I'll show you studies that say the drop in murder rate is due to changes in policing like more police on the streets, to the reduction of lead in the atmosphere due to unleaded gasoline higherr incomes, & I'm sure your favorite, more abortions man fewer unwanted kids that tend to increase the odds of a life of crime.

But hey, you just assume its because of a bunched of beered up rednecks toting guns.
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. Robert A. Heinlein
Read more at: Robert A. Heinlein Quotes
Slowly, we are taking back the natural right to self defense.......

North Dakota 14th Constitutional Carry State - 40% of US area now allows carrying without a permit - Crime Prevention Research Center

Friday, North Dakota’s Republican Governor Doug Burgum signed legislation making their state the 14th that allows carrying without a concealed handgun permit. The bill had passed the legislature with overwhelming majorities (34 to 13 in the state Senate and 83 to 9 in the state House). North Dakota thus joined New Hampshire in passing Constitutional Carry this year, though it seems unlikely that any more states will pass these laws during the current sessions.
I thought that Open Carry was your favorite benchmark for gun freedom in the USA 2aguy ??

What happened to that ??

As for unlicensed concealed carry, it is simply a local state issue. Some governors like it while others do not.

Those governors who do not like it normally say that their own state's CFP laws are working well enough.
What is next, allowing murder.
The murder rate is going down. Don't be so frustrated with reality.
The murder rate is going down because they changed the definition of murder to Standing your ground, That tactic is especially effective when all
the witrnesses are White friends of yours. Frankly, though, I am all for universal concealed carry without a permit. That way corrupt racist cops don't get to know what an upstanding Black or Hispanic citizen is carrying to protect him/herself from THEM! Good cops have nothing to worry about!

Boy...the stupid is strong with you....
Gee, all the rw bigots play that card when confronted by the truth. Oh well at least you didn't attempt to deny the truth.Stupid truth is still the truth.
"with reservations", "common sense gun control" Those are the weasel words of controlling dipshits like you, who want to stop people other than LEO's and government tools from protecting themselves. Why should I support ANY more gun laws when in NYC it takes 3-6 months and $1000 to get a fucking revolver permit. Unless of course you are a retired LEO or know someone, then the city ignores the rules for the rest of us peasants.

How about we let individual States pass "common sense" voter regulations, or abortion regulations?

You idiots start with small restrictions, but you just can't help yourselves and then go right to the NYC situation I describe.

Fuck you.

Slippery slope. You're not only a punk, you're a dishonest and cowardly one.

No, I'm at the bottom of the slope. NYC has some of the most restrictive gun laws, and that is what you idiots want the rest of the country to look like.

NYC's handgun laws are a perfect example of the "guns for me and not for thee" mentality that festers out of your pores.

Tell me, yes or no, are NYC's current laws infringement or not?

In your mind, yes. Tissue?

How infringed are the families of those murdered at VT, Sand Hook Elem. or those killed by errant drive by shootings. More or less infringed than you? Your anger at NYC is understandable, any 2-year old denied a toy will have a temper tantrum and whine and whine. I don't give a damn about you or your obsession with guns - in fact that obsession alone suggests the laws in NYC are appropriate.

Yep, the lets hand out guns at the classroom door solution. Just like the fucking idiot LaPierre

And more to the point.....Sandy Hook was a gun free zone...and it was targeted specifically because it was a gun free school...the middle school and the high school had armed police community service officers on campus...Sandy Hook was gun free......that is what drew the killer one had a gun to stop him.....

How does anyone know what motivated Lanza to do what he did, where and when. We know the how, and that is the primary issue on any discussion on gun control.
If the bed wetters are so concerned about "untrained" people carrying weapons, then make the training mandatory in order to acquire a Diploma or Driver's license.

A quick 1 hour course can cover the safe handling of a handgun by doing little more than discussing how they function and providing non-firing guns to teach people how to safely unload them.

People interested in carry should be encouraged to attend training.

I'm a certified trainer, and I have taught soldiers and civilians how to safely handle weapons as well as win gun fights.

How about we let people who drive cars not be licensed. Hell, let them just drive. Its easy, you push the gas pedal & you move, the brake you stop, turn the wheel changes direction. Its the same as letting any asshole buy a gun, tote it everywhere they go.

and except for the fact....4.7 million people carried guns for self defense in 1997......over 15 million people carry guns for self defense in 2016.....and what happened...the gun murder rate went down 49% and the violent crime rate went down nothing you posted is based in truth, facts or reality.

Law abiding people, carrying guns for self not a problem....not locking up actual violent criminals, with repeat illegal gun offenses...that is the problem.
People have carried guns for decades. So the murder rate went down & say it was because of guns? The success of the NRA to dupe morons into toting guns everywhere accounts for the growth in gun ownership.

I'll show you studies that say the drop in murder rate is due to changes in policing like more police on the streets, to the reduction of lead in the atmosphere due to unleaded gasoline higherr incomes, & I'm sure your favorite, more abortions man fewer unwanted kids that tend to increase the odds of a life of crime.

But hey, you just assume its because of a bunched of beered up rednecks toting guns.
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. Robert A. Heinlein
Read more at: Robert A. Heinlein Quotes
Will someone please send that message to the Chicago city website?
Slippery slope. You're not only a punk, you're a dishonest and cowardly one.

No, I'm at the bottom of the slope. NYC has some of the most restrictive gun laws, and that is what you idiots want the rest of the country to look like.

NYC's handgun laws are a perfect example of the "guns for me and not for thee" mentality that festers out of your pores.

Tell me, yes or no, are NYC's current laws infringement or not?

In your mind, yes. Tissue?

How infringed are the families of those murdered at VT, Sand Hook Elem. or those killed by errant drive by shootings. More or less infringed than you? Your anger at NYC is understandable, any 2-year old denied a toy will have a temper tantrum and whine and whine. I don't give a damn about you or your obsession with guns - in fact that obsession alone suggests the laws in NYC are appropriate.

Yep, the lets hand out guns at the classroom door solution. Just like the fucking idiot LaPierre

And more to the point.....Sandy Hook was a gun free zone...and it was targeted specifically because it was a gun free school...the middle school and the high school had armed police community service officers on campus...Sandy Hook was gun free......that is what drew the killer one had a gun to stop him.....

How does anyone know what motivated Lanza to do what he did, where and when. We know the how, and that is the primary issue on any discussion on gun control.
We know the how, and that is the primary issue on any discussion on gun control.

The how?

He murdered his mother, and stole some of her firearms to go on a rampage.

How would gun control have stopped him. other than taking everyones firearms?
If the bed wetters are so concerned about "untrained" people carrying weapons, then make the training mandatory in order to acquire a Diploma or Driver's license.

A quick 1 hour course can cover the safe handling of a handgun by doing little more than discussing how they function and providing non-firing guns to teach people how to safely unload them.

People interested in carry should be encouraged to attend training.

I'm a certified trainer, and I have taught soldiers and civilians how to safely handle weapons as well as win gun fights.

How about we let people who drive cars not be licensed. Hell, let them just drive. Its easy, you push the gas pedal & you move, the brake you stop, turn the wheel changes direction. Its the same as letting any asshole buy a gun, tote it everywhere they go.

and except for the fact....4.7 million people carried guns for self defense in 1997......over 15 million people carry guns for self defense in 2016.....and what happened...the gun murder rate went down 49% and the violent crime rate went down nothing you posted is based in truth, facts or reality.

Law abiding people, carrying guns for self not a problem....not locking up actual violent criminals, with repeat illegal gun offenses...that is the problem.
People have carried guns for decades. So the murder rate went down & say it was because of guns? The success of the NRA to dupe morons into toting guns everywhere accounts for the growth in gun ownership.

I'll show you studies that say the drop in murder rate is due to changes in policing like more police on the streets, to the reduction of lead in the atmosphere due to unleaded gasoline higherr incomes, & I'm sure your favorite, more abortions man fewer unwanted kids that tend to increase the odds of a life of crime.

But hey, you just assume its because of a bunched of beered up rednecks toting guns.
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. Robert A. Heinlein
Read more at: Robert A. Heinlein Quotes
Will someone please send that message to the Chicago city website?
You're a tad confused.

those mostly armed in Chicago are the gangs.

Until recently, firearms were verboten to the populace.

If the common man were to start shooting back, perhaps the gangs would be more polite
What is next, allowing murder.
The murder rate is going down. Don't be so frustrated with reality.
The murder rate is going down because they changed the definition of murder to Standing your ground, That tactic is especially effective when all
the witrnesses are White friends of yours. Frankly, though, I am all for universal concealed carry without a permit. That way corrupt racist cops don't get to know what an upstanding Black or Hispanic citizen is carrying to protect him/herself from THEM! Good cops have nothing to worry about!
Murder means murder. Unjustified. Leftwing maggots don't get to redefine words for the rest of us.
I don't pretend to redefine the word murder.
The people who wrote SOG laws did that.RW pukes don't get to ignore the facts that are so vividly clear to the rest of us.
What? No come back? Heh heh heh...reality checks gets
em every time.
Your colon may be a reality but perspective is difficult from there. You have the patience of a gnat, the analysis of a brick and the hatred and intolerance of a liberal.
Trump's arse is a reality. With your head wedged so deeply in his hegemonic bowels i can understand your ignorance. You can only see the world through his eyes.
What is next, allowing murder.
The murder rate is going down. Don't be so frustrated with reality.
The murder rate is going down because they changed the definition of murder to Standing your ground, That tactic is especially effective when all
the witrnesses are White friends of yours. Frankly, though, I am all for universal concealed carry without a permit. That way corrupt racist cops don't get to know what an upstanding Black or Hispanic citizen is carrying to protect him/herself from THEM! Good cops have nothing to worry about!
Murder means murder. Unjustified. Leftwing maggots don't get to redefine words for the rest of us.
I don't pretend to redefine the word murder.
The people who wrote SOG laws did that.RW pukes don't get to ignore the facts that are so vividly clear to the rest of us.
Stand your ground just means you don't have the duty to run away. Left wing pukes don't get to make people run like they do.
What? No come back? Heh heh heh...reality checks gets
em every time.
Your colon may be a reality but perspective is difficult from there. You have the patience of a gnat, the analysis of a brick and the hatred and intolerance of a liberal.
Trump's arse is a reality. With your head wedged so deeply in his hegemonic bowels i can understand your ignorance. You can only see the world through his eyes.
You proved my point again.
Slippery slope. You're not only a punk, you're a dishonest and cowardly one.

No, I'm at the bottom of the slope. NYC has some of the most restrictive gun laws, and that is what you idiots want the rest of the country to look like.

NYC's handgun laws are a perfect example of the "guns for me and not for thee" mentality that festers out of your pores.

Tell me, yes or no, are NYC's current laws infringement or not?

In your mind, yes. Tissue?

How infringed are the families of those murdered at VT, Sand Hook Elem. or those killed by errant drive by shootings. More or less infringed than you? Your anger at NYC is understandable, any 2-year old denied a toy will have a temper tantrum and whine and whine. I don't give a damn about you or your obsession with guns - in fact that obsession alone suggests the laws in NYC are appropriate.

Yep, the lets hand out guns at the classroom door solution. Just like the fucking idiot LaPierre

And more to the point.....Sandy Hook was a gun free zone...and it was targeted specifically because it was a gun free school...the middle school and the high school had armed police community service officers on campus...Sandy Hook was gun free......that is what drew the killer one had a gun to stop him.....

How does anyone know what motivated Lanza to do what he did, where and when. We know the how, and that is the primary issue on any discussion on gun control.
yeah the how was he murdered his mother and stole her guns
How about we let people who drive cars not be licensed. Hell, let them just drive. Its easy, you push the gas pedal & you move, the brake you stop, turn the wheel changes direction. Its the same as letting any asshole buy a gun, tote it everywhere they go.
Open app it's a thesis.

and except for the fact....4.7 million people carried guns for self defense in 1997......over 15 million people carry guns for self defense in 2016.....and what happened...the gun murder rate went down 49% and the violent crime rate went down nothing you posted is based in truth, facts or reality.

Law abiding people, carrying guns for self not a problem....not locking up actual violent criminals, with repeat illegal gun offenses...that is the problem.
People have carried guns for decades. So the murder rate went down & say it was because of guns? The success of the NRA to dupe morons into toting guns everywhere accounts for the growth in gun ownership.

I'll show you studies that say the drop in murder rate is due to changes in policing like more police on the streets, to the reduction of lead in the atmosphere due to unleaded gasoline higherr incomes, & I'm sure your favorite, more abortions man fewer unwanted kids that tend to increase the odds of a life of crime.

But hey, you just assume its because of a bunched of beered up rednecks toting guns.
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. Robert A. Heinlein
Read more at: Robert A. Heinlein Quotes
Will someone please send that message to the Chicago city website?
You're a tad confused.

those mostly armed in Chicago are the gangs.

Until recently, firearms were verboten to the populace.

If the common man were to start shooting back, perhaps the gangs would be more polite
Don't know much about the shootings in Chicago do you? There is mounting evidence to support the claim that the label " gang related shooting"is used by cops to define all gun related incidents in the hood.
Are Chicago Murders All Gang-Related?

Gang related homicides are down. Most shootings in Chicago emanate from domestic violence or neighborhood disputes.
Last edited:
Slippery slope. You're not only a punk, you're a dishonest and cowardly one.

No, I'm at the bottom of the slope. NYC has some of the most restrictive gun laws, and that is what you idiots want the rest of the country to look like.

NYC's handgun laws are a perfect example of the "guns for me and not for thee" mentality that festers out of your pores.

Tell me, yes or no, are NYC's current laws infringement or not?

In your mind, yes. Tissue?

How infringed are the families of those murdered at VT, Sand Hook Elem. or those killed by errant drive by shootings. More or less infringed than you? Your anger at NYC is understandable, any 2-year old denied a toy will have a temper tantrum and whine and whine. I don't give a damn about you or your obsession with guns - in fact that obsession alone suggests the laws in NYC are appropriate.

Yep, the lets hand out guns at the classroom door solution. Just like the fucking idiot LaPierre

And more to the point.....Sandy Hook was a gun free zone...and it was targeted specifically because it was a gun free school...the middle school and the high school had armed police community service officers on campus...Sandy Hook was gun free......that is what drew the killer one had a gun to stop him.....

How does anyone know what motivated Lanza to do what he did, where and when. We know the how, and that is the primary issue on any discussion on gun control.
Lanza is off topic. Has nothing to do with this thread.

The thread is about constitutional concealed carry.

It is one of 2aguy 's favorite subjects.

His other favorite is constitutional open carry.

Neither of these is mentioned in the Constitution of course.

However this does not stop 2aguy .
I don't pretend to redefine the word murder.
The people who wrote SOG laws did that.RW pukes don't get to ignore the facts that are so vividly clear to the rest of us.

That bed wetting mindless parasite is the perfect poster child for why it is imperative that we provide access to abortions for libturd whores. Imagine if just a few million more of these weapons grade stupid drones had been sucked out and flushed down a toilet like the genetic garbage they are 30 years ago.

We would probably have a balanced budget and %25 of the debt.

It's time we start allowing retro active abortions so that these sniveling bed wetters can "choose" to eliminate their carbon footprints.

How dare you speak about the mother of Jesus in that manner.
The most important issue related to guns is to get states to pass shall-issue statutes. This would repeal their may-issue statues.

Then everyone who is a resident may legally carry concealed there and in states with reciprocity.
What? No come back? Heh heh heh...reality checks gets
em every time.
Your colon may be a reality but perspective is difficult from there. You have the patience of a gnat, the analysis of a brick and the hatred and intolerance of a liberal.
Trump's arse is a reality. With your head wedged so deeply in his hegemonic bowels i can understand your ignorance. You can only see the world through his eyes.
You proved my point again.
If your point is that you are trying to validate your stupidity, succeeded.
Last edited:
No, I'm at the bottom of the slope. NYC has some of the most restrictive gun laws, and that is what you idiots want the rest of the country to look like.

NYC's handgun laws are a perfect example of the "guns for me and not for thee" mentality that festers out of your pores.

Tell me, yes or no, are NYC's current laws infringement or not?

In your mind, yes. Tissue?

How infringed are the families of those murdered at VT, Sand Hook Elem. or those killed by errant drive by shootings. More or less infringed than you? Your anger at NYC is understandable, any 2-year old denied a toy will have a temper tantrum and whine and whine. I don't give a damn about you or your obsession with guns - in fact that obsession alone suggests the laws in NYC are appropriate.

Yep, the lets hand out guns at the classroom door solution. Just like the fucking idiot LaPierre

And more to the point.....Sandy Hook was a gun free zone...and it was targeted specifically because it was a gun free school...the middle school and the high school had armed police community service officers on campus...Sandy Hook was gun free......that is what drew the killer one had a gun to stop him.....

How does anyone know what motivated Lanza to do what he did, where and when. We know the how, and that is the primary issue on any discussion on gun control.
Lanza is off topic. Has nothing to do with this thread.

The thread is about constitutional concealed carry.

It is one of 2aguy 's favorite subjects.

His other favorite is constitutional open carry.

Neither of these is mentioned in the Constitution of course.

However this does not stop 2aguy .

Keep and bear

there is nothing that says I can't keep a firearm on my person be it concealed or not
What is next, allowing murder.
The murder rate is going down. Don't be so frustrated with reality.
The murder rate is going down because they changed the definition of murder to Standing your ground, That tactic is especially effective when all
the witrnesses are White friends of yours. Frankly, though, I am all for universal concealed carry without a permit. That way corrupt racist cops don't get to know what an upstanding Black or Hispanic citizen is carrying to protect him/herself from THEM! Good cops have nothing to worry about!
Murder means murder. Unjustified. Leftwing maggots don't get to redefine words for the rest of us.
I don't pretend to redefine the word murder.
The people who wrote SOG laws did that.RW pukes don't get to ignore the facts that are so vividly clear to the rest of us.
Stand your ground just means you don't have the duty to run away. Left wing pukes don't get to make people run like they do.
Fine, as long as the other guy is armed. But those cases where an unarmed person is killed and there are no witnesses or only friends of the shooter present...hmmmm.
That makes murder too convenient a tool for rw killers out for blood.

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