Malaysia Airlines Is To Blame. Not the Russians

Ok, so you believe the airline company is responsible, but the rest of the world doesnt agree with you. I think that means this debate is over, right? What more is there to say?

Where did you get the idea the rest of the world doesn't agree with him ? HA HA. Just decided to come up with that and toss it out , huh ? Pheeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle)

I'd say a whole lot of people are agreeing with him right now. Excellent post, williepete.
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Does it really make a difference.

Yep. Don't overfly a war zone. You could die. They did.

Malaysian Air was following the same route as dozens of other airlines followed.

Nope. U.S. Flag Carriers were warned off. The risk was too high for the State Department and the insurance companies.

It is pure chance that the missile struck Malaysian Airline.

Targeting by a SA-11/17 is not pure chance.

Airlines take the shortest route possible to reduce cost.

Getting shot down, killing all your passengers, losing your aircraft and killing your crew is not a good way to reduce cost when a short reroute would have avoided the loss.
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Everybody seems to be quickly blaming the Russians and the Russian-supported Ukranian separatists, for the downing of the Malaysian passenger jet MH17. I disagree. The Russians, the separatists, and the Ukranians are involved in a war, which is really nobody's business but theirs. How would Americans like it if people in Russia said we in America should not rule over the island of Puerto Rico ?... and if Puerto Ricans rebelled, we should not send troops. And that the Russians might send arms to the Puerto rican separatists. We'd probably tell them to mind their own business.

I could understand if Putin was sending troops into Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland, in something reminiscient of Hitler's blitzkrieg upon Europe. But this is just a matter between 2 countries, which really ought to be nobody's business but theirs.

So what you have is a war combat zone. Well anyone in his right mind knows that is place to stay away from. Everyone but the people in Malaysia Airlines that is, and the dummies at the International Civil Aviation Organization, who the company has stupidly listened to. Malaysia Airlines said: “The usual flight route was earlier declared safe by the International Civil Aviation Organsiation."

Well, if you see somebody climb to the top of the tallest bridge in your town, and jump off, do you do that too ? It should have been common sense to avoid a combat zone, and Malaysia Airlines and the ICAO both are the ones to blame fro being just plain STUPID. Other airlines rerouted their flights months ago when this zone became one of combat (Quantas, China Airlines, Korean Air, Asiana).

Professor Geoff Dell, a Central Queensland University accident investigation and safety specialist, said Malaysia Airlines should not have been flying over Ukraine.

“From as soon as the conflict started they shouldn’t have been going anywhere near it,’’ Prof Dell said. “They should’ve shifted to alternate routes, like all the other airlines seemed to have done.’’

So if anyone wants to blame anyone they should blame the officials at Malaysia Airlines and the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Figures also reveal 55 planes - including six flights from London's Heathrow Airport - flew over the war zone on the same day the tragedy happened.[/B]

1. I would guess that after this mishap, the separatists weren't be too anxious to shoot at any more 32,000 foot aircrafts, now would they ?

2. And your point is ?
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Does it really make a difference. Malaysian Air was following the same route as dozens of other airlines followed. It is pure chance that the missile struck Malaysian Airline. If not Malaysian Air, it would have been another airliner. Airlines take the shortest route possible to reduce cost.

Reducing risk of DEATH is more important than reducing cost. If MA ignored this to reduce costs and maximize profits, they should have their pants sued off.

Also, other airlines were NOT following the same route. That was noted in the OP, with the NAMES of those airlines (which I noticed you didn't provide)
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By the OP's logic, if I wandered mistakenly into the wrong side of town at night and was murdered it would be my fault.

Was it the fault of the people on Korean Air 007 to get blown to hell by Russian dogs?

Missiles don't kill people, Airlines do ALERT!

There is no excuse for this bullshit. That gear is sophisticated enough to know the difference between a passenger aircraft and military.
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Everybody seems to be quickly blaming the Russians and the Russian-supported Ukranian separatists, for the downing of the Malaysian passenger jet MH17. I disagree. The Russians, the separatists, and the Ukranians are involved in a war, which is really nobody's business but theirs. How would Americans like it if people in Russia said we in America should not rule over the island of Puerto Rico ?... and if Puerto Ricans rebelled, we should not send troops. And that the Russians might send arms to the Puerto rican separatists. We'd probably tell them to mind their own business.

I could understand if Putin was sending troops into Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland, in something reminiscient of Hitler's blitzkrieg upon Europe. But this is just a matter between 2 countries, which really ought to be nobody's business but theirs.

So what you have is a war combat zone. Well anyone in his right mind knows that is place to stay away from. Everyone but the people in Malaysia Airlines that is, and the dummies at the International Civil Aviation Organization, who the company has stupidly listened to. Malaysia Airlines said: “The usual flight route was earlier declared safe by the International Civil Aviation Organsiation."

Well, if you see somebody climb to the top of the tallest bridge in your town, and jump off, do you do that too ? It should have been common sense to avoid a combat zone, and Malaysia Airlines and the ICAO both are the ones to blame fro being just plain STUPID. Other airlines rerouted their flights months ago when this zone became one of combat (Quantas, China Airlines, Korean Air, Asiana).

Professor Geoff Dell, a Central Queensland University accident investigation and safety specialist, said Malaysia Airlines should not have been flying over Ukraine.

“From as soon as the conflict started they shouldn’t have been going anywhere near it,’’ Prof Dell said. “They should’ve shifted to alternate routes, like all the other airlines seemed to have done.’’

So if anyone wants to blame anyone they should blame the officials at Malaysia Airlines and the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Figures also reveal 55 planes - including six flights from London's Heathrow Airport - flew over the war zone on the same day the tragedy happened.[/B]

1. I would guess that after this mishap, the separatists weren't be too anxious to shoot at any more 32,000 foot aircrafts, now would they ?

2. And your point is ?

The point is ,it wasn't some rogue airline, or airplane flying through a "war zone" was it? this is Europe, they shouldn't haft to worry about such things there....Thanks Putin
By the OP's logic, if I wandered mistakenly into the wrong side of town at night and was murdered it would be my fault.

Was it the fault of the people on Korean Air 007 to get blown to hell by Russian dogs?

Missiles don't kill people, Airlines do ALERT!

There is no excuse for this bullshit. That gear is sophisticated enough to know the difference between a passenger aircraft and military.

NO, that NOT the OP's logic. This plane didn't "wander". It was routed by Malaysian Airlines to fly through a war zone, where other planes have been getting shot down. Starting to focus for you now ?

I thought your first statement was exceedingly dumb until I saw your last one.
EARTH TO RCC: The missles can't differentiate between military and passenger, and the planes they had been shooting down, were neither of those. They were cargo planes.

1. I would guess that after this mishap, the separatists weren't be too anxious to shoot at any more 32,000 foot aircrafts, now would they ?

2. And your point is ?

The point is ,it wasn't some rogue airline, or airplane flying through a "war zone" was it? this is Europe, they shouldn't haft to worry about such things there....Thanks Putin

OFF TOPIC!! The OP/thread is addressing what MA NEEDED to worry about, not what anybody "should" have to do. Get it ?
If you drive through a war zone, the probability getting shot usually goes way up!
1. I would guess that after this mishap, the separatists weren't be too anxious to shoot at any more 32,000 foot aircrafts, now would they ?

2. And your point is ?

The point is ,it wasn't some rogue airline, or airplane flying through a "war zone" was it? this is Europe, they shouldn't haft to worry about such things there....Thanks Putin

OFF TOPIC!! The OP/thread is addressing what MA NEEDED to worry about, not what anybody "should" have to do. Get it ?

Off topic? You asked what was his point, he told you. That's not off topic, that's called answering your question you fucking idiot.

So airlines must give ROW to terrorists? No dice, nor is Ukraine Russia, it was annexed by the former USSR.

Actually, Ukraine was part of Russia from the Middle Ages until 1918, when a puppet state was set up by Germans. the USSR quickly took that over after the Russo-Polish war.

Who shot who first is irrelevent, though. The important point is that when you have a war zone, you don't fly over it.
Does it really make a difference. Malaysian Air was following the same route as dozens of other airlines followed. It is pure chance that the missile struck Malaysian Airline. If not Malaysian Air, it would have been another airliner. Airlines take the shortest route possible to reduce cost.

Reducing risk of DEATH is more important than reducing cost. If MA ignored this to reduce costs and maximize profits, they should have their pants sued off.

Also, other airlines were NOT following the same route. That was noted in the OP, with the NAMES of those airlines (which I noticed you didn't provide)
Singapore Airline, Virgin Atlantic, and dozens of other Asian and European Airlines used that air space. Six Heathrow flights were among 55 planes over Donetsk on same day. Of course no airline should have been using that route. However, hindsight is perfect.

Virgin Atlantic plane was in same area as MH17 when it was shot down | Mail Online
War is hell and collateral damage is part of war. It appears that the Malaysia Airlines plane was mistaken for a supply plane like the planes they had already shot down. Almost 300 people are dead because they got too close to a war that they had no intention of being in. Let's end all wars so nothing like this will never happen again! Well, that obviously isn't going to happen.
The point is ,it wasn't some rogue airline, or airplane flying through a "war zone" was it? this is Europe, they shouldn't haft to worry about such things there....Thanks Putin

OFF TOPIC!! The OP/thread is addressing what MA NEEDED to worry about, not what anybody "should" have to do. Get it ?

Off topic? You asked what was his point, he told you. That's not off topic, that's called answering your question you fucking idiot.

The "off topic" words were (quite obviously) referring to his talking about what an airline should have to do, when the topic is about what they NEEDED to do. Interesting how I have to explain that to you, when the explanation is already right there in my previous post, WHICH YOU QUOTED. And YOU are calling ME a "fucking idiot" ?? HA HA HA.

Oh you were looking in the mirror when you said that. OK. :lol:

As for his so-called "point", I didn't see a shred of evidence from him about his so-called 55 planes (which I tend to doubt, since other airlines were smartly avoiding the area, including the ones I specifically noted in the OP)
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Does it really make a difference. Malaysian Air was following the same route as dozens of other airlines followed. It is pure chance that the missile struck Malaysian Airline. If not Malaysian Air, it would have been another airliner. Airlines take the shortest route possible to reduce cost.

Reducing risk of DEATH is more important than reducing cost. If MA ignored this to reduce costs and maximize profits, they should have their pants sued off.

Also, other airlines were NOT following the same route. That was noted in the OP, with the NAMES of those airlines (which I noticed you didn't provide)
Singapore Airline, Virgin Atlantic, and dozens of other Asian and European Airlines used that air space. Six Heathrow flights were among 55 planes over Donetsk on same day. Of course no airline should have been using that route. However, hindsight is perfect.

Virgin Atlantic plane was in same area as MH17 when it was shot down | Mail Online

Of course no airline should have been flying through that war zone. So what's the point of mentioning that some idiots DID do that ? And this WAS "hindsight". Some planes had already been shot down a few days before this flight. All the more reason for MA to act responsibly, and stay out of the zone.
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War is hell and collateral damage is part of war. It appears that the Malaysia Airlines plane was mistaken for a supply plane like the planes they had already shot down. Almost 300 people are dead because they got too close to a war that they had no intention of being in. Let's end all wars so nothing like this will never happen again! Well, that obviously isn't going to happen.

It may not have been a mistake at all. In fact, the firing of the missle may not have even been a human act. Retired 4 star General Barry McCaffery interviewed on MSNBC today said you cannot see a plane that is well above 30,000 feet, to determine if it is military, commercial, cargo, or whatever. The computerized missle system detects the planes by radar, not eyesight. Furthermore, they are programmed to fire automatically, when they detect a plane in their airspace, entering their radar screen. This missle may have been fired by high-technology computer, with no recognition of what type of aircraft it was picking up.

Until I hear a better explanation, I'm going with McCaffery.
Talk about blaming the victim. The plane was unarmed and on its flight path. The blame goes directly to Putin.

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Talk about blaming the victim. The plane was unarmed and on its flight path. The blame goes directly to Putin.

Nobody has written a word blaming the victims. What are you talking about ? And why should Putin be blamed ?
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