Man shoots up Florida School Board meeting

This is not about a political decision of a school board.. or any particular politics of anyone involved....

You know why you wanted to put this in politics, and so do others....

But this should have been in general because it is basically just a current event of a crime... not a political issue

Dave...I wonder why you called out this thread for being posted in the Politics forum, but not these:

Maybe because I did not read those because I do not have time to parse every thread... so I do not know the content or context of those threads

I've given you a head start by giving you the links.

Now hop to it!
Crime & Courts
Fla. School Official: God Protected Me During Shooting

A gunman calmly walked to a podium, spray painted a red "V'' with a circle around it on a wall and opened fire at Panama City school board members Tuesday, sending people scrambling and diving for cover.

So what was that "V" supposed to mean anyway...???

I don't know. I can tell you that the guy who shot him is a local hero before this happened. He's an ex cop who spends all his spare time re furbishing bikes for kids that don't have them. He was working as a security officer at the school board and was sitting in his office. He had to leave his office and go outside to his car to get his gun and his vest. See? The criminals are the only one's who are allowed on school property with a gun. That's just bullshit.
This is not about a political decision of a school board.. or any particular politics of anyone involved....

You know why you wanted to put this in politics, and so do others....

But this should have been in general because it is basically just a current event of a crime... not a political issue

Dave...I wonder why you called out this thread for being posted in the Politics forum, but not these:
I'm wondering why he even gives a shit.

His giving a shit is 100% political.
The gun makes it incredibly easy for that fucking asshole to hurt others.

One on one..I am pretty sure I could kick that guys ass.

One on one..him with a gun..I ain't so sure anymore.

You'd rather no one be able to protect themselves because you hate guns right?

It's your right to carry a weapon so exercise it.

A colleague of mine in Martial arts school said to me..

"Never pick up anything you can't eat".

And he was in the military as well.

I live by that.

(Although I keep a bayonet in my house)

And never eat anything bigger than your head.

A colleague of mine in Martial arts school said to me..

"Never pick up anything you can't eat".

And he was in the military as well.

I live by that.

(Although I keep a bayonet in my house)

You must not read books.
You'd rather no one be able to protect themselves because you hate guns right?

It's your right to carry a weapon so exercise it.

A colleague of mine in Martial arts school said to me..

"Never pick up anything you can't eat".

And he was in the military as well.

I live by that.

(Although I keep a bayonet in my house)

Makes no sense.

You can't eat a pen, a rock, a baseball bat or a plethora of other things. Are you telling me you never pick any of those things up?

A weapon is a tool nothing more. If you refuse to use a tool to protect yourself and your family from those that would do you or them harm, that's your choice. You have no business telling others they must follow your example.

I've had several friends killed by guns.

So it's my business to make sure that practice doesn't continue. I'm not resorting to violence. I am however..advocating an end to gun violence. Through my vote and voice.

And it's well within my rights.
Crime & Courts
Fla. School Official: God Protected Me During Shooting

A gunman calmly walked to a podium, spray painted a red "V'' with a circle around it on a wall and opened fire at Panama City school board members Tuesday, sending people scrambling and diving for cover.

So what was that "V" supposed to mean anyway...???

I don't know. I can tell you that the guy who shot him is a local hero before this happened. He's an ex cop who spends all his spare time re furbishing bikes for kids that don't have them. He was working as a security officer at the school board and was sitting in his office. He had to leave his office and go outside to his car to get his gun and his vest. See? The criminals are the only one's who are allowed on school property with a gun. That's just bullshit.

Yeah, good thing someone had something more than a purse to fight back with!

I was once at a town meeting that got rather heated and the police got called in...My eyes began darting around the room just waiting for someone to pull something, but the police got there real fast and it was over without anyone getting hurt, thank God.
Crime & Courts
Fla. School Official: God Protected Me During Shooting

A gunman calmly walked to a podium, spray painted a red "V'' with a circle around it on a wall and opened fire at Panama City school board members Tuesday, sending people scrambling and diving for cover.

So what was that "V" supposed to mean anyway...???

I don't know. I can tell you that the guy who shot him is a local hero before this happened. He's an ex cop who spends all his spare time re furbishing bikes for kids that don't have them. He was working as a security officer at the school board and was sitting in his office. He had to leave his office and go outside to his car to get his gun and his vest. See? The criminals are the only one's who are allowed on school property with a gun. That's just bullshit.
Where is it written that security guards can't have guns on school property?
Crime & Courts
Fla. School Official: God Protected Me During Shooting

A gunman calmly walked to a podium, spray painted a red "V'' with a circle around it on a wall and opened fire at Panama City school board members Tuesday, sending people scrambling and diving for cover.

So what was that "V" supposed to mean anyway...???

I don't know.

I just wonder if that "V" was some sort of political statement...?
I don't know.

I just wonder if that "V" was some sort of political statement...?
Yep...V for Vendetta. Remember that movie?

I hate to be so excruciatingly anal, Ravi, but it gives me no pleasure to inform you that I beat you to it. In fact, I'll even go so far as to say you may, or may not have (although you probably did) copied it from me. Although I could be wrong (but I'm probably not).
So what was that "V" supposed to mean anyway...???

I don't know. I can tell you that the guy who shot him is a local hero before this happened. He's an ex cop who spends all his spare time re furbishing bikes for kids that don't have them. He was working as a security officer at the school board and was sitting in his office. He had to leave his office and go outside to his car to get his gun and his vest. See? The criminals are the only one's who are allowed on school property with a gun. That's just bullshit.
Where is it written that security guards can't have guns on school property?

I have a concealed weapons permit. It says so right on that permit. I'll have to investigate the security guard status. He had to go outside to get it, that's all I can tell you.
I don't know. I can tell you that the guy who shot him is a local hero before this happened. He's an ex cop who spends all his spare time re furbishing bikes for kids that don't have them. He was working as a security officer at the school board and was sitting in his office. He had to leave his office and go outside to his car to get his gun and his vest. See? The criminals are the only one's who are allowed on school property with a gun. That's just bullshit.
Where is it written that security guards can't have guns on school property?

I have a concealed weapons permit. It says so right on that permit. I'll have to investigate the security guard status. He had to go outside to get it, that's all I can tell you.

you're a security guard?

or it says *you* cannot have the gun on school premises?
Where is it written that security guards can't have guns on school property?

I have a concealed weapons permit. It says so right on that permit. I'll have to investigate the security guard status. He had to go outside to get it, that's all I can tell you.

you're a security guard?

or it says *you* cannot have the gun on school premises?

I cannot help it if you are too damn DUmb to read and entire sentence before you KNEEJERK. I think you should see a doctor before you crack your chin. Oh! and the security guards at our local hospital are not armed either.
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