Manafort defense will call no witnesses (even Manafort)

As my uncle used to say, 'There's many a slip between a cup and a lip'. That basically means don't count your 'landslide victory' before they happen.


IMJO, Either Manafort is resigned to accepting his punishment, he is confident he may win, his team already has plans for an appeal, or he believes the President will pardon him...
Manafort is a shady character and everyone knows it. They couldn’t even line up witnesseses to speak on how he’s a good guy. Lol.

He doesn't have to be a good guy, or even a not-shady guy. He just has to be not-provably-guilty-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt.

Or they may argue the prosecution did not meet it's burden of proof and ask for summary dismissal.

There are two things that the defense is probably banking on. Either acquittal or the judge throwing out the case as you said or him throwing out the conviction.

At that point will Mueller bother to retry.

There is far too much evidence to dismiss this case, and the judge will never issue a summary dismissal in a big public jury trial like this. And there's also the second trial and the witness tampering charges if he did.

Manafort is guilty. He knows it and so do his lawyers. He's counting on a pardon.

This judge hates Mueller I wouldn't be shocked if he found some wiggle room. Also remember that Mueller's prosecutors (at least one anyway) have a history of getting convictions thrown out for misconduct. I wonder if that has something to do with it.

The issue isn't weather he did it or not I nor anyone else in the government care apparently. It is about the timing. These high profile men with international dealings are audited all the time. The government knew if he did it or not for years and now is when they decide to charge him?

Manafort was on Trump's team for a few months he can't know much. Mueller is hoping he will lie and they can use that against Trump.
Next month, Manafort has yet another trial for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent.

And Mueller has a whole book of other charges he can still throw at Manafort.
As my uncle used to say, 'There's many a slip between a cup and a lip'. That basically means don't count your 'landslide victory' before they happen.


IMJO, Either Manafort is resigned to accepting his punishment, he is confident he may win, his team already has plans for an appeal, or he believes the President will pardon him...
Manafort is a dead man walking ,,,imho

He probably has to worry more if Not Guilty verdicts come in. The unhingement of the left would be catastrophic.

He would be Doxxed, his family would be Doxxed, his friends will be Doxxed.
Manafort is a shady character and everyone knows it. They couldn’t even line up witnesseses to speak on how he’s a good guy. Lol.
And you hope he gets the death penalty because that makes Trump guilty.....fucking #&$@%*$&BASTARD!!!!
Ex-Trump aide Paul Manafort faces trial in September

Manafort is facing two separate indictments on an array of charges, including conspiracy to launder money, filing false tax returns and failing to register as a foreign agent for lobbying work for the pro-Kremlin Ukrainian government of former President Viktor Yanukovych.

Manafort is never getting out of the woods.
Sorry Repubs No pardon for Manafort
Dangling the prospect of presidential pardons is President Donald Trump's favorite new thing. He has publicly mused about pardons for everyone from Martha Stewart to the late Muhammad Ali (Ali’s conviction was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court so he doesn’t need one). He has also tweeted that he has the right to pardon himself.

Donald J. Trump


As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

8:35 AM - Jun 4, 2018
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And yet, despite the cascade of comments from Trump and television interviews by his lawyer Rudy Giuliani about possible beneficiaries of presidential pardons or clemency, the potential targets of special counsel Robert Mueller should not be counting on a presidential pardon as a Get Out of Jail Free card. Trump’s pardons, if the president actually ever grants them, could signal the beginning, not the end, of criminal prosecution.

While a presidential pardon is a potent remedy, the pardon’s scope is in fact limited. Trump can only pardon federal crimes. But how can a state prosecutor, who had never launched an investigation, possibly have the evidence to prosecute suspects under state fraud, bribery, conspiracy or other laws? The answer lies in a largely unnoticed, post-Watergate change made by the U.S. Supreme Court in the federal rules governing secret grand jury information.

While a presidential pardon is a potent remedy, the pardon’s scope is in fact limited. Trump can only pardon federal crimes.

As outlined in the U.S. Attorney’s Manual, in 1985 the Supreme Court adopted a new provisionin the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure to remove “an unreasonable barrier to the effective enforcement of our two-tiered system of criminal laws” by allowing federal prosecutors to give their otherwise-secret grand jury investigative materials to state prosecutors looking to charge federal targets under state criminal statutes.

Mueller would have to obtain permission from his Department of Justice superior, presumably Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, for the transfer. How difficult this permission would be to obtain depends a bit on whom Trump had pardoned — granting clemency to his indicted aides or family members would likely lead to an enormous outrage and therefore provide political cover for the DOJ to turn over evidence to state prosecutors. If Mueller obtains permission, the information handed over to state prosecutors would be a treasure trove of indictment-ready evidence, giftwrapped by the special counsel’s office.

Suppose, for example, that Paul Manafort is tried and convicted in federal court. Trump could certainly issue a pardon and overturn the conviction, as he did with convicted former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio. But again, Manafort would still be potentially subject to state prosecution.

While viewers of television court dramas might think that the Constitution’s double jeopardy clause in the Fifth Amendment would protect Manafort, they would be mistaken.

While viewers of television court dramas might think that the Constitution’s double jeopardy clause in the Fifth Amendment would protect Manafort, they would be mistaken. Almost 100 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in U.S. v. Lanza (1922) that the double jeopardy clause does not bar a person from being prosecuted under both federal and state law under the dual sovereignty doctrine.

"It follows that an act denounced as a crime by both national and state sovereignties is an offense against the peace and dignity of both and may be punished by each,” the court wrote in its decision.

Dual sovereignty is not an ancient or outmoded doctrine. A little more than a decade ago, NFL quarterback Michael Vick was prosecuted and pled guilty in federal court and subsequently in Virginia state court to charges arising out of the same dog-fighting operation. If a counterpart state law applies to the same conduct — e.g. bank fraud, conspiracy, witness tampering, obstruction of the administration of law enforcement — prosecution can proceed.
Not surprised by the move. Or the lack of the judges outright dismissal. There is a question of fact for the jury. Namely is gates telling the truth? Or is he lying.

Looks like reasonable doubt to me but who knows what the jury thinks. We may find out in a few hours

He probably has to worry more if Not Guilty verdicts come in. The unhingement of the left would be catastrophic.

He would be Doxxed, his family would be Doxxed, his friends will be Doxxed.

Doxing - Wikipedia

Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents) or doxxing is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information (especially personally identifiable information) about an individual or organization.The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to Internet vigilantism and hacktivism. Doxing may be carried out for various reasons, including to aid law enforcement, business analysis, risk analytics, extortion, coercion, inflict harm, harassment, online shaming, and vigilante justice
Ex-Trump aide Paul Manafort faces trial in September

Manafort is facing two separate indictments on an array of charges, including conspiracy to launder money, filing false tax returns and failing to register as a foreign agent for lobbying work for the pro-Kremlin Ukrainian government of former President Viktor Yanukovych.

Manafort is never getting out of the woods.

Even if he gets a pardon , there’s all kinds of state laws he’s broken . I’m sure New York would love to take a shot at him.
I wonder if Trump would dare pardon Manafort for failing to register as a pro-Kremlin foreign agent.

Oh, wait.

Of course he would! Traitor Trump is a pro-Kremlin foreign agent, too.
Ex-Trump aide Paul Manafort faces trial in September

Manafort is facing two separate indictments on an array of charges, including conspiracy to launder money, filing false tax returns and failing to register as a foreign agent for lobbying work for the pro-Kremlin Ukrainian government of former President Viktor Yanukovych.

Manafort is never getting out of the woods.

Even if he gets a pardon , there’s all kinds of state laws he’s broken . I’m sure New York would love to take a shot at him.
Bet some russian who he owes millions to would like to do that too

Or they may argue the prosecution did not meet it's burden of proof and ask for summary dismissal.

There are two things that the defense is probably banking on. Either acquittal or the judge throwing out the case as you said or him throwing out the conviction.

At that point will Mueller bother to retry.

There is far too much evidence to dismiss this case, and the judge will never issue a summary dismissal in a big public jury trial like this. And there's also the second trial and the witness tampering charges if he did.

Manafort is guilty. He knows it and so do his lawyers. He's counting on a pardon.

have you ever sat on a jury in a white collar crime case? Proving what happened is much harder than who did it, (which is what you usually deal with in things like murder and robbery).

You have to prove 1) something happened and 2) what happened was illegal.

And you have to prove it to 12 everyday people who have trouble balancing their own checking accounts.

Or they may argue the prosecution did not meet it's burden of proof and ask for summary dismissal.

There are two things that the defense is probably banking on. Either acquittal or the judge throwing out the case as you said or him throwing out the conviction.

At that point will Mueller bother to retry.

There is far too much evidence to dismiss this case, and the judge will never issue a summary dismissal in a big public jury trial like this. And there's also the second trial and the witness tampering charges if he did.

Manafort is guilty. He knows it and so do his lawyers. He's counting on a pardon.

have you ever sat on a jury in a white collar crime case? Proving what happened is much harder than who did it, (which is what you usually deal with in things like murder and robbery).

You have to prove 1) something happened and 2) what happened was illegal.

And you have to prove it to 12 everyday people who have trouble balancing their own checking accounts.
A.k.a. "Trump voters".

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