Mandate moved back, LOL


President Obama, at least two dozen times: "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan"
Reporter, at press conference: "Hey, what about that, Mr. President?"
President Obama: "What we said was, you can keep it if it hasn't changed since the law passed."
Reporter: "Da fuq?"

President Obama, a zillion times on the campaign trail: "We're going to fundamentally transform America"
Bill O'Reilly: "Mr President, why do you feel it's necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?"
President Obama: "I don't think we have to fundamentally transform the nation".
Bill O'Reilly: "Da fuq?"

Look folks, let's face it: We're being fucked over and there's nothing we can do about it. The apologists are going to spin and deny and lie, most of the country is too busy watching Honey Boo Boo. He's pretty much going to do and say whatever the hell he wants. We may as well have fun with it. Fuck it.


Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want'

[ame=]KING OBAMA: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want' - YouTube[/ame]

Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want' | The Weekly Standard

This rancid little mother fucking kenyan shit stain seriously belongs in prison.
Note--how they're not trying to FIX it--it's just delay the mess it's going to cause when it's implemented. Now if we get a republican senate with an republican President in 2016--it's NEVER going to happen--:razz:

The Republicans have no intention of repealing ObamaCare

They are not going to attack the American public along with it's economy with Obamacare. They'll either repeal it or FIX it.

Take your pick.
This is so in our face, when are the people going to STAND UP and demand this be stopped?

Krauthammer: These ObamaCare changes are getting so endemic, “nobody even complains” anymore

posted at 8:51 pm on February 10, 2014 by Erika Johnsen

They have a whole heap of regulations still left to write (at least $1.4 billion in annual compliance costs’ worth, by one estimate), but the employer mandate was part of the actual text of the law. Where is it written that they can just make at-will changes ad infinitum? Watch it at RCP:

Generally speaking, you get past the next election by changing your policies, by announcing new initiatives, but not by wantonly changing the law, lawlessly. I mean, this is stuff that you do in a banana republic. It’s as if the law is simply a blackboard on which Obama writes any number he wants, any delay he wants and any provision. It’s now reached a point where it is so endemic that nobody even notices or complains. I think if the complaints had started with the first arbitrary changes, and these are are not adjustments or transitions. These are political decisions to minimize the impact leading up to an election, and it’s changing the law in a way that you are not allowed to do. … It’s not incompetence. Willful breaking of the constitutional order — where in the Constitution is the president allowed to alter a law 27 times after it’s been passed?

And besides the utter lawlessness of the whole thing, there’s still the question of the tangible price of the White House’s non-legislative mood swings: After the Obama administration’s initial employer-mandate suspension through 2015 that they made back in July, the CBO estimated that it would add an additional $12 billion onto the total cost of ObamaCare because employers wouldn’t be paying penalties (i.e., taxes) on not insuring people, while more people would likely need to seek subsidized insurance through the exchanges because their employers wouldn’t be required to offer it yet. Won’t delaying the employer mandate again add at least ten billion or so more onto the total ObamaCare price tag? Especially if the Obama administration does decide to go through with the rumored (and, incidentally, also lawless) three-year extension of the “if you like your plan, you can keep it” fix for the cancelled plans in the individual market, doesn’t that all increase the likelihood of major “risk corridor” bailouts and/or the law’s fiscal implosion? What is going on?!

all of it here
Krauthammer: These ObamaCare changes are getting so endemic, ?nobody even complains? anymore « Hot Air

I think Krauthammer nailed it in this statement:

Generally speaking, you get past the next election by changing your policies, by announcing new initiatives, but not by wantonly changing the law, lawlessly. I mean, this is stuff that you do in a banana republic. It’s as if the law is simply a blackboard on which Obama writes any number he wants, any delay he wants and any provision. It’s now reached a point where it is so endemic that nobody even notices or complains. I think if the complaints had started with the first arbitrary changes, and these are are not adjustments or transitions. These are political decisions to minimize the impact leading up to an election, and it’s changing the law in a way that you are not allowed to do. … It’s not incompetence. Willful breaking of the constitutional order — where in the Constitution is the president allowed to alter a law 27 times after it’s been passed?

Last edited:
If anyone had ANY doubts about the BIG problems of Obamacare - surely to God they realize it is a clusterfuck now. Surely. Right??


It just gets better, boom, right in our face:

White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers until 2016 - The Washington Post

Does anyone doubt they'll back it up to 2017 for the election?

Too funny. Shameless.


So he listens to the whining of small businesses, and when he does what they ask, you slam him for it.

You know, if they offered a public option or a Medicare Buy-In, we wouldn't have these issues.

So he's just trying to help, he's just trying to be a nice guy. Now THAT'S putting a nice face on this.

And your party is responsible for this pig of a law. The GOP sat there with a stick up their ass, but your party did this. Deflection doesn't work when your signature is on the page.



It just gets better, boom, right in our face:

White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers until 2016 - The Washington Post

Does anyone doubt they'll back it up to 2017 for the election?

Too funny. Shameless.


So he listens to the whining of small businesses, and when he does what they ask, you slam him for it.

You know, if they offered a public option or a Medicare Buy-In, we wouldn't have these issues.

So he's just trying to help, he's just trying to be a nice guy. Now THAT'S putting a nice face on this.

And your party is responsible for this pig of a law. The GOP sat there with a stick up their ass, but your party did this. Deflection doesn't work when your signature is on the page.


You guys had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called "RomneyCare".

Incidently, I've always wanted to go to a single payer Canadian-style system. This was the best we could get with the obscene level of influence the insurance industry has...

This was the best law we could get at this time, unfortunately. Eventually, we are going to end up going to single payer, but we aren't ready for that grown up discussion as long as too many people are making money off the misery of the status quo.

But small businesses. I really, truly do not give a flip about them. Probably because I have to deal with them all day, and why they can't ever deliver what they promise.
Remember when the republicans held the nation hostage over negotiations to extend the Obama Tax mandate?

Yeah, I remember that. I bet every LOLberal here on USMB has conveniently forgotten about all that slimy rhetoric now though. I mean, how can anyone sit with a straight face after a second extension was handed down after negotiations collapsed because republicans wanted to make extensions?

Oh, democrats, that is who. And why? Because they do raging hypocrisy likes it's one of the commandments.
Remember when the republicans held the nation hostage over negotiations to extend the Obama Tax mandate?

Yeah, I remember that. I bet every LOLberal here on USMB has conveniently forgotten about all that slimy rhetoric now though. I mean, how can anyone sit with a straight face after a second extension was handed down after negotiations collapsed because republicans wanted to make extensions?

Oh, democrats, that is who. And why? Because they do raging hypocrisy likes it's one of the commandments.

Hive-minded Democrats can't relate to what you just said
Remember when the republicans held the nation hostage over negotiations to extend the Obama Tax mandate?

Yeah, I remember that. I bet every LOLberal here on USMB has conveniently forgotten about all that slimy rhetoric now though. I mean, how can anyone sit with a straight face after a second extension was handed down after negotiations collapsed because republicans wanted to make extensions?

Oh, democrats, that is who. And why? Because they do raging hypocrisy likes it's one of the commandments.

Don't worry... they know they have a serious ass kickin' on the way in November. People are waking up. All you have to do is hit them in the pocket book to get their attention, and now that they are paying attention, they know who's to blame for this commie style health care take over, OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS, and they'll remember at the BALLOT BOX too.
Remember when the republicans held the nation hostage over negotiations to extend the Obama Tax mandate?

Yeah, I remember that. I bet every LOLberal here on USMB has conveniently forgotten about all that slimy rhetoric now though. I mean, how can anyone sit with a straight face after a second extension was handed down after negotiations collapsed because republicans wanted to make extensions?

Oh, democrats, that is who. And why? Because they do raging hypocrisy likes it's one of the commandments.

Don't worry... they know they have a serious ass kickin' on the way in November. People are waking up. All you have to do is hit them in the pocket book to get their attention, and now that they are paying attention, they know who's to blame for this commie style health care take over, OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS, and they'll remember at the BALLOT BOX too.

I doubt it. You give people entirely too much intellectual credit.


It just gets better, boom, right in our face:

White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers until 2016 - The Washington Post

Does anyone doubt they'll back it up to 2017 for the election?

Too funny. Shameless.


So he listens to the whining of small businesses, and when he does what they ask, you slam him for it.

You know, if they offered a public option or a Medicare Buy-In, we wouldn't have these issues.

Where is the money going to come from for a Medicare plan? It's $2.7 Trillion each and every year.
Remember when the republicans held the nation hostage over negotiations to extend the Obama Tax mandate?

Yeah, I remember that. I bet every LOLberal here on USMB has conveniently forgotten about all that slimy rhetoric now though. I mean, how can anyone sit with a straight face after a second extension was handed down after negotiations collapsed because republicans wanted to make extensions?

Oh, democrats, that is who. And why? Because they do raging hypocrisy likes it's one of the commandments.

Don't worry... they know they have a serious ass kickin' on the way in November. People are waking up. All you have to do is hit them in the pocket book to get their attention, and now that they are paying attention, they know who's to blame for this commie style health care take over, OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS, and they'll remember at the BALLOT BOX too.

I doubt it. You give people entirely too much intellectual credit.
Granted that would be true for many, TakeAstep, as evidenced by the brain dead, odumbobots and commies here. But I think a good majority is getting pretty damn good sick and tired of this bull shit...



It just gets better, boom, right in our face:

White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers until 2016 - The Washington Post

Does anyone doubt they'll back it up to 2017 for the election?

Too funny. Shameless.


So he listens to the whining of small businesses, and when he does what they ask, you slam him for it.

You know, if they offered a public option or a Medicare Buy-In, we wouldn't have these issues.

Where is the money going to come from for a Medicare plan? It's $2.7 Trillion each and every year.

Well where does it come from now?

Here's the thing. We as a country spend 14% of our GDP on health care, between government programs and private insurance.

Included in that is profit taking, 9 figure salaries for CEO's, employees in doctor's offices whose only job is to fight with insurance carriers, and so on.

Meanwhile, Japan spends only 8% of it's GDP on health care, and it has single payer.

Japan also has a longer life expectancy for its citizens, and a much lower infant mortality rate.

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