Many hunters use AR15s...

"Now widely cited by backcountry-area risk managers, wildlife biologists, and bear experts, the study further concluded that bear spray has a better success rate than firearms at neutralizing a bear encounter, and that spray is also less likely than firearms to cause collateral damage to humans or other animals."

What's the Best Defense Against Bears: Firearms or Pepper Spray?
Good thing a mountain lion is not the same thing as a bear.


suffered the same injury rates in close encounters with bears whether they used their firearms or not.

An AR-15 let's you attack from a distance, as has been pointed out.

If you get attacked by a mountain lion, you aren't going to see it from a distance.
Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.

Of course he's expect that when the police arrive AFTER the mauling, they would run at the lion with a can of Bearspray that Lewdog tossed to them..

THIS from the same folks that refuse to allow women to carry pepper spray for self-defense in Marxist California..
What do you mean after the mauling? Are you implying he's intelligent enough to figure out that police response time is generally greater than the time between you spotting a mountain lion charging at you and a mountain lion mauling you?
Fucking stupid. About 14 attacks per year in the US.

Mountain Lion Attacks On People in the U.S. and Canada

You are far more likely to be attacked by your neighbors dog than a mountain lion. Real shitfaced reason to be carrying a weapon of war. A .357 revolver would be much more useful in a situation like that.

A weapon of war huh? I'll flash a few up.. You identify the weapon of war.. Nothing about the AR types is military. The BATF DEMANDS that parts NOT be interchangable with military gear. In fact, an AR type will MELT DOWN at rapid rates of fire. Ask the LV shooter. He burned up THREE AR-s with his trick stock. NOT --- "a weapon of war".. Don't be a fucking drama queen..
Can a 5.56 caliber round fired from an AR 15 pierce level 3 body armor or less? If so those rifles pose a great threat to cops and security personnel wearing the best soft body armor.
What an AR-15 Can Do to the Human Body
What can a shotgun do to the human body? They sell those in semi-auto, by the way.

Your ignorance is painful to watch.
How many rounds do those semi auto shotguns hold, dummy? Ands why haven't the majority of mass killers used shotguns if they are just as deadly as the AR 15, arsehole?
It’s obvious you know nothing of firearms. Lol
I wasn't giving a lesson on firearms...i was noting the preference mass shooters have for
the AR type rifles.. And i did spend more than 20 years in the Army, with about 8 years in a combat unit. The knowledge of experts who wrote the Field Manuals was imparted religiously to me. That. M16 a2 FM was the bible .
Now there was nothing in those hallowed pages that showed loading and priming cartridges. The book simply showed how to breakdown and maintain the weapon.also included were the specifications such as rate of fire on full auto and effective range.
That was all i needed to know.
Just because you repeat the lie doesn't make it true. the preferred weapon of mass shooters thats those who shoot 4 or more is hand guns you dishonest hack!
I posted a link to back my assertion a while back, i don't remember seeing you post one to back yours, jackass.
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What an AR-15 Can Do to the Human Body
What can a shotgun do to the human body? They sell those in semi-auto, by the way.

Your ignorance is painful to watch.
How many rounds do those semi auto shotguns hold, dummy? Ands why haven't the majority of mass killers used shotguns if they are just as deadly as the AR 15, arsehole?
It’s obvious you know nothing of firearms. Lol
I wasn't giving a lesson on firearms...i was noting the preference mass shooters have for
the AR type rifles.. And i did spend more than 20 years in the Army, with about 8 years in a combat unit. The knowledge of experts who wrote the Field Manuals was imparted religiously to me. That. M16 a2 FM was the bible .
Now there was nothing in those hallowed pages that showed loading and priming cartridges. The book simply showed how to breakdown and maintain the weapon.also included were the specifications such as rate of fire on full auto and effective range.
That was all i needed to know.

You can’t give a lesson on Fire arms. All your stuff is wrong.
What specifically is wrong with what I said?
It’s obvious people like yourself want no one to own any firearms. LOL

It is? Because I've said exactly the opposite.

I think there should be a magazine size limit.

I think they need to re-instate the law that says those on SSI for a mental illness can't buy a gun.

I think guns like the AR-15 should be limited to only certain people can buy them... say like in Switzerland where only people who served in the military.

They need to close the gun show loophole.

They need to limit the number of guns a person can own, and no not to a number like 2 or 3, but something reasonable, unless a firearm is considered a collectible.

I think EVERY person that owns a firearm should have to take a safety training course before they can buy one, just like how people have to do it to get a driver's license to drive a car.

The most far out idea I have is, a person who owns a gun should have to pay for a sort of gun insurance. That way if you accidentally shoot someone, or someone steals your gun and commits a crime with it, the insurance will cover the damages.

I think there should be a magazine size limit.

who are you to judge how many bullets a person might need to protect themselves family and property

besides that what is to stop a shooter from having them anyway

or what is to stop them from carrying more mags

these shooters have plenty of to time to swap mags as it is

I think they need to re-instate the law that says those on SSI for a mental illness can't buy a gun.

that was not all law the executive order was too vague

no one ones truly mentally ill people to have access to firearms

I think guns like the AR-15 should be limited to only certain people can buy them... say like in Switzerland where only people who served in the military.

based on what their looks

my semi auto is far more deadly then an ar-15

the ar you see down town is not a military rifle

They need to close the gun show loophole.

that is fair

however has anyone ever seen the stats on how many shooters

has got their firearm through the "gunshow loophole"

They need to limit the number of guns a person can own, and no not to a number like 2 or 3, but something reasonable, unless a firearm is considered a collectible.

what does that have to do with anything

The most far out idea I have is, a person who owns a gun should have to pay for a sort of gun insurance. That way if you accidentally shoot someone, or someone steals your gun and commits a crime with it, the insurance will cover the damages.

that is far out and would never pass

that being said you can buy such insurance already

I quit reading after the very first thing you said. Who am I to judge how many bullets a person can have in a magazine? Oh I don't know... ask the families of the victims from these mass shootings.

oh and another thing fuck face

cruz used 10 round magazines

Nick Cruz used 10 round magazines for his AR-15
why use his name? It just feeds the weaks need to be famous.

it dont matter it is more important to point out the falsities of the lefts wanted ban on 30 round mags
It’s obvious people like yourself want no one to own any firearms. LOL

It is? Because I've said exactly the opposite.

I think there should be a magazine size limit.

I think they need to re-instate the law that says those on SSI for a mental illness can't buy a gun.

I think guns like the AR-15 should be limited to only certain people can buy them... say like in Switzerland where only people who served in the military.

They need to close the gun show loophole.

They need to limit the number of guns a person can own, and no not to a number like 2 or 3, but something reasonable, unless a firearm is considered a collectible.

I think EVERY person that owns a firearm should have to take a safety training course before they can buy one, just like how people have to do it to get a driver's license to drive a car.

The most far out idea I have is, a person who owns a gun should have to pay for a sort of gun insurance. That way if you accidentally shoot someone, or someone steals your gun and commits a crime with it, the insurance will cover the damages.

I think there should be a magazine size limit.

who are you to judge how many bullets a person might need to protect themselves family and property

besides that what is to stop a shooter from having them anyway

or what is to stop them from carrying more mags

these shooters have plenty of to time to swap mags as it is

I think they need to re-instate the law that says those on SSI for a mental illness can't buy a gun.

that was not all law the executive order was too vague

no one ones truly mentally ill people to have access to firearms

I think guns like the AR-15 should be limited to only certain people can buy them... say like in Switzerland where only people who served in the military.

based on what their looks

my semi auto is far more deadly then an ar-15

the ar you see down town is not a military rifle

They need to close the gun show loophole.

that is fair

however has anyone ever seen the stats on how many shooters

has got their firearm through the "gunshow loophole"

They need to limit the number of guns a person can own, and no not to a number like 2 or 3, but something reasonable, unless a firearm is considered a collectible.

what does that have to do with anything

The most far out idea I have is, a person who owns a gun should have to pay for a sort of gun insurance. That way if you accidentally shoot someone, or someone steals your gun and commits a crime with it, the insurance will cover the damages.

that is far out and would never pass

that being said you can buy such insurance already

I quit reading after the very first thing you said. Who am I to judge how many bullets a person can have in a magazine? Oh I don't know... ask the families of the victims from these mass shootings.

oh and another thing fuck face

cruz used 10 round magazines

Nick Cruz used 10 round magazines for his AR-15

And? Cruz isn't the only mass shooter in the history of the U.S.... you want to look up the guy in Texas or the guy in Las Vegas?

no point in discussing anything with you

your willful ignorance is too strong
Hey dummy it took a few guy with box cutters to kill over 3000 people in a gun free zone.

Hey dummy, 3,000 people will be a drop in the bucket if we were to go to war with North Korea. Do you have any idea how many innocent people are within mortar fire of North Korea? MILLIONS. Donald Trump doesn't care about that from the safety of his bunker in Washington D.C.
There you go again with lies and myths.... Tell me how is North Korea going to commit the giant killing of Americans?

Oh, so innocent people dying because of Trump's actions only matter if they are Americans? How nice of you.
See your stupidity is boundless. The fat Korean will do nothing because he can do nothing.. Unlike like the masses of Muslim killers the fat Korean has a nation and power that can easily be taken. You see all the puffing up the fat bastard does will amount to nothing. Still you leftist morons worry about him wile giving the Muslim terrorists a tossed salad. It amazes me that so many dont see how truly special needs you guys are.

Do you think using an insult every 3 words makes you right? EVERY military mind the U.S. has, has stated a war with North Korea would be bloody like no other recent war.

So as smart as you think you are, cut that in half, then cut it in half again, and then cut that in thirds... and you're still dumber than that.
Are you afraid fellow communists would die?

Perhaps people hunting is a sport in America, and schools, churches, and outdoor concerts are simply to be considered target rich environments.
Unlike the other countries in that list only we count suicide as a homicides so that is not just wrong it is dishonest
Hey dummy, 3,000 people will be a drop in the bucket if we were to go to war with North Korea. Do you have any idea how many innocent people are within mortar fire of North Korea? MILLIONS. Donald Trump doesn't care about that from the safety of his bunker in Washington D.C.
There you go again with lies and myths.... Tell me how is North Korea going to commit the giant killing of Americans?

Oh, so innocent people dying because of Trump's actions only matter if they are Americans? How nice of you.
See your stupidity is boundless. The fat Korean will do nothing because he can do nothing.. Unlike like the masses of Muslim killers the fat Korean has a nation and power that can easily be taken. You see all the puffing up the fat bastard does will amount to nothing. Still you leftist morons worry about him wile giving the Muslim terrorists a tossed salad. It amazes me that so many dont see how truly special needs you guys are.

Do you think using an insult every 3 words makes you right? EVERY military mind the U.S. has, has stated a war with North Korea would be bloody like no other recent war.

So as smart as you think you are, cut that in half, then cut it in half again, and then cut that in thirds... and you're still dumber than that.
Are you afraid fellow communists would die?

Well first I'm not a communist, and second South Korea aren't communists. Did you fail history class?
Not at all. When you're out in the dark cold with your dog chasing off coyotes or wild boar with a flashlight and gloves on --- you don't want to be fumbling for clips you didn't bring..

Or at a wilderness campsite when your family is being scoped by mountain lions. Not everyone lives and plays the same. It's mostly blue city slickers that often forget about "having the right tool" for self defense.

Even prefer a good semi auto with an ample clip for running off vermin like....


Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.

not to mention that his premise that anyone is proposing to take away his right to protect himself is a big fat lie.

he is the one who is "paranoid". this guy is a blowhard full of false narratives all day long.
That's the problem with leftist busybodies.

They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.


the problem with rethuglicans is they delude themselves into believing and parroting false narratives.

the 2nd amendment speaks of a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.

a free state being "what folks need", and the power of government to create law, by the people for the people, is the basis of our constitution.

thus your "leftist busybodies" boogeyman is a completely BOGUS narrative. :eusa_liar:

"folks" create laws and we live by rule of law. sorry, snowflake!

YOU are paranoid and pretend as if government regulation of the peoples militia is government taking away your guns to over power you.

not one politician has ever proposed to take away your right to defend yourself. that is a big fat paranoid delusional LIE. ^

YOU are one person among many PEOPLE who are advocating for what they 'NEED'.

the vast majority of rational informed Americans, left, right, and center, are petitioning their government for redress of grievances.

"folks NEED" to know they are safe in their communities, "folks NEED" to not have their police outgunned by psychos.

NRA has morons mesmerized into believing they have a carte blanche RIGHT to own weapons of mass human slaughter without government regulation and that is patently RIDICULOUS...

Gun Control Is as Old as the Old West Contrary to the popular imagination, bearing arms on the frontier was a heavily regulated business
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Oh good lord you've fallen into the same conspiracy nut, fall out shelter group as some of the other goofballs on here. I hope you are kidding. You don't need an AR-15 to stop those type of things, nor do you need a huge clip to do so.

Actually I do.. I don't NEED to take risks with MY self-defense and safety because you have a phobia about guns.. I am NOT a criminal or a psycho as you seem to have suggested. Neither is the retired black teacher lady in the hood who's house has been robbed 3 times already...

I don't have a phobia about guns. I have a phobia about people who use guns to shoot up schools, churches, and other events. The fact you had to come up with some crazy scenario about walking your dog out in the middle of nowhere and getting attacked by bunch of mountain lions proves that. Not to mention, you thinking you're going to have to deal with a riot. Even if you did, as soon as you pulled out a gun they would run and hide like cockroaches after turning on a light.

Your crazy scenario is my way of life. You don't live my life. THUS you don't get to dictate my response to danger and threats.

Rioters and looters are pretty smart about guns. If they see a double barreled shotgun they know their odds versus a 20 round magazine hanging out of an awesome looking rifle. If you want the "cockroach effect" and NOT confrontation --- the nastier the better. Actually SAVES lives in terms of deterence. Same as the nuclear overkill calculations.

In Cali -- BECAUSE they protected mountain lions from hunters, they were invading the hills of the Bay Area where I lived. Spotted them in the parks where I walked with my dogs. My daughter was BANNED from a friend's house that bordered on these parks after an incident where the kids had to flee the yard. ALL of these areas had ample signs posted WARNING of the presence of mountain lions. You're simply wrong. And you don't get to dictate my preparedness to defend myself, my pets, my family...

Mountain lion eats deer in San Mateo neighborhood

That's the problem with leftist busybodies. They make assumptions about what folks NEED and use the power of govt to dictate that as law.

Bear repellent spray will work on mountain lions just as well as they do bears. You don't need to carry an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're right, I don't live your life. Just like you don't live the life of a family member of a person who has been killed in a mass shooting.

not to mention that his premise that anyone is proposing to take away his right to protect himself is a big fat lie.

he is the one who is "paranoid". this guy is a blowhard full of false narratives all day long.

Quite simply youre morbidly ill informed and/or lying your ass off...

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

Includes several other measures that would make gun ownership a right for the RICH only..
Bear spray range: 5 meters.
AR-15 range: 300+ meters.
You: retarded.

Of course he's expect that when the police arrive AFTER the mauling, they would run at the lion with a can of Bearspray that Lewdog tossed to them..

THIS from the same folks that refuse to allow women to carry pepper spray for self-defense in Marxist California..
What do you mean after the mauling? Are you implying he's intelligent enough to figure out that police response time is generally greater than the time between you spotting a mountain lion charging at you and a mountain lion mauling you?
Fucking stupid. About 14 attacks per year in the US.

Mountain Lion Attacks On People in the U.S. and Canada

You are far more likely to be attacked by your neighbors dog than a mountain lion. Real shitfaced reason to be carrying a weapon of war. A .357 revolver would be much more useful in a situation like that.

A weapon of war huh? I'll flash a few up.. You identify the weapon of war.. Nothing about the AR types is military. The BATF DEMANDS that parts NOT be interchangable with military gear. In fact, an AR type will MELT DOWN at rapid rates of fire. Ask the LV shooter. He burned up THREE AR-s with his trick stock. NOT --- "a weapon of war".. Don't be a fucking drama queen..
Can a 5.56 caliber round fired from an AR 15 pierce level 3 body armor or less? If so those rifles pose a great threat to cops and security personnel wearing the best soft body armor.

It's not listed as an "armor piercing" round. So no... Your conclusion is probably based on gun phobes playing loose and fast with the DIFFERENCE between military rounds and commercially available rounds.

Besides... I'm smart enough in this day of Big Brother NOT to go searching for armor piercing bullets on the Internet. If you're stupid and determined enough to do that --- be my guest... Test for key loggers a month after you do that..

But search for .223 NOT Nato 5.56 rounds...

Quite simply youre morbidly ill informed and/or lying your ass off...

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

Includes several other measures that would make gun ownership a right for the RICH only..

oh, really...? surely you can quote the supposed lie in my post, then.

regulation of gun ownership is not taking away your right to defend yourself.

get a grip, liar.

Go buy some "Bear Spray" from LewDog and test it...
That's what HE wants me to use to defend against Mountain Lions.
Got to disagree about the 5.56 being a game rifle...the round is easily ricocheted and makes a mess of a deer's lungs/guts. A .243 or .270...hell even the 30.30 I never missed with as a kid in the Michigan woods/swamps would be a better choice than an AR.
Of course he's expect that when the police arrive AFTER the mauling, they would run at the lion with a can of Bearspray that Lewdog tossed to them..

THIS from the same folks that refuse to allow women to carry pepper spray for self-defense in Marxist California..
What do you mean after the mauling? Are you implying he's intelligent enough to figure out that police response time is generally greater than the time between you spotting a mountain lion charging at you and a mountain lion mauling you?
Fucking stupid. About 14 attacks per year in the US.

Mountain Lion Attacks On People in the U.S. and Canada

You are far more likely to be attacked by your neighbors dog than a mountain lion. Real shitfaced reason to be carrying a weapon of war. A .357 revolver would be much more useful in a situation like that.

A weapon of war huh? I'll flash a few up.. You identify the weapon of war.. Nothing about the AR types is military. The BATF DEMANDS that parts NOT be interchangable with military gear. In fact, an AR type will MELT DOWN at rapid rates of fire. Ask the LV shooter. He burned up THREE AR-s with his trick stock. NOT --- "a weapon of war".. Don't be a fucking drama queen..
Can a 5.56 caliber round fired from an AR 15 pierce level 3 body armor or less? If so those rifles pose a great threat to cops and security personnel wearing the best soft body armor.

It's not listed as an "armor piercing" round. So no... Your conclusion is probably based on gun phobes playing loose and fast with the DIFFERENCE between military rounds and commercially available rounds.

Besides... I'm smart enough in this day of Big Brother NOT to go searching for armor piercing bullets on the Internet. If you're stupid and determined enough to do that --- be my guest... Test for key loggers a month after you do that..

But search for .223 NOT Nato 5.56 rounds...

Almost any rifle round can defeat a kevlar vest, however according to this, the .223 had less penetrating power than the other rifles.

About .223 Penetration
Of course he's expect that when the police arrive AFTER the mauling, they would run at the lion with a can of Bearspray that Lewdog tossed to them..

THIS from the same folks that refuse to allow women to carry pepper spray for self-defense in Marxist California..
What do you mean after the mauling? Are you implying he's intelligent enough to figure out that police response time is generally greater than the time between you spotting a mountain lion charging at you and a mountain lion mauling you?
Fucking stupid. About 14 attacks per year in the US.

Mountain Lion Attacks On People in the U.S. and Canada

You are far more likely to be attacked by your neighbors dog than a mountain lion. Real shitfaced reason to be carrying a weapon of war. A .357 revolver would be much more useful in a situation like that.

A weapon of war huh? I'll flash a few up.. You identify the weapon of war.. Nothing about the AR types is military. The BATF DEMANDS that parts NOT be interchangable with military gear. In fact, an AR type will MELT DOWN at rapid rates of fire. Ask the LV shooter. He burned up THREE AR-s with his trick stock. NOT --- "a weapon of war".. Don't be a fucking drama queen..
Can a 5.56 caliber round fired from an AR 15 pierce level 3 body armor or less? If so those rifles pose a great threat to cops and security personnel wearing the best soft body armor.

It's not listed as an "armor piercing" round. So no... Your conclusion is probably based on gun phobes playing loose and fast with the DIFFERENCE between military rounds and commercially available rounds.

Besides... I'm smart enough in this day of Big Brother NOT to go searching for armor piercing bullets on the Internet. If you're stupid and determined enough to do that --- be my guest... Test for key loggers a month after you do that..

But search for .223 NOT Nato 5.56 rounds...

US considers ban on type of ammo that can pierce vests

"The .223 caliber round is the same as the NATO 5.56 mm round. I just thought you'd like to know that! Her is some more information for you. Back in 2015
the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives proposed the ban of some types of 5.56 mm rounds — or .223-caliber — used in widely available and popular AR-15-style rifles because the bullets can also be used in some new types of handguns. Other types of 5.56 mm rounds would still be legal to buy, own and fire from guns."

But why consider the ban? Because the BATF experts back in 2015 said this:

Armor-piercing handgun ammunition has been banned since 1986 as a way to protect police officers under the federal Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act. The rifle bullets now facing a ban were long considered exempt because they were used for sporting purposes, such as target shooting.

An ATF spokeswoman, Ginger Colbrun, said Monday the agency is considering eliminating the exemption now because of the production of so-called AR pistols that can fire the same cartridge. The agency is accepting public comment about the proposed change until March 16 at the email address [email protected], by fax or postal mail. Colbrun said it's unclear when a final decision will be made.

At issue is the material in the core of the bullets. As long as the bullet's core does not contain particular types of metal, including steel, iron or brass, the bullet would still be legally available.
What do you mean after the mauling? Are you implying he's intelligent enough to figure out that police response time is generally greater than the time between you spotting a mountain lion charging at you and a mountain lion mauling you?
Fucking stupid. About 14 attacks per year in the US.

Mountain Lion Attacks On People in the U.S. and Canada

You are far more likely to be attacked by your neighbors dog than a mountain lion. Real shitfaced reason to be carrying a weapon of war. A .357 revolver would be much more useful in a situation like that.

A weapon of war huh? I'll flash a few up.. You identify the weapon of war.. Nothing about the AR types is military. The BATF DEMANDS that parts NOT be interchangable with military gear. In fact, an AR type will MELT DOWN at rapid rates of fire. Ask the LV shooter. He burned up THREE AR-s with his trick stock. NOT --- "a weapon of war".. Don't be a fucking drama queen..
Can a 5.56 caliber round fired from an AR 15 pierce level 3 body armor or less? If so those rifles pose a great threat to cops and security personnel wearing the best soft body armor.

It's not listed as an "armor piercing" round. So no... Your conclusion is probably based on gun phobes playing loose and fast with the DIFFERENCE between military rounds and commercially available rounds.

Besides... I'm smart enough in this day of Big Brother NOT to go searching for armor piercing bullets on the Internet. If you're stupid and determined enough to do that --- be my guest... Test for key loggers a month after you do that..

But search for .223 NOT Nato 5.56 rounds...

Almost any rifle round can defeat a kevlar vest, however according to this, the .223 had less penetrating power than the other rifles.

About .223 Penetration
I know that the soft armor vests regular street cops wear is designed to protect against handgun fire and that it comes in 3 different levels of protection. There are hard armor vests with class IV ratings that provide some protection against rifle fire but they are cumbersome and heavy. These are suited for SWAT TEAM door busters but they do exist.

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