Many hunters use AR15s...

No man would be allowed to enter our hunting camp wielding an ar15. We would never allow anyone to hunt with those pieces of junk and they will never come close to the bolt action. I have no problem with people owning them but for hunting they should nab enter the hands of a skilled Hunter and we seriously would ostrasize and send home through degradation and dehumanization any moron trying to hunt our woods with one.
Shit for brains, You are one stupid motherfucker. Snipers use M-4s You truly watch for too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. You don’t know shit about firearms.
Guess this is a church rally to take out another church? Insane people Cling to their Bible and Guns.

Those motherfuckers are gonna take the collection plates of their competition churches..
It's been an awfully long time since the 'Crusades's'.... just saying...
No man would be allowed to enter our hunting camp wielding an ar15. We would never allow anyone to hunt with those pieces of junk and they will never come close to the bolt action. I have no problem with people owning them but for hunting they should nab enter the hands of a skilled Hunter and we seriously would ostrasize and send home through degradation and dehumanization any moron trying to hunt our woods with one.
Shit for brains, You are one stupid motherfucker. Snipers use M-4s You truly watch for too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. You don’t know shit about firearms.

Thanks... just have made that point too many times... don't have the energy to inform the uninformed that the AR-15 in .223 isn't even a great round for woodchuck size game....
If you need to us a AR-15 to hunt, your not a hunter....your a targeting egotistical male that need that type of sport to keep your dick dry....just sayin....and if there is a god, you will come back as the hunted.....just saying
I'll just ignore all your horrendous grammar and just get right to the point.


You're making the argument FOR the AR. If I am a shitty hunter, I need help. I need an AR.

Granted, but there has never been a case to my knowledge that an AR-15 has been used in self defense by a civilian. I have no problem with the police using them to save lives, either. But, to imply that I need an AR-15 for self defense is totally delusional.

Here's one.

Three armed criminals, home invasion

Must have been an invisible Ar-15. Probably a "cloaking device"

Three armed men vs one...I wouldn't want anything but an AR15. Wouldn't you?

And before you say "that's unlikely"'s significantly more likely than the mass shooting you would use to justify banning it.

I live in Tucson, which is where the "home invasion" took place. It was a drug deal gone bad. If you are doing drug deals, then, I think that you can say that you need an AR-15 to ward off a home invasion. If you are not dealing drugs, I would say that the odds of you having a home invasion by three people are less than your odds of being hit by lightning, twice. you have a link to that I've only seen the video...never read the story.
I keep hearing this talking point...AR15s aren't good for hunting. This talking point is patently false. It is advanced by people who know nothing about guns or hunting. AR15s are accurate, in a hunting caliber, easy to work on, and simple to customize. They will eventually supplant the bolt action rifle in the same way the bolt action rifle supplanted the lever action rifle and the lever action rifle supplanted the single shot.

Link to list of Youtube AR-15 Hunting Videos

Yes, and many people used cocaine for tooth aches when it was legal to do that.
It's not illegal to hunt with an AR.

I'm sure most gun nuts NEED 30 shots to kill a deer.
If they're from California they do.
I always know when a California hunter is around me
I don't think a Cali. hunter could hit a Idaho Elk if their rifle was belt fed

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