Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union
In my opinion it is a stupid pointless idea and I like the "Great One."
Solidarity against loss of our liberties..i like it:cool:
Levin is worse than useless

I think what we are seeing with Levin is a bubble. To keep his viewers happy he needs to ratchet up the rhetoric. So he will ratchet it up until he leaves conservatives behind and only has the extreme right wing as an audience. Then the bubble will burst and he will once again come back down to Earth.
It would win the dumbass idea of the year award.
That, or the cheapest political postering award of the year.
No wait - I got it - the dumbass cheapest political postering idea of the year.
Can you say "backfire"?
Levin sure can't
Levin is worse than useless

I think what we are seeing with Levin is a bubble. To keep his viewers happy he needs to ratchet up the rhetoric. So he will ratchet it up until he leaves conservatives behind and only has the extreme right wing as an audience. Then the bubble will burst and he will once again come back down to Earth.

Levin doesn't have "viewers" and he does a lot more than host his show. He fights these liberal nutjobs in court
Levin is a smart guy but he wants to play a democrat game when the media makes sure the deck is stacked against republicans. The truth is that republicans, unlike democrats, have respect for tradition and the office even if fewer and fewer people respect the amateur former community activist currently in charge.
It would be a bad move for the GOP and here's why.
This concept comes from the far right camp of the GOP, most people who identify with the GOP aren't far right. The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right. A majority of Americans viewed the GOP has being too extreme in a Pew poll about a year ago. That was probably based on some pretty crazy thing that some Tea Party folks said or did. (FYI, I'm not saying all Tea Party are that nuts, just as not all far left folks are that nuts)
If the GOP is hoping to win big in this years election, they can't afford to look/act extreme.
Now I know that USMB is over represented by the far right when comparing USMB's demographics and the country's demographics. So it may seem like a good idea for a majority of right wing posters here on USMB. But in reality, it'd be a move that'd probably offend a much higher percentage of voters who don't watch cable news (which is a huge majority of Americans).
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Levin is worse than useless

I think what we are seeing with Levin is a bubble. To keep his viewers happy he needs to ratchet up the rhetoric. So he will ratchet it up until he leaves conservatives behind and only has the extreme right wing as an audience. Then the bubble will burst and he will once again come back down to Earth.

Levin doesn't have "viewers" and he does a lot more than host his show. He fights these liberal nutjobs in court

Hmmm, here I always thought that right wing fanatics sat and stared at the radio when Levine mistake and my poor use of the word.

The reason it is a bad idea is what happens when your guy is in office? Do you want the same lack of respect just because the left wing hates his agenda? There are plenty of ways to show solidarity but this ain't the best. And that is coming from a conservative, true, who likes listening to Levin, Beck and Rush, but I don't stare at the radio. :lol:
It would be a bad move for the GOP and here's why.
This concept comes from the far right camp of the GOP, most people who identify with the GOP aren't far right. The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right. A majority of Americans viewed the GOP has being too extreme in a Pew poll about a year ago. That was probably based on some pretty crazy thing that some Tea Party folks said or did. (FYI, I'm not saying all Tea Party are that nuts, just as not all far left folks are that nuts)
If the GOP is hoping to win big in this years election, they can't afford to look/act extreme.
Now I know that USMB is over represented by the far right when comparing USMB's demographics and the country's demographics. So it may seem like a good idea for a majority of right wing posters here on USMB but in reality, it'd be a move that'd probably offend a much higher percentage of voters who don't watch cable news (which is a huge majority of Americans).

I do agree with this mostly. But I will say that the next candidate that the republicans put up better not be another moderate closet liberal. We tried that twice and lost. Of course we won with Bush so maybe it was just Obama.
I think what we are seeing with Levin is a bubble. To keep his viewers happy he needs to ratchet up the rhetoric. So he will ratchet it up until he leaves conservatives behind and only has the extreme right wing as an audience. Then the bubble will burst and he will once again come back down to Earth.

Levin doesn't have "viewers" and he does a lot more than host his show. He fights these liberal nutjobs in court

Hmmm, here I always thought that right wing fanatics sat and stared at the radio when Levine mistake and my poor use of the word.

The reason it is a bad idea is what happens when your guy is in office? Do you want the same lack of respect just because the left wing hates his agenda? There are plenty of ways to show solidarity but this ain't the best. And that is coming from a conservative, true, who likes listening to Levin, Beck and Rush, but I don't stare at the radio. :lol:

You must, you said "viewers" not me. People didn't seem to mind when Obama berated the supreme court justices as they sat in front of him. You're just way too civil. You can sit there and clap for Obama as he ignores our Constitution. Me? I'd pass.
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