Mark Meadows says he didn't mean it to be racist when he said he wanted to send Obama back to Kenya

Here is what makes me have so little respect for closeted racists and those who try to excuse them....

As much as you idiots called Obama a racist -- not one time did someone in Congress have to bring a white person to stand up like an exhibit to prove to everyone that Obama is not racist.....

Obama having a white mother, white grand parents, white staff, white VP -- none of that stopped you idiots from calling him a racist -- but having a black woman stand up and put on a minstrel show for white supremacists is supposed to prove what?
Obama is a racist because he used black thugs as martyrs to inflame and create divisive political rhetoric.
Did Obama tell people at his rallies to beat up white folks and he will pay their legal fees like Trump did? No? Because Trump did...does that make Trump racist ?

No, he just gave a wink and a nod to whole towns rioting.

There were more riots during Obama's 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined.

He's a very good "Community Organizer" AKA shit-stirrer.
Here is what makes me have so little respect for closeted racists and those who try to excuse them....

As much as you idiots called Obama a racist -- not one time did someone in Congress have to bring a white person to stand up like an exhibit to prove to everyone that Obama is not racist.....

Obama having a white mother, white grand parents, white staff, white VP -- none of that stopped you idiots from calling him a racist -- but having a black woman stand up and put on a minstrel show for white supremacists is supposed to prove what?
Obama is a racist because he used black thugs as martyrs to inflame and create divisive political rhetoric.
Did Obama tell people at his rallies to beat up white folks and he will pay their legal fees like Trump did? No? Because Trump did...does that make Trump racist ?

No, he just gave a wink and a nod to whole towns rioting.

There were more riots during Obama's 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined.

He's a very good "Community Organizer" AKA shit-stirrer.
Yep, Obama is nothing more than a refined Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. All the same racist shit stirrers.
Obama said Kenya was his home when he spoke there. It's a shame our first half Kenyan President turned out to be a racist.
I voted for Obama the 1st time. :tomato:

The 2nd time, I saw that he was no good, and really the best candidate was an American black man: Herman Cain.

But he got kneecapped by either Republicans or Democrats. So the choice was Romney.

All of this bullshit is really no choices for the people.

Romney would have been as big of a traitor as Obama was and possibly more and some ww3 action or something. Romney's a turd.
If republicans would have had a good candidate, Obama would never have been elected the first time. I sat it out. No way could I vote for McCain.
What about the second time he won both the popular and electoral vote? What you gonna blame that on idiot?
Negro "people."
what does that even mean?

Again, you people are beyond delusional...

You idiots voted for Bush....he got us in 2 wars (one that even trumptards claim was an idiotic thing to do) and left the next president with the worst economic collapse in 70 yrs...

Then you idiots nominated McCain...claimed he was a war hero and painted Obama as a terrorist who wasn't born here...despite the fact the only person not born in the US was McCain himself....he lost...and now you idiots trash McCain and pretend you never supported him...

Then idiots nominated Romney claiming he will run America like a businessman because he is such a successful businessman.....and again, you paint Obama out as someone not born here, despite the fact that Romney was ACTUALLY NOT BORN HERE....and what happened? he you folks pretend you never supported Romney...

You people are pathetic...
How many fucking wars did bush get us into you ignorant lying fuck?

Look everyone, a dernaged fucking ignorant truther.

Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds you dumb lying fuck?

Answer those you ignorant fucking cocksucker.

You dumb fuck. You voted in the fucking commies in 2007 and the commiecrats took over Congress, and the economy tanked due to commie policies.

Go ahead and explain what the economy did from 2007 to 2010 under commiecrats you fucking ignorant loser.
Still waiting for someone to show me how this pic proves someone is NOT racist....

But this pic doesn't.....

Especially when you consider the first pic was the epitome of a photo opp for the explicit purpose of proving that someone is not racist.....

The other pic is just a president holding a press conference with his cabinet members -- he never had to take a pic to show he is not racist because only RACISTS were claiming he is racist...and for them I say, fuck what they think
Still waiting for someone to show me how this pic proves someone is NOT racist....

But this pic doesn't.....
View attachment 248408

Especially when you consider the first pic was the epitome of a photo opp for the explicit purpose of proving that someone is not racist.....

The other pic is just a president holding a press conference with his cabinet members -- he never had to take a pic to show he is not racist because only RACISTS were claiming he is racist...and for them I say, fuck what they think
Poor baby just can't stand it when Republicans use a page out of the DeathRAT playbook....ROTFLMFAO
Listen to the racist Mrs Barack Hussein Soweto comment on her Kenyan husband.

Still waiting for someone to show me how this pic proves someone is NOT racist....

But this pic doesn't.....
View attachment 248408

Especially when you consider the first pic was the epitome of a photo opp for the explicit purpose of proving that someone is not racist.....

The other pic is just a president holding a press conference with his cabinet members -- he never had to take a pic to show he is not racist because only RACISTS were claiming he is racist...and for them I say, fuck what they think
You really can't see you own bias, can you. Tell me, does Obama's shit taste like a chocolate ice cream cone?
I voted for Obama the 1st time. :tomato:

The 2nd time, I saw that he was no good, and really the best candidate was an American black man: Herman Cain.

But he got kneecapped by either Republicans or Democrats. So the choice was Romney.

All of this bullshit is really no choices for the people.

Romney would have been as big of a traitor as Obama was and possibly more and some ww3 action or something. Romney's a turd.
If republicans would have had a good candidate, Obama would never have been elected the first time. I sat it out. No way could I vote for McCain.
What about the second time he won both the popular and electoral vote? What you gonna blame that on idiot?
Negro "people."
what does that even mean?

Again, you people are beyond delusional...

You idiots voted for Bush....he got us in 2 wars (one that even trumptards claim was an idiotic thing to do) and left the next president with the worst economic collapse in 70 yrs...

Then you idiots nominated McCain...claimed he was a war hero and painted Obama as a terrorist who wasn't born here...despite the fact the only person not born in the US was McCain himself....he lost...and now you idiots trash McCain and pretend you never supported him...

Then idiots nominated Romney claiming he will run America like a businessman because he is such a successful businessman.....and again, you paint Obama out as someone not born here, despite the fact that Romney was ACTUALLY NOT BORN HERE....and what happened? he you folks pretend you never supported Romney...

You people are pathetic...
How many fucking wars did bush get us into you ignorant lying fuck?

Look everyone, a dernaged fucking ignorant truther.

Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds you dumb lying fuck?

Answer those you ignorant fucking cocksucker.

You dumb fuck. You voted in the fucking commies in 2007 and the commiecrats took over Congress, and the economy tanked due to commie policies.

Go ahead and explain what the economy did from 2007 to 2010 under commiecrats you fucking ignorant loser.
Bush got us in 2 of those wars dick suckers like you pretend to have always been against now since your cult leader told you it was ok to agree with the liberals about that war....

As for what the economy did from 2007 to 2010, I can do you one better...I can show you what it did from 2009 to 2017.....I assume you are going to claim that it was the republicans who turned the economy around?

I wish you idiots will make your mind up....first you dumb asses claim that Obama wrecked the economy, now you claim he didn't wreck the economy because republicans stopped him?

Trump lovers are pathetic...
Still waiting for someone to show me how this pic proves someone is NOT racist....

But this pic doesn't.....
View attachment 248408

Especially when you consider the first pic was the epitome of a photo opp for the explicit purpose of proving that someone is not racist.....

The other pic is just a president holding a press conference with his cabinet members -- he never had to take a pic to show he is not racist because only RACISTS were claiming he is racist...and for them I say, fuck what they think
You really can't see you own bias, can you. Tell me, does Obama's shit taste like a chocolate ice cream cone?
Why did Mark Meadows have to bring a black woman to Congress to show Trump isn't racist? Why do you keep avoiding the question
Still waiting for someone to show me how this pic proves someone is NOT racist....

But this pic doesn't.....
View attachment 248408

Especially when you consider the first pic was the epitome of a photo opp for the explicit purpose of proving that someone is not racist.....

The other pic is just a president holding a press conference with his cabinet members -- he never had to take a pic to show he is not racist because only RACISTS were claiming he is racist...and for them I say, fuck what they think
You really can't see you own bias, can you. Tell me, does Obama's shit taste like a chocolate ice cream cone?
Why did Mark Meadows have to bring a black woman to Congress to show Trump isn't racist? Why do you keep avoiding the question
She is a member of the Trump fucking ABNORMAL ASSHOLE...Why wouldn't she be there representing the POTUS when out of country?.....Racist much you biased bitch?
Still waiting for someone to show me how this pic proves someone is NOT racist....

But this pic doesn't.....
View attachment 248408

Especially when you consider the first pic was the epitome of a photo opp for the explicit purpose of proving that someone is not racist.....

The other pic is just a president holding a press conference with his cabinet members -- he never had to take a pic to show he is not racist because only RACISTS were claiming he is racist...and for them I say, fuck what they think
You really can't see you own bias, can you. Tell me, does Obama's shit taste like a chocolate ice cream cone?
Why did Mark Meadows have to bring a black woman to Congress to show Trump isn't racist? Why do you keep avoiding the question
You're the racist. What is the black woman doing there in your opinion?
Negro "people."
what does that even mean?

Again, you people are beyond delusional...

You idiots voted for Bush....he got us in 2 wars (one that even trumptards claim was an idiotic thing to do) and left the next president with the worst economic collapse in 70 yrs...

Then you idiots nominated McCain...claimed he was a war hero and painted Obama as a terrorist who wasn't born here...despite the fact the only person not born in the US was McCain himself....he lost...and now you idiots trash McCain and pretend you never supported him...

Then idiots nominated Romney claiming he will run America like a businessman because he is such a successful businessman.....and again, you paint Obama out as someone not born here, despite the fact that Romney was ACTUALLY NOT BORN HERE....and what happened? he you folks pretend you never supported Romney...

You people are pathetic...
Yes, we got fucked by the Surrender monkey...

  • Blaming Bush and Congress for his woes. “During Obama’s first term, he blamed Bush for the economy, for the botched Operation Fast and Furious, for the massive deficits, for our plummeting national wealth, for our problems in the Middle East -- for just about everything that went wrong.
  • War on coal and oil. “Obama forced more than 200 coal-fired plants to shut down over a five year period.”
  • Cut funding to fight aids. “This inexplicable decision had a devastating effect on Africa, where most AIDS deaths occur.”
  • Nominating liar John Brennan as CIA director. Brennan has gone on to be President Trump’s critic.
  • DACA via executive order. Obama went around Congress to give amnesty to some 800,000 younger illegal immigrants.
  • Assault on the press. The Committee to Protect Journalists, said of Obama’s media attacks, “In the Obama administration’s Washington, government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press. Those suspected of discussing, with reporters, anything that the government has classified as secret are subject to investigation, including lie-detector tests and scrutiny of their telephone and e-mail records.”
Have a few hundred more for you ABNORMALS to absorb and didnt even start on the rapist Blow Job Cunton!
I don’t understand all the lies. We know the Republicans by denying funds to organizations that promoted condoms and safe sex refused to give money probably causing 1 million cases AIDS just from their awful policies.

And it’s Obama that had a war in the press? The press doesn’t think so. Only......never mind
You mean the $9 box of birth control pills that the whore Sandra Fluke was so worried about in Congressional hearings..... and couldn't afford....Damn, you get easier with each post, Deranged!


What I never understood about the Fluke case is why she couldn't afford her own condoms, particularly as she was spending 40k a year on tuition at Georgetown. Or why she didn't insist that the men she was fornicating with provide their own prophylactics?
She wanted birth control pills covered under student healthcare
Just like other medications
Still waiting for someone to show me how this pic proves someone is NOT racist....

But this pic doesn't.....
View attachment 248408

Especially when you consider the first pic was the epitome of a photo opp for the explicit purpose of proving that someone is not racist.....

The other pic is just a president holding a press conference with his cabinet members -- he never had to take a pic to show he is not racist because only RACISTS were claiming he is racist...and for them I say, fuck what they think
You really can't see you own bias, can you. Tell me, does Obama's shit taste like a chocolate ice cream cone?
Why did Mark Meadows have to bring a black woman to Congress to show Trump isn't racist? Why do you keep avoiding the question
You're the racist. What is the black woman doing there in your opinion?
what does that even mean?

Again, you people are beyond delusional...

You idiots voted for Bush....he got us in 2 wars (one that even trumptards claim was an idiotic thing to do) and left the next president with the worst economic collapse in 70 yrs...

Then you idiots nominated McCain...claimed he was a war hero and painted Obama as a terrorist who wasn't born here...despite the fact the only person not born in the US was McCain himself....he lost...and now you idiots trash McCain and pretend you never supported him...

Then idiots nominated Romney claiming he will run America like a businessman because he is such a successful businessman.....and again, you paint Obama out as someone not born here, despite the fact that Romney was ACTUALLY NOT BORN HERE....and what happened? he you folks pretend you never supported Romney...

You people are pathetic...
Yes, we got fucked by the Surrender monkey...

  • Blaming Bush and Congress for his woes. “During Obama’s first term, he blamed Bush for the economy, for the botched Operation Fast and Furious, for the massive deficits, for our plummeting national wealth, for our problems in the Middle East -- for just about everything that went wrong.
  • War on coal and oil. “Obama forced more than 200 coal-fired plants to shut down over a five year period.”
  • Cut funding to fight aids. “This inexplicable decision had a devastating effect on Africa, where most AIDS deaths occur.”
  • Nominating liar John Brennan as CIA director. Brennan has gone on to be President Trump’s critic.
  • DACA via executive order. Obama went around Congress to give amnesty to some 800,000 younger illegal immigrants.
  • Assault on the press. The Committee to Protect Journalists, said of Obama’s media attacks, “In the Obama administration’s Washington, government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press. Those suspected of discussing, with reporters, anything that the government has classified as secret are subject to investigation, including lie-detector tests and scrutiny of their telephone and e-mail records.”
Have a few hundred more for you ABNORMALS to absorb and didnt even start on the rapist Blow Job Cunton!
I don’t understand all the lies. We know the Republicans by denying funds to organizations that promoted condoms and safe sex refused to give money probably causing 1 million cases AIDS just from their awful policies.

And it’s Obama that had a war in the press? The press doesn’t think so. Only......never mind
You mean the $9 box of birth control pills that the whore Sandra Fluke was so worried about in Congressional hearings..... and couldn't afford....Damn, you get easier with each post, Deranged!


What I never understood about the Fluke case is why she couldn't afford her own condoms, particularly as she was spending 40k a year on tuition at Georgetown. Or why she didn't insist that the men she was fornicating with provide their own prophylactics?
She wanted birth control pills covered under student healthcare
Just like other medications
Birth control isn't a medication.
Still waiting for someone to show me how this pic proves someone is NOT racist....

But this pic doesn't.....
View attachment 248408

Especially when you consider the first pic was the epitome of a photo opp for the explicit purpose of proving that someone is not racist.....

The other pic is just a president holding a press conference with his cabinet members -- he never had to take a pic to show he is not racist because only RACISTS were claiming he is racist...and for them I say, fuck what they think
You really can't see you own bias, can you. Tell me, does Obama's shit taste like a chocolate ice cream cone?
Why did Mark Meadows have to bring a black woman to Congress to show Trump isn't racist? Why do you keep avoiding the question
You're the racist. What is the black woman doing there in your opinion?
Okay, show us the evidence.

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