Mary is not the mother of God

While the developed doctrine of the Trinity is not explicit in the books that constitute the New Testament, it was first formulated as early Christians attempted to understand the relationship between Jesus and God in their scriptural documents and prior traditions.[8]

Trinity - Wikipedia

God gave all the key for free--He said--This is my son the beloved in whom I am well pleased-LISTEN TO HIM.--He teaches-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Right. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Can you read English? No where in either of the 2 scriptures I shared does it say Jesus or the HS is God-- It is 100% clear--Jesus has a God, his Father. The FIRSTBORN( created) of all creation. Collosians 1:15.
“Surely You are not greater than our father Abraham, who died? The prophets died too; whom do You make Yourself out to be?”Jesus answered, “…Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”

So the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”

Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”

Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him…(John 8:53-59)

Yes Jesus answered correctly, he lived before Abraham. In the Hebrew language of the OT, there is no I am that I am. I will be what I will be is correct. I am that I am, only found in trinity translations. = Error to mislead.
I always took God's answer to the question of "who do I tell them you are" to mean God is existence. I am.

God created existence. Existence proceeded from Existence.

But nonetheless, Jesus was telling them he was God. That's why they picked up stones to throw at him. They understood that he was claiming to be God. In their eyes he blasphemed. Just ask any Jew here who is supremely offended by the existence of Christianity and specifically Christ. They are constantly throwing stones at Jesus.
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While the developed doctrine of the Trinity is not explicit in the books that constitute the New Testament, it was first formulated as early Christians attempted to understand the relationship between Jesus and God in their scriptural documents and prior traditions.[8]

Trinity - Wikipedia

God gave all the key for free--He said--This is my son the beloved in whom I am well pleased-LISTEN TO HIM.--He teaches-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Right. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Can you read English? No where in either of the 2 scriptures I shared does it say Jesus or the HS is God-- It is 100% clear--Jesus has a God, his Father. The FIRSTBORN( created) of all creation. Collosians 1:15.-- see the phrase--all creation--Jesus was First, then all other things created through him--He tells you so at Proverbs 8 ( Gods master worker)-- ALL who know him, know it is him speaking at Proverbs 8, it is not YHVH speaking.
26 Eight days later, His disciples were once again inside with the doors locked, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

27 Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28 Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

John 20

It does not say directly Jesus is God. Jesus would not contradict himself. Its 100% clear at John 17:1-6, 26 Jesus teaches--The one who sent him = THE ONLY TRUE GOD = Father( John 5:30) verse 6 = YHVH(Jehovah), 26 = YHVH(Jehovah)--
Paul teaches the same-1Cor 8:6-There is ONE God to all the Father.
Trinity translations are erred to fit false council teachings. They clearly teach 2 different gods.
Its best to believe Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Jesus did not rebuke him. If Jesus were not God, Thomas would have committed blasphemy and Jesus would have rebuked him for it. He didn't. Jesus didn't rebuke Thomas for calling him God.

Mary is not the mother of God.

The Roman Catholics seem to know more bible verses than your video. The prophets of the Bible, of which Isaiah was one prophesied:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” King James Version (KJV) Isaiah 9:6
I don't go to the Catholic Church, my family's church is mine too. But I have worked for years on charities with others from the communities I've lived in, and I don't know better people than these wonderful Catholic women who are devoted to the service of Jesus Christ the Lord, and it pleases them to use the Isaiah prophecy as who Jesus is.

It bothered my mother too, the business of intercession, in her mind that was worshipping someone else than the Lord. However, having understood what Jesus went through on the Cross, his mother was there, full of pain, knowing her son was one with God, and she stayed till the end in unimaginable sorrow. First Mary was summoned by the angel of the Lord and told she would conceive a child that would be God's only son. She couldn't believe that such a simple girl as herself would be the savior's mother, but she not only went along with it, she and her husband Joseph made certain Christ was well-learned in the scriptures and were pleased to know he made a big hit with his love and knowledge of the Word.

I lived in a community that had interfaith meetings with ladies from all the churches in town. Some of their monsignors would allow them to come to our meetings, some would host the meetings, and others would not allow the women in their parish to worship en masse with us.

Some people take offense at that, but I never did. I loved the good deeds they did for the poor, and brought food for the Sisters of the Poor to deliver to the unfortunate. Our church didn't have a hunger closet nor people to host food for the poor. I loved their loyalty and duty and fervor to make life for the poor good by the things they did.

I think you're being a little hard on the Roman Catholics. Their first Pope was the Apostle, Saint Peter, who Jesus called "the rock on which I will build my church." Now, just look at all the Christian churches in the world. Many of them started because of Peter but broke away over indulgences. Generations later, we all still have more commonalities and similar beliefs, summarized in the Apostles' Creed, which are said in Catholic as well as Protestant Churches every week, a prayer the Lord deemed as perfect.

Let it go if you can. God looks on the heart, not on what the Church's roof looks like.

I must correct something you said. Peter was not the ROCK on which the Church was built. If you look at a literal translation, the word used for Peter meant a small stone. The word Jesus used for the rock He would build His Church on meant boulder. That boulder was Peters admission of who Jesus is. The Christ. The Son of God.

Mary is not the mother of God.

The Roman Catholics seem to know more bible verses than your video. The prophets of the Bible, of which Isaiah was one prophesied:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” King James Version (KJV) Isaiah 9:6
I don't go to the Catholic Church, my family's church is mine too. But I have worked for years on charities with others from the communities I've lived in, and I don't know better people than these wonderful Catholic women who are devoted to the service of Jesus Christ the Lord, and it pleases them to use the Isaiah prophecy as who Jesus is.

It bothered my mother too, the business of intercession, in her mind that was worshipping someone else than the Lord. However, having understood what Jesus went through on the Cross, his mother was there, full of pain, knowing her son was one with God, and she stayed till the end in unimaginable sorrow. First Mary was summoned by the angel of the Lord and told she would conceive a child that would be God's only son. She couldn't believe that such a simple girl as herself would be the savior's mother, but she not only went along with it, she and her husband Joseph made certain Christ was well-learned in the scriptures and were pleased to know he made a big hit with his love and knowledge of the Word.

I lived in a community that had interfaith meetings with ladies from all the churches in town. Some of their monsignors would allow them to come to our meetings, some would host the meetings, and others would not allow the women in their parish to worship en masse with us.

Some people take offense at that, but I never did. I loved the good deeds they did for the poor, and brought food for the Sisters of the Poor to deliver to the unfortunate. Our church didn't have a hunger closet nor people to host food for the poor. I loved their loyalty and duty and fervor to make life for the poor good by the things they did.

I think you're being a little hard on the Roman Catholics. Their first Pope was the Apostle, Saint Peter, who Jesus called "the rock on which I will build my church." Now, just look at all the Christian churches in the world. Many of them started because of Peter but broke away over indulgences. Generations later, we all still have more commonalities and similar beliefs, summarized in the Apostles' Creed, which are said in Catholic as well as Protestant Churches every week, a prayer the Lord deemed as perfect.

Let it go if you can. God looks on the heart, not on what the Church's roof looks like.

I must correct something you said. Peter was not the ROCK on which the Church was built. If you look at a literal translation, the word used for Peter meant a small stone. The word Jesus used for the rock He would build His Church on meant boulder. That boulder was Peters admission of who Jesus is. The Christ. The Son of God.

I meant no harm to anyone's belief system, Magnificat. My grandfather taught me the Bible is written so any simple person can understand it. My faith in Christ is absolute. Christian tradition as I understand it gave St. Peter the honor of being the first Pope. Human that he was and having fulfilled Christ's words that he would deny him three times before the cock crew, he fled notice of those who were interested in finding and killing Christ's apostles and associates. He was stricken with sorrow when he realized how weak he had been through the worst day of his Lord's life and the last. So in that manner, the man lived in humility, prayer, and instruction to others who wanted to know about Jesus Christ. Rocks and stones are hard. Either can be held in one hand or stood upon as Independence Rock, which from a distance is noticeably stone-shaped or the Rock of Gibralter. Peter also preached back in the day when the Christian message could result in execution, and St. Peter indeed was also nailed to a cross, nailed to it upside down, as he explained he was not worthy to be crucified upright like Christ when he was nailed to one. Peter answered Christ's call to spread the Word, and he paid for his obedience with a cruel fate.

Mary is not the mother of God.

The Roman Catholics seem to know more bible verses than your video. The prophets of the Bible, of which Isaiah was one prophesied:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” King James Version (KJV) Isaiah 9:6
I don't go to the Catholic Church, my family's church is mine too. But I have worked for years on charities with others from the communities I've lived in, and I don't know better people than these wonderful Catholic women who are devoted to the service of Jesus Christ the Lord, and it pleases them to use the Isaiah prophecy as who Jesus is.

It bothered my mother too, the business of intercession, in her mind that was worshipping someone else than the Lord. However, having understood what Jesus went through on the Cross, his mother was there, full of pain, knowing her son was one with God, and she stayed till the end in unimaginable sorrow. First Mary was summoned by the angel of the Lord and told she would conceive a child that would be God's only son. She couldn't believe that such a simple girl as herself would be the savior's mother, but she not only went along with it, she and her husband Joseph made certain Christ was well-learned in the scriptures and were pleased to know he made a big hit with his love and knowledge of the Word.

I lived in a community that had interfaith meetings with ladies from all the churches in town. Some of their monsignors would allow them to come to our meetings, some would host the meetings, and others would not allow the women in their parish to worship en masse with us.

Some people take offense at that, but I never did. I loved the good deeds they did for the poor, and brought food for the Sisters of the Poor to deliver to the unfortunate. Our church didn't have a hunger closet nor people to host food for the poor. I loved their loyalty and duty and fervor to make life for the poor good by the things they did.

I think you're being a little hard on the Roman Catholics. Their first Pope was the Apostle, Saint Peter, who Jesus called "the rock on which I will build my church." Now, just look at all the Christian churches in the world. Many of them started because of Peter but broke away over indulgences. Generations later, we all still have more commonalities and similar beliefs, summarized in the Apostles' Creed, which are said in Catholic as well as Protestant Churches every week, a prayer the Lord deemed as perfect.

Let it go if you can. God looks on the heart, not on what the Church's roof looks like.

I must correct something you said. Peter was not the ROCK on which the Church was built. If you look at a literal translation, the word used for Peter meant a small stone. The word Jesus used for the rock He would build His Church on meant boulder. That boulder was Peters admission of who Jesus is. The Christ. The Son of God.

I meant no harm to anyone's belief system, Magnificat. My grandfather taught me the Bible is written so any simple person can understand it. My faith in Christ is absolute. Christian tradition as I understand it gave St. Peter the honor of being the first Pope. Human that he was and having fulfilled Christ's words that he would deny him three times before the cock crew, he fled notice of those who were interested in finding and killing Christ's apostles and associates. He was stricken with sorrow when he realized how weak he had been through the worst day of his Lord's life and the last. So in that manner, the man lived in humility, prayer, and instruction to others who wanted to know about Jesus Christ. Rocks and stones are hard. Either can be held in one hand or stood upon as Independence Rock, which from a distance is noticeably stone-shaped or the Rock of Gibralter. Peter also preached back in the day when the Christian message could result in execution, and St. Peter indeed was also nailed to a cross, nailed to it upside down, as he explained he was not worthy to be crucified upright like Christ when he was nailed to one. Peter answered Christ's call to spread the Word, and he paid for his obedience with a cruel fate.

I was simply correcting a common misunderstanding. Peter was not the first Pope. He never even went to Rome. In fact, the Catholic Church didn't exist until Constantine invented it.

Mary is not the mother of God.

The Roman Catholics seem to know more bible verses than your video. The prophets of the Bible, of which Isaiah was one prophesied:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” King James Version (KJV) Isaiah 9:6
I don't go to the Catholic Church, my family's church is mine too. But I have worked for years on charities with others from the communities I've lived in, and I don't know better people than these wonderful Catholic women who are devoted to the service of Jesus Christ the Lord, and it pleases them to use the Isaiah prophecy as who Jesus is.

It bothered my mother too, the business of intercession, in her mind that was worshipping someone else than the Lord. However, having understood what Jesus went through on the Cross, his mother was there, full of pain, knowing her son was one with God, and she stayed till the end in unimaginable sorrow. First Mary was summoned by the angel of the Lord and told she would conceive a child that would be God's only son. She couldn't believe that such a simple girl as herself would be the savior's mother, but she not only went along with it, she and her husband Joseph made certain Christ was well-learned in the scriptures and were pleased to know he made a big hit with his love and knowledge of the Word.

I lived in a community that had interfaith meetings with ladies from all the churches in town. Some of their monsignors would allow them to come to our meetings, some would host the meetings, and others would not allow the women in their parish to worship en masse with us.

Some people take offense at that, but I never did. I loved the good deeds they did for the poor, and brought food for the Sisters of the Poor to deliver to the unfortunate. Our church didn't have a hunger closet nor people to host food for the poor. I loved their loyalty and duty and fervor to make life for the poor good by the things they did.

I think you're being a little hard on the Roman Catholics. Their first Pope was the Apostle, Saint Peter, who Jesus called "the rock on which I will build my church." Now, just look at all the Christian churches in the world. Many of them started because of Peter but broke away over indulgences. Generations later, we all still have more commonalities and similar beliefs, summarized in the Apostles' Creed, which are said in Catholic as well as Protestant Churches every week, a prayer the Lord deemed as perfect.

Let it go if you can. God looks on the heart, not on what the Church's roof looks like.

I must correct something you said. Peter was not the ROCK on which the Church was built. If you look at a literal translation, the word used for Peter meant a small stone. The word Jesus used for the rock He would build His Church on meant boulder. That boulder was Peters admission of who Jesus is. The Christ. The Son of God.

It was by revelation that Peter knew that Jesus was the Christ. And it is upon the rock of revelation that the Church of Jesus Christ is built.

Mary is not the mother of God.

The Roman Catholics seem to know more bible verses than your video. The prophets of the Bible, of which Isaiah was one prophesied:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” King James Version (KJV) Isaiah 9:6
I don't go to the Catholic Church, my family's church is mine too. But I have worked for years on charities with others from the communities I've lived in, and I don't know better people than these wonderful Catholic women who are devoted to the service of Jesus Christ the Lord, and it pleases them to use the Isaiah prophecy as who Jesus is.

It bothered my mother too, the business of intercession, in her mind that was worshipping someone else than the Lord. However, having understood what Jesus went through on the Cross, his mother was there, full of pain, knowing her son was one with God, and she stayed till the end in unimaginable sorrow. First Mary was summoned by the angel of the Lord and told she would conceive a child that would be God's only son. She couldn't believe that such a simple girl as herself would be the savior's mother, but she not only went along with it, she and her husband Joseph made certain Christ was well-learned in the scriptures and were pleased to know he made a big hit with his love and knowledge of the Word.

I lived in a community that had interfaith meetings with ladies from all the churches in town. Some of their monsignors would allow them to come to our meetings, some would host the meetings, and others would not allow the women in their parish to worship en masse with us.

Some people take offense at that, but I never did. I loved the good deeds they did for the poor, and brought food for the Sisters of the Poor to deliver to the unfortunate. Our church didn't have a hunger closet nor people to host food for the poor. I loved their loyalty and duty and fervor to make life for the poor good by the things they did.

I think you're being a little hard on the Roman Catholics. Their first Pope was the Apostle, Saint Peter, who Jesus called "the rock on which I will build my church." Now, just look at all the Christian churches in the world. Many of them started because of Peter but broke away over indulgences. Generations later, we all still have more commonalities and similar beliefs, summarized in the Apostles' Creed, which are said in Catholic as well as Protestant Churches every week, a prayer the Lord deemed as perfect.

Let it go if you can. God looks on the heart, not on what the Church's roof looks like.

I must correct something you said. Peter was not the ROCK on which the Church was built. If you look at a literal translation, the word used for Peter meant a small stone. The word Jesus used for the rock He would build His Church on meant boulder. That boulder was Peters admission of who Jesus is. The Christ. The Son of God.

I meant no harm to anyone's belief system, Magnificat. My grandfather taught me the Bible is written so any simple person can understand it. My faith in Christ is absolute. Christian tradition as I understand it gave St. Peter the honor of being the first Pope. Human that he was and having fulfilled Christ's words that he would deny him three times before the cock crew, he fled notice of those who were interested in finding and killing Christ's apostles and associates. He was stricken with sorrow when he realized how weak he had been through the worst day of his Lord's life and the last. So in that manner, the man lived in humility, prayer, and instruction to others who wanted to know about Jesus Christ. Rocks and stones are hard. Either can be held in one hand or stood upon as Independence Rock, which from a distance is noticeably stone-shaped or the Rock of Gibralter. Peter also preached back in the day when the Christian message could result in execution, and St. Peter indeed was also nailed to a cross, nailed to it upside down, as he explained he was not worthy to be crucified upright like Christ when he was nailed to one. Peter answered Christ's call to spread the Word, and he paid for his obedience with a cruel fate.

I was simply correcting a common misunderstanding. Peter was not the first Pope. He never even went to Rome. In fact, the Catholic Church didn't exist until Constantine invented it.

That's funny the Roman Catholics don't know what you know.
God gave all the key for free--He said--This is my son the beloved in whom I am well pleased-LISTEN TO HIM.--He teaches-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Right. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Can you read English? No where in either of the 2 scriptures I shared does it say Jesus or the HS is God-- It is 100% clear--Jesus has a God, his Father. The FIRSTBORN( created) of all creation. Collosians 1:15.
“Surely You are not greater than our father Abraham, who died? The prophets died too; whom do You make Yourself out to be?”Jesus answered, “…Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”

So the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”

Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”

Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him…(John 8:53-59)

Yes Jesus answered correctly, he lived before Abraham. In the Hebrew language of the OT, there is no I am that I am. I will be what I will be is correct. I am that I am, only found in trinity translations. = Error to mislead.
I always took God's answer to the question of "who do I tell them you are" to mean God is existence. I am.

God created existence. Existence proceeded from Existence.

But nonetheless, Jesus was telling them he was God. That's why they picked up stones to throw at him. They understood that he was claiming to be God. In their eyes he blasphemed. Just ask any Jew here who is supremely offended by the existence of Christianity and specifically Christ. They are constantly throwing stones at Jesus.

Jesus would not teach-John 17:1-6,Rev 3:12, John 20:17--its pure contradiction to what you are being taught.
At Rev 3:12 in plain English, you are actually saying--God has a God. Your teachers are in error. Catholicism is responsible for your translation. Many errors to mislead and fit false council teachings.
When Catholicism allowed regular people to read Gods written word for themselves= about 1000 years after the councils were held--They ran, they saw many errors in catholicisms own bible that exposed them as false. They could not fix it because of translating errors translated in centuries before, they had no clue.
God gave all the key for free--He said--This is my son the beloved in whom I am well pleased-LISTEN TO HIM.--He teaches-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Right. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Can you read English? No where in either of the 2 scriptures I shared does it say Jesus or the HS is God-- It is 100% clear--Jesus has a God, his Father. The FIRSTBORN( created) of all creation. Collosians 1:15.-- see the phrase--all creation--Jesus was First, then all other things created through him--He tells you so at Proverbs 8 ( Gods master worker)-- ALL who know him, know it is him speaking at Proverbs 8, it is not YHVH speaking.
26 Eight days later, His disciples were once again inside with the doors locked, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

27 Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28 Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

John 20

It does not say directly Jesus is God. Jesus would not contradict himself. Its 100% clear at John 17:1-6, 26 Jesus teaches--The one who sent him = THE ONLY TRUE GOD = Father( John 5:30) verse 6 = YHVH(Jehovah), 26 = YHVH(Jehovah)--
Paul teaches the same-1Cor 8:6-There is ONE God to all the Father.
Trinity translations are erred to fit false council teachings. They clearly teach 2 different gods.
Its best to believe Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Jesus did not rebuke him. If Jesus were not God, Thomas would have committed blasphemy and Jesus would have rebuked him for it. He didn't. Jesus didn't rebuke Thomas for calling him God.

Thomas replied that statement, because Jesus was Gods representative. Jesus only did the Fathers will( John 5:30) That is how one could see the Father( power) in Jesus- God did it all-through Jesus-Acts 2:22) That is how they are one- in purpose. Thomas was showing he believed and accepted Jesus' God.
Right. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Can you read English? No where in either of the 2 scriptures I shared does it say Jesus or the HS is God-- It is 100% clear--Jesus has a God, his Father. The FIRSTBORN( created) of all creation. Collosians 1:15.
“Surely You are not greater than our father Abraham, who died? The prophets died too; whom do You make Yourself out to be?”Jesus answered, “…Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”

So the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”

Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”

Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him…(John 8:53-59)

Yes Jesus answered correctly, he lived before Abraham. In the Hebrew language of the OT, there is no I am that I am. I will be what I will be is correct. I am that I am, only found in trinity translations. = Error to mislead.
I always took God's answer to the question of "who do I tell them you are" to mean God is existence. I am.

God created existence. Existence proceeded from Existence.

But nonetheless, Jesus was telling them he was God. That's why they picked up stones to throw at him. They understood that he was claiming to be God. In their eyes he blasphemed. Just ask any Jew here who is supremely offended by the existence of Christianity and specifically Christ. They are constantly throwing stones at Jesus.

Jesus would not teach-John 17:1-6,Rev 3:12, John 20:17--its pure contradiction to what you are being taught.
At Rev 3:12 in plain English, you are actually saying--God has a God. Your teachers are in error. Catholicism is responsible for your translation. Many errors to mislead and fit false council teachings.
When Catholicism allowed regular people to read Gods written word for themselves= about 1000 years after the councils were held--They ran, they saw many errors in catholicisms own bible that exposed them as false. They could not fix it because of translating errors translated in centuries before, they had no clue.
They seemed to understand Jesus pretty clearly. That’s why they were going to stone him.

John 8:53-59
Right. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Can you read English? No where in either of the 2 scriptures I shared does it say Jesus or the HS is God-- It is 100% clear--Jesus has a God, his Father. The FIRSTBORN( created) of all creation. Collosians 1:15.-- see the phrase--all creation--Jesus was First, then all other things created through him--He tells you so at Proverbs 8 ( Gods master worker)-- ALL who know him, know it is him speaking at Proverbs 8, it is not YHVH speaking.
26 Eight days later, His disciples were once again inside with the doors locked, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

27 Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28 Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

John 20

It does not say directly Jesus is God. Jesus would not contradict himself. Its 100% clear at John 17:1-6, 26 Jesus teaches--The one who sent him = THE ONLY TRUE GOD = Father( John 5:30) verse 6 = YHVH(Jehovah), 26 = YHVH(Jehovah)--
Paul teaches the same-1Cor 8:6-There is ONE God to all the Father.
Trinity translations are erred to fit false council teachings. They clearly teach 2 different gods.
Its best to believe Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Jesus did not rebuke him. If Jesus were not God, Thomas would have committed blasphemy and Jesus would have rebuked him for it. He didn't. Jesus didn't rebuke Thomas for calling him God.

Thomas replied that statement, because Jesus was Gods representative. Jesus only did the Fathers will( John 5:30) That is how one could see the Father( power) in Jesus- God did it all-through Jesus-Acts 2:22) That is how they are one- in purpose. Thomas was showing he believed and accepted Jesus' God.
No. That’s not what Thomas said.

My question to you is why are you following the words of men over the words of God?
Can you read English? No where in either of the 2 scriptures I shared does it say Jesus or the HS is God-- It is 100% clear--Jesus has a God, his Father. The FIRSTBORN( created) of all creation. Collosians 1:15.
“Surely You are not greater than our father Abraham, who died? The prophets died too; whom do You make Yourself out to be?”Jesus answered, “…Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”

So the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”

Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”

Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him…(John 8:53-59)

Yes Jesus answered correctly, he lived before Abraham. In the Hebrew language of the OT, there is no I am that I am. I will be what I will be is correct. I am that I am, only found in trinity translations. = Error to mislead.
I always took God's answer to the question of "who do I tell them you are" to mean God is existence. I am.

God created existence. Existence proceeded from Existence.

But nonetheless, Jesus was telling them he was God. That's why they picked up stones to throw at him. They understood that he was claiming to be God. In their eyes he blasphemed. Just ask any Jew here who is supremely offended by the existence of Christianity and specifically Christ. They are constantly throwing stones at Jesus.

Jesus would not teach-John 17:1-6,Rev 3:12, John 20:17--its pure contradiction to what you are being taught.
At Rev 3:12 in plain English, you are actually saying--God has a God. Your teachers are in error. Catholicism is responsible for your translation. Many errors to mislead and fit false council teachings.
When Catholicism allowed regular people to read Gods written word for themselves= about 1000 years after the councils were held--They ran, they saw many errors in catholicisms own bible that exposed them as false. They could not fix it because of translating errors translated in centuries before, they had no clue.
They seemed to understand Jesus pretty clearly. That’s why they were going to stone him.

John 8:53-59

I have read through the bible many x--The Pharisees-NEVER said a truth about Jesus. Everything they said about him was a LIE. If you believe one thing they thought or said about him then you must believe them when they said he got his power from satan as well. Every word against him was pure LIE.
Can you read English? No where in either of the 2 scriptures I shared does it say Jesus or the HS is God-- It is 100% clear--Jesus has a God, his Father. The FIRSTBORN( created) of all creation. Collosians 1:15.-- see the phrase--all creation--Jesus was First, then all other things created through him--He tells you so at Proverbs 8 ( Gods master worker)-- ALL who know him, know it is him speaking at Proverbs 8, it is not YHVH speaking.
26 Eight days later, His disciples were once again inside with the doors locked, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

27 Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28 Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

John 20

It does not say directly Jesus is God. Jesus would not contradict himself. Its 100% clear at John 17:1-6, 26 Jesus teaches--The one who sent him = THE ONLY TRUE GOD = Father( John 5:30) verse 6 = YHVH(Jehovah), 26 = YHVH(Jehovah)--
Paul teaches the same-1Cor 8:6-There is ONE God to all the Father.
Trinity translations are erred to fit false council teachings. They clearly teach 2 different gods.
Its best to believe Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Jesus did not rebuke him. If Jesus were not God, Thomas would have committed blasphemy and Jesus would have rebuked him for it. He didn't. Jesus didn't rebuke Thomas for calling him God.

Thomas replied that statement, because Jesus was Gods representative. Jesus only did the Fathers will( John 5:30) That is how one could see the Father( power) in Jesus- God did it all-through Jesus-Acts 2:22) That is how they are one- in purpose. Thomas was showing he believed and accepted Jesus' God.
No. That’s not what Thomas said.

My question to you is why are you following the words of men over the words of God?

I believed Jesus--You fail to do that. He clearly teaches the Father is the only true God--What don't you or your scholars or teachers understand about simple English? Your translations are erred, they teach 2 different gods=100% fact.
“Surely You are not greater than our father Abraham, who died? The prophets died too; whom do You make Yourself out to be?”Jesus answered, “…Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”

So the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”

Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”

Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him…(John 8:53-59)

Yes Jesus answered correctly, he lived before Abraham. In the Hebrew language of the OT, there is no I am that I am. I will be what I will be is correct. I am that I am, only found in trinity translations. = Error to mislead.
I always took God's answer to the question of "who do I tell them you are" to mean God is existence. I am.

God created existence. Existence proceeded from Existence.

But nonetheless, Jesus was telling them he was God. That's why they picked up stones to throw at him. They understood that he was claiming to be God. In their eyes he blasphemed. Just ask any Jew here who is supremely offended by the existence of Christianity and specifically Christ. They are constantly throwing stones at Jesus.

Jesus would not teach-John 17:1-6,Rev 3:12, John 20:17--its pure contradiction to what you are being taught.
At Rev 3:12 in plain English, you are actually saying--God has a God. Your teachers are in error. Catholicism is responsible for your translation. Many errors to mislead and fit false council teachings.
When Catholicism allowed regular people to read Gods written word for themselves= about 1000 years after the councils were held--They ran, they saw many errors in catholicisms own bible that exposed them as false. They could not fix it because of translating errors translated in centuries before, they had no clue.
They seemed to understand Jesus pretty clearly. That’s why they were going to stone him.

John 8:53-59

I have read through the bible many x--The Pharisees-NEVER said a truth about Jesus. Everything they said about him was a LIE. If you believe one thing they thought or said about him then you must believe them when they said he got his power from satan as well. Every word against him was pure LIE.
I believe that Jesus made the claim that he was God and the Pharisees were going to stone him for it.
26 Eight days later, His disciples were once again inside with the doors locked, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

27 Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28 Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

John 20

It does not say directly Jesus is God. Jesus would not contradict himself. Its 100% clear at John 17:1-6, 26 Jesus teaches--The one who sent him = THE ONLY TRUE GOD = Father( John 5:30) verse 6 = YHVH(Jehovah), 26 = YHVH(Jehovah)--
Paul teaches the same-1Cor 8:6-There is ONE God to all the Father.
Trinity translations are erred to fit false council teachings. They clearly teach 2 different gods.
Its best to believe Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Jesus did not rebuke him. If Jesus were not God, Thomas would have committed blasphemy and Jesus would have rebuked him for it. He didn't. Jesus didn't rebuke Thomas for calling him God.

Thomas replied that statement, because Jesus was Gods representative. Jesus only did the Fathers will( John 5:30) That is how one could see the Father( power) in Jesus- God did it all-through Jesus-Acts 2:22) That is how they are one- in purpose. Thomas was showing he believed and accepted Jesus' God.
No. That’s not what Thomas said.

My question to you is why are you following the words of men over the words of God?

I believed Jesus--You fail to do that. He clearly teaches the Father is the only true God--What don't you or your scholars or teachers understand about simple English? Your translations are erred, they teach 2 different gods=100% fact.
I believe Thomas called Jesus his God and Jesus allowed it.
Yes Jesus answered correctly, he lived before Abraham. In the Hebrew language of the OT, there is no I am that I am. I will be what I will be is correct. I am that I am, only found in trinity translations. = Error to mislead.
I always took God's answer to the question of "who do I tell them you are" to mean God is existence. I am.

God created existence. Existence proceeded from Existence.

But nonetheless, Jesus was telling them he was God. That's why they picked up stones to throw at him. They understood that he was claiming to be God. In their eyes he blasphemed. Just ask any Jew here who is supremely offended by the existence of Christianity and specifically Christ. They are constantly throwing stones at Jesus.

Jesus would not teach-John 17:1-6,Rev 3:12, John 20:17--its pure contradiction to what you are being taught.
At Rev 3:12 in plain English, you are actually saying--God has a God. Your teachers are in error. Catholicism is responsible for your translation. Many errors to mislead and fit false council teachings.
When Catholicism allowed regular people to read Gods written word for themselves= about 1000 years after the councils were held--They ran, they saw many errors in catholicisms own bible that exposed them as false. They could not fix it because of translating errors translated in centuries before, they had no clue.
They seemed to understand Jesus pretty clearly. That’s why they were going to stone him.

John 8:53-59

I have read through the bible many x--The Pharisees-NEVER said a truth about Jesus. Everything they said about him was a LIE. If you believe one thing they thought or said about him then you must believe them when they said he got his power from satan as well. Every word against him was pure LIE.
I believe that Jesus made the claim that he was God and the Pharisees were going to stone him for it.

Its what your teachers have twisted it into just like the Pharisees did. they lied about Jesus every step, they hated him. Jesus with 0 doubt in all creation tells all-The Father( one who sent him) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD( John 17:3--- Who do you believe?
I always took God's answer to the question of "who do I tell them you are" to mean God is existence. I am.

God created existence. Existence proceeded from Existence.

But nonetheless, Jesus was telling them he was God. That's why they picked up stones to throw at him. They understood that he was claiming to be God. In their eyes he blasphemed. Just ask any Jew here who is supremely offended by the existence of Christianity and specifically Christ. They are constantly throwing stones at Jesus.

Jesus would not teach-John 17:1-6,Rev 3:12, John 20:17--its pure contradiction to what you are being taught.
At Rev 3:12 in plain English, you are actually saying--God has a God. Your teachers are in error. Catholicism is responsible for your translation. Many errors to mislead and fit false council teachings.
When Catholicism allowed regular people to read Gods written word for themselves= about 1000 years after the councils were held--They ran, they saw many errors in catholicisms own bible that exposed them as false. They could not fix it because of translating errors translated in centuries before, they had no clue.
They seemed to understand Jesus pretty clearly. That’s why they were going to stone him.

John 8:53-59

I have read through the bible many x--The Pharisees-NEVER said a truth about Jesus. Everything they said about him was a LIE. If you believe one thing they thought or said about him then you must believe them when they said he got his power from satan as well. Every word against him was pure LIE.
I believe that Jesus made the claim that he was God and the Pharisees were going to stone him for it.

Its what your teachers have twisted it into just like the Pharisees did. they lied about Jesus every step, they hated him. Jesus with 0 doubt in all creation tells all-The Father( one who sent him) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD( John 17:3--- Who do you believe?
I believe the scriptures.
It does not say directly Jesus is God. Jesus would not contradict himself. Its 100% clear at John 17:1-6, 26 Jesus teaches--The one who sent him = THE ONLY TRUE GOD = Father( John 5:30) verse 6 = YHVH(Jehovah), 26 = YHVH(Jehovah)--
Paul teaches the same-1Cor 8:6-There is ONE God to all the Father.
Trinity translations are erred to fit false council teachings. They clearly teach 2 different gods.
Its best to believe Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Jesus did not rebuke him. If Jesus were not God, Thomas would have committed blasphemy and Jesus would have rebuked him for it. He didn't. Jesus didn't rebuke Thomas for calling him God.

Thomas replied that statement, because Jesus was Gods representative. Jesus only did the Fathers will( John 5:30) That is how one could see the Father( power) in Jesus- God did it all-through Jesus-Acts 2:22) That is how they are one- in purpose. Thomas was showing he believed and accepted Jesus' God.
No. That’s not what Thomas said.

My question to you is why are you following the words of men over the words of God?

I believed Jesus--You fail to do that. He clearly teaches the Father is the only true God--What don't you or your scholars or teachers understand about simple English? Your translations are erred, they teach 2 different gods=100% fact.
I believe Thomas called Jesus his God and Jesus allowed it.

Another twisting by your teachers. Thomas was confused obviously. God was with Jesus, God did it ALL through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30--You are more confused, like your teachers.
Thomas could see the Father in Jesus, not in being, in purpose.
Jesus did not rebuke him. If Jesus were not God, Thomas would have committed blasphemy and Jesus would have rebuked him for it. He didn't. Jesus didn't rebuke Thomas for calling him God.

Thomas replied that statement, because Jesus was Gods representative. Jesus only did the Fathers will( John 5:30) That is how one could see the Father( power) in Jesus- God did it all-through Jesus-Acts 2:22) That is how they are one- in purpose. Thomas was showing he believed and accepted Jesus' God.
No. That’s not what Thomas said.

My question to you is why are you following the words of men over the words of God?

I believed Jesus--You fail to do that. He clearly teaches the Father is the only true God--What don't you or your scholars or teachers understand about simple English? Your translations are erred, they teach 2 different gods=100% fact.
I believe Thomas called Jesus his God and Jesus allowed it.

Another twisting by your teachers. Thomas was confused obviously. God was with Jesus, God did it ALL through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Thomas, Jesus and the Pharisees would have had to been confused.

You keep talking about teachers like you have never had any but the JW’s are pretty restrictive in THEIR teaching.
Jesus would not teach-John 17:1-6,Rev 3:12, John 20:17--its pure contradiction to what you are being taught.
At Rev 3:12 in plain English, you are actually saying--God has a God. Your teachers are in error. Catholicism is responsible for your translation. Many errors to mislead and fit false council teachings.
When Catholicism allowed regular people to read Gods written word for themselves= about 1000 years after the councils were held--They ran, they saw many errors in catholicisms own bible that exposed them as false. They could not fix it because of translating errors translated in centuries before, they had no clue.
They seemed to understand Jesus pretty clearly. That’s why they were going to stone him.

John 8:53-59

I have read through the bible many x--The Pharisees-NEVER said a truth about Jesus. Everything they said about him was a LIE. If you believe one thing they thought or said about him then you must believe them when they said he got his power from satan as well. Every word against him was pure LIE.
I believe that Jesus made the claim that he was God and the Pharisees were going to stone him for it.

Its what your teachers have twisted it into just like the Pharisees did. they lied about Jesus every step, they hated him. Jesus with 0 doubt in all creation tells all-The Father( one who sent him) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD( John 17:3--- Who do you believe?
I believe the scriptures.

I just shared with you a teaching from Jesus that calls your teachers liars. Who do you believe? Here is Jesus again--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--contradicting your teachers to the core. By teaching the opposite of what Jesus teaches is calling Jesus the liar. No wonder they are so confused-Mark 3:24-26= 34,000 trinity based religions.

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