Mary is not the mother of God

They seemed to understand Jesus pretty clearly. That’s why they were going to stone him.

John 8:53-59

I have read through the bible many x--The Pharisees-NEVER said a truth about Jesus. Everything they said about him was a LIE. If you believe one thing they thought or said about him then you must believe them when they said he got his power from satan as well. Every word against him was pure LIE.
I believe that Jesus made the claim that he was God and the Pharisees were going to stone him for it.

Its what your teachers have twisted it into just like the Pharisees did. they lied about Jesus every step, they hated him. Jesus with 0 doubt in all creation tells all-The Father( one who sent him) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD( John 17:3--- Who do you believe?
I believe the scriptures.

I just shared with you a teaching from Jesus that calls your teachers liars. Who do you believe? Here is Jesus again--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--contradicting your teachers to the core. By teaching the opposite of what Jesus teaches is calling Jesus the liar. No wonder they are so confused-Mark 3:24-26= 34,000 trinity based religions.
And I have shared mine which have not been refuted.

It seems to me that you worship your teachers.
If we are talking about Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, then yes she is. If we are talking about another Mary then no
there is no god--so she can't be

You can claim there isnt a God all day long. He is still there. He still loves you
....very stupid people made the initial claim--so it's up to you to prove it--not the other way around..and you can't prove it
I'm not sure if you realize how stupid you sound.

I don't have to prove a personal belief, to anyone. YOU, however; have made the claim that God does not exist. That puts the burden on you.

BTW, it really doesn't matter if you believe or not because your belief is not a requirement.
If we are talking about Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, then yes she is. If we are talking about another Mary then no
there is no god--so she can't be

You can claim there isnt a God all day long. He is still there. He still loves you
....very stupid people made the initial claim--so it's up to you to prove it--not the other way around..and you can't prove it
I'm not sure if you realize how stupid you sound.

I don't have to prove a personal belief, to anyone. YOU, however; have made the claim that God does not exist. That puts the burden on you.

BTW, it really doesn't matter if you believe or not because your belief is not a requirement.
I’m not the one who worships their teachers.

I question mine.
If we are talking about Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, then yes she is. If we are talking about another Mary then no
there is no god--so she can't be

You can claim there isnt a God all day long. He is still there. He still loves you
....very stupid people made the initial claim--so it's up to you to prove it--not the other way around..and you can't prove it
I'm not sure if you realize how stupid you sound.

I don't have to prove a personal belief, to anyone. YOU, however; have made the claim that God does not exist. That puts the burden on you.

BTW, it really doesn't matter if you believe or not because your belief is not a requirement.
I’m not the one who worships their teachers.

I question mine.
Who cares?

I don't worship anybody. God is not a human being.

The simple truths exist.

I believe and don't have to justify it to anyone.
I live My life and conduct Myself on the basis of those beliefs. Those who don't like it can learn to deal with it.
I conduct My citizenship -- votes and other participation -- based on My beliefs. We all do. Again, no justification is needed.

To denigrate someone for their beliefs or lack thereof speaks more about those who do so than those who are the brunt of it.

Simply put, if My Christianity lead Me to believe something is right and wrong and I act on that belief, it is My right to do so and not one of you can stop it.

your acceptance is not required.
there is no god--so she can't be

You can claim there isnt a God all day long. He is still there. He still loves you
....very stupid people made the initial claim--so it's up to you to prove it--not the other way around..and you can't prove it
I'm not sure if you realize how stupid you sound.

I don't have to prove a personal belief, to anyone. YOU, however; have made the claim that God does not exist. That puts the burden on you.

BTW, it really doesn't matter if you believe or not because your belief is not a requirement.
I’m not the one who worships their teachers.

I question mine.
Who cares?

I don't worship anybody. God is not a human being.

The simple truths exist.

I believe and don't have to justify it to anyone.
I live My life and conduct Myself on the basis of those beliefs. Those who don't like it can learn to deal with it.
I conduct My citizenship -- votes and other participation -- based on My beliefs. We all do. Again, no justification is needed.

To denigrate someone for their beliefs or lack thereof speaks more about those who do so than those who are the brunt of it.

Simply put, if My Christianity lead Me to believe something is right and wrong and I act on that belief, it is My right to do so and not one of you can stop it.

your acceptance is not required.
Who have I denigrated? The person who follows their teachers accusing me of following teachers?

That’s hard to do when I question mine and funny when they don’t question theirs but accuse others of what they do.

Go live your life. Believe what you want. Everything will work itself out in the end.
Thomas replied that statement, because Jesus was Gods representative. Jesus only did the Fathers will( John 5:30) That is how one could see the Father( power) in Jesus- God did it all-through Jesus-Acts 2:22) That is how they are one- in purpose. Thomas was showing he believed and accepted Jesus' God.
No. That’s not what Thomas said.

My question to you is why are you following the words of men over the words of God?

I believed Jesus--You fail to do that. He clearly teaches the Father is the only true God--What don't you or your scholars or teachers understand about simple English? Your translations are erred, they teach 2 different gods=100% fact.
I believe Thomas called Jesus his God and Jesus allowed it.

Another twisting by your teachers. Thomas was confused obviously. God was with Jesus, God did it ALL through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Thomas, Jesus and the Pharisees would have had to been confused.

You keep talking about teachers like you have never had any but the JW’s are pretty restrictive in THEIR teaching.

I attended different denominations of trinity religions. Not one actually teaches what Jesus taught. The JW teachers teach us-every utterance from God. There is 0 doubt in all creation. The teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers. He warned everyone, they wouldn't know the Father on account of his name-John 15:20-21
No. That’s not what Thomas said.

My question to you is why are you following the words of men over the words of God?

I believed Jesus--You fail to do that. He clearly teaches the Father is the only true God--What don't you or your scholars or teachers understand about simple English? Your translations are erred, they teach 2 different gods=100% fact.
I believe Thomas called Jesus his God and Jesus allowed it.

Another twisting by your teachers. Thomas was confused obviously. God was with Jesus, God did it ALL through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Thomas, Jesus and the Pharisees would have had to been confused.

You keep talking about teachers like you have never had any but the JW’s are pretty restrictive in THEIR teaching.

I attended different denominations of trinity religions. Not one actually teaches what Jesus taught. The JW teachers teach us-every utterance from God. There is 0 doubt in all creation. The teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers. He warned everyone, they wouldn't know the Father on account of his name-John 15:20-21
I am more than happy for you to worship God in the manner that works best for you.

I just didn’t realize that the form that works best for you was making others believe as you do.
I have read through the bible many x--The Pharisees-NEVER said a truth about Jesus. Everything they said about him was a LIE. If you believe one thing they thought or said about him then you must believe them when they said he got his power from satan as well. Every word against him was pure LIE.
I believe that Jesus made the claim that he was God and the Pharisees were going to stone him for it.

Its what your teachers have twisted it into just like the Pharisees did. they lied about Jesus every step, they hated him. Jesus with 0 doubt in all creation tells all-The Father( one who sent him) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD( John 17:3--- Who do you believe?
I believe the scriptures.

I just shared with you a teaching from Jesus that calls your teachers liars. Who do you believe? Here is Jesus again--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--contradicting your teachers to the core. By teaching the opposite of what Jesus teaches is calling Jesus the liar. No wonder they are so confused-Mark 3:24-26= 34,000 trinity based religions.
And I have shared mine which have not been refuted.

It seems to me that you worship your teachers.

I don't worship them. I listen to them- Luke 10:16 is clear about listening to Jesus real appointed teachers.
You have been refuted by Jesus-Rev 3:12--How does God have a God?
I believed Jesus--You fail to do that. He clearly teaches the Father is the only true God--What don't you or your scholars or teachers understand about simple English? Your translations are erred, they teach 2 different gods=100% fact.
I believe Thomas called Jesus his God and Jesus allowed it.

Another twisting by your teachers. Thomas was confused obviously. God was with Jesus, God did it ALL through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Thomas, Jesus and the Pharisees would have had to been confused.

You keep talking about teachers like you have never had any but the JW’s are pretty restrictive in THEIR teaching.

I attended different denominations of trinity religions. Not one actually teaches what Jesus taught. The JW teachers teach us-every utterance from God. There is 0 doubt in all creation. The teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers. He warned everyone, they wouldn't know the Father on account of his name-John 15:20-21
I am more than happy for you to worship God in the manner that works best for you.

I just didn’t realize that the form that works best for you was making others believe as you do.

Jesus began the work-Luke 10--Acts 20:20-house to house, city to city. It does not stop until the end. Matthew 24:14-- One MUST worship the FATHER with SPIRIT and TRUTH. John 4:22-24.
There is no choosing how we will worship. True followers do the Fathers will-24/7,365- Matt 7:21--at least they better be according to Jesus.
I believe that Jesus made the claim that he was God and the Pharisees were going to stone him for it.

Its what your teachers have twisted it into just like the Pharisees did. they lied about Jesus every step, they hated him. Jesus with 0 doubt in all creation tells all-The Father( one who sent him) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD( John 17:3--- Who do you believe?
I believe the scriptures.

I just shared with you a teaching from Jesus that calls your teachers liars. Who do you believe? Here is Jesus again--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--contradicting your teachers to the core. By teaching the opposite of what Jesus teaches is calling Jesus the liar. No wonder they are so confused-Mark 3:24-26= 34,000 trinity based religions.
And I have shared mine which have not been refuted.

It seems to me that you worship your teachers.

I don't worship them. I listen to them- Luke 10:16 is clear about listening to Jesus real appointed teachers.
You have been refuted by Jesus-Rev 3:12--How does God have a God?
God doesn’t have a god. That’s just a silly straw man you need to cling to.

Revelations is about the fall of the Roman Empire. Stick to the Gospels.
I believe Thomas called Jesus his God and Jesus allowed it.

Another twisting by your teachers. Thomas was confused obviously. God was with Jesus, God did it ALL through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Thomas, Jesus and the Pharisees would have had to been confused.

You keep talking about teachers like you have never had any but the JW’s are pretty restrictive in THEIR teaching.

I attended different denominations of trinity religions. Not one actually teaches what Jesus taught. The JW teachers teach us-every utterance from God. There is 0 doubt in all creation. The teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers. He warned everyone, they wouldn't know the Father on account of his name-John 15:20-21
I am more than happy for you to worship God in the manner that works best for you.

I just didn’t realize that the form that works best for you was making others believe as you do.

Jesus began the work-Luke 10--Acts 20:20-house to house, city to city. It does not stop until the end. Matthew 24:14-- One MUST worship the FATHER with SPIRIT and TRUTH. John 4:22-24.
There is no choosing how we will worship. True followers do the Fathers will-24/7,365- Matt 7:21--at least they better be according to Jesus.
Yes. Which means you must be objective. God is truth. God is reality. You are so hung up on the form of religion that the meaning is lost.
Another twisting by your teachers. Thomas was confused obviously. God was with Jesus, God did it ALL through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Thomas, Jesus and the Pharisees would have had to been confused.

You keep talking about teachers like you have never had any but the JW’s are pretty restrictive in THEIR teaching.

I attended different denominations of trinity religions. Not one actually teaches what Jesus taught. The JW teachers teach us-every utterance from God. There is 0 doubt in all creation. The teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers. He warned everyone, they wouldn't know the Father on account of his name-John 15:20-21
I am more than happy for you to worship God in the manner that works best for you.

I just didn’t realize that the form that works best for you was making others believe as you do.

Jesus began the work-Luke 10--Acts 20:20-house to house, city to city. It does not stop until the end. Matthew 24:14-- One MUST worship the FATHER with SPIRIT and TRUTH. John 4:22-24.
There is no choosing how we will worship. True followers do the Fathers will-24/7,365- Matt 7:21--at least they better be according to Jesus.
Yes. Which means you must be objective. God is truth. God is reality. You are so hung up on the form of religion that the meaning is lost.

Jesus started his religion-Acts 24:5-- And appointed these teachers-Matthew 24:45
re: "Revelations is about the fall of the Roman Empire."

Any particular reason for adding an "s" at the end of Revelation?
re: "Revelations is about the fall of the Roman Empire."

Any particular reason for adding an "s" at the end of Revelation?

If that were true why didn't the world end as we know it?
If that were true why didn't the world end as we know it?

there must have been survivors that had not become evil, the same as at the time of noah ...

Revelations is not about the fall of the Roman Empire
re: "Revelations is about the fall of the Roman Empire."

Any particular reason for adding an "s" at the end of Revelation?

If that were true why didn't the world end as we know it?
If that were true why didn't the world end as we know it?

there must have been survivors that had not become evil, the same as at the time of noah ...

Revelations is not about the fall of the Roman Empire
Actually it is the prophecy of the fall of the Roman Empire.
Thomas, Jesus and the Pharisees would have had to been confused.

You keep talking about teachers like you have never had any but the JW’s are pretty restrictive in THEIR teaching.

I attended different denominations of trinity religions. Not one actually teaches what Jesus taught. The JW teachers teach us-every utterance from God. There is 0 doubt in all creation. The teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers. He warned everyone, they wouldn't know the Father on account of his name-John 15:20-21
I am more than happy for you to worship God in the manner that works best for you.

I just didn’t realize that the form that works best for you was making others believe as you do.

Jesus began the work-Luke 10--Acts 20:20-house to house, city to city. It does not stop until the end. Matthew 24:14-- One MUST worship the FATHER with SPIRIT and TRUTH. John 4:22-24.
There is no choosing how we will worship. True followers do the Fathers will-24/7,365- Matt 7:21--at least they better be according to Jesus.
Yes. Which means you must be objective. God is truth. God is reality. You are so hung up on the form of religion that the meaning is lost.

Jesus started his religion-Acts 24:5-- And appointed these teachers-Matthew 24:45
The Gospels are all you need to read to understand who Jesus is.
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