Masks Don't Work


I know you consider yourself a world expert but I will go for a real expert for now..

Curious if you also believed them when they told people not to wear masks. Even the US Surgeon General said it.

Have you actually been wearing a medical device one your face for nearly a year now, to prevent you from getting another flu? It seems most people are. That's okay, but please don't ask others to do the same.

I think it is ridiculous. If I am sick, I stay home.

It's similarly ridiculous to see a person's full maskless face and then assume that they are trying to spread the plague, LOL.

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One reason I don’t plan to be vaccinated is due to how viruses mutate quickly and one vaccine will not provide any protection from other strains. With the annual flu shot, they try to make their best guess regarding last year the previous year’s flu virus, create a mix,and hope it works declaring it’s about 60% effective or less. Type A and B both alter over time, and vaccines are an educated crapshoot. I question that stat, but anyone who thinks the annual flu shot is effective- by all means go for it. I do not claim to know the outcomes of things that cannot be determined, like: number of people who would’ve died without the flu shot, and number of people exposed to the flu and didn’t get it, or number of people who were vaccinated, exposed, and didn’t get it. I have read a lot about how it’s basically a hit or miss, depending on the variations of the strain.

Yeah, that's right. In a good year, the influenza vaccine is about 60% effective. I have seen as low as 18%.

They define effectiveness as "having likely reduced the severity of the infection" or something similar.

I think a better reason not to be vaccinated early is that this is the first mRNA vaccine ever. The way it works is quite novel.

They inject you with stuff that makes your own cells produce a protein that is similar to the COVID-19 virus. Then, your own body makes antibodies against this protein that your own body just made.

I am not making this up.

But hey, if you want to be a hero, go for it. Me, I already had COVID, and although it sucked like other flus, I would not be afraid to get it again.

Most people's immune system works so much better than even this remarkably-effective vaccine, BTW.
Hey, it's all a hoax anyway....

From England:

Almost a third of recovered Covid patients will end up back in hospital within five months and one in eight will die, alarming new figures have shown.

Research by Leicester University and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found there is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.

Out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died.

The current cut-off point for recording Covid deaths is 28 days after a positive test, so it may mean thousands more people should be included in the coronavirus death statistics.

Researchers have called for urgent monitoring of people who have been discharged from hospital.

Study author Kamlesh Khunti, professor of primary care diabetes and vascular medicine at Leicester University, said: “This is the largest study of people discharged from hospital after being admitted with Covid.

“People seem to be going home, getting long-term effects, coming back in and dying. We see nearly 30 per cent have been readmitted, and that’s a lot of people. The numbers are so large.
The US has been devastated by the virus. It has infected and killed FAR more people than any country in the world.

We have absolutely had the worst response to it IN THE WORLD.


Because assholes won't wear masks and social distance.

Full stop
Trumps rollout of the vaccine has been embarrassing. Sort of reminds me of when they first rolled out Obamacare
He delivered two of what are reported as being exceptionally-effective vaccines in less than one year, something everyone said would take a miracle. He is a miracle worker.

So far, 12M in the US have been vaccinated, and it's just the beginning of figuring out the logistics of distribution.

Biden is promising 100M doses in the first 100 days, that will simply be a lame attempt at trying to take credit for another remarkable achievement of the Trump Admin.
Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it
How can you say that? Are you not familiar with Operation Warp Speed?

Trump told us all that we would probably have a vaccine by the end of the year. The media said it would take a miracle...

So Pfizer is amazing not trump.
Turns out very few people have gotten the flu this year. Guess why.

First you Trump haters scream about how many people have DIED of (gasp!) Covid-19.
Now you proclaim that "very few people have gotten the flu (Covid-19).
So which is it? Many, or few? You don't know. You just regurgitate what you hear from Fake News, the Hateful.

View attachment 444288
The common flu idiot. You don’t know the differenc? Of course not.
The US has been devastated by the virus. It has infected and killed FAR more people than any country in the world.

We have absolutely had the worst response to it IN THE WORLD.


Because assholes won't wear masks and social distance.

Full stop
What the heck are you talking about?

As much as you might wish to blame freedom-loving Trumpsters for spreading the virus, the highest infection rates are in Dem cities with stricter lockdowns.

Trump Admin caused the development and deployment of a vaccine in less than one year when it normally takes about five.
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Hey, it's all a hoax anyway....

From England:

Almost a third of recovered Covid patients will end up back in hospital within five months and one in eight will die, alarming new figures have shown.

Research by Leicester University and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found there is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.

Out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died.

The current cut-off point for recording Covid deaths is 28 days after a positive test, so it may mean thousands more people should be included in the coronavirus death statistics.

Researchers have called for urgent monitoring of people who have been discharged from hospital.

Study author Kamlesh Khunti, professor of primary care diabetes and vascular medicine at Leicester University, said: “This is the largest study of people discharged from hospital after being admitted with Covid.

“People seem to be going home, getting long-term effects, coming back in and dying. We see nearly 30 per cent have been readmitted, and that’s a lot of people. The numbers are so large.

More absurd lies, exaggeration's, and fearmongering. And useful idiots such as yourself mindlessly lap it all up.
The US has been devastated by the virus. It has infected and killed FAR more people than any country in the world.

We have absolutely had the worst response to it IN THE WORLD.


Because assholes won't wear masks and social distance.

Full stop

No, we have not been devastated by any virus.

We have been devastated, as much of the rest of the world has, by corrupt politicians exploiting's an exaggerated flu outbreak into an excuse to seize and abuse power for their own gain, to the detriment of those of us that they are supposed to be serving.
Hey, it's all a hoax anyway....

From England:

Almost a third of recovered Covid patients will end up back in hospital within five months and one in eight will die, alarming new figures have shown.

Research by Leicester University and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found there is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.

Out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died.

The current cut-off point for recording Covid deaths is 28 days after a positive test, so it may mean thousands more people should be included in the coronavirus death statistics.

Researchers have called for urgent monitoring of people who have been discharged from hospital.

Study author Kamlesh Khunti, professor of primary care diabetes and vascular medicine at Leicester University, said: “This is the largest study of people discharged from hospital after being admitted with Covid.

“People seem to be going home, getting long-term effects, coming back in and dying. We see nearly 30 per cent have been readmitted, and that’s a lot of people. The numbers are so large.

More absurd lies, exaggeration's, and fearmongering. And useful idiots such as yourself mindlessly lap it all up.
Okay, Trumpster. You guys have da troof 'n stuff.
Hey, it's all a hoax anyway....

From England:

Almost a third of recovered Covid patients will end up back in hospital within five months and one in eight will die, alarming new figures have shown.

Research by Leicester University and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found there is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.

Out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died.

The current cut-off point for recording Covid deaths is 28 days after a positive test, so it may mean thousands more people should be included in the coronavirus death statistics.

Researchers have called for urgent monitoring of people who have been discharged from hospital.

Study author Kamlesh Khunti, professor of primary care diabetes and vascular medicine at Leicester University, said: “This is the largest study of people discharged from hospital after being admitted with Covid.

“People seem to be going home, getting long-term effects, coming back in and dying. We see nearly 30 per cent have been readmitted, and that’s a lot of people. The numbers are so large.

More absurd lies, exaggeration's, and fearmongering. And useful idiots such as yourself mindlessly lap it all up.
Okay, Trumpster. You guys have da troof 'n stuff.
Men live by fear or no fear. You guys have little testosterone in many ways. But a lot in the "In your face ways". Mano mano also comes into play. You want revolution for what? So you can accuse a race of being white supremacists? Because they are keeping people down? Do you believe in liberty? Then tell the Progs in power to get rid of Homeland Security. Tell them to get rid of the Patriot Act. Tell them to tame the TSA. Otherwise it is bullshit and the tyranny will expand.
Hey, it's all a hoax anyway....

From England:

Almost a third of recovered Covid patients will end up back in hospital within five months and one in eight will die, alarming new figures have shown.

Research by Leicester University and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found there is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.

Out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died.

The current cut-off point for recording Covid deaths is 28 days after a positive test, so it may mean thousands more people should be included in the coronavirus death statistics.

Researchers have called for urgent monitoring of people who have been discharged from hospital.

Study author Kamlesh Khunti, professor of primary care diabetes and vascular medicine at Leicester University, said: “This is the largest study of people discharged from hospital after being admitted with Covid.

“People seem to be going home, getting long-term effects, coming back in and dying. We see nearly 30 per cent have been readmitted, and that’s a lot of people. The numbers are so large.

More absurd lies, exaggeration's, and fearmongering. And useful idiots such as yourself mindlessly lap it all up.
Okay, Trumpster. You guys have da troof 'n stuff.
Men live by fear or no fear. You guys have little testosterone in many ways. But a lot in the "In your face ways". Mano mano also comes into play. You want revolution for what? So you can accuse a race of being white supremacists? Because they are keeping people down? Do you believe in liberty? Then tell the Progs in power to get rid of Homeland Security. Tell them to get rid of the Patriot Act. Tell them to tame the TSA. Otherwise it is bullshit and the tyranny will expand.
What the fuck are you talking about.

YOU assholes want revolution.
And I repeat...the virus hit this country worse than ANY nation on the planet.

The is the United States of America. How is that possible.

Poor response by Trump and his covidiot followers.
Hey, it's all a hoax anyway....

From England:

Almost a third of recovered Covid patients will end up back in hospital within five months and one in eight will die, alarming new figures have shown.

Research by Leicester University and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found there is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.

Out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died.

The current cut-off point for recording Covid deaths is 28 days after a positive test, so it may mean thousands more people should be included in the coronavirus death statistics.

Researchers have called for urgent monitoring of people who have been discharged from hospital.

Study author Kamlesh Khunti, professor of primary care diabetes and vascular medicine at Leicester University, said: “This is the largest study of people discharged from hospital after being admitted with Covid.

“People seem to be going home, getting long-term effects, coming back in and dying. We see nearly 30 per cent have been readmitted, and that’s a lot of people. The numbers are so large.

More absurd lies, exaggeration's, and fearmongering. And useful idiots such as yourself mindlessly lap it all up.
Okay, Trumpster. You guys have da troof 'n stuff.
Men live by fear or no fear. You guys have little testosterone in many ways. But a lot in the "In your face ways". Mano mano also comes into play. You want revolution for what? So you can accuse a race of being white supremacists? Because they are keeping people down? Do you believe in liberty? Then tell the Progs in power to get rid of Homeland Security. Tell them to get rid of the Patriot Act. Tell them to tame the TSA. Otherwise it is bullshit and the tyranny will expand.
What the fuck are you talking about.

YOU assholes want revolution.
They're at war, while we're not.

That's what we knew about 9/11.
If liberals refuse to be vaccinated for free they should be blacklisted for any other free stuff.

If liberals refuse to be vaccinated for free they should be blacklisted for any other free stuff.


Yes, people should know and remember that the vaccine under current guidelines is free. There are lots of scams going on right now where you are called at random, they ask for your bank information and tell you there is a fee, and then all you get is a piece of paper with your name on it that makes you think it's a ticket to get the vaccine, but when you show up, you are told that the ticket isn't valid, and no, you have no place in line to get the shot.

As far as "liberals" not wanting to be vaccinated? Most of the people I've heard say that they don't trust it are conservatives.

Rep. Cicilline (D-RI), who co-authored the impeachment article against President Donald Trump, was caught on camera removing his mask to sneeze into his hand, then putting his mask back in place, at the Impeachment hearing. The incident happened when Rep. Yvette Clark was speaking at the podium in front of him. Many noted Cicilline did not wash his hands or use santizer.
And I repeat...the virus hit this country worse than ANY nation on the planet.

The is the United States of America. How is that possible.

Poor response by Trump and his covidiot followers.

Repeating a lie does not make it true, no matter how many times you repeat it.

It is tyranny and corruption that have hit this country. The virus was only ever an excuse for it; nothing more.
Repeating a lie does not make it true, no matter how many times you repeat it.

It is tyranny and corruption that have hit this country. The virus was only ever an excuse for it; nothing more.
How do you explain the numbers. The US has far and away the worst response in the WORLD...SHOCKINGLY worse.

Twice as many (actually more) than the next country regarding both infections and deaths

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