Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

Let's not let this crisis go to waste!

Quickly everyone, while we're all still good and emotional, I propose legislation against sharp objects within 1,000 yards of a school.

Teachers should be allowed to carry up to four pieces of chalk, rounded at the ends of course, and at least four inches in length so that it'd be awkward for the children to get it into their mouths. That way it the chalk wouldn't present a choking hazard, and with only four pieces, the teacher wouldn't have too many pieces of chalk to keep track of. It'd be relatively easy to make sure the children weren't filing chalk down into brittle shanks that could then be used to annoy and perhaps even mildly lacerate their classmates. That chalk would more than account for the archaic writing tools with which we teach students how to cursive their own names at the bottom of a welfare application. You know, civics class. Other than that, we ban all pens, pencils, forks, butter knives, sporks, stiff plastic shoelace ends, safety pins, paperclips. . . you know, anything that looks like Rambo could put your eye out with it.

We should also make sure nobody on school grounds has fingernails within 10 micrometers of their fingertips. Fingernails are nature's shanks! As nail clippers, due to the inherently violent nature they share with all cutting tools, wouldn't be allowed on or near school grounds, daily fingernail groomings could be administered on site by properly qualified and, most importantly, -government- officials with the appropriate training in the safe operation of lethal weaponry and tempered by a battery of background, psychological, and political litmus tests.

Let's not wait until the tragedy of this incident has been forgotten. We must be reactionary and severe now, while the iron's hot and the tears are still moist!
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If only a good guy had had a knife ...


Hey Mental Midget, violence is not a problem of access to weapons, it's a symptom of a society that harbors scumbags like you who consider a viable baby in utero a parasite.

The 60's Debauchery has come home to roost. Own it, bitch.

i'd think you're the more violent "person" (and I lose the word loosely).

now run along and stop ranting.... :cuckoo:
Lets pay attention and see if this person was on some sort of anti-depressant. I say that cause every single mass shooting/stabbing has been by a person who was on one of these things. Like Ambien for example or Adderall etc etc.

Ever notice, like I notice how Piers and his types never brought up the possible connections to antidepressants and those mass killings? Well, consider ALL OF THEM were committed by a person on one of these, it should be considered......right?

Then again those pharmaceutical companies advertise on ALL OF THOSE networks. Is a liberal able to do some thinking on their own and connect the dots, or do I need to further explain?

Anyway, lets check and see. It may be hard to find if this person is connected to an antidepressant, since most media outlets will not report it.

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Lets pay attention and see if this person was on some for of anti-depressant. I say that cause every single mass shooting/stabbing has been by a person who was on one of these things. Like Ambien for example or Adderall etc etc.

Ever notice, like I notice how Piers and his types never brought up the possible connections to antidepressants and those mass killings? Well, consider ALL OF THEM were committed by a person on one of these, it should be considered......right?

Then again those pharmaceutical companies advertise on ALL OF THOSE networks. Is a liberal able to do some thinking on their own and connect the dots, or do I need to further explain?

Anyway, lets check and see. It may be hard to find if this person is connected to an antidepressant, since most media outlets will not report it.


The potential connection might should be investigated, I'll give you that.

The fact that all of these mass violence crimes have been committed by people on antidepressants doesn't conclusively prove that these drugs cause or even necessarily contribute to the behavior, though. It potentially means simply that all of these mass violent criminals were possessed of the sort of emotional and psychological issues that would be treated at least partially by psychotherapeutic drugs, and it was the severity of those issues, and -not- the drugs, that drove these people to do what they did.

Ya never know.

I still think it'd be more fun to treat it like a mass shooting and pretend that an emotional, kneejerk reaction would be the most prudent course. BAN SHARP OBJECTS IN SCHOOL ZONES! KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE! THE CHILDREN! THE CHILDREN!
Perhaps it is the opposite. They should have been treated with some sort of medication and were not.

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