Matthew 6, What a nightmare on national TV yesterday!!

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What happened did not establish a church, so no problem.
Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another

we really were set up as a secular country.

Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.
And you got a vile POS Good work
What happened did not establish a church, so no problem.
Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another

we really were set up as a secular country.

Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.
And you got a vile POS Good work
We put up with a vile POS for the previous 8 years. We survived and so will you.
we really were set up as a secular country.

Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.
And you got a vile POS Good work
We put up with a vile POS for the previous 8 years. We survived and so will you.
It goes without saying the 2000 vote was a coup.

Only five US presidents in history have been elected despite losing the popular vote: John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000 and Donald Trump this November.Dec 12, 2016
Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US ...

What happened did not establish a church, so no problem.
Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another

we really were set up as a secular country.

Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.

No you voted for judges that are going to rule in white rich mens favor.
I don't know the man, but we are saved by faith.
Lets just say you never heard of the man and his disgusting going ons before he became your leader What about judging his christianity on the almost 2 years the slime has been in office ?

Romans 3:23
SO your poor excuse for that slimebag is we all dishonor God??

That people are weak and behave badly does not preclude them from being Christian. Human nature is a powerful force.
BUT how can these supposed god fearing people fall at the alter of trump Wasn't their something in the bible about worshiping idols?

I see no one worshipping Trump.
Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.
And you got a vile POS Good work
We put up with a vile POS for the previous 8 years. We survived and so will you.
It goes without saying the 2000 vote was a coup.

Only five US presidents in history have been elected despite losing the popular vote: John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000 and Donald Trump this November.Dec 12, 2016
Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US ...

He got the votes that counted.
Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.
And you got a vile POS Good work
We put up with a vile POS for the previous 8 years. We survived and so will you.
It goes without saying the 2000 vote was a coup.

Only five US presidents in history have been elected despite losing the popular vote: John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000 and Donald Trump this November.Dec 12, 2016
Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US ...
I'm sure you believe that, and I'm also sure you can't explain how this "coup" happened.
What happened did not establish a church, so no problem.
Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another

we really were set up as a secular country.

Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.

No you voted for judges that are going to rule in white rich mens favor.
You're a racist and a sexist. Typical leftist.
I don't know the man, but we are saved by faith.
Lets just say you never heard of the man and his disgusting going ons before he became your leader What about judging his christianity on the almost 2 years the slime has been in office ?

Romans 3:23
SO your poor excuse for that slimebag is we all dishonor God??

That people are weak and behave badly does not preclude them from being Christian. Human nature is a powerful force.
BUT how can these supposed god fearing people fall at the alter of trump Wasn't their something in the bible about worshiping idols?

Wasn't their something in the bible about worshiping idols

yes, there was

which doesn't seem to stop millions of people from worshipping this idol.

Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.
And you got a vile POS Good work
We put up with a vile POS for the previous 8 years. We survived and so will you.
It goes without saying the 2000 vote was a coup.

Only five US presidents in history have been elected despite losing the popular vote: John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000 and Donald Trump this November.Dec 12, 2016
Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US ...


shame the popular vote doesn't decide the presidency.
You mentioned turning on the TV, so you can also turn it off. And yes, we DO want to see the president praying and being prayed for on TV.
Do you think Trump is a good Christian?

What's a "good Christian"? Be specific, with references.
A dead one some might say Not I though
Horrible attack on Christians you tried to play off, nice

and you still didn't answer the question
Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia
Originally, the First Amendment applied only to the federal government, and some states continued official state religions after ratification. Massachusetts, for example, was officially Congregational until the 1830s.[10] In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), the U.S. Supreme Court incorporated the Establishment Clause (i.e., made it apply against the states):

The "establishment of religion" clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another . . . in the words of Jefferson, the [First Amendment] clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect 'a wall of separation between church and State' . . . That wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach.[11]

simple reading, I imagine even you can do it.
Apparently you don't understand that. There is no separation of church and me in the constitution.
Second if there were, you would ban National Prayer breakfast, prayers when the supreme court opens and congress does

I hate to break it to you, EVEN politicians are allowed to pray publicly........Obama did it...never saw you complain......and there is nothing wrong with what happened in this case....the fact you try to make it a negative shows what a dipshit you really are.
What's a "good Christian"? Be specific, with references.
A dead one some might say Not I though
Horrible attack on Christians you tried to play off, nice

and you still didn't answer the question
Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia
Originally, the First Amendment applied only to the federal government, and some states continued official state religions after ratification. Massachusetts, for example, was officially Congregational until the 1830s.[10] In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), the U.S. Supreme Court incorporated the Establishment Clause (i.e., made it apply against the states):

The "establishment of religion" clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another . . . in the words of Jefferson, the [First Amendment] clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect 'a wall of separation between church and State' . . . That wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach.[11]

simple reading, I imagine even you can do it.

What happened did not establish a church, so no problem.
Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another

we really were set up as a secular country.
No we really werent'. We just didn't force anyone to join a specific religion. Man you are willfully ignorant. All of our founding documents talk about God......I mean you can't be this stupid.
did trump bring up two corinthians' by any chance? :auiqs.jpg: what a christian.
No, he just rescues Christian pastors and promotes Christianity.........oh and he knows there are only 50 states......and it's John 3:16, not John 16:3.
AMEN! I don't care about the Separation of Church and State so much here, as just downright hypocritical showmanship. How gullible does he think we are?


you claiming it was scripted?

How gullible does he think we are?

Good question.

how gullible are you?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?
See the difference?

You old don't even know the difference!

Brunson was praying TO God, FOR Trump...

See the difference?
She doesn't even know what a prayer's sad

you claiming it was scripted?

Good question.

how gullible are you?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?
See the difference?

You old don't even know the difference!

Brunson was praying TO God, FOR Trump...

See the difference?

No it was all for show on a national TV audience. Trump and him probably planned it. Remember who Trump is , a reality TV personality, do not forget that.
So what? What are you so upset about?
What happened did not establish a church, so no problem.
Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another

we really were set up as a secular country.

Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.

The secular stance of the nation does not preclude the free expression clause.

As to whether he is Christian or not - Christians seem to feel otherwise.
What part of being a christian does he follow?? Can you name one ?
Oh do tell us, what is being a's actually very easy, lets see if you can tell us. How is one a Christian?
What happened did not establish a church, so no problem.
Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another

we really were set up as a secular country.

Which doesn't prevent the president from praying or being prayed for. You can get the vapors all you want, but there's no legal problem with this happening. In fact, it's a good thing to see a massive ego like Trump be humble enough to do it.

We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.
And you got a vile POS Good work
No we got a great President and one who helps and values lefties are the same, it's hilarious.
Lets just say you never heard of the man and his disgusting going ons before he became your leader What about judging his christianity on the almost 2 years the slime has been in office ?

Romans 3:23
SO your poor excuse for that slimebag is we all dishonor God??

That people are weak and behave badly does not preclude them from being Christian. Human nature is a powerful force.
BUT how can these supposed god fearing people fall at the alter of trump Wasn't their something in the bible about worshiping idols?

Wasn't their something in the bible about worshiping idols

yes, there was

which doesn't seem to stop millions of people from worshipping this idol.

View attachment 222923
Well I'd argue they are worshipping Jesus, which that is a symbol's a bit dicey, but I talk to him without any idols or symbols and sometimes when there are idols and symbols.
Lets just say you never heard of the man and his disgusting going ons before he became your leader What about judging his christianity on the almost 2 years the slime has been in office ?

Romans 3:23
SO your poor excuse for that slimebag is we all dishonor God??

That people are weak and behave badly does not preclude them from being Christian. Human nature is a powerful force.
BUT how can these supposed god fearing people fall at the alter of trump Wasn't their something in the bible about worshiping idols?

I see no one worshipping Trump.
take those knee pads off ?
We are set up as a secular country which is why no one running for office needs to declare their religion. The only reason the Don is a Christian now is due to he needs the holier than thou vote. His life has not shown he has a Christian bone in him.
It was all for TV and votes.
I don't give a whit about Trump's Christianity. I voted for a President, not a pastor.
And you got a vile POS Good work
We put up with a vile POS for the previous 8 years. We survived and so will you.
It goes without saying the 2000 vote was a coup.

Only five US presidents in history have been elected despite losing the popular vote: John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000 and Donald Trump this November.Dec 12, 2016
Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US ...

He got the votes that counted.

With help from Russia and gerrymandering.
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