Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
You should try putting that much energy into fixing your broken ass party rather that trolling the right.
I've had a few folks on the right agree with me.

And the Democrats wouldn't have me.
i'll stop here for now but i did go back and read. yes you got some of the replies you were looking for and you say so. but you got a lot of other viewpoints you seem to dismiss so you can keep your original claim.

and what people want to "blow up" is the bullshit the progressives put in there and go back to more of the constitution and less of government in our lives.

so you did in fact go in with a mindset of LOOK WHAT I PROVED BY MY POSTING HISTORY to getting a mixed bag of replies that if you go back and "count them up" as to who feels what, blowing it up isn't the most popular opinion that i saw. yes on the list, no not 1st on the list.

but it's what you walked away with.

go back again and put a check by "blow it up" or "something else" and tell me which gets more votes.
I truly don't know what you're after. I have an opinion about Trump, he has only reinforced it, and you appear to be angry that Trump supporters haven't changed my mind. As if minds are changed all the time. Have the Democrats changed your mind about Obama or Hillary lately?

Maybe I'm missing something here. What do you want?
maybe for you to quit pulling the worst of one side of people you don't seem to care for and making them the poster child for that entire side.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
You should try putting that much energy into fixing your broken ass party rather that trolling the right.
I've had a few folks on the right agree with me.

And the Democrats wouldn't have me.
i'll stop here for now but i did go back and read. yes you got some of the replies you were looking for and you say so. but you got a lot of other viewpoints you seem to dismiss so you can keep your original claim.

and what people want to "blow up" is the bullshit the progressives put in there and go back to more of the constitution and less of government in our lives.

so you did in fact go in with a mindset of LOOK WHAT I PROVED BY MY POSTING HISTORY to getting a mixed bag of replies that if you go back and "count them up" as to who feels what, blowing it up isn't the most popular opinion that i saw. yes on the list, no not 1st on the list.

but it's what you walked away with.

go back again and put a check by "blow it up" or "something else" and tell me which gets more votes.
I truly don't know what you're after. I have an opinion about Trump, he has only reinforced it, and you appear to be angry that Trump supporters haven't changed my mind. As if minds are changed all the time. Have the Democrats changed your mind about Obama or Hillary lately?

Maybe I'm missing something here. What do you want?
maybe for you to quit pulling the worst of one side of people you don't seem to care for and making them the poster child for that entire side.
Great, I'll work on that.
and i can look at the left and say they don't give a shit about anything but their own way and blowing shit up in the process also and i'm just as correct as you are. they cry out in mass YOU BLOCKED OBAMA THIS IS RETURNING THE FAVOR!!! and kick it up several notches and ratchet up the violence.

the violence today is blamed on the right but coming from the left. the childish antics of the left saying NOT MY PRESIDENT IMPEACH FOR WHATEVER!!! is amazing for you to look over in your rush to judge around 1/2 of this country so simply.

you made your conclusion going in and chose to ignore the rational responses you have in fact been given by me and several others so you can paint us all with a wide brush of hate.

but as you say, free country.
So if you draw a conclusion, and a left winger doesn't change your mind, are you also guilty of painting them all "with a wide brush of hate"?

And speaking of "hate", I have over 36,000 posts. You're invited to show me my hateful comments.
i speak in generalities as you are doing here about the right and "trump supporters". i try to be specific to people when talking to people, such as yourself. you give me some generic cloud of stereotype bullshit, i'll return the favor cause that is how you seem to think. in stereotypes.

however again - i also invite you to go back and read my responses to you. does it fit your conclusion?

yet, here i am in your stereotype. i'd much rather learn about individuals so this group-think-blame is a waste of time to me and i get into it at times to see if this is all someone has. so far, you're pretty wrapped up in your conclusion despite people who don't fit it also being a part of this thread.
I don't see your name in the OP. If you feel it's not about you, then you shouldn't be upset.

I get the same thing from the regressives: I start a thread about their behaviors, I never have to name names, and they jump right in and start going after me personally.

This happens pretty much every day, so I'm used to it.
personally? we're having a convo and i'm not going at you - personally - or any other way. persecution complex?
Yes, persecution complex, whatever.

This, from the guy complaining about my "broad brush of hate".

like i just said - you do seem to take the entire side and find those you don't like to represent them. to me, that's all this thread is about. find the assholes of the group and say this represents the group.

you have in fact dismissed a lot of good opinions along the way to do this but hey - "free country" so have at it.
You should try putting that much energy into fixing your broken ass party rather that trolling the right.
I've had a few folks on the right agree with me.

And the Democrats wouldn't have me.
i'll stop here for now but i did go back and read. yes you got some of the replies you were looking for and you say so. but you got a lot of other viewpoints you seem to dismiss so you can keep your original claim.

and what people want to "blow up" is the bullshit the progressives put in there and go back to more of the constitution and less of government in our lives.

so you did in fact go in with a mindset of LOOK WHAT I PROVED BY MY POSTING HISTORY to getting a mixed bag of replies that if you go back and "count them up" as to who feels what, blowing it up isn't the most popular opinion that i saw. yes on the list, no not 1st on the list.

but it's what you walked away with.

go back again and put a check by "blow it up" or "something else" and tell me which gets more votes.
I truly don't know what you're after. I have an opinion about Trump, he has only reinforced it, and you appear to be angry that Trump supporters haven't changed my mind. As if minds are changed all the time. Have the Democrats changed your mind about Obama or Hillary lately?

Maybe I'm missing something here. What do you want?
maybe for you to quit pulling the worst of one side of people you don't seem to care for and making them the poster child for that entire side.
Great, I'll work on that.
my sarcasm meter just blew so i'll stop now.

you asked, i replied. all there was too it. and while i support trump i never once said blow shit up and start over. few have to be honest but that was your conclusion.
So if you draw a conclusion, and a left winger doesn't change your mind, are you also guilty of painting them all "with a wide brush of hate"?

And speaking of "hate", I have over 36,000 posts. You're invited to show me my hateful comments.
i speak in generalities as you are doing here about the right and "trump supporters". i try to be specific to people when talking to people, such as yourself. you give me some generic cloud of stereotype bullshit, i'll return the favor cause that is how you seem to think. in stereotypes.

however again - i also invite you to go back and read my responses to you. does it fit your conclusion?

yet, here i am in your stereotype. i'd much rather learn about individuals so this group-think-blame is a waste of time to me and i get into it at times to see if this is all someone has. so far, you're pretty wrapped up in your conclusion despite people who don't fit it also being a part of this thread.
I don't see your name in the OP. If you feel it's not about you, then you shouldn't be upset.

I get the same thing from the regressives: I start a thread about their behaviors, I never have to name names, and they jump right in and start going after me personally.

This happens pretty much every day, so I'm used to it.
personally? we're having a convo and i'm not going at you - personally - or any other way. persecution complex?
Yes, persecution complex, whatever.

This, from the guy complaining about my "broad brush of hate".

like i just said - you do seem to take the entire side and find those you don't like to represent them. to me, that's all this thread is about. find the assholes of the group and say this represents the group.

you have in fact dismissed a lot of good opinions along the way to do this but hey - "free country" so have at it.
Let's see you go back, and call the Trump supporters who didn't argue with my points "assholes".

Go ahead, I'll wait here. Then I'll take this conversation seriously.
I've had a few folks on the right agree with me.

And the Democrats wouldn't have me.
i'll stop here for now but i did go back and read. yes you got some of the replies you were looking for and you say so. but you got a lot of other viewpoints you seem to dismiss so you can keep your original claim.

and what people want to "blow up" is the bullshit the progressives put in there and go back to more of the constitution and less of government in our lives.

so you did in fact go in with a mindset of LOOK WHAT I PROVED BY MY POSTING HISTORY to getting a mixed bag of replies that if you go back and "count them up" as to who feels what, blowing it up isn't the most popular opinion that i saw. yes on the list, no not 1st on the list.

but it's what you walked away with.

go back again and put a check by "blow it up" or "something else" and tell me which gets more votes.
I truly don't know what you're after. I have an opinion about Trump, he has only reinforced it, and you appear to be angry that Trump supporters haven't changed my mind. As if minds are changed all the time. Have the Democrats changed your mind about Obama or Hillary lately?

Maybe I'm missing something here. What do you want?
maybe for you to quit pulling the worst of one side of people you don't seem to care for and making them the poster child for that entire side.
Great, I'll work on that.
my sarcasm meter just blew so i'll stop now.

you asked, i replied. all there was too it. and while i support trump i never once said blow shit up and start over. few have to be honest but that was your conclusion.
You really are taking this personally.



There. Maybe we can all get on with our lives now.
i speak in generalities as you are doing here about the right and "trump supporters". i try to be specific to people when talking to people, such as yourself. you give me some generic cloud of stereotype bullshit, i'll return the favor cause that is how you seem to think. in stereotypes.

however again - i also invite you to go back and read my responses to you. does it fit your conclusion?

yet, here i am in your stereotype. i'd much rather learn about individuals so this group-think-blame is a waste of time to me and i get into it at times to see if this is all someone has. so far, you're pretty wrapped up in your conclusion despite people who don't fit it also being a part of this thread.
I don't see your name in the OP. If you feel it's not about you, then you shouldn't be upset.

I get the same thing from the regressives: I start a thread about their behaviors, I never have to name names, and they jump right in and start going after me personally.

This happens pretty much every day, so I'm used to it.
personally? we're having a convo and i'm not going at you - personally - or any other way. persecution complex?
Yes, persecution complex, whatever.

This, from the guy complaining about my "broad brush of hate".

like i just said - you do seem to take the entire side and find those you don't like to represent them. to me, that's all this thread is about. find the assholes of the group and say this represents the group.

you have in fact dismissed a lot of good opinions along the way to do this but hey - "free country" so have at it.
Let's see you go back, and call the Trump supporters who didn't argue with my points "assholes".

Go ahead, I'll wait here. Then I'll take this conversation seriously.
you musta missed my fun with pc chic supergirl the other day. i've had quite a few "run ins" with "the right" when i think they're doing the same thing.

so when you actually see if i do in fact do or don't do what you think, i'll take you more seriously.
I don't see your name in the OP. If you feel it's not about you, then you shouldn't be upset.

I get the same thing from the regressives: I start a thread about their behaviors, I never have to name names, and they jump right in and start going after me personally.

This happens pretty much every day, so I'm used to it.
personally? we're having a convo and i'm not going at you - personally - or any other way. persecution complex?
Yes, persecution complex, whatever.

This, from the guy complaining about my "broad brush of hate".

like i just said - you do seem to take the entire side and find those you don't like to represent them. to me, that's all this thread is about. find the assholes of the group and say this represents the group.

you have in fact dismissed a lot of good opinions along the way to do this but hey - "free country" so have at it.
Let's see you go back, and call the Trump supporters who didn't argue with my points "assholes".

Go ahead, I'll wait here. Then I'll take this conversation seriously.
you musta missed my fun with pc chic supergirl the other day. i've had quite a few "run ins" with "the right" when i think they're doing the same thing.

so when you actually see if i do in fact do or don't do what you think, i'll take you more seriously.
i'll stop here for now but i did go back and read. yes you got some of the replies you were looking for and you say so. but you got a lot of other viewpoints you seem to dismiss so you can keep your original claim.

and what people want to "blow up" is the bullshit the progressives put in there and go back to more of the constitution and less of government in our lives.

so you did in fact go in with a mindset of LOOK WHAT I PROVED BY MY POSTING HISTORY to getting a mixed bag of replies that if you go back and "count them up" as to who feels what, blowing it up isn't the most popular opinion that i saw. yes on the list, no not 1st on the list.

but it's what you walked away with.

go back again and put a check by "blow it up" or "something else" and tell me which gets more votes.
I truly don't know what you're after. I have an opinion about Trump, he has only reinforced it, and you appear to be angry that Trump supporters haven't changed my mind. As if minds are changed all the time. Have the Democrats changed your mind about Obama or Hillary lately?

Maybe I'm missing something here. What do you want?
maybe for you to quit pulling the worst of one side of people you don't seem to care for and making them the poster child for that entire side.
Great, I'll work on that.
my sarcasm meter just blew so i'll stop now.

you asked, i replied. all there was too it. and while i support trump i never once said blow shit up and start over. few have to be honest but that was your conclusion.
You really are taking this personally.



There. Maybe we can all get on with our lives now.
so - you ask for valid conversation on a topic, i try to explain and take it deeper, and you do this.

and you wonder why people feel progressives are really more like kids.

if you don't want active conversation then just put a disclaimer on your posts "only people who agree with my targeted hate please reply cause that's all i'm going to bother to factor in" - but then again, i got that now.
personally? we're having a convo and i'm not going at you - personally - or any other way. persecution complex?
Yes, persecution complex, whatever.

This, from the guy complaining about my "broad brush of hate".

like i just said - you do seem to take the entire side and find those you don't like to represent them. to me, that's all this thread is about. find the assholes of the group and say this represents the group.

you have in fact dismissed a lot of good opinions along the way to do this but hey - "free country" so have at it.
Let's see you go back, and call the Trump supporters who didn't argue with my points "assholes".

Go ahead, I'll wait here. Then I'll take this conversation seriously.
you musta missed my fun with pc chic supergirl the other day. i've had quite a few "run ins" with "the right" when i think they're doing the same thing.

so when you actually see if i do in fact do or don't do what you think, i'll take you more seriously.
go back and look. it's there. if you don't want to go look then keep going on with your as usual less than factually informed opinions.

don't care either way at this point cause all you've really proven to me is you can't discuss things as an adult and the hate you say you don't have is starting to show. :)

i'm out. hate on, brother. it's a free country.
I truly don't know what you're after. I have an opinion about Trump, he has only reinforced it, and you appear to be angry that Trump supporters haven't changed my mind. As if minds are changed all the time. Have the Democrats changed your mind about Obama or Hillary lately?

Maybe I'm missing something here. What do you want?
maybe for you to quit pulling the worst of one side of people you don't seem to care for and making them the poster child for that entire side.
Great, I'll work on that.
my sarcasm meter just blew so i'll stop now.

you asked, i replied. all there was too it. and while i support trump i never once said blow shit up and start over. few have to be honest but that was your conclusion.
You really are taking this personally.



There. Maybe we can all get on with our lives now.
so - you ask for valid conversation on a topic, i try to explain and take it deeper, and you do this.

and you wonder why people feel progressives are really more like kids.

if you don't want active conversation then just put a disclaimer on your posts "only people who agree with my targeted hate please reply cause that's all i'm going to bother to factor in" - but then again, i got that now.
Great. Since neither one of us takes the other seriously, there is no reason for future communication. Mercifully.
maybe for you to quit pulling the worst of one side of people you don't seem to care for and making them the poster child for that entire side.
Great, I'll work on that.
my sarcasm meter just blew so i'll stop now.

you asked, i replied. all there was too it. and while i support trump i never once said blow shit up and start over. few have to be honest but that was your conclusion.
You really are taking this personally.



There. Maybe we can all get on with our lives now.
so - you ask for valid conversation on a topic, i try to explain and take it deeper, and you do this.

and you wonder why people feel progressives are really more like kids.

if you don't want active conversation then just put a disclaimer on your posts "only people who agree with my targeted hate please reply cause that's all i'm going to bother to factor in" - but then again, i got that now.
Great. Since neither one of us takes the other seriously, there is no reason for future communication. Mercifully.
speak for yourself. i don't take YOU seriously. i'll let the rest speak their own mind as the opportunities come up.

and you said you don't stereotype... :) silly man.
Now, what are we waiting for? Drain the swamp!
Thanks for that video, I watched it, probably one of the most articulate pro-Trump arguments I've seen, when that annoying interviewer would just shut the fuck up and let him talk.
The one problem with your conclusion is that you assume Trump is doing damage. He's really not.
I get that, I think. But here's the problem, guys - You're separating the behaviors from the issues. That's difficult enough to do with, say, the CEO of a corporation. When one of them acts crazy, it damages the company and its stock price regardless of any success. But we're talking about an entirely different world here. When it comes to the Presidency of the US, trying to separate the two is essentially impossible, there is simply too much at stake on not just a national, but global basis. This stuff is not happening in a vacuum.

To put it another way, he won't be able to get anything done if he makes himself so toxic that even his own people won't go near him. He doesn't have to do this. He can just NOT DO IT. He's hurting himself and his/your goals. But he still gets cheered on, on that's why I came this conclusion.
He doesn't have to do this. He can just NOT DO IT. He's hurting himself and his/your goals.
Exactly! And that is the problem. It's a judgment and temperament problem, a self-control problem, and individuals lacking self-control don't belong in the WH or other high elected/appointed office.
It's a judgment and temperament problem, a self-control problem, and individuals lacking self-control don't belong in the WH or other high elected/appointed office.

Under normal circumstances, that would just be a given.
Last edited:
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
Good observation. Proven by some of the rightwingnut posters here.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
Good observation. Proven by some of the rightwingnut posters here.
Some are fine with it, some have lost their shit over it. Pretty interesting.
It's a judgment and temperament problem, a self-control problem, and individuals lacking self-control don't belong in the WH or other high elected/appointed office.

Under normal circumstances, that would just be a given.

Everything he does is legit. Is there some reason why you think he should be extremely PC when that has got us all screwed? He wasn't elected to be PC...

There also is no proof given that he doesn't have self control. What I believe you are referring to here is his crassness.
It's a judgment and temperament problem, a self-control problem, and individuals lacking self-control don't belong in the WH or other high elected/appointed office.
Yep. Under normal circumstances, that would just be a given..
Everything he does is legit. Is there some reason why you think he should be extremely PC when that has got us all screwed?
There is no one on this board who is more consistently, virulently PC than me.

This isn't about PC. This is about the most fundamental adult behavior, let alone coming from the person with the most important job on the planet. When that person's temperament and judgement are this unstable and childish, it's not a good thing. And those behaviors are compounded and further enabled by those who are so forgiving of them.
It's a judgment and temperament problem, a self-control problem, and individuals lacking self-control don't belong in the WH or other high elected/appointed office.
Yep. Under normal circumstances, that would just be a given..
Everything he does is legit. Is there some reason why you think he should be extremely PC when that has got us all screwed?
There is no one on this board who is more consistently, virulently PC than me.

This isn't about PC. This is about the most fundamental adult behavior, let alone coming from the person with the most important job on the planet. When that person's temperament and judgement are this unstable and childish, it's not a good thing. It those behaviors are compounded and further enabled by those who are so forgiving of them.

So that is what you view as the "right" behavior, without giving any proof whatsoever that such behavior is beneficial. Sounds almost racist...

But... you can have your opinion about the necessity of the only correct behavior(tm), however to think that it is in any way relevant is a mistake.
Last edited:
Now, what are we waiting for? Drain the swamp!
Thanks for that video, I watched it, probably one of the most articulate pro-Trump arguments I've seen, when that annoying interviewer would just shut the fuck up and let him talk.
The one problem with your conclusion is that you assume Trump is doing damage. He's really not.
I get that, I think. But here's the problem, guys - You're separating the behaviors from the issues. That's difficult enough to do with, say, the CEO of a corporation. When one of them acts crazy, it damages the company and its stock price regardless of any success. But we're talking about an entirely different world here. When it comes to the Presidency of the US, trying to separate the two is essentially impossible, there is simply too much at stake on not just a national, but global basis. This stuff is not happening in a vacuum.

To put it another way, he won't be able to get anything done if he makes himself so toxic that even his own people won't go near him. He doesn't have to do this. He can just NOT DO IT. He's hurting himself and his/your goals. But he still gets cheered on, on that's why I came this conclusion.
He doesn't have to do this. He can just NOT DO IT. He's hurting himself and his/your goals.
Exactly! And that is the problem. It's a judgment and temperament problem, a self-control problem, and individuals lacking self-control don't belong in the WH or other high elected/appointed office.

Sometimes some Trump supporters and all the time anti-Trump/MSM side miss the point of Trump tweets. No one criticized FDR's going into Americans' homes via radio.
FDR was going outside normal communication channels at that time. So too with Trump with Trump tweets. In this case though Trump is going directly without any
MSM biased interpretation and THAT is the motivation to attack Trump's few times of personal attacks. The really ignorant people attacking Trump's ability to be America's CEO seem to ignore the simple fact that if Trump had such a bad habit as a businessman, he would NOT have become a billionaire or attracted millions of plain spoken Americans. I actually encourage Trump's vitriolic attacks as it keeps the MSM busy from thwarting President Trump accomplishments.
But note how the BIASED NewsWeek digs at Trump and excuses Obama who's editor Evan Thomas once said of Obama:
"I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Remember Thomas is suppose to be a hardened OBJECTIVE news person!

"In fact, only 28 bills have been signed into law since Trump took office in late January. In contrast,
Roosevelt signed 76 bills into law in his first 100 days. President Harry Truman, in second place on this list, signed 55 bills into law in his first months in the White House.
Trump's predecessor and frequent target of derision[oh poor Obama... racist Trump!!!] , President Barack Obama, signed 11 bills into law,
but the early days of his administration are considered productive because they include major legislation to ensure children in low-income households have health insurance as well as the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which fights wage discrimination.
In his first 100 days, Trump signed more bills into law than Obama did
Note the didn't say Obama "signed ONLY 11 bills" but did say "In fact, ONLY 28 bills" for Trump!
The biased Newsweek further glorified Obama by declaring "are considered productive"!!!

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