Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

So, to your mind, regarding the root of the problem(s) allegedly dictating "behaviors" is deflecting. Whatever, dude. I can't even wrap my head around that.

I guess I took it as hyperbole when you painted all Trump supporters with a broad brush of not caring and wanting to blow it all up. But you apparently think that it is some sort of absolute fact that I have to defend or otherwise explain and that if I don't adhere to your irrational value judgment, then I'm somehow derailing your thread.
The root of WHAT problem? Trump acting like a spoiled 12 year old who is starved for attention, and his supporters pretending not to see it?

Is Trump responsible for his words, or is he not?
not that we don't see it, we don't care.

it's still not hillary and still not illegal. just immature.
Well, that goes back to my OP.
except you now make the assumption that i *want* him to piss off the other side.

no, i'd rather they work together but the progressives went all WAH and refuse to even try. and before you do the "well look what they did to obama" remember you're the one asking others to stop deflecting.
The "I like it that he pisses off liberals" meme is pretty much all over this board. Everywhere.

that doesn't mean everyone who voted trump feels that way.
The root of WHAT problem? Trump acting like a spoiled 12 year old who is starved for attention, and his supporters pretending not to see it?

Is Trump responsible for his words, or is he not?
not that we don't see it, we don't care.

it's still not hillary and still not illegal. just immature.
Well, that goes back to my OP.
except you now make the assumption that i *want* him to piss off the other side.

no, i'd rather they work together but the progressives went all WAH and refuse to even try. and before you do the "well look what they did to obama" remember you're the one asking others to stop deflecting.
The "I like it that he pisses off liberals" meme is pretty much all over this board. Everywhere.

that doesn't mean everyone who voted trump feels that way.
Nothing is absolute, agreed.
why do people insist on posting the same crap about trump over and over and over again? he's not a complex man. his faults are there for all to see already. after awhile you just get tired of the constant attacks. when that happens, what would *you* do?

likely attack back and just start getting stupid.

is your goal of this to really understand the mind of the trump supporter? it's not that hard and progressives say so all the time. trump supporters are stupid. if so, then why such an analysis? isn't that a contradiction itself?

or is your goal to just poke on people and get a reaction to these posts? aka, trolling?

or do you hope to change their minds? that has as much chance as you changing your mind, so i never get those efforts also.

ask yourself the point of a thread like this, why we need several a day, and what you expect the outcome to be each time then ask me again why we have this thread to begin with. what *was* your goal out of it?
I get the personal insults and name-calling from both ends of the spectrum daily. All it means to me is that I'm probably on the right track overall.

Since I don't see you attacking the Trump supporters who don't disagree with me, I'll just throw yours on the pile. Meh.

Of course you will. All's you ever wanted was posters to come here talking about Trump being a vile human being who should be impeached.

Like I said, this is your pity party thread.
why do people insist on posting the same crap about trump over and over and over again? he's not a complex man. his faults are there for all to see already. after awhile you just get tired of the constant attacks. when that happens, what would *you* do?

likely attack back and just start getting stupid.

is your goal of this to really understand the mind of the trump supporter? it's not that hard and progressives say so all the time. trump supporters are stupid. if so, then why such an analysis? isn't that a contradiction itself?

or is your goal to just poke on people and get a reaction to these posts? aka, trolling?

or do you hope to change their minds? that has as much chance as you changing your mind, so i never get those efforts also.

ask yourself the point of a thread like this, why we need several a day, and what you expect the outcome to be each time then ask me again why we have this thread to begin with. what *was* your goal out of it?

First of all, you won't find me calling people "stupid", and you will see me chiding anyone on either side whose "debate" tactic is "you don't agree with me so you're dumb". Not to mention the zillion posts I've made about how regressives thinking they're superior to "redneck dupes" is part of the reason Trump is in the White House in the first place.

Secondly, Trump supporters have been kind enough to answer about a thousand of my questions, as I work to understand his appeal. There are actually several thoughtful, civil responses on this very thread, outside of those who felt the need to decay into deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

And finally, I didn't expect quite this reaction. I belched out my opinion based on my own observations and conversations I've had with Trump supporters and hit "enter". Nothing I have said is unusual or weird in any way. And, as I mentioned above, reactions like this make me tend to think I'm on to something.
I get the personal insults and name-calling from both ends of the spectrum daily. All it means to me is that I'm probably on the right track overall.

Since I don't see you attacking the Trump supporters who don't disagree with me, I'll just throw yours on the pile. Meh.

Of course you will. All's you ever wanted was posters to come here talking about Trump being a vile human being who should be impeached.

Like I said, this is your pity party thread.
That's what I've wanted? Really? Have you ever seen me support impeachment?

There's nothing unusual about my opinion of him, nothing.
I get the personal insults and name-calling from both ends of the spectrum daily. All it means to me is that I'm probably on the right track overall.

Since I don't see you attacking the Trump supporters who don't disagree with me, I'll just throw yours on the pile. Meh.

Of course you will. All's you ever wanted was posters to come here talking about Trump being a vile human being who should be impeached.

Like I said, this is your pity party thread.
That's what I've wanted? Really? Have you ever seen me support impeachment?

There's nothing unusual about my opinion of him, nothing.

Are you telling me that you don't want to impeach the "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" president?
I get the personal insults and name-calling from both ends of the spectrum daily. All it means to me is that I'm probably on the right track overall.

Since I don't see you attacking the Trump supporters who don't disagree with me, I'll just throw yours on the pile. Meh.

Of course you will. All's you ever wanted was posters to come here talking about Trump being a vile human being who should be impeached.

Like I said, this is your pity party thread.
That's what I've wanted? Really? Have you ever seen me support impeachment?

There's nothing unusual about my opinion of him, nothing.

Are you telling me that you don't want to impeach the "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" president?
Doesn't matter one way or the other to me, especially since I have zero (0) control over it. On one hand, I'd be worried about instability it could cause. On the other, he's terribly unstable himself. I'll let the wingers fight over that.
I get the personal insults and name-calling from both ends of the spectrum daily. All it means to me is that I'm probably on the right track overall.

Since I don't see you attacking the Trump supporters who don't disagree with me, I'll just throw yours on the pile. Meh.

Of course you will. All's you ever wanted was posters to come here talking about Trump being a vile human being who should be impeached.

Like I said, this is your pity party thread.
That's what I've wanted? Really? Have you ever seen me support impeachment?

There's nothing unusual about my opinion of him, nothing.

Are you telling me that you don't want to impeach the "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" president?
Doesn't matter one way or the other to me, especially since I have zero (0) control over it. On one hand, I'd be worried about instability it could cause. On the other, he's terribly unstable himself. I'll let the wingers fight over that.

Yea, but the point was that that tickles your ears and that you're a "winger" in your own right. Trump has not committed an action worthy of impeachment.
I get the personal insults and name-calling from both ends of the spectrum daily. All it means to me is that I'm probably on the right track overall.

Since I don't see you attacking the Trump supporters who don't disagree with me, I'll just throw yours on the pile. Meh.

Of course you will. All's you ever wanted was posters to come here talking about Trump being a vile human being who should be impeached.

Like I said, this is your pity party thread.
That's what I've wanted? Really? Have you ever seen me support impeachment?

There's nothing unusual about my opinion of him, nothing.

Are you telling me that you don't want to impeach the "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" president?
Doesn't matter one way or the other to me, especially since I have zero (0) control over it. On one hand, I'd be worried about instability it could cause. On the other, he's terribly unstable himself. I'll let the wingers fight over that.

Yea, but the point was that that tickles your ears and that you're a "winger" in your own right. Trump has not committed an action worthy of impeachment.
I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.
Is there one piece of evidence that anything that Trump is doing is self-destructive?

If you have evidence for it, then present it. While it should make anyone happy that Trump is pissing total frauds who have plagued the American people for generations, that doesn't mean Trump is gonna blow up on our faces. In fact, that's a reason why he's not going to do so.

Thinking of blowing things up. Wasn't it a popular left-winger who recently publicly thought about blowing up the white house?
Of course you will. All's you ever wanted was posters to come here talking about Trump being a vile human being who should be impeached.

Like I said, this is your pity party thread.
That's what I've wanted? Really? Have you ever seen me support impeachment?

There's nothing unusual about my opinion of him, nothing.

Are you telling me that you don't want to impeach the "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" president?
Doesn't matter one way or the other to me, especially since I have zero (0) control over it. On one hand, I'd be worried about instability it could cause. On the other, he's terribly unstable himself. I'll let the wingers fight over that.

Yea, but the point was that that tickles your ears and that you're a "winger" in your own right. Trump has not committed an action worthy of impeachment.
I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.

Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Is there one piece of evidence that anything that Trump is doing is self-destructive?
Nothing you would accept. Over half the country and most of the world are horrified by him and don't respect him (which is a significant problem for a President on multiple levels), but my guess is that's not a problem for you, perhaps even a positive.

While it should make anyone happy that Trump is pissing total frauds who have plagued the American people for generations, that doesn't mean Trump is gonna blow up on our faces. In fact, that's a reason why he's not going to do so.
There's an example of my point that the fact that he's pissing people off is a good thing.

Thinking of blowing things up. Wasn't it a popular left-winger who recently publicly thought about blowing up the white house?
Yes, I'm the guy who started a thread called "The Left has completely lost its shit", which many of you enjoyed. They indeed have.
That's what I've wanted? Really? Have you ever seen me support impeachment?

There's nothing unusual about my opinion of him, nothing.

Are you telling me that you don't want to impeach the "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" president?
Doesn't matter one way or the other to me, especially since I have zero (0) control over it. On one hand, I'd be worried about instability it could cause. On the other, he's terribly unstable himself. I'll let the wingers fight over that.

Yea, but the point was that that tickles your ears and that you're a "winger" in your own right. Trump has not committed an action worthy of impeachment.
I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.

Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Well, "immature" would be a start, I guess. Do you really need examples? What kind of editorializing would you like? I'll be happy to provide it.
Are you telling me that you don't want to impeach the "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" president?
Doesn't matter one way or the other to me, especially since I have zero (0) control over it. On one hand, I'd be worried about instability it could cause. On the other, he's terribly unstable himself. I'll let the wingers fight over that.

Yea, but the point was that that tickles your ears and that you're a "winger" in your own right. Trump has not committed an action worthy of impeachment.
I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.

Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Well, "immature" would be a start, I guess. Do you really need examples? What kind of editorializing would you like? I'll be happy to provide it.

Just your thoughts however you feel is pertinent. You seem to think it's a big concern; so, help us understand.
Doesn't matter one way or the other to me, especially since I have zero (0) control over it. On one hand, I'd be worried about instability it could cause. On the other, he's terribly unstable himself. I'll let the wingers fight over that.

Yea, but the point was that that tickles your ears and that you're a "winger" in your own right. Trump has not committed an action worthy of impeachment.
I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.

Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Well, "immature" would be a start, I guess. Do you really need examples? What kind of editorializing would you like? I'll be happy to provide it.

Just your thoughts however you feel is pertinent. You seem to think it's a big concern; so, help us understand.
I've thought and said, since the moment it looked like he was a real possibility for the GOP nomination, that Trump possesses neither the intellectual capacity nor the fundamental temperament for the position. If I were making a list of the top qualities I want in a President, I'd put a proper temperament at or near the top. Behaviors are indicative of temperament, temperament is indicative of future behaviors. Not a guarantee, but indicative.

And to date, he has not only lived up to my worst fears about his behaviors, he has surpassed them. Because I want any President to succeed - regardless of the letter after their name - I was very much hoping (assuming, actually) that the power and the gravity of the position would motivate him to improve his behaviors. The fact that this clearly has not happened is worrisome to me, because that means his behaviors are probably not showbiz (which was bad enough), they may run deeper.

What else would you like?
You don't have any real arguments. I spend a lot of time on responses, and you just keep coming back with this 'but the big bad man says mean' stuff. I mean if that's all you got, then enjoy your tears, dude

I think you've captured Mac perfectly, bud. He starts out with these absurd premises, and then when someone contradicts him by pointing out facts he's ignoring, he gets all indignant.
You don't have any real arguments. I spend a lot of time on responses, and you just keep coming back with this 'but the big bad man says mean' stuff. I mean if that's all you got, then enjoy your tears, dude
I think you've captured Mac perfectly, bud. He starts out with these absurd premises, and then when someone contradicts him by pointing out facts he's ignoring, he gets all indignant.
And once again, my sig, illustrated beautifully.

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