Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

I get the personal insults and name-calling from both ends of the spectrum daily. All it means to me is that I'm probably on the right track overall.

No, it means you are a pompous asshole who doesn't respect other people's opinions.

When you actually address points people make, then I would be impressed.

The "I like it that he pisses off liberals" meme is pretty much all over this board. Everywhere.

well, it's kind of all these have at this point. To a degree, I can kind of sympathize with them. They've been told by Faux News and Hate Radio for years that Obama was encouraging a "war on cops' and " christianity" and all the other things they hold dear. Now they have a chance for payback.

That Trump lacks the political skills to make things happen doesn't bother them, because they really don't have an agenda beyond their anger. They don't want to get rid of ObamaCare because it has flaws (which it does). They want to get rid of it because it has the word "Obama" in it.

First of all, you won't find me calling people "stupid", and you will see me chiding anyone on either side whose "debate" tactic is "you don't agree with me so you're dumb". Not to mention the zillion posts I've made about how regressives thinking they're superior to "redneck dupes" is part of the reason Trump is in the White House in the first place.

except Trump didn't win because the Rednecks voted for him. Just as many rednecks voted for Romney. He won because so many non-rednecks voted for Johnson and Stein because they were told Hillary was "just as bad" and "she had it in the bag". this has been explained to you many times.

And as I've said, I voted Republican in every election up until 2008. I did let myself get duped. (Although I think many of those votes I could justify.) Anyone who still votes Republican after Bush-43 fucked up everything is indeed a dupe.

And finally, I didn't expect quite this reaction. I belched out my opinion based on my own observations and conversations I've had with Trump supporters and hit "enter". Nothing I have said is unusual or weird in any way. And, as I mentioned above, reactions like this make me tend to think I'm on to something.

Wait, you blurt out pompous opinions, ignore people on both sides when they answer you, and then you are surprised when people consider you to be a pompous asshole? Really?
Ol' Mac can even trigger a regressive on an anti-Trump thread.

I wub me.

Is there one piece of evidence that anything that Trump is doing is self-destructive?

You mean other than his legislative agenda is dead in the water in Congress?

Here's the thing. Reagan and Bush-43 were able to get more done in their first 100 days with the Democrats controlling at least one house of Congress.

Trump has so alienated everyone that even his own party sees him as distraction rather than a leader.
Ol' Mac can even trigger a regressive on an anti-Trump thread.

I wub me.


The sad thing is, you are such a narcissist that you need that.

You probably understand Trump better than you think. You are both massively self-important.
why do people insist on posting the same crap about trump over and over and over again? he's not a complex man. his faults are there for all to see already. after awhile you just get tired of the constant attacks. when that happens, what would *you* do?

likely attack back and just start getting stupid.

is your goal of this to really understand the mind of the trump supporter? it's not that hard and progressives say so all the time. trump supporters are stupid. if so, then why such an analysis? isn't that a contradiction itself?

or is your goal to just poke on people and get a reaction to these posts? aka, trolling?

or do you hope to change their minds? that has as much chance as you changing your mind, so i never get those efforts also.

ask yourself the point of a thread like this, why we need several a day, and what you expect the outcome to be each time then ask me again why we have this thread to begin with. what *was* your goal out of it?

First of all, you won't find me calling people "stupid", and you will see me chiding anyone on either side whose "debate" tactic is "you don't agree with me so you're dumb". Not to mention the zillion posts I've made about how regressives thinking they're superior to "redneck dupes" is part of the reason Trump is in the White House in the first place.

Secondly, Trump supporters have been kind enough to answer about a thousand of my questions, as I work to understand his appeal. There are actually several thoughtful, civil responses on this very thread, outside of those who felt the need to decay into deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

And finally, I didn't expect quite this reaction. I belched out my opinion based on my own observations and conversations I've had with Trump supporters and hit "enter". Nothing I have said is unusual or weird in any way. And, as I mentioned above, reactions like this make me tend to think I'm on to something.
except look at my own reactions. i also have been civil and tried to explain but now this whole "i'm onto something!"

you're hunting. you knew going in what you would find and now you're like LOOK I FOUND IT!!!

you don't want to understand trumps appeal you want to understand why people don't hate him like you do. no one can really explain that but again - you knew going in you'd get a mixed bag of reactions and with your experience in here, you knew who'd be likely to say what. none of this should be a surprise to you and "i'm onto something!" is kinda ... well, agenda driven to be honest.

people are mad at "the establishment". not all but apparently enough.
"the establishment" conned the DNC into ensuring THEIR candidate ran
the establishment lost.
trump is not the establishment
trump represents a return to what many liked before obama went and forced progressive behavior on everyone and called it some form of evolutionary progress.
and the people who sat there saying "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU" for 8 years are dumbfounded that they right was serious in that they wanted to "Cut that shit out".

now you'll be this restated in as many ways as you look for it by people saying it in their own colorful way. cussing, name calling, frustrations, even what you may consider "valid" conversation. but again - is any of what you found a surprise?

which takes me back to your last statement - you're trying to find a simple definition of trump supporters that you can live with but in the end simply won't encompass everyone. it can't, by simple definition.

stop looking for bad things and you'll stop finding bad things. start looking for new things and you'll find... new things. how you see them is largely determined by how you chose to see them going in.
Yea, but the point was that that tickles your ears and that you're a "winger" in your own right. Trump has not committed an action worthy of impeachment.
I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.

Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Well, "immature" would be a start, I guess. Do you really need examples? What kind of editorializing would you like? I'll be happy to provide it.

Just your thoughts however you feel is pertinent. You seem to think it's a big concern; so, help us understand.
I've thought and said, since the moment it looked like he was a real possibility for the GOP nomination, that Trump possesses neither the intellectual capacity nor the fundamental temperament for the position. If I were making a list of the top qualities I want in a President, I'd put a proper temperament at or near the top. Behaviors are indicative of temperament, temperament is indicative of future behaviors. Not a guarantee, but indicative.

And to date, he has not only lived up to my worst fears about his behaviors, he has surpassed them. Because I want any President to succeed - regardless of the letter after their name - I was very much hoping (assuming, actually) that the power and the gravity of the position would motivate him to improve his behaviors. The fact that this clearly has not happened is worrisome to me, because that means his behaviors are probably not showbiz (which was bad enough), they may run deeper.

What else would you like?
for us to quit rehashing this topic weekly.
why do people insist on posting the same crap about trump over and over and over again? he's not a complex man. his faults are there for all to see already. after awhile you just get tired of the constant attacks. when that happens, what would *you* do?

likely attack back and just start getting stupid.

is your goal of this to really understand the mind of the trump supporter? it's not that hard and progressives say so all the time. trump supporters are stupid. if so, then why such an analysis? isn't that a contradiction itself?

or is your goal to just poke on people and get a reaction to these posts? aka, trolling?

or do you hope to change their minds? that has as much chance as you changing your mind, so i never get those efforts also.

ask yourself the point of a thread like this, why we need several a day, and what you expect the outcome to be each time then ask me again why we have this thread to begin with. what *was* your goal out of it?

First of all, you won't find me calling people "stupid", and you will see me chiding anyone on either side whose "debate" tactic is "you don't agree with me so you're dumb". Not to mention the zillion posts I've made about how regressives thinking they're superior to "redneck dupes" is part of the reason Trump is in the White House in the first place.

Secondly, Trump supporters have been kind enough to answer about a thousand of my questions, as I work to understand his appeal. There are actually several thoughtful, civil responses on this very thread, outside of those who felt the need to decay into deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

And finally, I didn't expect quite this reaction. I belched out my opinion based on my own observations and conversations I've had with Trump supporters and hit "enter". Nothing I have said is unusual or weird in any way. And, as I mentioned above, reactions like this make me tend to think I'm on to something.
except look at my own reactions. i also have been civil and tried to explain but now this whole "i'm onto something!"

you're hunting. you knew going in what you would find and now you're like LOOK I FOUND IT!!!

you don't want to understand trumps appeal you want to understand why people don't hate him like you do. no one can really explain that but again - you knew going in you'd get a mixed bag of reactions and with your experience in here, you knew who'd be likely to say what. none of this should be a surprise to you and "i'm onto something!" is kinda ... well, agenda driven to be honest.

people are mad at "the establishment". not all but apparently enough.
"the establishment" conned the DNC into ensuring THEIR candidate ran
the establishment lost.
trump is not the establishment
trump represents a return to what many liked before obama went and forced progressive behavior on everyone and called it some form of evolutionary progress.
and the people who sat there saying "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU" for 8 years are dumbfounded that they right was serious in that they wanted to "Cut that shit out".

now you'll be this restated in as many ways as you look for it by people saying it in their own colorful way. cussing, name calling, frustrations, even what you may consider "valid" conversation. but again - is any of what you found a surprise?

which takes me back to your last statement - you're trying to find a simple definition of trump supporters that you can live with but in the end simply won't encompass everyone. it can't, by simple definition.

stop looking for bad things and you'll stop finding bad things. start looking for new things and you'll find... new things. how you see them is largely determined by how you chose to see them going in.
I find his behaviors embarrassing, childish and troubling. If you want to make that about politics or something else, that's up to you.

And again, I've had Trump supporters who didn't have a problem with the OP, so your opinion is your opinion.
I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.

Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Well, "immature" would be a start, I guess. Do you really need examples? What kind of editorializing would you like? I'll be happy to provide it.

Just your thoughts however you feel is pertinent. You seem to think it's a big concern; so, help us understand.
I've thought and said, since the moment it looked like he was a real possibility for the GOP nomination, that Trump possesses neither the intellectual capacity nor the fundamental temperament for the position. If I were making a list of the top qualities I want in a President, I'd put a proper temperament at or near the top. Behaviors are indicative of temperament, temperament is indicative of future behaviors. Not a guarantee, but indicative.

And to date, he has not only lived up to my worst fears about his behaviors, he has surpassed them. Because I want any President to succeed - regardless of the letter after their name - I was very much hoping (assuming, actually) that the power and the gravity of the position would motivate him to improve his behaviors. The fact that this clearly has not happened is worrisome to me, because that means his behaviors are probably not showbiz (which was bad enough), they may run deeper.

What else would you like?
for us to quit rehashing this topic weekly.
Well, hopefully people will calm down and stop responding to this thread.
why do people insist on posting the same crap about trump over and over and over again? he's not a complex man. his faults are there for all to see already. after awhile you just get tired of the constant attacks. when that happens, what would *you* do?

likely attack back and just start getting stupid.

is your goal of this to really understand the mind of the trump supporter? it's not that hard and progressives say so all the time. trump supporters are stupid. if so, then why such an analysis? isn't that a contradiction itself?

or is your goal to just poke on people and get a reaction to these posts? aka, trolling?

or do you hope to change their minds? that has as much chance as you changing your mind, so i never get those efforts also.

ask yourself the point of a thread like this, why we need several a day, and what you expect the outcome to be each time then ask me again why we have this thread to begin with. what *was* your goal out of it?

First of all, you won't find me calling people "stupid", and you will see me chiding anyone on either side whose "debate" tactic is "you don't agree with me so you're dumb". Not to mention the zillion posts I've made about how regressives thinking they're superior to "redneck dupes" is part of the reason Trump is in the White House in the first place.

Secondly, Trump supporters have been kind enough to answer about a thousand of my questions, as I work to understand his appeal. There are actually several thoughtful, civil responses on this very thread, outside of those who felt the need to decay into deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

And finally, I didn't expect quite this reaction. I belched out my opinion based on my own observations and conversations I've had with Trump supporters and hit "enter". Nothing I have said is unusual or weird in any way. And, as I mentioned above, reactions like this make me tend to think I'm on to something.
except look at my own reactions. i also have been civil and tried to explain but now this whole "i'm onto something!"

you're hunting. you knew going in what you would find and now you're like LOOK I FOUND IT!!!

you don't want to understand trumps appeal you want to understand why people don't hate him like you do. no one can really explain that but again - you knew going in you'd get a mixed bag of reactions and with your experience in here, you knew who'd be likely to say what. none of this should be a surprise to you and "i'm onto something!" is kinda ... well, agenda driven to be honest.

people are mad at "the establishment". not all but apparently enough.
"the establishment" conned the DNC into ensuring THEIR candidate ran
the establishment lost.
trump is not the establishment
trump represents a return to what many liked before obama went and forced progressive behavior on everyone and called it some form of evolutionary progress.
and the people who sat there saying "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU" for 8 years are dumbfounded that they right was serious in that they wanted to "Cut that shit out".

now you'll be this restated in as many ways as you look for it by people saying it in their own colorful way. cussing, name calling, frustrations, even what you may consider "valid" conversation. but again - is any of what you found a surprise?

which takes me back to your last statement - you're trying to find a simple definition of trump supporters that you can live with but in the end simply won't encompass everyone. it can't, by simple definition.

stop looking for bad things and you'll stop finding bad things. start looking for new things and you'll find... new things. how you see them is largely determined by how you chose to see them going in.
I find his behaviors embarrassing, childish and troubling. If you want to make that about politics or something else, that's up to you.

And again, I've had Trump supporters who didn't have a problem with the OP, so your opinion is your opinion.
read back on my own replies. i've also been very civil and tried having a conversation with you. are the civil responses counted in your "i'm onto something!" or are you only huddling up the "insulting ones" to paint everyone with?

my guess is 2 or you'd not be searching as much as you are. i find his behaviors much the same way but he's not going to change and he is president. i can bitch about it daily and have it eat me up inside or i can move on to something that matters.

your move, chief.
why do people insist on posting the same crap about trump over and over and over again? he's not a complex man. his faults are there for all to see already. after awhile you just get tired of the constant attacks. when that happens, what would *you* do?

likely attack back and just start getting stupid.

is your goal of this to really understand the mind of the trump supporter? it's not that hard and progressives say so all the time. trump supporters are stupid. if so, then why such an analysis? isn't that a contradiction itself?

or is your goal to just poke on people and get a reaction to these posts? aka, trolling?

or do you hope to change their minds? that has as much chance as you changing your mind, so i never get those efforts also.

ask yourself the point of a thread like this, why we need several a day, and what you expect the outcome to be each time then ask me again why we have this thread to begin with. what *was* your goal out of it?

First of all, you won't find me calling people "stupid", and you will see me chiding anyone on either side whose "debate" tactic is "you don't agree with me so you're dumb". Not to mention the zillion posts I've made about how regressives thinking they're superior to "redneck dupes" is part of the reason Trump is in the White House in the first place.

Secondly, Trump supporters have been kind enough to answer about a thousand of my questions, as I work to understand his appeal. There are actually several thoughtful, civil responses on this very thread, outside of those who felt the need to decay into deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

And finally, I didn't expect quite this reaction. I belched out my opinion based on my own observations and conversations I've had with Trump supporters and hit "enter". Nothing I have said is unusual or weird in any way. And, as I mentioned above, reactions like this make me tend to think I'm on to something.
except look at my own reactions. i also have been civil and tried to explain but now this whole "i'm onto something!"

you're hunting. you knew going in what you would find and now you're like LOOK I FOUND IT!!!

you don't want to understand trumps appeal you want to understand why people don't hate him like you do. no one can really explain that but again - you knew going in you'd get a mixed bag of reactions and with your experience in here, you knew who'd be likely to say what. none of this should be a surprise to you and "i'm onto something!" is kinda ... well, agenda driven to be honest.

people are mad at "the establishment". not all but apparently enough.
"the establishment" conned the DNC into ensuring THEIR candidate ran
the establishment lost.
trump is not the establishment
trump represents a return to what many liked before obama went and forced progressive behavior on everyone and called it some form of evolutionary progress.
and the people who sat there saying "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU" for 8 years are dumbfounded that they right was serious in that they wanted to "Cut that shit out".

now you'll be this restated in as many ways as you look for it by people saying it in their own colorful way. cussing, name calling, frustrations, even what you may consider "valid" conversation. but again - is any of what you found a surprise?

which takes me back to your last statement - you're trying to find a simple definition of trump supporters that you can live with but in the end simply won't encompass everyone. it can't, by simple definition.

stop looking for bad things and you'll stop finding bad things. start looking for new things and you'll find... new things. how you see them is largely determined by how you chose to see them going in.
I find his behaviors embarrassing, childish and troubling. If you want to make that about politics or something else, that's up to you.

And again, I've had Trump supporters who didn't have a problem with the OP, so your opinion is your opinion.
read back on my own replies. i've also been very civil and tried having a conversation with you. are the civil responses counted in your "i'm onto something!" or are you only huddling up the "insulting ones" to paint everyone with?

my guess is 2 or you'd not be searching as much as you are. i find his behaviors much the same way but he's not going to change and he is president. i can bitch about it daily and have it eat me up inside or i can move on to something that matters.

your move, chief.
Not sure what you want. The OP is about a conclusion I've come to, after many conversations with Trump supporters and my observations.

I'm not "searching" for anything at this point, I've made my conclusion.

If you think I'm wrong, great. Free country.
why do people insist on posting the same crap about trump over and over and over again? he's not a complex man. his faults are there for all to see already. after awhile you just get tired of the constant attacks. when that happens, what would *you* do?

likely attack back and just start getting stupid.

is your goal of this to really understand the mind of the trump supporter? it's not that hard and progressives say so all the time. trump supporters are stupid. if so, then why such an analysis? isn't that a contradiction itself?

or is your goal to just poke on people and get a reaction to these posts? aka, trolling?

or do you hope to change their minds? that has as much chance as you changing your mind, so i never get those efforts also.

ask yourself the point of a thread like this, why we need several a day, and what you expect the outcome to be each time then ask me again why we have this thread to begin with. what *was* your goal out of it?

First of all, you won't find me calling people "stupid", and you will see me chiding anyone on either side whose "debate" tactic is "you don't agree with me so you're dumb". Not to mention the zillion posts I've made about how regressives thinking they're superior to "redneck dupes" is part of the reason Trump is in the White House in the first place.

Secondly, Trump supporters have been kind enough to answer about a thousand of my questions, as I work to understand his appeal. There are actually several thoughtful, civil responses on this very thread, outside of those who felt the need to decay into deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

And finally, I didn't expect quite this reaction. I belched out my opinion based on my own observations and conversations I've had with Trump supporters and hit "enter". Nothing I have said is unusual or weird in any way. And, as I mentioned above, reactions like this make me tend to think I'm on to something.
except look at my own reactions. i also have been civil and tried to explain but now this whole "i'm onto something!"

you're hunting. you knew going in what you would find and now you're like LOOK I FOUND IT!!!

you don't want to understand trumps appeal you want to understand why people don't hate him like you do. no one can really explain that but again - you knew going in you'd get a mixed bag of reactions and with your experience in here, you knew who'd be likely to say what. none of this should be a surprise to you and "i'm onto something!" is kinda ... well, agenda driven to be honest.

people are mad at "the establishment". not all but apparently enough.
"the establishment" conned the DNC into ensuring THEIR candidate ran
the establishment lost.
trump is not the establishment
trump represents a return to what many liked before obama went and forced progressive behavior on everyone and called it some form of evolutionary progress.
and the people who sat there saying "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU" for 8 years are dumbfounded that they right was serious in that they wanted to "Cut that shit out".

now you'll be this restated in as many ways as you look for it by people saying it in their own colorful way. cussing, name calling, frustrations, even what you may consider "valid" conversation. but again - is any of what you found a surprise?

which takes me back to your last statement - you're trying to find a simple definition of trump supporters that you can live with but in the end simply won't encompass everyone. it can't, by simple definition.

stop looking for bad things and you'll stop finding bad things. start looking for new things and you'll find... new things. how you see them is largely determined by how you chose to see them going in.
I find his behaviors embarrassing, childish and troubling. If you want to make that about politics or something else, that's up to you.

And again, I've had Trump supporters who didn't have a problem with the OP, so your opinion is your opinion.
read back on my own replies. i've also been very civil and tried having a conversation with you. are the civil responses counted in your "i'm onto something!" or are you only huddling up the "insulting ones" to paint everyone with?

my guess is 2 or you'd not be searching as much as you are. i find his behaviors much the same way but he's not going to change and he is president. i can bitch about it daily and have it eat me up inside or i can move on to something that matters.

your move, chief.
Not sure what you want. The OP is about a conclusion I've come to, after many conversations with Trump supporters and my observations.

I'm not "searching" for anything at this point, I've made my conclusion.

If you think I'm wrong, great. Free country.
and i can look at the left and say they don't give a shit about anything but their own way and blowing shit up in the process also and i'm just as correct as you are. they cry out in mass YOU BLOCKED OBAMA THIS IS RETURNING THE FAVOR!!! and kick it up several notches and ratchet up the violence.

the violence today is blamed on the right but coming from the left. the childish antics of the left saying NOT MY PRESIDENT IMPEACH FOR WHATEVER!!! is amazing for you to look over in your rush to judge around 1/2 of this country so simply.

you made your conclusion going in and chose to ignore the rational responses you have in fact been given by me and several others so you can paint us all with a wide brush of hate.

but as you say, free country.

First of all, you won't find me calling people "stupid", and you will see me chiding anyone on either side whose "debate" tactic is "you don't agree with me so you're dumb". Not to mention the zillion posts I've made about how regressives thinking they're superior to "redneck dupes" is part of the reason Trump is in the White House in the first place.

Secondly, Trump supporters have been kind enough to answer about a thousand of my questions, as I work to understand his appeal. There are actually several thoughtful, civil responses on this very thread, outside of those who felt the need to decay into deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

And finally, I didn't expect quite this reaction. I belched out my opinion based on my own observations and conversations I've had with Trump supporters and hit "enter". Nothing I have said is unusual or weird in any way. And, as I mentioned above, reactions like this make me tend to think I'm on to something.
except look at my own reactions. i also have been civil and tried to explain but now this whole "i'm onto something!"

you're hunting. you knew going in what you would find and now you're like LOOK I FOUND IT!!!

you don't want to understand trumps appeal you want to understand why people don't hate him like you do. no one can really explain that but again - you knew going in you'd get a mixed bag of reactions and with your experience in here, you knew who'd be likely to say what. none of this should be a surprise to you and "i'm onto something!" is kinda ... well, agenda driven to be honest.

people are mad at "the establishment". not all but apparently enough.
"the establishment" conned the DNC into ensuring THEIR candidate ran
the establishment lost.
trump is not the establishment
trump represents a return to what many liked before obama went and forced progressive behavior on everyone and called it some form of evolutionary progress.
and the people who sat there saying "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU" for 8 years are dumbfounded that they right was serious in that they wanted to "Cut that shit out".

now you'll be this restated in as many ways as you look for it by people saying it in their own colorful way. cussing, name calling, frustrations, even what you may consider "valid" conversation. but again - is any of what you found a surprise?

which takes me back to your last statement - you're trying to find a simple definition of trump supporters that you can live with but in the end simply won't encompass everyone. it can't, by simple definition.

stop looking for bad things and you'll stop finding bad things. start looking for new things and you'll find... new things. how you see them is largely determined by how you chose to see them going in.
I find his behaviors embarrassing, childish and troubling. If you want to make that about politics or something else, that's up to you.

And again, I've had Trump supporters who didn't have a problem with the OP, so your opinion is your opinion.
read back on my own replies. i've also been very civil and tried having a conversation with you. are the civil responses counted in your "i'm onto something!" or are you only huddling up the "insulting ones" to paint everyone with?

my guess is 2 or you'd not be searching as much as you are. i find his behaviors much the same way but he's not going to change and he is president. i can bitch about it daily and have it eat me up inside or i can move on to something that matters.

your move, chief.
Not sure what you want. The OP is about a conclusion I've come to, after many conversations with Trump supporters and my observations.

I'm not "searching" for anything at this point, I've made my conclusion.

If you think I'm wrong, great. Free country.
and i can look at the left and say they don't give a shit about anything but their own way and blowing shit up in the process also and i'm just as correct as you are. they cry out in mass YOU BLOCKED OBAMA THIS IS RETURNING THE FAVOR!!! and kick it up several notches and ratchet up the violence.

the violence today is blamed on the right but coming from the left. the childish antics of the left saying NOT MY PRESIDENT IMPEACH FOR WHATEVER!!! is amazing for you to look over in your rush to judge around 1/2 of this country so simply.

you made your conclusion going in and chose to ignore the rational responses you have in fact been given by me and several others so you can paint us all with a wide brush of hate.

but as you say, free country.
So if you draw a conclusion, and a left winger doesn't change your mind, are you also guilty of painting them all "with a wide brush of hate"?

And speaking of "hate", I have over 36,000 posts. You're invited to show me my hateful comments.
except look at my own reactions. i also have been civil and tried to explain but now this whole "i'm onto something!"

you're hunting. you knew going in what you would find and now you're like LOOK I FOUND IT!!!

you don't want to understand trumps appeal you want to understand why people don't hate him like you do. no one can really explain that but again - you knew going in you'd get a mixed bag of reactions and with your experience in here, you knew who'd be likely to say what. none of this should be a surprise to you and "i'm onto something!" is kinda ... well, agenda driven to be honest.

people are mad at "the establishment". not all but apparently enough.
"the establishment" conned the DNC into ensuring THEIR candidate ran
the establishment lost.
trump is not the establishment
trump represents a return to what many liked before obama went and forced progressive behavior on everyone and called it some form of evolutionary progress.
and the people who sat there saying "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU" for 8 years are dumbfounded that they right was serious in that they wanted to "Cut that shit out".

now you'll be this restated in as many ways as you look for it by people saying it in their own colorful way. cussing, name calling, frustrations, even what you may consider "valid" conversation. but again - is any of what you found a surprise?

which takes me back to your last statement - you're trying to find a simple definition of trump supporters that you can live with but in the end simply won't encompass everyone. it can't, by simple definition.

stop looking for bad things and you'll stop finding bad things. start looking for new things and you'll find... new things. how you see them is largely determined by how you chose to see them going in.
I find his behaviors embarrassing, childish and troubling. If you want to make that about politics or something else, that's up to you.

And again, I've had Trump supporters who didn't have a problem with the OP, so your opinion is your opinion.
read back on my own replies. i've also been very civil and tried having a conversation with you. are the civil responses counted in your "i'm onto something!" or are you only huddling up the "insulting ones" to paint everyone with?

my guess is 2 or you'd not be searching as much as you are. i find his behaviors much the same way but he's not going to change and he is president. i can bitch about it daily and have it eat me up inside or i can move on to something that matters.

your move, chief.
Not sure what you want. The OP is about a conclusion I've come to, after many conversations with Trump supporters and my observations.

I'm not "searching" for anything at this point, I've made my conclusion.

If you think I'm wrong, great. Free country.
and i can look at the left and say they don't give a shit about anything but their own way and blowing shit up in the process also and i'm just as correct as you are. they cry out in mass YOU BLOCKED OBAMA THIS IS RETURNING THE FAVOR!!! and kick it up several notches and ratchet up the violence.

the violence today is blamed on the right but coming from the left. the childish antics of the left saying NOT MY PRESIDENT IMPEACH FOR WHATEVER!!! is amazing for you to look over in your rush to judge around 1/2 of this country so simply.

you made your conclusion going in and chose to ignore the rational responses you have in fact been given by me and several others so you can paint us all with a wide brush of hate.

but as you say, free country.
So if you draw a conclusion, and a left winger doesn't change your mind, are you also guilty of painting them all "with a wide brush of hate"?

And speaking of "hate", I have over 36,000 posts. You're invited to show me my hateful comments.
i speak in generalities as you are doing here about the right and "trump supporters". i try to be specific to people when talking to people, such as yourself. you give me some generic cloud of stereotype bullshit, i'll return the favor cause that is how you seem to think. in stereotypes.

however again - i also invite you to go back and read my responses to you. does it fit your conclusion?

yet, here i am in your stereotype. i'd much rather learn about individuals so this group-think-blame is a waste of time to me and i get into it at times to see if this is all someone has. so far, you're pretty wrapped up in your conclusion despite people who don't fit it also being a part of this thread.
I find his behaviors embarrassing, childish and troubling. If you want to make that about politics or something else, that's up to you.

And again, I've had Trump supporters who didn't have a problem with the OP, so your opinion is your opinion.
read back on my own replies. i've also been very civil and tried having a conversation with you. are the civil responses counted in your "i'm onto something!" or are you only huddling up the "insulting ones" to paint everyone with?

my guess is 2 or you'd not be searching as much as you are. i find his behaviors much the same way but he's not going to change and he is president. i can bitch about it daily and have it eat me up inside or i can move on to something that matters.

your move, chief.
Not sure what you want. The OP is about a conclusion I've come to, after many conversations with Trump supporters and my observations.

I'm not "searching" for anything at this point, I've made my conclusion.

If you think I'm wrong, great. Free country.
and i can look at the left and say they don't give a shit about anything but their own way and blowing shit up in the process also and i'm just as correct as you are. they cry out in mass YOU BLOCKED OBAMA THIS IS RETURNING THE FAVOR!!! and kick it up several notches and ratchet up the violence.

the violence today is blamed on the right but coming from the left. the childish antics of the left saying NOT MY PRESIDENT IMPEACH FOR WHATEVER!!! is amazing for you to look over in your rush to judge around 1/2 of this country so simply.

you made your conclusion going in and chose to ignore the rational responses you have in fact been given by me and several others so you can paint us all with a wide brush of hate.

but as you say, free country.
So if you draw a conclusion, and a left winger doesn't change your mind, are you also guilty of painting them all "with a wide brush of hate"?

And speaking of "hate", I have over 36,000 posts. You're invited to show me my hateful comments.
i speak in generalities as you are doing here about the right and "trump supporters". i try to be specific to people when talking to people, such as yourself. you give me some generic cloud of stereotype bullshit, i'll return the favor cause that is how you seem to think. in stereotypes.

however again - i also invite you to go back and read my responses to you. does it fit your conclusion?

yet, here i am in your stereotype. i'd much rather learn about individuals so this group-think-blame is a waste of time to me and i get into it at times to see if this is all someone has. so far, you're pretty wrapped up in your conclusion despite people who don't fit it also being a part of this thread.
I don't see your name in the OP. If you feel it's not about you, then you shouldn't be upset.

I get the same thing from the regressives: I start a thread about their behaviors, I never have to name names, and they jump right in and start going after me personally.

This happens pretty much every day, so I'm used to it.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
You should try putting that much energy into fixing your broken ass party rather that trolling the right.
I've had a few folks on the right agree with me.

And the Democrats wouldn't have me.
i'll stop here for now but i did go back and read. yes you got some of the replies you were looking for and you say so. but you got a lot of other viewpoints you seem to dismiss so you can keep your original claim.

and what people want to "blow up" is the bullshit the progressives put in there and go back to more of the constitution and less of government in our lives.

so you did in fact go in with a mindset of LOOK WHAT I PROVED BY MY POSTING HISTORY to getting a mixed bag of replies that if you go back and "count them up" as to who feels what, blowing it up isn't the most popular opinion that i saw. yes on the list, no not 1st on the list.

but it's what you walked away with.

go back again and put a check by "blow it up" or "something else" and tell me which gets more votes.
read back on my own replies. i've also been very civil and tried having a conversation with you. are the civil responses counted in your "i'm onto something!" or are you only huddling up the "insulting ones" to paint everyone with?

my guess is 2 or you'd not be searching as much as you are. i find his behaviors much the same way but he's not going to change and he is president. i can bitch about it daily and have it eat me up inside or i can move on to something that matters.

your move, chief.
Not sure what you want. The OP is about a conclusion I've come to, after many conversations with Trump supporters and my observations.

I'm not "searching" for anything at this point, I've made my conclusion.

If you think I'm wrong, great. Free country.
and i can look at the left and say they don't give a shit about anything but their own way and blowing shit up in the process also and i'm just as correct as you are. they cry out in mass YOU BLOCKED OBAMA THIS IS RETURNING THE FAVOR!!! and kick it up several notches and ratchet up the violence.

the violence today is blamed on the right but coming from the left. the childish antics of the left saying NOT MY PRESIDENT IMPEACH FOR WHATEVER!!! is amazing for you to look over in your rush to judge around 1/2 of this country so simply.

you made your conclusion going in and chose to ignore the rational responses you have in fact been given by me and several others so you can paint us all with a wide brush of hate.

but as you say, free country.
So if you draw a conclusion, and a left winger doesn't change your mind, are you also guilty of painting them all "with a wide brush of hate"?

And speaking of "hate", I have over 36,000 posts. You're invited to show me my hateful comments.
i speak in generalities as you are doing here about the right and "trump supporters". i try to be specific to people when talking to people, such as yourself. you give me some generic cloud of stereotype bullshit, i'll return the favor cause that is how you seem to think. in stereotypes.

however again - i also invite you to go back and read my responses to you. does it fit your conclusion?

yet, here i am in your stereotype. i'd much rather learn about individuals so this group-think-blame is a waste of time to me and i get into it at times to see if this is all someone has. so far, you're pretty wrapped up in your conclusion despite people who don't fit it also being a part of this thread.
I don't see your name in the OP. If you feel it's not about you, then you shouldn't be upset.

I get the same thing from the regressives: I start a thread about their behaviors, I never have to name names, and they jump right in and start going after me personally.

This happens pretty much every day, so I'm used to it.
personally? we're having a convo and i'm not going at you - personally - or any other way. persecution complex?
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
You should try putting that much energy into fixing your broken ass party rather that trolling the right.
I've had a few folks on the right agree with me.

And the Democrats wouldn't have me.
i'll stop here for now but i did go back and read. yes you got some of the replies you were looking for and you say so. but you got a lot of other viewpoints you seem to dismiss so you can keep your original claim.

and what people want to "blow up" is the bullshit the progressives put in there and go back to more of the constitution and less of government in our lives.

so you did in fact go in with a mindset of LOOK WHAT I PROVED BY MY POSTING HISTORY to getting a mixed bag of replies that if you go back and "count them up" as to who feels what, blowing it up isn't the most popular opinion that i saw. yes on the list, no not 1st on the list.

but it's what you walked away with.

go back again and put a check by "blow it up" or "something else" and tell me which gets more votes.
I truly don't know what you're after. I have an opinion about Trump, he has only reinforced it, and you appear to be angry that Trump supporters haven't changed my mind. As if minds are changed all the time. Have the Democrats changed your mind about Obama or Hillary lately?

Maybe I'm missing something here. What do you want?
Not sure what you want. The OP is about a conclusion I've come to, after many conversations with Trump supporters and my observations.

I'm not "searching" for anything at this point, I've made my conclusion.

If you think I'm wrong, great. Free country.
and i can look at the left and say they don't give a shit about anything but their own way and blowing shit up in the process also and i'm just as correct as you are. they cry out in mass YOU BLOCKED OBAMA THIS IS RETURNING THE FAVOR!!! and kick it up several notches and ratchet up the violence.

the violence today is blamed on the right but coming from the left. the childish antics of the left saying NOT MY PRESIDENT IMPEACH FOR WHATEVER!!! is amazing for you to look over in your rush to judge around 1/2 of this country so simply.

you made your conclusion going in and chose to ignore the rational responses you have in fact been given by me and several others so you can paint us all with a wide brush of hate.

but as you say, free country.
So if you draw a conclusion, and a left winger doesn't change your mind, are you also guilty of painting them all "with a wide brush of hate"?

And speaking of "hate", I have over 36,000 posts. You're invited to show me my hateful comments.
i speak in generalities as you are doing here about the right and "trump supporters". i try to be specific to people when talking to people, such as yourself. you give me some generic cloud of stereotype bullshit, i'll return the favor cause that is how you seem to think. in stereotypes.

however again - i also invite you to go back and read my responses to you. does it fit your conclusion?

yet, here i am in your stereotype. i'd much rather learn about individuals so this group-think-blame is a waste of time to me and i get into it at times to see if this is all someone has. so far, you're pretty wrapped up in your conclusion despite people who don't fit it also being a part of this thread.
I don't see your name in the OP. If you feel it's not about you, then you shouldn't be upset.

I get the same thing from the regressives: I start a thread about their behaviors, I never have to name names, and they jump right in and start going after me personally.

This happens pretty much every day, so I'm used to it.
personally? we're having a convo and i'm not going at you - personally - or any other way. persecution complex?
Yes, persecution complex, whatever.

This, from the guy complaining about my "broad brush of hate".


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