Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

you have no point in this tread, another poster stated it correctly this is a trolling expedition. No point, jibberish to the max.

since were on the trump bandwagon here is an excellent interview. And accurate as all fking get out.

"You have no point" - yeah, I get that when I trigger the regressives, too.

Always funny to see how similar the two ends can be.

it's your jibberish OP. explain it. cause you did a very fking poor job in take one. you posted a goofy burger.

I know how this game is played - there's nothing I can say that will be good enough for you. Fortunately, my opinions don't require your approval.

Look, mac, we get it. You don't like Trump and hold a opinion, albeit a popular opinion on the Left, of him and are getting just a bit testy the we don't agree with you. You have been trying your damnedest to convince us by repeating your point ad nauseam.

Remember, if you like a person, you tend to over look their faults. If you dislike a person, you tend to focus on their faults as a reason to dislike them. That's standard human nature. Also,I really haven't seen you criticize any of his policies, what he has accomplished, or what he's trying to do. By ignoring everything but his faults you have shown yourself to be a shallow person.

As for myself, I tend to find more humor than offense in his tweets. I recognize that when he is slammed by the MSM, he has a reply or a comeback. Big deal. As far s I can tell he has more info than slaps in his tweets anyway. The Left, you included, sift through them looking for any morsel of negativity, then try and blow to whole thing out of proportion.

When you actually listen to the reasons we has for being Trump supporters (fanatics[?] ehhhhhhh... *shrug*) you may understand where were coming from. You don't have to agree with us, as well as us with you, but is called "Wrangling Without Rancor".

I would certainly agree that partisans on both ends of the spectrum do everything they can to highlight their stuff and highlight what they perceive to be weaknesses of the other "side". Hence, my sig.

As much as Trump's supporters have tried to make this thread about other things, I've remained consistent: For me, it's about his behaviors, his temperament and his judgement. And I remain convinced that any reasonable person can understand my concern regarding Trump in those areas.

And yeah, I'm horrified by the guy and his behavior, you bet. But as an independent, I hope he does great, and if he does, his supporters are welcome to cram it in my face.

The problem I have is when his supporters try to pretend that there is nothing unusual or disturbing or embarrassing or unbecoming about his behavior. I'd rather they just admit it and say "tough shit, he's the President, deal with it", because I have to anyway.

Now, what are we waiting for? Drain the swamp!
Thanks for that video, I watched it, probably one of the most articulate pro-Trump arguments I've seen, when that annoying interviewer would just shut the fuck up and let him talk.
The one problem with your conclusion is that you assume Trump is doing damage. He's really not.
I get that, I think. But here's the problem, guys - You're separating the behaviors from the issues. That's difficult enough to do with, say, the CEO of a corporation. When one of them acts crazy, it damages the company and its stock price regardless of any success. But we're talking about an entirely different world here. When it comes to the Presidency of the US, trying to separate the two is essentially impossible, there is simply too much at stake on not just a national, but global basis. This stuff is not happening in a vacuum.

To put it another way, he won't be able to get anything done if he makes himself so toxic that even his own people won't go near him. He doesn't have to do this. He can just NOT DO IT. He's hurting himself and his/your goals. But he still gets cheered on, on that's why I came this conclusion.
He doesn't have to do this. He can just NOT DO IT. He's hurting himself and his/your goals.
Exactly! And that is the problem. It's a judgment and temperament problem, a self-control problem, and individuals lacking self-control don't belong in the WH or other high elected/appointed office.

Sometimes some Trump supporters and all the time anti-Trump/MSM side miss the point of Trump tweets. No one criticized FDR's going into Americans' homes via radio.
FDR was going outside normal communication channels at that time. So too with Trump with Trump tweets. In this case though Trump is going directly without any
MSM biased interpretation and THAT is the motivation to attack Trump's few times of personal attacks. The really ignorant people attacking Trump's ability to be America's CEO seem to ignore the simple fact that if Trump had such a bad habit as a businessman, he would NOT have become a billionaire or attracted millions of plain spoken Americans. I actually encourage Trump's vitriolic attacks as it keeps the MSM busy from thwarting President Trump accomplishments.
But note how the BIASED NewsWeek digs at Trump and excuses Obama who's editor Evan Thomas once said of Obama:
"I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Remember Thomas is suppose to be a hardened OBJECTIVE news person!

"In fact, only 28 bills have been signed into law since Trump took office in late January. In contrast,
Roosevelt signed 76 bills into law in his first 100 days. President Harry Truman, in second place on this list, signed 55 bills into law in his first months in the White House.
Trump's predecessor and frequent target of derision[oh poor Obama... racist Trump!!!] , President Barack Obama, signed 11 bills into law,
but the early days of his administration are considered productive because they include major legislation to ensure children in low-income households have health insurance as well as the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which fights wage discrimination.
In his first 100 days, Trump signed more bills into law than Obama did
Note the didn't say Obama "signed ONLY 11 bills" but did say "In fact, ONLY 28 bills" for Trump!
The biased Newsweek further glorified Obama by declaring "are considered productive"!!!
No one criticized FDR's going into Americans' homes via radio.
FDR was going outside normal communication channels at that time. So too with Trump with Trump tweets.

That Trump communicates via Twitter isn't the problem, nor is it a problem. The problem is what he says in his tweets.

Trump's few times of personal attacks.

What the hell is your idea of "a few?"
/---- 337 --- 457 -977 who cares. How many of you Libtards insult Pres Trump 24/7? You can dish ot out but sure can't take it.

You actually deigned to compare "regular" people's behavior with that of the POTUS. You really don't understand. Do you truly not expect irreproachable comportment of a head of state? Do you truly not believe your POTUS should not, on a personal level in public, conduct himself with more dignity than do "cab drivers and hairdressers?"

You know what the difference is? He willfully chose to seek the presidency of the United States. Ridicule and scrutiny from the polity comes with the job, and he like everyone else knew that. One part of his job is to take it with aplomb and dignity. By far, the easiest and most adult way to do that is to simply ignore the ridicule and not dignify it with a response.

Was this in the job description or did you make it up?

I believe, the US people decide who is or isn't fit for presidency. Maybe people are getting tired of taking it in the ass with dignity. Losing with dignity, what a plan!

I rather win and lose the dignity.
because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies
:poke:Looks like it's working...if it wasn't so fun to watch liberal heads explode and so easy to get your goats we wouldn't do it. :muahaha:
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

Thread End />
It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

Thread End />
It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.

His temperament of punching back when punched?

The alternative would be called a loser in my book. Trump was elected to win, not lose with "dignity" or whatever nonsense.
I'm staring at two monitors on my desk. One is a Dell and the other an Acer, neither is made here. Personally, that has minimal negative impact upon me. But, if my father made a living making telephones for Western Electric .....
You can thank Bill Clinton for that.
That and North Korean Nukes and ICBMs
No, free trade goes directly back to Reagan and Thatcher. I'm not dissing it, either. The cost of goods factoring in quality has gone up, but some categories of jobs have seen real decreases in pay. Imo Trump's support is tied directly to those negatively affected. It positively affected me, and the MSM is largely aimed at issues I want to hear about.
because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies
Looks like it's working...if it wasn't so fun to watch liberal heads explode and so easy to get your goats we wouldn't do it.
Illustrating one of my points, thanks.
He too thick to notice the HC bills are a giant dildo up his ass. And the gop is operating the dildo.

That is, Trump is neither a goper nor dem, but the gop is thinking he'll sign their legislation.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

Thread End />
It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.

His temperament of punching back when punched?

The alternative would be called a loser in my book. Trump was elected to win, not lose with "dignity" or whatever nonsense.
Yes, that temperament.
Illustrating one of my points, thanks.
The weak minded and uninformed are always easy to anger. It's human nature.
Yes, anyone who disagrees with you is dumb, the standard approach of partisan ideologues on both ends.

Do you guys take these classes on the same days as the lefties, or do they keep you separated?
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

Thread End />
It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.

You are still trying to tie those three together. They don't have to be.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

Thread End />
It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.
You and you party are so far off on this, that you cannot even govern.

All you have is Obstruction, and Misinformation, and Propaganda. Is that what settles now for "doing the will of "We The People?"

You have lost over 1,000 elections since you decided to try to "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA".

Exactly WTF are you trying to fundamentally change when this is already the BEST DAMN PLACE to live on The Planet regardless of your SEX, RACE, or RELIGION?

Phucking Deluded Liberal
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

Thread End />
It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.

You are still trying to tie those three together. They don't have to be.
Sure, they don't have to be. We can lower standards all we want. But by my personal standards, they are.
Now, what are we waiting for? Drain the swamp!
Thanks for that video, I watched it, probably one of the most articulate pro-Trump arguments I've seen, when that annoying interviewer would just shut the fuck up and let him talk.
The one problem with your conclusion is that you assume Trump is doing damage. He's really not.
I get that, I think. But here's the problem, guys - You're separating the behaviors from the issues. That's difficult enough to do with, say, the CEO of a corporation. When one of them acts crazy, it damages the company and its stock price regardless of any success. But we're talking about an entirely different world here. When it comes to the Presidency of the US, trying to separate the two is essentially impossible, there is simply too much at stake on not just a national, but global basis. This stuff is not happening in a vacuum.

To put it another way, he won't be able to get anything done if he makes himself so toxic that even his own people won't go near him. He doesn't have to do this. He can just NOT DO IT. He's hurting himself and his/your goals. But he still gets cheered on, on that's why I came this conclusion.
He doesn't have to do this. He can just NOT DO IT. He's hurting himself and his/your goals.
Exactly! And that is the problem. It's a judgment and temperament problem, a self-control problem, and individuals lacking self-control don't belong in the WH or other high elected/appointed office.

Sometimes some Trump supporters and all the time anti-Trump/MSM side miss the point of Trump tweets. No one criticized FDR's going into Americans' homes via radio.
FDR was going outside normal communication channels at that time. So too with Trump with Trump tweets. In this case though Trump is going directly without any
MSM biased interpretation and THAT is the motivation to attack Trump's few times of personal attacks. The really ignorant people attacking Trump's ability to be America's CEO seem to ignore the simple fact that if Trump had such a bad habit as a businessman, he would NOT have become a billionaire or attracted millions of plain spoken Americans. I actually encourage Trump's vitriolic attacks as it keeps the MSM busy from thwarting President Trump accomplishments.
But note how the BIASED NewsWeek digs at Trump and excuses Obama who's editor Evan Thomas once said of Obama:
"I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Remember Thomas is suppose to be a hardened OBJECTIVE news person!

"In fact, only 28 bills have been signed into law since Trump took office in late January. In contrast,
Roosevelt signed 76 bills into law in his first 100 days. President Harry Truman, in second place on this list, signed 55 bills into law in his first months in the White House.
Trump's predecessor and frequent target of derision[oh poor Obama... racist Trump!!!] , President Barack Obama, signed 11 bills into law,
but the early days of his administration are considered productive because they include major legislation to ensure children in low-income households have health insurance as well as the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which fights wage discrimination.
In his first 100 days, Trump signed more bills into law than Obama did
Note the didn't say Obama "signed ONLY 11 bills" but did say "In fact, ONLY 28 bills" for Trump!
The biased Newsweek further glorified Obama by declaring "are considered productive"!!!
No one criticized FDR's going into Americans' homes via radio.
FDR was going outside normal communication channels at that time. So too with Trump with Trump tweets.

That Trump communicates via Twitter isn't the problem, nor is it a problem. The problem is what he says in his tweets.

Trump's few times of personal attacks.

What the hell is your idea of "a few?"
/---- 337 --- 457 -977 who cares. How many of you Libtards insult Pres Trump 24/7? You can dish ot out but sure can't take it.

You actually deigned to compare "regular" people's behavior with that of the POTUS. You really don't understand. Do you truly not expect irreproachable comportment of a head of state? Do you truly not believe your POTUS should not, on a personal level in public, conduct himself with more dignity than do "cab drivers and hairdressers?"

You know what the difference is? He willfully chose to seek the presidency of the United States. Ridicule and scrutiny from the polity comes with the job, and he like everyone else knew that. One part of his job is to take it with aplomb and dignity. By far, the easiest and most adult way to do that is to simply ignore the ridicule and not dignify it with a response.



President Obama and his family also had to endure being called apes, as if they were less of humans based on their race. Michelle Obama was constantly ridiculed for her strong arms and stature; it was as if the first black president brought out the true opinion of many, that black people were inferior and less human than the white race. Similarly odious epithets were hurled at every past POTUS, and none of them lowered themselves to the level of the curs, boors and cads who assailed them, and yet they woke each day, did their jobs, and returned to life as a private citizen.

It's one thing for one politician to berate another. It's a wholly different matter when they guys "atop the political mountain" lash out at "regular" people, which, in this context, means anyone who's not an elected U.S. federal office holder. And even there, there are limits. Even the Elizabeth II gets insulted. Do you think she responds to it? I assure you neither she nor the rest of her family engage in staccatos of rude personal insults. Bush, Bill Clinton, Obama don't either.

"Michelle Obama was constantly" LIE!!! "Constantly"?? That means ALL THE TIME idiot!!!
Also idiot it was Obama who made his RACE the READ his quote

The ONLY positive value Obama had when he first ran was he WAS black!
And he made sure that everyone knew that when he told us...
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced
and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"

Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear
He was the FIRST and truly ONLY person who thought his race was an issue!
Hell I've met Herman Cain, and wanted Ben Carson to be President! But NOT because they were black!
They were experienced people? Obama? Never ran a payroll. Never made any decisions. Hated America!

After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

Thread End />
It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.
You and you party are so far off on this, that you cannot even govern.

All you have is Obstruction, and Misinformation, and Propaganda. Is that what settles now for "doing the will of "We The People?"

You have lost over 1,000 elections since you decided to try to "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA".

Exactly WTF are you trying to fundamentally change when this is already the BEST DAMN PLACE to live on The Planet regardless of your SEX, RACE, or RELIGION?

Phucking Deluded Liberal
And there it is again, thanks.
I'm staring at two monitors on my desk. One is a Dell and the other an Acer, neither is made here. Personally, that has minimal negative impact upon me. But, if my father made a living making telephones for Western Electric .....
You can thank Bill Clinton for that.
That and North Korean Nukes and ICBMs
No, free trade goes directly back to Reagan and Thatcher. I'm not dissing it, either. The cost of goods factoring in quality has gone up, but some categories of jobs have seen real decreases in pay. Imo Trump's support is tied directly to those negatively affected. It positively affected me, and the MSM is largely aimed at issues I want to hear about.
How about you educate yourself, instead of engage in partisan propaganda?

I am not talking about the "GENERAL CONCEPT OF FREE TRADE"

It was Bill Clinton who gave our Rocket Guidance Technology to China, Put a One Sided NAFTA deal in to action which did nothing but make US Corporations WEALTHY through Exporting US Jobs overseas and over the border to utilize Slave Wages, and then opened the Floodgates for China to Dump Slave Labor made goods in to the US Market by giving them Most Favored Nation Status, making more US Corporations running "BIG BOX STORES" Filthy Rich at the expense of small businesses and family owned businesses and shops.

Bill Clinton and Barak Obama Crimnally Assaulted THE AMERICAN DREAM of owning your own home, and your own business.
Last edited:
Yes, anyone who disagrees with you is dumb, the standard approach of partisan ideologues on both ends.

Do you guys take these classes on the same days as the lefties, or do they keep you separated?
No not true...anyone that disagrees with me is dumb if I'm right and they are wrong and they refuse to learn or expand their knowledge and awareness regardless of political leanings. Sadly too many liberals fit that definition.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

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It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.

LBJ...Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he’d simply call it “the ****** bill.”

Then in 1957, Johnson would help get the “****** bill” passed, known to most as the Civil Rights Act of 1957. With the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the segregationists would go to their graves knowing the cause they’d given their lives to had been betrayed, Frank Underwood style, by a man they believed to be one of their own. When Caro asked segregationist Georgia Democrat Herman Talmadge how he felt when Johnson, signing the Civil Rights Act, saidwe shall overcome,” Talmadge said “sick.”
Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist.

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After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

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It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.
You and you party are so far off on this, that you cannot even govern.

All you have is Obstruction, and Misinformation, and Propaganda. Is that what settles now for "doing the will of "We The People?"

You have lost over 1,000 elections since you decided to try to "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA".

Exactly WTF are you trying to fundamentally change when this is already the BEST DAMN PLACE to live on The Planet regardless of your SEX, RACE, or RELIGION?

Phucking Deluded Liberal

And these people would LOVE to become citizens !

Near 3 times as many as want to migrate to England !

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