Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

If the argument is "yes, his behaviors can be pretty bad, and yes, I do get embarrassed by them, but I'll live with them for now, and I think that when the dust settles the country will be significantly better off" - okay, that's a reasonable and decent argument and we can continue from there.

But if the argument is "What bad behaviors? I don't see any bad behaviors! And Obama's behaviors were worse!" - then trying to have an honest conversation about Trump's presidency is pretty much a waste of time.
To fully sustain your assertion, here's a post from the right wing idiot, Iceweasel
"I don't give a fuck if he does or not. I voted to piss you off. Mission accomplished." LOL
I do think that's a lot of it.

But how far can pure hate sustain them when they lose their health insurance?

lol how much 'insurance' did 'obamacare' provide anybody??? All he did was try to line insurance companies' pockets with mandatory payments into their pockets, while they jacked up ''deductibles' that made it a joke and not real 'insurance' any more, no different than the farce of forcing people to buy auto insurance lowered the prices; all it did was create more hardship on lower income people, period.

'Pure hate' from your ilk is what got your hack hillary defeated, constant barrages of it for three decades from the faux 'left', so you're just being dishonest here, and have no room to whine about it.
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Because democrats actually begin to look reasonable in comparison to a lunatic?


No... They're still more batshit than anything Trump has done.

These fuckers are R. M. Renfield crazy. Sitting in their little cages eating bugs and muttering about serving "master".

If the argument is "yes, his behaviors can be pretty bad, and yes, I do get embarrassed by them, but I'll live with them for now, and I think that when the dust settles the country will be significantly better off" - okay, that's a reasonable and decent argument and we can continue from there.

But if the argument is "What bad behaviors? I don't see any bad behaviors! And Obama was worse!" - then trying to have an honest conversation about Trump's presidency is pretty much a waste of time.

Well, complaining about his 'behavior' is not exactly productive; we've had Presidents before who weren't going to win any etiquette prizes, and certainly few foreign governments are run by geniuses. Maybe it's just that democrats and left-wingers can't stand getting their own behavior thrown back at them. He's more than civil with anybody who is bothering to be civil with him, and does just fine. you're just seeing what you want to see, and maybe too used to slick media savvy liars like hillary and Obama and the Bushes, et al, who spent a lot of time being coached on 'body language', 'word choice', and the like.
To fully sustain your assertion, here's a post from the right wing idiot, Iceweasel
"I don't give a fuck if he does or not. I voted to piss you off. Mission accomplished." LOL
I do think that's a lot of it.

But how far can pure hate sustain them when they lose their health insurance?

lol how much 'insurance' did 'obamacare' provide anybody??? All he did was try to line insurance companies' pockets with mandatory payments into their pockets, while they jacked up ''deductibles' that made it a joke and not real 'insurance' any more, no different than the farce of forcing people to buy auto insurance lowered the prices; all it did was create more hardship on lower income people, period.

The rate of uninsured Americans hits a record low as Obamacare's future remains a question mark

Heath insurance is not anything like auto insurance.

Please Stop Comparing Health Insurance to Car Insurance
If the argument is "yes, his behaviors can be pretty bad, and yes, I do get embarrassed by them, but I'll live with them for now, and I think that when the dust settles the country will be significantly better off" - okay, that's a reasonable and decent argument and we can continue from there.

But if the argument is "What bad behaviors? I don't see any bad behaviors! And Obama's behaviors were worse!" - then trying to have an honest conversation about Trump's presidency is pretty much a waste of time.

I don't see Trump doing anything worse than I would do.

I'd tell all sorts of people to go fuck themselves.

I'm convinced the results of his presidency will be worth tolerating his dick swinging contests with Mika Brzezinski.

If the argument is "yes, his behaviors can be pretty bad, and yes, I do get embarrassed by them, but I'll live with them for now, and I think that when the dust settles the country will be significantly better off" - okay, that's a reasonable and decent argument and we can continue from there.

But if the argument is "What bad behaviors? I don't see any bad behaviors! And Obama was worse!" - then trying to have an honest conversation about Trump's presidency is pretty much a waste of time.

Well, complaining about his 'behavior' is not exactly productive; we've had Presidents before who weren't going to win any etiquette prizes, and certainly few foreign governments are run by geniuses. Maybe it's just that democrats and left-wingers can't stand getting their own behavior thrown back at them. He's more than civil with anybody who is bothering to be civil with him, and does just fine. you're just seeing what you want to see, and maybe too used to slick media savvy liars like hillary and Obama and the Bushes, et al, who spent a lot of time being coached on 'body language', 'word choice', and the like.
Behavior - especially when one knows how closely they are being watched - is the best barometer we have of a person's temperament. And, at least for some of us, a President's overall temperament may be their most important quality.
Behavior - especially when one knows how closely they are being watched - is the best barometer we have of a person's temperament. And, at least for some of us, a President's overall temperament may be their most important quality.

Trump has been watched, he makes an effort to be watched. I think he knows how to manipulate what is viewed.

Time will tell.

He still beat hitlery...

If the argument is "yes, his behaviors can be pretty bad, and yes, I do get embarrassed by them, but I'll live with them for now, and I think that when the dust settles the country will be significantly better off" - okay, that's a reasonable and decent argument and we can continue from there.

But if the argument is "What bad behaviors? I don't see any bad behaviors! And Obama was worse!" - then trying to have an honest conversation about Trump's presidency is pretty much a waste of time.

Well, complaining about his 'behavior' is not exactly productive; we've had Presidents before who weren't going to win any etiquette prizes, and certainly few foreign governments are run by geniuses. Maybe it's just that democrats and left-wingers can't stand getting their own behavior thrown back at them. He's more than civil with anybody who is bothering to be civil with him, and does just fine. you're just seeing what you want to see, and maybe too used to slick media savvy liars like hillary and Obama and the Bushes, et al, who spent a lot of time being coached on 'body language', 'word choice', and the like.
Behavior - especially when one knows how closely they are being watched - is the best barometer we have of a person's temperament. And, at least for some of us, a President's overall temperament may be their most important quality.

And yet there are no examples of his behavior hurting anybody but butthurt 'progressives', who lost the election and can't stand it when their tantrums are ignored and nobody cares if they fall on the ground and threaten to hold their breaths and turn blue if we don't put hillary in.
To fully sustain your assertion, here's a post from the right wing idiot, Iceweasel
"I don't give a fuck if he does or not. I voted to piss you off. Mission accomplished." LOL
I do think that's a lot of it.

But how far can pure hate sustain them when they lose their health insurance?

lol how much 'insurance' did 'obamacare' provide anybody??? All he did was try to line insurance companies' pockets with mandatory payments into their pockets, while they jacked up ''deductibles' that made it a joke and not real 'insurance' any more, no different than the farce of forcing people to buy auto insurance lowered the prices; all it did was create more hardship on lower income people, period.

The rate of uninsured Americans hits a record low as Obamacare's future remains a question mark

Heath insurance is not anything like auto insurance.

Please Stop Comparing Health Insurance to Car Insurance

so you think paying $400 a month for a policy with $10,000 deductible counts as 'insured'? And then there is the fact that he merely shifted a few million to 'Medicaid', not insurance, and of course the states dole that out, putting yet more people under the thumb of partisan hacks in state offices. you really trying to peddle that as 'more people being insured', too? lol no wonder you're losing elections.

And yes, it's exactly like having the govt. force people to pay for mandatory car insurance.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
by the same token the left would rather crash n burn than work together or help trump with anything.

theyd rather free law breaking illegals than turn them over to ice.

both sidescare doing a lot of screaming if you take,your own dog out of the race.
I'm seeing two dynamics here from the Democrats: First, the standard partisan bullshit that is played when the other "side" is in office (and they STILL haven't figured out the role they themselves played in making that happen), and second, the same "holy shit, what the fuck has happened here" reaction that I have.

If he had just come into office, shit-canned the childish behaviors, put his head down and gotten to work, we could be debating the merits of his individual initiatives. Instead, he has remained the same embarrassing man-child he was during the campaign. I'd much rather be discussing the issues, but the behaviors cannot be ignored, because behaviors illustrate a person's temperament, and the Leader of the Free World has to have a stable temperament. He is bringing this on himself.

Well, his 'childish behavior' is no worse than Hillary's or Obama's, it's just out in public, and the media hates hates how he can work around them and make them look like the ignorant pompous uneducated hack morons most of them are in real life, that's all.

Maybe Trump is like a petulant child that's also a business savant.

Very good observation! And as most savants little knowledge of inside belt way politics as having been a former Democrat, Trump knew one way... donate money which he did to Democrats
Screen Shot 2017-07-04 at 9.06.26 AM.png

But as all savants especially "business" Trump knows one goal. Accomplishments. And one of those goals is a purely selfish goal: make sure his children/grandchildren
(which is also the goal of millions of Americans like me!) to have a better life then he/we had. But Trump like millions of us saw a prior administration that didn't have those same goals,i.e. Obama's latest out of office speech:
Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism — on July 4th weekend!
JULY 2, 2017 Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism - on July 4th weekend! - The American Mirror
What Trump wants the world to know is American is a great place and he encourages LEGAL immigration...after all he married a "LEGAL" immigrant who as all
"legal" immigrants who become naturalized did was renounce her home country for the USA! Now that is what most naturalized Legal immigrants do and that's why
these millions support Trump... in spite of the MSM labeling us as "anti-immigrant"!!
So how much 'respect' did 'Mr.Smooth's' temperament garner from foriegn govts? Even his best buddies the Shia-Vemin of Iran, whose interests he avidly promoted as President, liked giving him the finger, and of course hillary never saw a bribe she wouldn't take, so we know Red China and Putin would have loved having her in office; is that what democrats mean when they claim 'Trump is 'embarassing'? lol
If the argument is "yes, his behaviors can be pretty bad, and yes, I do get embarrassed by them, but I'll live with them for now, and I think that when the dust settles the country will be significantly better off" - okay, that's a reasonable and decent argument and we can continue from there.

But if the argument is "What bad behaviors? I don't see any bad behaviors! And Obama was worse!" - then trying to have an honest conversation about Trump's presidency is pretty much a waste of time.

Well, complaining about his 'behavior' is not exactly productive; we've had Presidents before who weren't going to win any etiquette prizes, and certainly few foreign governments are run by geniuses. Maybe it's just that democrats and left-wingers can't stand getting their own behavior thrown back at them. He's more than civil with anybody who is bothering to be civil with him, and does just fine. you're just seeing what you want to see, and maybe too used to slick media savvy liars like hillary and Obama and the Bushes, et al, who spent a lot of time being coached on 'body language', 'word choice', and the like.
Behavior - especially when one knows how closely they are being watched - is the best barometer we have of a person's temperament. And, at least for some of us, a President's overall temperament may be their most important quality.

And yet there are no examples of his behavior hurting anybody but butthurt 'progressives', who lost the election and can't stand it when their tantrums are ignored and nobody cares if they fall on the ground and threaten to hold their breaths and turn blue if we don't put hillary in.
Behavior doesn't have to hurt someone to be a good barometer of temperament.
To fully sustain your assertion, here's a post from the right wing idiot, Iceweasel
"I don't give a fuck if he does or not. I voted to piss you off. Mission accomplished." LOL
I do think that's a lot of it.

But how far can pure hate sustain them when they lose their health insurance?

lol how much 'insurance' did 'obamacare' provide anybody??? All he did was try to line insurance companies' pockets with mandatory payments into their pockets, while they jacked up ''deductibles' that made it a joke and not real 'insurance' any more, no different than the farce of forcing people to buy auto insurance lowered the prices; all it did was create more hardship on lower income people, period.

The rate of uninsured Americans hits a record low as Obamacare's future remains a question mark

Heath insurance is not anything like auto insurance.

Please Stop Comparing Health Insurance to Car Insurance

so you think paying $400 a month for a policy with $10,000 deductible counts as 'insured'? And then there is the fact that he merely shifted a few million to 'Medicaid', not insurance, and of course the states dole that out, putting yet more people under the thumb of partisan hacks in state offices. you really trying to peddle that as 'more people being insured', too? lol no wonder you're losing elections.

And yes, it's exactly like having the govt. force people to pay for mandatory car insurance.
I'd like you to either A) agree with the attach, B) disagree and prove the figures wrong or C) dispute any of the 4 conclusions I submitted. No one seems willing to do any!
As far as Medicaid.. read what the architect of Obamacare who said passage of Obamacare depended on the "stupidity of the American Voter"... said about Medicaid!
Gruber and his coauthors, using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
They also found that much of this gain was attributable to the enrollment in Medicaid of people who were eligible for the program under criteria that preceded the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: Perhaps less obviously, we also found a substantial increase in Medicaid coverage among children and adults who were already eligible for the program before 2014. This population accounted for 44% of the coverage increase.
New Gruber Study Raises Major Questions About Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion
If the argument is "yes, his behaviors can be pretty bad, and yes, I do get embarrassed by them, but I'll live with them for now, and I think that when the dust settles the country will be significantly better off" - okay, that's a reasonable and decent argument and we can continue from there.

But if the argument is "What bad behaviors? I don't see any bad behaviors! And Obama was worse!" - then trying to have an honest conversation about Trump's presidency is pretty much a waste of time.

Well, complaining about his 'behavior' is not exactly productive; we've had Presidents before who weren't going to win any etiquette prizes, and certainly few foreign governments are run by geniuses. Maybe it's just that democrats and left-wingers can't stand getting their own behavior thrown back at them. He's more than civil with anybody who is bothering to be civil with him, and does just fine. you're just seeing what you want to see, and maybe too used to slick media savvy liars like hillary and Obama and the Bushes, et al, who spent a lot of time being coached on 'body language', 'word choice', and the like.
Behavior - especially when one knows how closely they are being watched - is the best barometer we have of a person's temperament. And, at least for some of us, a President's overall temperament may be their most important quality.

And yet there are no examples of his behavior hurting anybody but butthurt 'progressives', who lost the election and can't stand it when their tantrums are ignored and nobody cares if they fall on the ground and threaten to hold their breaths and turn blue if we don't put hillary in.
Behavior doesn't have to hurt someone to be a good barometer of temperament.

It's just one you're not used to seeing on TV, and it makes you nervous. his temperament is just fine; it's actually not much different than Biden's or a number of others.

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