Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

Moderates are necessary for political process. Otherwise, all you have are two extremes fighting for absolute victory. Governance by whiplash as we swing back from one extreme to another.

Not at all. Moderates create a system where nobody ever truly wins. Without them, one side or the other gets wiped out.
Horseshit. Of course you probably believe that, having no ability to remember past this morning when you woke up.

I made a little over $45,000 in 2008, I made 82K last year.

Um, yeah, I'm better off. So are most people.

How quick the Orange Shitgibbon will fuck that up is the question. Then you'll be back here saying smack like "Trump wasn't a real conservative, that's why he failed!!"
What, other then to piss off the left by just being elected, has Trump done to warrant such I diatribe?

I can only speak for me but I think you got it backwards. Trump was elected as the biggest FY to the establishment ever sent. As we celebrate the fourth of July we can celebrate maybe the last gasp of a free people. The establishment, which we all rail against, lost in 2016 to of all people Trump. That says a lot.

So you voted for an unstable person who will probably mess up the economy as an FY to the "establishment".

So how did that hurt the establishment, exactly? I mean, when Trump is impeached, voted out or assassinated, whichever comes first, the Establishment will still be in charge.

You didn't think this through at all, did you?
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

What has Trump "blown up?" Obama's legacy? The real anger in this nation is on the left, the difference is that the battered wife of the right is standing up finally. You telling us that the real problem here is us getting mouthy doesn't tell an accurate tale.
Which is better? A government uncontrolled by any law, or to burn it down?
Okay, there ya go, I think that's a pretty common opinion.
Really? I don't think so. I think many Americans think we need more government.
No, I mean a common opinion among Trump supporters.
I think we need government but the RIGHT kind,with the RIGHT priorities.

Don't we all. The problem is, if we don't agree on the priorities of our government, do we work together to compromise or dig our heels in?

Is this tug of war, or should we all be pulling for the goals we have in common?

Maybe we've had too much peace and security with regards to the rest of the world, and that's why we desperately look for enemies within?
I didn't really care for a president that bowed to other countries.

But you are okay with one who is controlled by the Russians?

I didn't really care for a president that paid ransom in the middle of the night then lied about it.

It isn't a ransom if you already owe them that money, and you'd be bitching even louder if he didn't get those people out.

I really didn't like a president that said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon.

Yes, how dare he make a comment that a child being gunned down while going to the store is a bad thing.

I really didn't like a president that said that the police acted stupidly before he knew the facts.

Okay. We know the facts. A bully cop arrested a distinguished professor for no good reason.

I really didn't like a president that tells me that I cling to my Bible and guns, what kind of freakin' presidential moron says such a thing?

One who realizes that you dumb-asses in the working class who keep voting republican and still end up getting screwed in every Republican recession cling to things that make you feel secure instead of working to solve the problem.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

What has Trump "blown up?" Obama's legacy? The real anger in this nation is on the left, the difference is that the battered wife of the right is standing up finally. You telling us that the real problem here is us getting mouthy doesn't tell an accurate tale.

Uncensored "You'reaNazi" 2008 isn't angry at all!
What has Trump "blown up?" Obama's legacy? The real anger in this nation is on the left, the difference is that the battered wife of the right is standing up finally. You telling us that the real problem here is us getting mouthy doesn't tell an accurate tale.
There have been a few Trump supporters here who say I've pretty much got it right. Yes, he's certainly "blowing up" Obama's legacy, as well as the traditional decorum and dignity of the office, as well as some other things. And clearly his supporters are fine with that.
lol how much 'insurance' did 'obamacare' provide anybody??? All he did was try to line insurance companies' pockets with mandatory payments into their pockets, while they jacked up ''deductibles' that made it a joke and not real 'insurance' any more, no different than the farce of forcing people to buy auto insurance lowered the prices; all it did was create more hardship on lower income people, period.

I think you fail to understand why auto insurance was made mandatory. It wasn't to "lower prices", it was to protect people injured in accidents by drivers with no insurance.

Same thing with health insurance. It wasn't to bring the prices down. It was to make sure that health care providers were stuck with the bill when people showed up at emergency rooms and stiff them on their bills.

That said, we should to single payer, not trying to build on the truly awful and outdated system of private insurance.
Which is better? A government uncontrolled by any law, or to burn it down?
Okay, there ya go, I think that's a pretty common opinion.
Really? I don't think so. I think many Americans think we need more government.
No, I mean a common opinion among Trump supporters.
I think we need government but the RIGHT kind,with the RIGHT priorities.

Don't we all. The problem is, if we don't agree on the priorities of our government, do we work together to compromise or dig our heels in?

Is this tug of war, or should we all be pulling for the goals we have in common?

Maybe we've had too much peace and security with regards to the rest of the world, and that's why we desperately look for enemies within?
I don't believe in compromise. What the left wants and hell what most of the right wants is completely wrong for the vast majority of Americans.
Trump has been watched, he makes an effort to be watched. I think he knows how to manipulate what is viewed.

Time will tell.

He still beat hitlery...

yes, when he's impeached after getting us into Great Depression 2, you can totally enjoy the fact he beat Hillary (not really) with Russian Hacking.
Moderates are necessary for political process. Otherwise, all you have are two extremes fighting for absolute victory. Governance by whiplash as we swing back from one extreme to another.
Moderates ARE NOT Necessary! Principled political participants instead.
I'm afraid I don't see a lot of principle in joining a tribe and just defending that turf.

It takes more principle to do the opposite, to think for yourself and take incoming from both ends.

Of course not! That's why you aren't principled then!
See Texas is different Iowa... believe me I know being born in Iowa and living in Texas now.
In Iowa when I was growing up Iowans were fairly independent and didn't look to D.C. for guidance on many issues that were truly uniquely Iowa.
After graduating from a large NOW liberally biased Univ. of Iowa many years ago where I saw the future MSM editors/news producers influenced by the SDS I moved
to Texas. There the concept of taking care of yourself and your family then Texas THEN D.C. was the principle.
For the most part that still is!
But even in good old Texas the supposedly intellectually MSM/liberal college crowd has influenced for example "sanctuary cities".
Which goes against the principle: Texas/America thrives on the intellect,the enthusiasm, the ingenuity and the LOVE of America that "LEGAL" Immigrants provide!
But when the principle of lax attitude about what is "legal" and what is "illegal" i.e. immigration has spread like with "sanctuary cities" that is one of several that True legal immigrant loving Americans have a problem.
So as part of the "common defense" Constitution preamble it maybe at ODDS with "state's rights" but here in Texas this is one of many principles Texas believe in.
As far as "think for yourself"? If you truly believe that D.C. should tell you how to spend your money, i.e. Obamacare, or how your state should educate your child,(Common Core), then please live in a state like Calif/NY or any of those states that believe a little federal bureaucrat in a cubicle in D.C. knows your home/town/state better then you, fine please go there! And that's one of many principles I at least follow.
Moderates are necessary for political process. Otherwise, all you have are two extremes fighting for absolute victory. Governance by whiplash as we swing back from one extreme to another.
Moderates ARE NOT Necessary! Principled political participants instead.
I'm afraid I don't see a lot of principle in joining a tribe and just defending that turf.

It takes more principle to do the opposite, to think for yourself and take incoming from both ends.

Of course not! That's why you aren't principled then!
See Texas is different Iowa... believe me I know being born in Iowa and living in Texas now.
In Iowa when I was growing up Iowans were fairly independent and didn't look to D.C. for guidance on many issues that were truly uniquely Iowa.
After graduating from a large NOW liberally biased Univ. of Iowa many years ago where I saw the future MSM editors/news producers influenced by the SDS I moved
to Texas. There the concept of taking care of yourself and your family then Texas THEN D.C. was the principle.
For the most part that still is!
But even in good old Texas the supposedly intellectually MSM/liberal college crowd has influenced for example "sanctuary cities".
Which goes against the principle: Texas/America thrives on the intellect,the enthusiasm, the ingenuity and the LOVE of America that "LEGAL" Immigrants provide!
But when the principle of lax attitude about what is "legal" and what is "illegal" i.e. immigration has spread like with "sanctuary cities" that is one of several that True legal immigrant loving Americans have a problem.
So as part of the "common defense" Constitution preamble it maybe at ODDS with "state's rights" but here in Texas this is one of many principles Texas believe in.
As far as "think for yourself"? If you truly believe that D.C. should tell you how to spend your money, i.e. Obamacare, or how your state should educate your child,(Common Core), then please live in a state like Calif/NY or any of those states that believe a little federal bureaucrat in a cubicle in D.C. knows your home/town/state better then you, fine please go there! And that's one of many principles I at least follow.
Not sure how you disproved my point with all that.
So Trump supporters cheer the idea that Trump's biggest accomplishment has been to piss off Democrats.

Are these the same people who believed that Obama was despicable for being what they thought was a 'divider'?

Everyone know that Repubs hated Obama because he was a "Darkie."

Make America Great Again actually means, Make America White Again.
You just equated Trump to a terrorist. American hating, out to destroy America, terrorist. On independence day no less. :popcorn:

Good catch, Sparky.

That is the same mindset.
Yeah, it's the same mindset that Mac1958 criticizes daily on this forum as he claims dominion over his spot at the top of the hill in the middle of the road. :rolleyes-41:

Moderates are necessary for political process. Otherwise, all you have are two extremes fighting for absolute victory. Governance by whiplash as we swing back from one extreme to another.

Moderates decide every presidential election, or, to be precise, moderates decide who wins the popular vote.

Where the moderates vote directly correlates to how the candidates finish.
You just equated Trump to a terrorist. American hating, out to destroy America, terrorist. On independence day no less. :popcorn:

Good catch, Sparky.

That is the same mindset.
Yeah, it's the same mindset that Mac1958 criticizes daily on this forum as he claims dominion over his spot at the top of the hill in the middle of the road. :rolleyes-41:

Moderates are necessary for political process. Otherwise, all you have are two extremes fighting for absolute victory. Governance by whiplash as we swing back from one extreme to another.

Moderates decide every presidential election, or, to be precise, moderates decide who wins the popular vote.

Where the moderates vote directly correlates to how the candidates finish.

So if both parties have gone more extreme.....?
But you are okay with one who is controlled by the Russians?

As yet unproven. I see you're still clutching at straws.

It isn't a ransom if you already owe them that money, and you'd be bitching even louder if he didn't get those people out.

Pay money, any money, to a terrorist regime to recover illegally held individuals is a ransom , no matterhow you try to slice it.

Yes, how dare he make a comment that a child being gunned down while going to the store is a bad thing.

Obama's comment was viewed as a declaration that the Trayvon shooting was strictly a racial crime. He said this before he knew that Martin was the attacker.

Okay. We know the facts. A bully cop arrested a distinguished professor for no good reason.

An unknown man appearing to be trying to force his way into a house is all the justification they needed. Again, Obama gave it a racial component.

One who realizes that you dumb-asses in the working class who keep voting republican and still end up getting screwed in every Republican recession cling to things that make you feel secure instead of working to solve the problem.

Typical Left-wing elitist charge. Dissing the working class as you have been is one of the reasons you have lost over a 1000 seats, including the 2016 Presidential Election, in the last 8 years.

I implore you, please continue your current methods. I will feel comfortable knowing the country will be safe from you for the foreseeable future.
You just equated Trump to a terrorist. American hating, out to destroy America, terrorist. On independence day no less. :popcorn:

Good catch, Sparky.

That is the same mindset.
Yeah, it's the same mindset that Mac1958 criticizes daily on this forum as he claims dominion over his spot at the top of the hill in the middle of the road. :rolleyes-41:

Moderates are necessary for political process. Otherwise, all you have are two extremes fighting for absolute victory. Governance by whiplash as we swing back from one extreme to another.

Moderates decide every presidential election, or, to be precise, moderates decide who wins the popular vote.

Where the moderates vote directly correlates to how the candidates finish.

So if both parties have gone more extreme.....?

You may consider the Dems extreme, but they are not crazy.....(referencing Benedict Donald).

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