McCain casts deciding vote to keep Obamacare

g5000, you ignorant dupe...we don't want a replacement for Obamacare. We want it gone. And will see it gone.
This is why I call you tards goldfish. You have memories like them.

This is also why I say you tards must have been in a coma prior to January 2009.

Here's a little reminder of what health care costs were doing before ObamaCare while Republicans did NOTHING about it:


Repealing ObamaCare without a replacement will result in health care costs skyrocketing even faster than they are now. We will return to the days before ObamaCare.

ObamaCare was passed for a reason, retards. The American people were demanding something be done about skyrocketing health care costs.

Jesus, how can you have forgotten the recent past already, goldfish?
g5000, you ignorant dupe...we don't want a replacement for Obamacare. We want it gone. And will see it gone.
This is why I call you tards goldfish. You have memories like them.

This is also why I say you tards must have been in a coma prior to January 2009.

Here's a little reminder of what health care costs were doing before ObamaCare while Republicans did NOTHING about it:



get a job.
He proved incompetent long ago. The man is nuts.

He is also one very vindictive SOB...but don't expect the elite 1% DNC media to say anything negative about him. He is their boy and has been for a long time.
I could deal with him being nuts. I to the contrary believe he and a few others purposely ran on the republican ticket to essentially sway votes for the Democrats. He's a pile a shet and needs to go.
That is why McCain and the other intelligent Republicans voted against repeal. They know what will happen if you fucking retards get your wish. They are protecting you from yourselves.

They have some serious spine. It is not surprising you idiots don't know what that looks like.
Now...light a fucking torch and go to Trump's house and demand he cough up the replacement he promised you.

Show him you will no longer be hoaxed.

But you won't. You are textbook cucks. You will sit there and take it. You will let the New York Democrat in pseudocon clothing jizz all over your faces.
I read his speech. It was incomprehensible.
Yes, sanity and reason are incomprehensible to retards who have been taken so far off the reservation by their propagandists.
He proved incompetent long ago. The man is nuts.

He is also one very vindictive SOB...but don't expect the elite 1% DNC media to say anything negative about him. He is their boy and has been for a long time.
Yet the majority of Americans consider McCain one of the very few republicans with a spine and one who will tell the truth.
You hate ANYONE who tells the truth about your pussy grabber..
Oh are a piece of work.

McCain is a fucking warmongering statist liar. He is the worst of the worst, but I guess that means he is great in your small mind.
Repealing ObamaCare without a replacement will result in health care costs skyrocketing even faster than they are now. We will return to the days before ObamaCare.

ObamaCare was passed for a reason, retards. The American people were demanding something be done about skyrocketing health care costs.

Jesus, how can you have forgotten the recent past already, goldfish?

If the American people were demanding something be done they would have asked the government to get out of healthcare. This was the actual breakdown of costs.
I read his speech. It was incomprehensible. But then he himself was always a loony tunes.
How about he was never a republican and just ran on that ticket to sway more votes for his actual party which is the democrats?

No, he is competent. But cunningly appears incompetent :)

Anyhow draining the swamp includes Republicans too. Never forget that. Murkowski for a pretend republican. She lost her primary and ran third party.
Trump told you he had a beautiful plan which was going to lower health care costs to "a tiny fraction" of what they are now.

And you didn't even ask to see that plan. You idiots took a known huckster's word.

You STILL haven't caught on you have been hoaxed.
Anybody consider the fact that the senate elites exempted themselves from the health care that the rest of America had to live under? It's possible that McCain wouldn't be able to get the treatment he needs if he was covered by Obamacare. He should recuse himself from any issue relating to health car.
McCain saved the Republicans from themselves

If this bill went through, Republicans would have to explain to tens of millions why they took away their insurance and why premiums went up 20%

Now, Republicans get to tell the far right....we tried ...but it was McCains fault

more importantly, they get to remind themselves how bad the trampled Clintons ass for the next 3 years.
They get to remind themselves that Republicans lied about repealing Obamacare
Did you forget that Obama lied a thousand times about Obamacare?
Now as shocking as I'm sure all of you think this is, should the GOP move to have McCain declared incompetent due to his brain tumor?

You have been massively hoaxed.

The GOP told you they had a replacement for Obamacare. They didn't. They lied.

Trump told you he had a replacement for Obamacare. He didn't. He lied.

And you Chumps were stupid enough not to even ask to see those replacement plans. You still haven't caught on you were hoaxed.

You totally deserve to be lied to.
No it wasn't meant to be the finished product. It was meant to get rid of the failed Obamacare and then work to make it better as time goes on.

If it wouldn't hurt conservative Americans, I would advocate letting it ride out and completely fail to the point liberals are so butt hurt they would have to admit it was bad and beg to have it repealed.
Now as shocking as I'm sure all of you think this is, should the GOP move to have McCain declared incompetent due to his brain tumor?

Sorry but I'm just going to go ahead and trash this guy, I don't give a rat's ass about his health problems any more. I never liked him before he was diagnosed so it would be hypocritical to claim otherwise now. Some people are backing down for fear of being ostracized as being heartless but heartless to me is McCain who was actually a liberal who ran on the Republican ticket just to get extra votes for his party which is the Democrats. Every issue the GOP has brought up, McCain has voted against. He's a Marxist socialist azzhole that's working to ruin America and I for one can't wait to see him go.

Yet he has been the top choice of the people of his state for 30 years. He must have been doing something right.
Hillary Clinton could have kept ObamaCare around!

You Chumps hired Trump to replace it.

But you were too fucking stupid to ask him for the replacement he claimed to have.

You deserve to be lied to, and you deserve ObamaCare.

It's your own damn fault for being so fucking stupid and willfully blind.

Before you point any more fingers, take a good hard look in the mirror.

That's funny coming from a Obama and Hillary voter.
Repealing ObamaCare without a replacement will result in health care costs skyrocketing even faster than they are now. We will return to the days before ObamaCare.

ObamaCare was passed for a reason, retards. The American people were demanding something be done about skyrocketing health care costs.

Jesus, how can you have forgotten the recent past already, goldfish?

If the American people were demanding something be done they would have asked the government to get out of healthcare.

You mean like this?

We need LESS government in health care. Not more. Definitely not more.

The more government has become involved in the health care market, the more expensive health care has become.

Meanwhile, despite cars getting more and more expensive, and thus auto repair getting more expensive, the cost of auto insurance has decreased.

You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto insurance.

We need LESS government in health insurance, not more!

It always amuses me when people whine about insurance companies being to blame for rising health care costs, completely ignorant of the fact the federal government is the biggest health insurer by far and the chief driver of cost.

Not only is the government the biggest health insurer, it further interferes in the markets by providing the largest individual tax exemption for private health insurance.

All of this bends the cost curve up.

The auto, home, and life insurance markets don't suffer from skyrocketing costs. This is because the government is not in any of those markets.

We need less government in our health insurance, not more. Fucking liberals. When the government fucks something up, they think the answer is MOAR government!


I have many dozens more like that.
He proved incompetent long ago. The man is nuts.

He is also one very vindictive SOB...but don't expect the elite 1% DNC media to say anything negative about him. He is their boy and has been for a long time.
Yet the majority of Americans consider McCain one of the very few republicans with a spine and one who will tell the truth.
You hate ANYONE who tells the truth about your pussy grabber..
Oh are a piece of work.

McCain is a fucking warmongering statist liar. He is the worst of the worst, but I guess that means he is great in your small mind.

Mccain is just one. There was no one vote to not repeal Obamacare. It took every Democrat vote and three others. Its just more dramatic to say Mccain decided it.
Im sure it wasn't a surprise. I'll bet at least ten Republicans would have voted to keep it if they hadn't been reassured privately that Mccain, Collins and Murkowski would take the hit.
Just very convenient.
We have done a fine job replacing Democrats. Now its time to start on Republicans.
Hillary Clinton could have kept ObamaCare around!

You Chumps hired Trump to replace it.

But you were too fucking stupid to ask him for the replacement he claimed to have.

You deserve to be lied to, and you deserve ObamaCare.

It's your own damn fault for being so fucking stupid and willfully blind.

Before you point any more fingers, take a good hard look in the mirror.

That's funny coming from a Obama and Hillary voter.
Liar. You dumb fucks are so stupid you don't even recognize an actual conservative when you see one.

Trump is fucking poser, retard. And you STILL have not caught on.

If you were a real conservative, you'd be a helluva lot smarter.

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