McCain casts deciding vote to keep Obamacare

i'm glad cause now the dems still own the obummerfailure.
No, you own it. You and all the tards who supported Trump.

You not only own it, you deserve ObamaCare.

You've had this coming to you.
He proved incompetent long ago. The man is nuts.

He is also one very vindictive SOB...but don't expect the elite 1% DNC media to say anything negative about him. He is their boy and has been for a long time.
Yet the majority of Americans consider McCain one of the very few republicans with a spine and one who will tell the truth.
You hate ANYONE who tells the truth about your pussy grabber..
Oh are a piece of work.

McCain is a fucking warmongering statist liar. He is the worst of the worst, but I guess that means he is great in your small mind.

Mccain is just one. There was no one vote to not repeal Obamacare. It took every Democrat vote and three others. Its just more dramatic to say Mccain decided it.
Im sure it wasn't a surprise. I'll bet at least ten Republicans would have voted to keep it if they hadn't been reassured privately that Mccain, Collins and Murkowski would take the hit.
Just very convenient.
We have done a fine job replacing Democrats. Now its time to start on Republicans.
yep and now that the dems voted, they still own the obummerfailure.
Hillary Clinton could have kept ObamaCare around!

You Chumps hired Trump to replace it.

But you were too fucking stupid to ask him for the replacement he claimed to have.

You deserve to be lied to, and you deserve ObamaCare.

It's your own damn fault for being so fucking stupid and willfully blind.

Before you point any more fingers, take a good hard look in the mirror.

That's funny coming from a Obama and Hillary voter.
Liar. You dumb fucks are so stupid you don't even recognize an actual conservative when you see one.

Trump is fucking poser, retard. And you STILL have not caught on.

If you were a real conservative, you'd be a helluva lot smarter.
son you will never understand, stop trying.

BTW, nice picture of obummer and the tanked dems following. precious. too bad no cliff
Hillary Clinton could have kept ObamaCare around!

You Chumps hired Trump to replace it.

But you were too fucking stupid to ask him for the replacement he claimed to have.

You deserve to be lied to, and you deserve ObamaCare.

It's your own damn fault for being so fucking stupid and willfully blind.

Before you point any more fingers, take a good hard look in the mirror.

That's funny coming from a Obama and Hillary voter.
Liar. You dumb fucks are so stupid you don't even recognize an actual conservative when you see one.

Trump is fucking poser, retard. And you STILL have not caught on.

If you were a real conservative, you'd be a helluva lot smarter.
son you will never understand, stop trying.

BTW, nice picture of obummer and the tanked dems following. precious. too bad no cliff
You bleeved a New York huckster.

You got everything you deserve from him. You own ObamaCare for being such a stupid gullible rube.
You know, I thought Trump was going to usher in single payer health care. He has always advocated for it. He's a huge liberal in that way. He wants single payer health care, and he has never kept that a secret.

Single payer health care has been inevitable for some time. The GOP sold us down that river decades ago.

I figured Trump was going to deliver the kill stroke.

But now, it looks like ObamaCare might be around for a lot longer than I thought it would be. We are going to see it stick around for a really long time. The GOP is going to start trying to "fix" it. Like I joked about in that Captivity topic I created several months ago.

Keeping ObamaCare on life support will delay the implementation of single payer.

I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

One this is definite, though. We are never going to have a free market health insurance system like we do with auto, home, and life insurance.

And that is all the fault of the Republicans and the pseudocons and Donald Trump.
You have to remember that McCain has his own foundation and one of his donors is Soros. McCin these days is owned lock, stock and barrel by so many donors to his legacy Foundation.
Hillary Clinton could have kept ObamaCare around!

You Chumps hired Trump to replace it.

But you were too fucking stupid to ask him for the replacement he claimed to have.

You deserve to be lied to, and you deserve ObamaCare.

It's your own damn fault for being so fucking stupid and willfully blind.

Before you point any more fingers, take a good hard look in the mirror.

That's funny coming from a Obama and Hillary voter.
Liar. You dumb fucks are so stupid you don't even recognize an actual conservative when you see one.

Trump is fucking poser, retard. And you STILL have not caught on.

If you were a real conservative, you'd be a helluva lot smarter.
son you will never understand, stop trying.

BTW, nice picture of obummer and the tanked dems following. precious. too bad no cliff
You bleeved a New York huckster.

You got everything you deserve from him. You own ObamaCare for being such a stupid gullible rube.
Wow now you are posting like Oreo.

Hillary Clinton could have kept ObamaCare around!

You Chumps hired Trump to replace it.

But you were too fucking stupid to ask him for the replacement he claimed to have.

You deserve to be lied to, and you deserve ObamaCare.

It's your own damn fault for being so fucking stupid and willfully blind.

Before you point any more fingers, take a good hard look in the mirror.

That's funny coming from a Obama and Hillary voter.
Liar. You dumb fucks are so stupid you don't even recognize an actual conservative when you see one.

Trump is fucking poser, retard. And you STILL have not caught on.

If you were a real conservative, you'd be a helluva lot smarter.
son you will never understand, stop trying.

BTW, nice picture of obummer and the tanked dems following. precious. too bad no cliff
You bleeved a New York huckster.

You got everything you deserve from him. You own ObamaCare for being such a stupid gullible rube.
dude, I've stated over and over, you don't understand, stop trying.
When will you tards finally wise up and DEMAND Trump release his replacement for ObamaCare? Huh?

Never, because we are Tards. BTW, when did Congress vote on Trump's replacement? What was the date? And what was the date that Obama released HIS healthcare bill?

Oh yeah, that is right! No one had even seen the ACA when they voted to approve it! And Obama hadn't had a thing to do with it.

Now as shocking as I'm sure all of you think this is, should the GOP move to have McCain declared incompetent due to his brain tumor?

Sorry but I'm just going to go ahead and trash this guy, I don't give a rat's ass about his health problems any more. I never liked him before he was diagnosed so it would be hypocritical to claim otherwise now. Some people are backing down for fear of being ostracized as being heartless but heartless to me is McCain who was actually a liberal who ran on the Republican ticket just to get extra votes for his party which is the Democrats. Every issue the GOP has brought up, McCain has voted against. He's a Marxist socialist azzhole that's working to ruin America and I for one can't wait to see him go.

Yet he has been the top choice of the people of his state for 30 years. He must have been doing something right.
Sorry but Congress counts on people being stupid and for the most part when it comes to politics..they are. McCain has always gotten by because of his military record which I too thought was impressive until I found out what a terrible vindictive pile of crap he was. And because of that I've since questioned the story he gave about his incarceration as a prisoner of war. As an avid follower of politics, I've found his actions to be totally inline with Democrats and against the GOP.
You have to remember that McCain has his own foundation and one of his donors is Soros. McCin these days is owned lock, stock and barrel by so many donors to his legacy Foundation.

and you NEED to remember Soros, Trump, and Kershner are PARTNERS to the tune of over a billion dollars ..

Dont blame the brain did its best.
Anyone who voted for Trump has way more brain damage than McCain.

Even after he is dead and gone, the dust that was McCain will still be smarter than the average Trump voter.
Now as shocking as I'm sure all of you think this is, should the GOP move to have McCain declared incompetent due to his brain tumor?


First rule of politics. If you piss someone off, and they have the power to do the same back to you, they will.
Bleev me...bleev me...bleev me...

So you admit there is no treason?

G500 is simply another casualty of the Trump Derangement Syndrome. Nothing he says ever makes sense or is rational. He sits up late at night doodling pictures of Trump. He probably sleeps with Donald Trump bedsheets and pillowcases and has a Donald Trump alarm clock.. Even Hillary had to write a book about how it happened, how she lost, because her loss was just so incredible to all the democrats! And I'll bet you dollars to donuts that not one page of it will she admit any fault of her own. Like all democrats, she will be just another victim of circumstances . . . . and bigotry against "strong female leaders."
Bleev me...bleev me...bleev me...

So you admit there is no treason?

G500 is simply another casualty of the Trump Derangement Syndrome. Nothing he says ever makes sense or is rational. He sits up late at night doodling pictures of Trump. He probably sleeps with Donald Trump bedsheets and pillowcases and has a Donald Trump alarm clock.. Even Hillary had to write a book about how it happened, how she lost, because her loss was just so incredible to all the democrats! And I'll bet you dollars to donuts that not one page of it will she admit any fault of her own. Like all democrats, she will be just another victim of circumstances . . . . and bigotry against "strong female leaders."
Enjoy your ObamaCare. You've earned it, sap.

It is fun to hear all you who whined incessantly about Obama and Clinton for eight years lecture about derangement. :lol:
Are you ever going to tell me why you suggested Trump committed treason? I've been waiting for three days for you to answer that question. You keep saying he did so what did he do? Hmmmmmmmm?
On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?



Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

You think that meeting happened without the knowledge of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown? We know the meeting took place, we have no idea what Trump offered the Russians for their help. We have only the words of someone that has lied repeatedly as to what was agreed on during that meeting. And we don't yet know if there were further meetings. We do know that the clown is trying his best to find a way to end the investigations into this matter. He has committed obstruction of justice and, on the evidence, treason.
You know, I thought Trump was going to usher in single payer health care. He has always advocated for it. He's a huge liberal in that way. He wants single payer health care, and he has never kept that a secret.

Single payer health care has been inevitable for some time. The GOP sold us down that river decades ago.

I figured Trump was going to deliver the kill stroke.

But now, it looks like ObamaCare might be around for a lot longer than I thought it would be. We are going to see it stick around for a really long time. The GOP is going to start trying to "fix" it. Like I joked about in that Captivity topic I created several months ago.

Keeping ObamaCare on life support will delay the implementation of single payer.

I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

One this is definite, though. We are never going to have a free market health insurance system like we do with auto, home, and life insurance.

And that is all the fault of the Republicans and the pseudocons and Donald Trump.

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