McCain casts deciding vote to keep Obamacare

Hillary Clinton could have kept ObamaCare around!

You Chumps hired Trump to replace it.

But you were too fucking stupid to ask him for the replacement he claimed to have.

You deserve to be lied to, and you deserve ObamaCare.

It's your own damn fault for being so fucking stupid and willfully blind.

Before you point any more fingers, take a good hard look in the mirror.

That's funny coming from a Obama and Hillary voter.
Liar. You dumb fucks are so stupid you don't even recognize an actual conservative when you see one.

Trump is fucking poser, retard. And you STILL have not caught on.

If you were a real conservative, you'd be a helluva lot smarter.
I am not a con...haven't been one for decades.

At any rate, it is very disingenuous and stupid for a Obama/Hillary voter to be condemning Americans who didn't vote for those losers. Our political class sucks all the way around. Both parties are near mirror images of each other, but you cling to the idiotic belief that somehow Ds are better. WTF!
Now as shocking as I'm sure all of you think this is, should the GOP move to have McCain declared incompetent due to his brain tumor?

Sorry but I'm just going to go ahead and trash this guy, I don't give a rat's ass about his health problems any more. I never liked him before he was diagnosed so it would be hypocritical to claim otherwise now. Some people are backing down for fear of being ostracized as being heartless but heartless to me is McCain who was actually a liberal who ran on the Republican ticket just to get extra votes for his party which is the Democrats. Every issue the GOP has brought up, McCain has voted against. He's a Marxist socialist azzhole that's working to ruin America and I for one can't wait to see him go.

I could deal with him being nuts. I to the contrary believe he and a few others purposely ran on the republican ticket to essentially sway votes for the Democrats. He's a pile a shet and needs to go.

Actually you live in Washington. Check your own profile.

Far as I know there's no W in "Arizona" .
Repealing ObamaCare without a replacement will result in health care costs skyrocketing even faster than they are now. We will return to the days before ObamaCare.

ObamaCare was passed for a reason, retards. The American people were demanding something be done about skyrocketing health care costs.

Jesus, how can you have forgotten the recent past already, goldfish?

If the American people were demanding something be done they would have asked the government to get out of healthcare. This was the actual breakdown of costs.
I read his speech. It was incomprehensible. But then he himself was always a loony tunes.
How about he was never a republican and just ran on that ticket to sway more votes for his actual party which is the democrats?

No, he is competent. But cunningly appears incompetent :)

Anyhow draining the swamp includes Republicans too. Never forget that. Murkowski for a pretend republican. She lost her primary and ran third party.

Actually she ran as a write-in, two elections ago, and won that election.
Again, that decision belonged to the citizens of Alaska, not you. That's kind of related to why they get to vote in that election, and you don't.

Amazing how many ignorami here actually think they own 100 Senators. Understanding the Constitution is a lost art.
You know, I thought Trump was going to usher in single payer health care. He has always advocated for it. He's a huge liberal in that way. He wants single payer health care, and he has never kept that a secret.

Single payer health care has been inevitable for some time. The GOP sold us down that river decades ago.

I figured Trump was going to deliver the kill stroke.

But now, it looks like ObamaCare might be around for a lot longer than I thought it would be. We are going to see it stick around for a really long time. The GOP is going to start trying to "fix" it. Like I joked about in that Captivity topic I created several months ago.

Keeping ObamaCare on life support will delay the implementation of single payer.

I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

One this is definite, though. We are never going to have a free market health insurance system like we do with auto, home, and life insurance.

And that is all the fault of the Republicans and the pseudocons and Donald Trump.

"You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS". --- Rump Fraud University playbook
Now as shocking as I'm sure all of you think this is, should the GOP move to have McCain declared incompetent due to his brain tumor?

Now as shocking as I'm sure you think this is.......
There's this thing in DC called the "Establishment".....and even though you've been tricked into believing they have your back......they don't.
They have their own backs.....all of us are just pawns in their game.....I don't give a fuck if you're left-wing or right-wing.

Donald Trump brought a water pistol to a gun fight.

"You said you had an AR-15!"
Trump promised you a replacement for ObamaCare.

Make him cough it up, rubes.

He has it filed with his back taxes and Obama birth certificate

It's at Sharper Image with "Trump Mistakes Steaks" right next to the "Trump Pee Water", under a pile of "Trump Megalomania Magazines".
That's across the street from the Touch Myhole Taj Mahal casino. You can get there by booking a "Trump Spittle Shuttle" flight through "GoBankrupt.con".
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McCain once again shows that he is a Neo-Con Dem. He'll die soon and that will be that.
And you will also die. And will not be remembered by much of anybody. While McCain will be remembered for his service to this nation in the military and the senate.

The difference will always be integrity. Neither he, nor you have any.

Isn't this a case of "it takes one to know one"?

Nope. McCain is at best a RINO, at worst a full on Neo-Con. In other words a worthless piece of shit.

no. YOU psychos are the RINOS. the party belongs to them... not to hacks like you.

and certainly not to insane orange sociopaths.

by the by, here's a hint:

if Donald weren't so unhinged and his admin such a s**tshow, he might have had enough political capital to get the senate to take that jump with him.

but I guess senator McCain only likes presidents whose campaigns aren't caught up in Russian surveillance.

:clap2: Touché Jillian. :thup:
McCain once again shows that he is a Neo-Con Dem. He'll die soon and that will be that.
And you will also die. And will not be remembered by much of anybody. While McCain will be remembered for his service to this nation in the military and the senate.

The difference will always be integrity. Neither he, nor you have any.

Isn't this a case of "it takes one to know one"?

Nope. McCain is at best a RINO, at worst a full on Neo-Con. In other words a worthless piece of shit.

no. YOU psychos are the RINOS. the party belongs to them... not to hacks like you.

and certainly not to insane orange sociopaths.

by the by, here's a hint:

if Donald weren't so unhinged and his admin such a s**tshow, he might have had enough political capital to get the senate to take that jump with him.

but I guess senator McCain only likes presidents whose campaigns aren't caught up in Russian surveillance.
Damn that is dumb.

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